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Authors: Susan Kearney

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Jordan (26 page)

BOOK: Jordan
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“What are you doing?” Had the lack of oxygen damaged his brain cells? She tried to contain her worry.

He gestured for her to come over. “Join me.”

She glanced at the tunnel. “We need to leave.”

He leaned back at an angle, and the glass supported him. Then he patted a flat piece of glass between his thighs. “There’s
room for you to sit right here.”

She folded her arms across her chest. “Why would I want to sit in there?”

“Besides keeping me company?” he teased. “We can ride out of here in luxury.”

“There’s no motor.” She pointed out the obvious.

“Don’t need one,” he insisted. When she frowned, he gestured to the Key of Soil. “We have all the power we need.”

She recalled his story of how the Key of Space had turned a rusted space relic into a shiny new ship. She’d also seen the
Key of Wind tame a hurricane on Tempest. So she supposed it was silly to think that the glass done was no more than what it
looked like—a big empty glass dome.

She climbed in, and Jordan helped her settle. She tried not to think about how good it felt to touch his warmth, or how solid
and secure she felt perched between his muscular thighs.

Then Jordan closed the dome above their heads with a click. Without making another sound, the glass dome lifted off the cave’s
floor. She held her breath. Would it jump into hyperspace? Transport them directly to the surface? Was the damn thing going
to make her stop breathing, too?

She was wrong on all three guesses. The dome simply lifted straight through the rock, cutting through layers of bedrock, limestone,
and dirt as if taking them up an elevator shaft.

“How is this possible?” she asked, staring through the glass as the Staff lit up just enough for her to see them slowly rise
foot by foot.

“I’ll have a much better idea after Arthur gives us the Dominus history.”


“We might find some information on the Ancient Staff and the Keys.”

Hope and frustration filled his voice, making him seem more like the Jordan she knew before he’d been swallowed by blue lights,
died, and come back to life.

After they reached the surface, Jordan opened the dome and she climbed out. It was nighttime, but the starlight shined brightly
over the fields of grain. He removed the Ancient Staff and folded it back into his sheath. As the glass dome sank back into
the Earth, she spied the
“Home, sweet home.”

Jordan took her hand and squeezed. “Thanks for saving me.”

“You’re welcome.” She had not forgotten her sorrow when she’d believed he’d died. Or her realization of how much he meant
to her. Yet her chest remained tight and her nerves on edge. “How do you feel?”

He faced her and caressed her cheek. “You sure you want to know?”

“Yes.” A few minutes earlier, she hadn’t wanted to hear one more strange or incomprehensible thing. But now that she was aboveground
with her ship in sight, she rolled her shoulders to ease the tension and faced him.

“I’m different. There’s a part of me that I now have access to, new abilities I never knew I had.” His voice was soft, thoughtful,
as if he understood her curiosity and her wariness.

“What kinds of abilities?” she asked, trying to keep her fear from showing in her voice.

“Could you explain to a blind man the difference between red and yellow?”

“Beyond mathematical equations? Probably not.” She gazed at him, troubled, her pulse racing. “Are you saying you can’t even
tell me what about you has changed?”

“Such impatience. Give me a chance to get a handle on things. I’m not even sure if I understand what’s happened to me. Then
I have to find the right words. It’s like suddenly finding a new set of muscles and learning what I can do with them.” Anger
threaded his tone.

“What’s upsetting you?” She shot him a level look, hoping he couldn’t read her anxiety.

“If the Tribes hadn’t destroyed my home, if Trendonis hadn’t stolen the Staff, I wouldn’t have spent centuries without these
abilities. My people would have taught me… how to live like this.”

Like what, exactly? She wanted to press him, but he’d asked her to give him time to figure it out himself. So she would do

Although his tone remained whispery soft, she sensed both wonder and fury seething inside him. She couldn’t blame him. The
Tribes had destroyed his family, his world, his birthright, and part of Jordan’s self. There was no end to their evil.

Now that Jordan was whole, not only could he fully see what had been done to him, he was different. This Jordan was not the
same man she’d known before. The differences were subtle, but he seemed both older and younger. Older because he was more
self-contained yet more willing to be open with her. Younger because he was practically vibrating with eagerness and anticipation.

She recalled how he hadn’t just connected with her telepathically back in the cave. When she’d believed him dead, he’d responded
to her thoughts. He’d read her mind. “Can you still read my mind?”

“Do you want me to?” he countered, his tone a soft caress.

The Jordan she’d known had avoided her questions by countering with questions of his own. But this Jordan sounded sincere.
“Do my wishes matter?”

“Of course. I’ll only read your mind… if you invite me in.” Jordan sealed his promise with a kiss to her forehead.

“Down in the cave, I didn’t invite you in,” she murmured.

“I apologize.” He bowed with a formality that she’d never seen before. “I didn’t have full control of myself then. I was still
integrating the old me with the new me.”

Hearts aching, she narrowed her eyes. “How much of the old you is still there?”

He chuckled, his tone warm and sultry. “I’ve lost nothing.” He murmured into her ear. “I still remember exactly what you like.”

His lips tickled her ear, but his warm breath didn’t fan her neck. She hadn’t realized how much such a simple thing would
rattle her. She stiffened, then forced herself to relax. This was Jordan. He was alive and charming and sexy as hell.

But he was different, too.

“Did Arthur change you?” She still didn’t understand what had happened down there and needed to make sense of it.

“Arthur played a part by finding the Key of Soil. But you did more.”


“When you placed the Staff in the housing, you completed a circuit. With all three Keys in place, the Ancient Staff could
draw on cosmic energy to revive me.”

“Those blue lights I saw inside you were cosmic energy?” Her jaw dropped, and she couldn’t stop staring at him. He looked
the same. He sounded the same. His touch felt the same.

But she wasn’t responding to him like she had before. Once she’d believed Jordan was just a brilliant employee. When she’d
seen him change into an owl, she’d accepted he had unusual powers. But now she suspected he had godlike powers.

He could read her mind, and while he’d said he would do so only if she invited him in, she didn’t know if she believed him.
She wasn’t certain she wanted to know all his abilities.

Not yet. Maybe not ever.

She wasn’t that evolved. She wasn’t ready to have someone know her every thought. Sometimes she was selfish. Got angry for
no reason. Had doubts she didn’t want to share. She couldn’t imagine anyone liking her if they could read all the things that
went through her mind.

But Jordan had already done so, and he still accepted her. Still wanted her. She could tell from his gentle touch that he
knew she had doubts. But if he could read all that she was and still want her, she could do no less.

They’d been given a second chance. This time she didn’t intend to waste it.

She lifted her mouth to his. “You still like making love, don’t you?”

Crushing her to him, he angled his mouth down for a kiss. He didn’t bother with nibbling. He took what he wanted right off,
without any hesitation.

There was something very powerful about a man who could sweep her off her feet, and as he kissed her, her doubts fell away.
Ignoring the past, putting aside the future, this moment was for them. She was going to take this time with Jordan and enjoy

When she’d been in foster homes, she’d planned how to go to college. While attending college, she’d planned her career. Once
she’d founded Vesta, she was always looking down the road. All her planning had brought her unimaginable success. Yet… she
hadn’t stopped often enough to enjoy the perfect moments like this one with Jordan.

His mouth on hers was deliciously tempting, utterly sensual. She loved the way he smelled, even when dusted with dirt. Jordan’s
scent was all male heat. His scent was life.

Wrapping her fingers around his neck, she leaned into him, appreciating the hard muscles of his chest. But most of all she
enjoyed how protected and cherished he made her feel, as if she was the center of his universe.

Having his total attention focused on her wasn’t only thrilling and exhilarating, it turned her on. His wanting her seemed
so natural, so uncomplicated. So justifiable.

His lips on hers were both hard and soft. As they kissed, her blood thrummed through her veins with a bubbly effervescence
that intoxicated her. She wanted to tell him how good he was making her feel. She ached to tell him she loved him. But she
couldn’t find the strength to pull her lips from his kiss.

But finally, she had to come up for air. “
still need to breathe,” she reminded him.

His chest lifted and fell, and he sighed.

She grinned. “Are you breathing again?”

“I’m faking it,” he admitted and nipped her neck.

“You would do that for me?”

“There’s not much I wouldn’t do for you.”

How could she not love this man? Under the starlight, the night took on magical qualities. All outside influences—Earth, the
Tribes, Arthur, and the crew—vanished.

Her world consisted only of one wish—making love to Jordan. With her heart full, she was going to show him exactly how she

As they kissed, she unfastened his shirt, smoothed it over his shoulders, and ran her palms over his broad chest. Damn, he
felt so good. Vibrant. Alive.

As she caressed his chest, his nipples tightened and she played lightly with the tips.

Breaking her lips from his, she nuzzled his neck, sipping in his musky scent, teasing his flesh until she dropped her head
and took a nipple into her mouth. Laving with her tongue, she trailed her hands lower and undid his pants. In almost no time
at all, he stood before her nude, his sex hard.

But she had more to give before she allowed herself the prize. She released his nipple only to take his other one between
her teeth. Capturing him, she held him still. When he thrust his hands into her hair, his fingers tensing on her scalp, she
slipped her hands over his tight butt.

Using her palms to swirl circles on his cheeks, while her tongue mimicked the swirls on his chest, she could feel him tightening.
Good. She wanted him on edge. Hungry to see what she would do next.

Content to keep their progress slow and steady, she spent a long time exploring his ass. She slid her hands over the top curves,
enjoying his tight flesh, the way his hips began to grind. But she wasn’t done with him… and slid her hands over his hips.

She cupped his balls, which were wickedly firm, tight. She caressed him where he was soft, enjoyed the quiver that overtook
him, that told her how much he was enjoying her touch.

Feeling powerful, feminine, she released his nipple and nipped her way down his ribs. All the while, her hands stayed busy,
stroking him into a seething need. When she finally dipped her head and took the tip of his sex into her mouth, he released
a small groan.

“Enough.” He grabbed her shoulders and lifted her to her feet. He kissed her lips once again. At the same time, he slowly
removed her clothes, not in a wild rush, but methodically, taking his time, using the excuse of disrobing her to touch and
tease and taunt.

When they both stood naked under the stars, she leaned into his heat. “Whatever happens, I will never forget you or our time

He nodded, his eyes burning into hers. “I wish I could give you more.”

“Tonight we shall make enough memories for a lifetime,” she promised him. Those memories would never be enough. No matter
how special this night, no matter how good they’d be together, she’d always yearn for more. Which made tonight even more special.

Jordan scooped her into his arms and laid her down on the pile of clothes they’d tossed onto the grass. Then he joined her,
kissing her ear, her neck, her collarbone.

“Do you want me?” he murmured.

She giggled. “Now I know you’re
reading my mind.” Because if he was, he’d know that she was damp, the moisture seeping between her thighs.

“Say the words. Tell me you want me,” he demanded.

“I want you.”

As if her statement gave him permission, he slid between her parted thighs, entering her, filling her.

Blue lights danced before her eyes. At first she thought the lights came from the heavens, but then she realized that the
lights she’d seen inside Jordan back in the cave had returned.

She stiffened, and he slipped his arms around her. “It’s all right. The lights are part of us now.”


She should be terrified. But she wasn’t. He was still Jordan, and his hands skimmed over her chest, then down her hip to twine
into her curls and open her folds, and she moaned with a pleasure she didn’t understand.

Because not only could she feel how good his fingers felt, she could also feel
warm, slick heat on
fingers. Her warmth surrounding his sex. It wasn’t just double the pleasure, it was so much more than two halves of the whole.

She was feeling from both sides. His and hers. It was a glorious sensation. Mind-blowing pleasure.

And when she burned, so did he.

A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.


BOOK: Jordan
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