John Wayne: The Life and Legend (123 page)

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Authors: Scott Eyman

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Burbank Daily Review
, 8-18-73.

Rio Lobo
is bad”
: USC, Special Collections, Warga, draft of tape 2A, April 1971.
“Anybody else would have made it”
: Kane manuscript, p. 52.
“looked like a big man”
: John Sacret Young notes, courtesy of Young.
“Every year the same sword”
: Ibid.
“Because he worked so much”
: Alicia McFarlane to SE. All subsequent quotes from McFarlane derive from this interview.
He had first editions
: All this comes from Heritage Auctions,
The Personal Property of John Wayne Auction Catalog
, 2011.
“You’re healthy”
: Christopher Wayne to SE.
“He’s mine and I want to be with him”
: USC, Special Collections, Warga, draft of tape 2A, April 1971.
For Christmas 1972
: Aissa Wayne, p. 166.
“Oh God, rest his soul”
: Dan Ford to SE.
“Where’s the camera?”
: Bob Shelton to SE.
“It was the biggest show”
: William Harbach to SE.
“I came into this business”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Elliot Mintz, “The Real Last American Hero Is John Wayne,”
, 7-78.
“It takes 15 years”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Bill Kelly, “John Wayne,”
South Bay
, 7-81.
“The hyphenated American”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Elliot Mintz, “The Real Last American Hero Is John Wayne,”
, 7-78.
“I have always felt”
: Ibid.
“the way to stop”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, John Reddy, “John Wayne Rides Again . . . and Again . . . and Again,”
Reader’s Digest
, 9-70.
“Your generation’s frontier”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, P. F. Kluge, “First and Last, a Cowboy,”
, 1-25-72.
“If blacks had been allowed”
: Roberts and Olson, p. 567.
“My strategy for the story”
: P. F. Kluge to SE.
“a gross insult”
: USC, John Wayne,
Daily Trojan
, 12-15-72.
“I think gay people”
: USC, John Wayne, Steve Warren, “Duke Has Nothing Against Us—But He Won’t Jump for Joy,”
The Advocate
, 9-22-76.
“I didn’t know about Jews”
: USC, Special Collections, Warga, “WW’s Notes Continued,” 5-15-71.
“Government has no wealth”
: Batjac Productions, “Messages for America,” undated, but about 1975.
“When John Wayne”
: Didion, p. 30.
“The Wayne complaint”
: USC, John Wayne, “Gumshoes and Tax Audits,”
, 4-22-74.
“I’m going to have”
: Joe de Franco to SE. All subsequent quotes from de Franco derive from this interview.
“What we had planned”
: McMurtry, p. 94.
“He likes the things I like”
: John Wayne to SE.
“It’s kind of an”
: Bogdanovich, p. 296.
“I just don’t like”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Tony Crawley, “John Wayne,”
, 9-75.
“It just wasn’t a good part”
: USC, John Wayne, Molly Haskell, “What Makes John Wayne Larger than Life?,”
The Village Voice
, 8-16-76.
“That’s not what he told me”
: Peter Bogdanovich to SE.
“I could see”
: Bert Minshall to SE.
“I thought you said”
: Harry Carey Jr. to SE.
“My dad directed
Big Jake

: Patrick Wayne to SE.
“Jeez, I miss your dad”
: Harry Carey Jr. to SE.
“Come up here”
: Michael Wayne to SE.
Batjac agreed to pay Bridges
: USC, Batjac Collection,
Big Jake
files, Mike Wayne memo, 9-18-70.
“I don’t know”
: Lilley, Christopher Mitchum interview, pp. 135–36.
“I did not want John Wayne”
: Mark Rydell to SE. All subsequent quotes from Rydell derive from this interview.
“Duke was not known”
: Dan Ford to SE.
“I hope they’re using it”
: Ibid.
“was a complete piece of shit”
: Dan Ford to SE.
“He played everything off the heavy”
: F. Anthony Macklin, “I Come Ready,” Summer, 1975,
Film Heritage
, p. 24.
“He . . . felt”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Wayne Warga, “Wayne—A Vignette from a Full Life,”
Los Angeles Times
, 6-17-79.
“You got a project?”
: Robert Relyea to SE.
Tom Kane told a story
: Kane manuscript, p. 30.
“I loved
The Godfather

: AMPAS, John Wayne, Lorraine Gauguin, “Duke in Durango,”
National Review
, 4-27-73.
“The difference between them”
: Cecilia deMille Presley to SE.
“I think [Wayne and O’Hara]”
: Andrew McLaglen to SE.
“Duke was truly in love”
: Lilley, Christopher Mitchum interview, p. 138.
“When I die”
: Aissa Wayne, p. 86.
“It was conservative”
: Tom Fuentes to SE. All subsequent quotes from Fuentes derive from this interview.
“He was always the one”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Dennis McLellan, “Listen, Kid, the Duke’s Still a Force,”
Los Angeles Times
, 1-26-90.
“Keep it open”
: George Valenzuela to SE.
“The ocean looked like”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Dennis McLellan, “Listen Kid, the Duke’s Still a Force,”
Los Angeles Times
, 1-26-90.
“You know”
: Robert Osborne to SE.
The deal with Warners
: USC, Batjac Collection,
The Train Robbers
“He was always happy”
: MOMA, John Wayne, Maurice Zolotow, “How Duke Made Friends with Death,”
Los Angeles
, 3-79.
“He did what he wanted to do”
: Rod Taylor to SE.
“I like turkey”
: William Clothier to SE.
“I worked very hard”
: Michael Wayne to SE.
Warner Bros.’ calculations
: USC, Batjac Collection,
The Train Robbers
“Really feel rotten”
: USC, Batjac Collection, box 53, folder 2.
“The theme was a good theme”
: F. Anthony Macklin, “I Come Ready,”
Film Heritage
, Summer 1975, p. 32.
“Andy was a great big guy”
: William Wellman Jr. to SE.
“I’m amazed by actors”
: Mark Rydell to SE.
“He knew who I was”
: Mel Brooks to SE.
Even a few months
: Alan Shayne to SE.
“What killed the western?”
: Larry Cohen to SE. All subsequent quotes from Cohen derive from this interview.
“Ford used to like me”
: Burt Kennedy to SE.
“He kept sending me messages”
: Charlton Heston to SE.
“I love him”
: Eyman,
Print the Legend
, p. 554.
“Hi, Duke”
: Ibid., p. 557.
“Hi, Jeannie”
: Jean Nugent to SE.
“Ford was so defiant”
: Darcy O’Brien to SE.
“I haven’t made a movie”
: Stacy, p. 28.
Wayne and Pilar had stopped sleeping together
: Aissa Wayne, p. 124.
“He feels”
: Stacy, p. 23.
“sensitive, very affectionate”
: USC, Constance McCormick Collection, John Wayne, Vol. VIII, Dennis McLellan, “A Loving Tribute to Duke the Man,”
Los Angeles Times
, 6-3-83.
“She was after bigger game”
: Bert Minshall to SE.
“It seemed like”
: Stacy, p. 31.
“Honey, your mother”
: Aissa Wayne, p. 168.
“That man maybe”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Dennis McLellan, “Listen Kid, the Duke’s Still a Force,”
Los Angeles Times
, 2-26-90.
“Josie had a lot”
: Tom Fuentes to SE.
“What does she want?”
: Cecilia deMille Presley to SE.
“He never saw it coming”
: Joe de Franco to SE.
“a charming gentleman”
: Julie Adams to SE.
“Trim any close-ups”
: USC, Batjac Collection, cutting notes from J.W.,
files, box 35, folder 23.
“You think you’re tough?”
: USC, Batjac Collection, Downey to Wayne, 12-5-73, box 36, folder 5.
“I’m sorry to note”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Charles Peterson, “John Wayne at Harvard,”
, 2-24-74.
“I guess the thing”
: Ibid.
“They thought I”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Molly Haskell, “John Wayne, Westerns and Women,”
Ladies’ Home Journal
, 7-76.
“He hated that picture”
: Cecilia deMille Presley to SE.
“Are you kidding me?”
: Larry Cohen to SE.
“This kind of stuff”
: Stacy, p. 105.
“Duke sees the Western”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Richard Goldstein, “The Last Cowboy Saint,”
Los Angeles Times West Magazine
, 2-5-67.
Someone saw them leaving
: Stacy, p. 59.
With the noblesse oblige
: Ibid., p. 62.
“affectionate, considerate”
: Ibid., p. 64.
“And that’s when”
: Christopher Trumbo to SE.
“I only want to know”
: Ibid.
“A week or so ago”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Carl Foreman, “On the Wayne,” WGANews, December 1974.
“It wasn’t really a concern”
: Christopher Trumbo to SE.
Schary responded
: USC, John Wayne, Dore Schary letter,
, 8-71.
“He was a patriot”
: Mrs. Carl Foreman,
Darkness at High Noon
The total script costs
: USC, Batjac Collection,
“If my mother”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Ivor Davis, “A Boozing, Brawling Evening with the Duke,”
Los Angeles
, 5-19-75.
“I like most of what”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Tony Crawley, “John Wayne,”
, 9-75.
“I can’t find fault too much”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Will Tusher, “John Wayne’s View of Movies a Fooler,”
The Hollywood Reporter
, 2-5-75.
“On occasions . . . I have used”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Dave Sutton, “John Wayne: Image vs. Man,”
The Saturday Evening Post
, 3-76.
“He was so lonely”
: Cecilia deMille Presley to SE.
Aissa said that Wayne
: Aissa Wayne, p. 173.
“We should talk about”
: AMPAS, Hal Wallis Collection, Nathan to Wallis, 2-8-74.
“To the people under 30”
: AMPAS, Hal Wallis Collection, Wayne to Wallis, 5-21-74.
“You realize, of course”
: AMPAS, Hal Wallis Collection,
Rooster Cogburn
files, uncredited,
Los Angeles Herald Examiner
, 2-16-75.
Wayne’s main complaint
: USC, Special Collections, Robert Kerwin, “Two Legends Make a Western,”
Chicago Tribune Magazine
, 3-2-75.
“Katharine Hepburn was all over the place”
: Mark Rydell to SE.
Twice Wallis went to Wayne
: AMPAS, Hal Wallis Collection, Wallis to Wayne, 9-17-75.
“I can honestly say”
: Berg,
Kate Remembered
, p. 295.
“Christ, she wants to”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, “Duke and Sister Kate, Too,”
, 11-18-74.
“Have been loving”
: AMPAS, Katharine Hepburn Collection, Nathan to Hepburn, 10-7-74.
Wayne to start wheezing
: Wallis, p. 182.
He told them
: AMPAS, Hal Wallis Collection,
Rooster Cogburn
files, Wayne to Weissman, 7-15-75.
“You got the deal and a 1/3 interest”
: AMPAS, Hal Wallis Collection, Wallis to Wayne, 9-17-75.
“You are an extraordinary”
: Heritage Auctions,
The Personal Property of John Wayne Auction Catalog
, notably Hepburn to Wayne, 5-3-79.
“From head to toe”
: AMPAS, John Wayne, Katharine Hepburn, “Hooked on John Wayne,”
TV Guide
, 9-17-77.

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