Jonathan's Hope (10 page)

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Authors: Hans M. Hirschi

BOOK: Jonathan's Hope
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Over the next few days, the two friends fell into a comfortable routine. They slept in as long as Rascal would let them, then one of them would take him out for his morning walk, while the other man showered and got breakfast ready. After their morning meal, Dan would sit down and get some work done because requests for articles had been piling up in the past days. Jonathan would fix them a light lunch then Dan would work for a few more hours while Jonathan would either clean the house or read. Dan and Sean had collected quite a number of interesting books that Jonathan was working his way through. In the evening, they’d have dinner and then head out together for a long walk with Rascal, talking, sharing memories.

They would go to bed relatively early most nights. Their proximity in bed and the physical closeness between them made it easier to talk about the more difficult topics. Jonathan had made it a habit to lie close to Dan, his head resting on his shoulders with both men lying on their backs, looking at the ceiling, while they talked. And if they were silent, Jonathan could hear Dan’s heartbeat, slow, steady, strong. It gave him a sense of stability, a feeling of belonging.

On Christmas Eve, they spent all day buying groceries for the holidays, as the stores would be closed for most of the time, and then they went out in the forest to find a small tree that would fit into the limited space of their living room.
Our living room
. Dan had marveled at his own thought.
How did that happen?

Jonathan had insisted on decorating while Dan prepared dinner, then they sat on the couch, admiring Jon’s work. The tree was simple, the decoration scaled back, but with the candles that Jon had lit around the living room, the setting was absolutely serene.

They sat together on the sofa with Jonathan snuggling up on Dan, who held his arm around him. Sitting quietly, they just looked at the tree, and out the window. They enjoyed the warmth emanating from the fireplace, where a small fire was burning. Dan looked down at Jonathan, sitting there next to him, his legs pulled up underneath him, his head resting against his shoulder, and he felt himself falling again. Falling heedlessly. But this time, it didn’t scare him. Jonathan’s head felt so right against his shoulder. Dan couldn’t resist the urge any longer so he leaned down and kissed him on the head. Jonathan’s hair smelled nicely of the shampoo they had bought during their first trip to town. Surprised by this sudden show of affection, Jonathan looked up at Dan, his big green eyes all misty.

Dan’s lips met Jonathan’s for their first kiss. It just happened, the pull irresistible, the touch ever so light. Jonathan’s lips were so soft, so incredibly soft. They had healed nicely after his ordeal, and god, they were so soft. Dan put his other arm around Jonathan, pulling him in closer. Jonathan’s lips parted slowly, allowing Dan access to his mouth, allowing him to explore the warmth with his tongue then he allowed Jonathan to return the favor.

Their first kiss seemed to last forever, but when they parted, both men were crying. Dan held Jonathan’s head in his hands, looking at him. “Merry Christmas, Jon!” The spell broken, Dan led Jon to their,
, bedroom, where he gently pulled him into a tight embrace, all the while kissing him, enjoying the amazing sensation of Jonathan’s silky lips. Jonathan held Dan tightly around his back while Dan’s arms slowly trailed down, caressing his back, his buttocks, massaging both cheeks with his hands through the thick fabric of Jonathan’s denim. He brought his arms up front, opening first the top button of Jonathan’s jeans, then the next, and the next, never letting go of his lips, not breaking the seal. He felt Jonathan’s erection. The big tool he had felt the morning after their first night in bed together, after Jonathan’s nightmare, and he could barely restrain himself from just going down on him. He would need to take it slowly, needed to restrain himself, knowing that Jonathan had never been with a man, not like this. He needed to make Jonathan’s first experience good, hell, great!

Dan pulled down Jonathan’s jeans, and he immediately stepped out of them. Dan returned his focus to Jonathan’s lips, caressing his back, pulling him as close as he could. Being an astute student, Jonathan mimicked Dan’s movement, moving his arms lower, moving them forward to open Dan’s jeans, one button then he pulled down the zipper. He didn’t pull them down, but instead started opening Dan’s shirt, from the bottom, eyes closed.
He learns quickly this one.
One button at a time, until Dan’s bare chest was available to his touch. Jonathan relished the feel of Dan’s hairy chest, hair cropped neatly, his nipples hard, his chest well defined.

It was Jonathan who broke the kiss. Moving the shirt out of his way and across Dan’s shoulders, he kissed his throat, finding his way downward to Dan’s chest, his nipples, kissing them, sucking lightly on each one to Dan’s grunting. Jonathan realized that what he was doing, he did well. He bit Dan lightly, teasingly, the sounds coming from Dan urging him on.

Dan had taken his shirt off completely and was pulling on Jonathan’s tee. Pulling it up and over his head as Jonathan’s attention went immediately back to Dan’s chest. His head continued to explore and move even further down. He pushed Dan backwards onto the bed, quickly pulling off his jeans, the went back to kissing Dan’s belly button, slowly following the trail of hair down to his prize. Dan’s cock was straining against his shorts. That tent that Jonathan could barely wait to get to. Like Dan, he wanted to take it slow, not because he needed to consider insecurities on Dan’s part, but because he truly believed that if he did this slowly enough, they’d be doing it for the rest of his life. Jonathan had never felt this way before. The lust, the want, the need for this man pulsated through him. His cock was harder than it had ever felt when he had jerked off in the only solitude he had ever known at home, in the shower, with his parents locked out on the other side of the door. The only time he was alone, at least for a few futile moments.

Jonathan couldn’t wait any longer, so he tugged at Dan’s shorts, pulling them down. The flop of Dan’s cock against his stomach shot even more blood through Jonathan’s body. He attacked Dan’s cock as if it was his final meal. And, although he had never done it before, he sucked him as if his life depended on it. Dan’s moans grew louder by the second. Every pull, every time his tongue swirled around the crown, Dan tousled his hair, guiding his head with his hands. Then, all of a sudden, Dan cried to stop and pulled Jon away from his prize. “Slow down. We’re not even close to being done here!” He lifted Jonathan and pulled him down on the bed, kissing him again. Dan climbed on top of him, straddled him, pinning down his arms, signaling for Jonathan to submit.

He was all too happy to oblige, and Dan set off to show Jonathan how to pleasure a man slowly, gently. When Dan pulled down Jonathan’s briefs, releasing his cock from its cotton constraint, he gasped. He had never seen a tool this big before. Jon was huge. He didn’t want to rush it, didn’t want to give in to the urge of just deep-throating him, although every fiber of his body wanted him to, needed him to. Instead, Dan bent down and slowly started to flick his tongue around the base of Jonathan’s cock. Teasing him, licking him gently around his ball sack, and that sensitive area below the sack, that area leading to a man’s most sacred spot. Jonathan was moaning more and more loudly and Dan could see that his balls were pulled up tightly. The boy was close to his climax. Dan opened his mouth and gently started to swirl his tongue around, teasing Jon’s balls, sucking ever so lightly, trying to buy himself some time, delaying the inevitable. It had always worked on Sean... But Jonathan was a first timer, and the sensation of Dan’s lips around his balls was too much. He bucked, lifting his hips off the mattress, rushing over the cliff. He shot his load over the top of the bed, the pillows, his face, his stomach. Jonathan was stunned, having come without Dan having touched his cock.

Disappointed, Dan scooted up to Jonathan’s face and kissed him. “Sorry about that,” he said.

“Sorry? Why sorry? This is amazing...”

“Is?” A flicker of hope in Dan’s question. He looked down at Jonathan who showed no sign of going limp. He grinned. “I’ll take that as a yes!” He took Jonathan’s tee and cleaned up the worst of the mess off his lover’s,
my lover
, chest and face. He quickly kissed him then went back to Jonathan’s cock, this time going for the prize, sucking the rest of Jon’s cum from the slit. He sucked him gently, licking up and down along the huge shaft. Jonathan was moaning again, deliriously, his hands still clutching the sheets where Dan had pinned them only minutes earlier.

Dan loved to deep-throat, but Jonathan was simply too big. Instead, he used all other techniques he’d ever tried, or been subjected to, to bring pleasure to his lover. Eventually, he couldn’t resist his urge any more, and lifted Jon’s legs up above his shoulders, flicking his tongue further down towards Jonathan’s sacred place. Smelling the scent, adoring the rush of blood to his head, it nearly drove him insane with lust. Then he attacked the almost hairless round spot, teasing it gently with his tongue. The response from Jonathan was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Then again, apart from his own first time, this was the first virgin he had ever bedded.
Need to make this good for Jon!

Carefully, his tongue trailed around the edge of Jonathan’s sphincter, touching him ever so lightly. Then he moved in towards the middle, teasing Jonathan, pushing gently, feeling his lover relax. Relaxing every muscle in his body. Then he changed his mind.
No, tonight isn’t right, it’s too soon. I don’t want Jonathan to feel any pain tonight
. Remembering his own first fuck, and the two days of agony that followed, the pain of barely being able to sit, he didn’t want Jon to feel that at all. His first lover hadn’t taken as many precautions as he had. Hadn’t been as gentle as he would be, but still, the first time was likely going to be at least a little bit painful, the insecurity leaving most men slightly nervous, tense.

Tense is not a good thing when you’re being fucked.

Instead, he moved back up, slowly putting Jonathan’s legs back on the mattress, going back to suck Jon’s cock. We can be one, but I’ll let him be the one entering me, if I can take him. I can take the pain for him. Given his size, it’s most likely going to hurt like hell.

He used his own saliva to lube up his ass, probing himself with his index finger, gently, while not letting go of Jonathan’s cock in his mouth. Getting hornier by the minute with the knowledge of what was awaiting him. When he felt reasonably comfortable with himself and lubed up, and Jonathan’s cock was dripping with Dan’s saliva, he moved up. Straddling him, Dan positioned himself above Jonathan’s cock. Jonathan looked at him with big eyes, a look of utter confusion, knowing what was about to happen, but not believing it, not until Dan slowly, carefully, lowered himself over Jonathan’s hot rod. Dan relaxed, feeling the crown of Jon’s cock pass the perimeter, and enter his ass. The sensations were not what he had expected. No pain at all, so he pressed on, taking the full length of his lover’s cock. Then, he slowly started to rock the boat, up and down, up and down, in a slow and steady motion. Jonathan stared at him with an expression of utter disbelief, passion and pleasure.

Dan bent down and kissed Jonathan, then looked at him and said, “I’m glad you’ve already come once. At least now, I’ll get to enjoy this for a little while!” Beneath him, Jonathan started to lift his hips in a gradual up and down motion, allowing Dan’s legs to rest while he was kissing his lover. Jonathan tried to be careful, but the sensations of being one with Dan, the amazing, incredible, sensation of the hot flesh around his cock urged him on. His movement became faster, harder, until he felt his balls tightening, and for the second time in minutes, drove him over the edge.

The warmth of Jonathan cumming inside him was enough to bring Dan to the edge, and the sensation of his cock rubbing against Jon’s stomach, with his small trail of hair leading up towards his belly button, the slightly tickling feeling finished him off. Dan came, collapsing on his lover, spent.

For a while, they lay like this. Dan gently kissed Jonathan, not wanting to move off from him, not wanting to lose the feeling of Jonathan inside him, still hard. Not wanting to feel the chill of the wet on their chests exposed to the air. Jonathan hugged Dan, caressing his back, kissing him. Then Jonathan asked, his big green eyes looking at Dan, hovering mere inches above his face, “Would you please do that to me now? Fuck me?”

Dan was worried. “Jon, I’m not sure. I don’t want to hurt you. I mean, you’ve never...” Jonathan interrupted him, kissing him. “I’m fine. I want this. Please...” he trailed, waking Dan’s cock from its short rest. “Please, Dan. I need you, I want you, inside me, just like I am in you now.”

Feeling his cock hardening again, Dan pulled back the tee he had used to clean up Jonathan’s first cum and cleaned them both dry, kissing every spot he wiped on his chest. “Okay, hon, okay,” he said.

“I thought you’d fuck me when you did that thing with your tongue. Why did you stop?” Jonathan asked.

“I, um, I didn’t want to hurt you. The first time can be a little painful. If you’re not relaxed, you know.” Dan didn’t really know how much to explain, the heat in Jon’s eyes hard to ignore, the longing in his gaze. “You’ll have to tell me if it hurts, okay? I’ll stop immediately!”

Dan kissed him and then went down on Jonathan’s still hard cock again, sucking the last drops of cum from his slit, savoring the strong scent, his manly scent. Luckily, his own bowel movements were favorable to being fucked, and he’d cleaned himself thoroughly in the shower earlier,
I wonder why
, Dan chuckled to himself.
I just hope Jon’s as clean...

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