Johnson Family 2: Perfect (13 page)

Read Johnson Family 2: Perfect Online

Authors: Delaney Diamond

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial, #African-American romance, #Contemporary Romance, #multicultural romance, #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Johnson Family 2: Perfect
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“Whatever my wife wants,” he quipped.

“That can’t be all,” she said, refusing to let him off the hook. Based on what Ivy had told her at the party, she expected him to say he wanted a child. She knew that had to be the most important thing to him.

“No, that’s not all I want,” he said quietly.

“Then what?” Disconcerted by the thought she might not really know him at all, Daniella desperately wanted an answer to get insight into his character.

His eyes didn’t leave hers. “I want you to be happy.”

The way he said it, she almost believed him.

Chapter Thirteen

Daniella took a deep breath. She looked calm enough in the bathroom mirror in her white silk dressing gown. She knotted the belt, unraveled it, and then knotted it again—tighter this time.

She was alone because Cyrus had decided to do a walk-through of the house first before joining her upstairs. She’d used the time alone to freshen up and get dressed for bed. It felt silly to be so nervous, but she couldn’t help it. They hadn’t had sex in a long time, and if she were honest, the feeling in the pit of her stomach wasn’t only jitters but rather a fifty-fifty blend of jitters and heightened anticipation.

She pulled open one of the drawers and pulled the pack of birth control pills from the back. She popped one out and dry-swallowed, then hid the package in the back again. She didn’t look at herself in the mirror. She wasn’t proud of the decision she’d made, but bringing a child into a marriage that would eventually break apart was not an option. All she had to do was get past the six month mark, and then she could get her divorce. She knew Cyrus would keep his word.

When she exited the bathroom, she half expected to see him, but the room was quiet and he was nowhere in sight. No light under his bathroom door, so clearly he hadn’t come upstairs yet. She stood uncertainly in the middle of the room, unsure what to do. Would he expect her to be waiting naked in bed for him, or did he have seduction in mind tonight?

She was about to slide into bed when the door opened and Cyrus walked in. He raised an eyebrow at her appearance and the sensation in her stomach deepened.

“In a bit of a hurry, aren’t you? The night’s still young.” He began to unbutton his shirt.

“I didn’t know what you expected or what timeframe you’re on.”

“As much as I anticipate making love to you, have looked forward to it for days…” His voice drifted low with longing, causing a wave of sweltering heat to fan over her skin. “I’ve decided we’re going to take things slow.”

The unexpected declaration left her speechless for several seconds. “What?”

“That’s right. In fact, I won’t be touching you anytime soon.”

“Excuse me?” Not only surprise filled her voice. Could he hear the disappointment, too?

“When we make love, you’ll have to initiate it.”

He’d completed unbuttoning his shirt and it hung open to reveal a stretch of toned chocolate skin. Her eyes remained riveted there for an inappropriately long time.

She lifted her eyes to his and cleared her throat. “I didn’t even want this reconciliation, and you think I’ll

“You never had problems initiating sex before. I remember you were quite adventurous, to the point where you’d interrupt my work from time to time.”

She remembered, too, and heat burned her cheeks. A few times she’d gone down to his home office and convinced him to set aside work long enough to pay her some needed attention.

“That was before,” she pointed out. Before their marriage fell apart and everything between them changed. “I happen to have self-control.”

Cyrus shrugged, appearing nonchalant. “So do I.”

going to go six months without sex?”

“I don’t think it’ll take that long, but why not?” He pulled off the shirt on his way to his bathroom. The firm muscles of his chest moved under his smooth dark skin. His body was even harder and firmer than she remembered, his waist trim and taut, and his stomach a flat washboard of grooved muscles. She bit her lip in amazement. He’d certainly been taking good care of himself. “I’ve already done three years. What’s six more months?” he asked.

He disappeared into the bathroom, leaving a stunned Daniella behind. He hadn’t had sex in three years? Impossible, surely. He had remained faithful and honored their vows all this time? She sank onto the edge of the bed.

Once again he’d surprised her.


A cold spray of water pelted Cyrus’s body from the overhead fixture. He must be out of his damn mind, but the thought had come to him as he made his rounds to check the property. His house manager usually performed that task, but he’d needed a break from Daniella to clear his head. When the chauffeur drove through the gate, lusty imaginings of having his wife beneath him had kicked up until he could barely think straight.

He wanted her badly. In fact, seeing her in that white dressing gown, the silk draped lovingly over her ample breasts, had almost been his undoing, but he was nothing if not disciplined. He would prove to her he could be trusted, that he was the kind of man she could be proud to call her husband, in the same way he was proud to call her his wife.

Cyrus lifted his head to the icy spray, appealing to the frigid temperature to erase the hard-on standing straight up from his hips.

Unfortunately, he had insisted they share a bed. It would be torture, but he planned to stick to his decision. Even if it meant taking a cold shower every damn night.


Two weeks passed and Cyrus still hadn’t tried to make love to her. Two whole weeks. Silently fuming, Daniella sipped her coffee, watching him over the brim of the mug.

Across the table, he devoured a breakfast of Canadian bacon, three eggs, and a stack of pancakes able to satisfy two sumo wrestlers. He had an immense appetite, but he never packed on an ounce of fat because of his workout routine, his passion for exercise as substantial as his passion for sex. Which was why his behavior stumped her. He still hadn’t made a move to make love to her, but she thought about it constantly, even dreamed about it.

She’d become way too preoccupied with thoughts of him, and being around him all the time didn’t help. She was actually glad when he had to work late since that gave her a little reprieve from the longing, the unbearable wanting that consumed her night and day.

The hardest moments came at night. He’d come out of the shower smelling of soap and clean with a towel wrapped around his lean waist, and she’d have to tear her eyes away from the tight musculature of his abs. Sometimes she even forgot to breathe as she watched him get dressed and would dip into her own bathroom to hide her flushed cheeks and finally get a good breath. Night after night they lay next to each other, not touching, he on one side of the bed and she on the other. He never reached for her. He barely even looked in her direction.

He’d demanded she come back so he could ignore her?

She stifled a sigh and set her mug on the table and admitted that wasn’t exactly the case. During the week he stayed busy, and while some nights they’d eaten dinner together, he typically worked long hours. On the weekends, however, he’d actually taken her out on dates. Last night they’d flown to Los Angeles to have dinner at a celebrity hotspot she’d happened to mention a few days before. How he’d secured a reservation on such short notice was not a mystery. The Johnson name opened doors.

True to form, Cyrus had walked in like a celebrity himself, was shown a well-appointed table, and then they’d spent the night enjoying a multi-course meal that could only be described as an out-of-this-world dining experience. Her mouth still watered when she thought about the tender steak cooked to perfection, roasted vegetables, and a wine so perfect she’d purchased several bottles to bring back to Seattle.

The night had been pleasurable, and she’d had certain…expectations when they arrived at home. Yet once they’d climbed into bed, he’d given her a chaste kiss on the cheek and then rolled over and gone to sleep.

His indifference annoyed her.

Cyrus looked up at Daniella from his now empty plate. Tendrils of smooth, dark hair brushed her cheeks and kissed her shoulders before falling down her back. “What are your plans today?” he asked.

What would she do if he kissed her—the kind of kiss that would have her flushed and breathless? He’d learned the true meaning of blue balls the past couple of weeks. Their lack of intimacy drove fantasies through his mind at a constant rate, and kissing her on the cheek last night had only made the situation worse.

Day after day he worked out hard—harder than ever, trying not to crack. At this rate, he’d soon turn his entire body into one giant muscle.

“I’m going to the gallery to get some work done.” She stood and walked over to the coffee pot. She took a travel mug from one of the cabinets. “I guess you’ll be working in your office?”

“For most of the day,” he admitted.

He stood as well and watched her pour coffee into the container. She appeared composed and calm, and his resolve wavered. Maybe he’d made a mistake and should satiate the ever-present need for her that hummed through his body. The idea was starting to look better and better.

He placed his dishes in the sink.

She screwed the top on the mug and said, “I’ll see you later, then.”

They moved at the same time. His arm bumped her breast, and he heard her sharp intake of air. A simple apology should have sufficed, but untempered desire raged through him and he caught her by the arms.

They both froze.

They stared at each other. Tension, familiar and unwelcome, tightened his shoulders.

His hands contracted around her soft skin. He could take her now. If he lifted her against the wall and dragged aside her panties, he could be inside of her within seconds without a single objection. The evidence of her own brittle resolve was laid bare in her eyes, but he’d made a promise and intended to keep it.

Somehow he managed to reel in the hunger and go against his protesting body. Somehow he managed to release her and step back.

“Excuse me,” he mumbled.

She breathed through her mouth. “No problem.” She swallowed and averted her eyes before rushing off.

He watched her leave. She was being extremely polite—they both were, but the tension between them had heightened. It was only a matter of time before one of them cracked under the strain.

Chapter Fourteen

Daniella awoke in the middle of the night to find Cyrus’s hands on her body. In the near darkness, they roamed over her thighs and ass.

“What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

His mouth was against her neck. “You came over here. I have to assume this is what you want.”

Indeed, she could see half the bed in front of her, and she lay wedged up against Cyrus with a hot throb between her legs. She’d had another erotic dream. This time her subconscious self had sought him out and sent her to his side of the bed.

He cupped her breasts through her nightgown, squeezing as if judging their texture. Heat swept across her skin and she trembled, thoroughly aroused as if foreplay had started hours ago. She twisted restlessly as he feathered his thumbs over the tips of her nipples. His hands felt so good she wanted the flimsy, gossamer barrier removed. She wished she could tear it off to enjoy the touch of his hands on her bare skin. Arching her back, she thrust her breasts against his palms. A helpless moan—a sound filled with unbearable yearning—spilled from her chest.

“Missed these,” he groaned.

He continued to fondle her, plucking her nipples and squeezing his favorite part of her anatomy. He pressed her breasts together and slipped a hard leg between her thighs, grinding his erection into her backside. The motion evoked erotic sensations and spread fire through her veins, making her ache to have him inside of her as soon as possible.

She turned onto her back, and he rolled on top of her. The familiar weight of him pressed her into the mattress. Chest to chest, she felt the heavy thud of his heart against hers. Their rapid beats appeared to be synchronized.

She cupped the back of his head, brought his mouth down, and parted her lips, an open invitation as she readied for his tongue, anxious for a taste. A drugging kiss ensued, leisurely yet devouring, hungry yet affectionate.
Their mouths slid over each other, moist and warm. He tugged her bottom lip between his teeth and nibbled softly, then moved lower to suck gently on her chin.

“Is this what you want?” he whispered against her arched throat. “Tell me.”

“Yessss,” she said in a sibilant whisper. “I want you.” Manicured fingers moved over the fine curls on his head, scraping his scalp in a silent cry of relief that her need would soon be satisfied. He’d made her wait so long, made her suffer night after night.

“Killing me the past few weeks,” he muttered, sounding almost angry. He nipped her shoulder with his teeth. “I exercised like a madman, and when exercise wasn’t enough, I took matters into my own hands.”

She felt a little thrill that he’d pleasured himself to thoughts of her. Happy she hadn’t been alone in her torment, she whispered, “I did, too.”

He groaned against her neck and pushed away the straps of her nightgown to lavish kisses on her throat and shoulders. Everywhere his mouth touched, it set her skin on fire. “It’s nothing like the real thing.”

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