Journal of a Lifetime (Journals of Love) (15 page)

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“I feel like royalty,” she leaned over and whispered in his ear.

“You very well could be, my lady,” he teased. “I would always treat you as such,” he added.

Lindsey blushed and attempted to change the subject, “Is that Sulphur Mountain?” She removed her hand from his and pointed out the large picture window.

“It is. Doesn’t it look different from this viewpoint?”

“A little,” she agreed. “It’s hard to believe that just the day before yesterday we were up on top. It seems like so long ago.”

“I know. A lot has happened since then,” he said.

Both settled into the silence. Lindsey’s thoughts returned to her Nana. She wondered if Adele had sat here with Steve senior and felt as if she were his queen. She reached up for her cross. Steve said he had given it to Adele after dinner, but Lindsey was thankful to have it on now.

Steve’s thoughts were focused on how beautiful Lindsey looked. She deserved to be treated as royalty. If she decided to be with him, he knew that he would always bow down to her with the respect that she deserved.

“Salad for you, ma’am,” the waiter’s voice brought Lindsey back to the present.

“Thank you,” she said, her stomach grumbling in anticipation.

Her salad was delicious and had a unique vinaigrette dressing on it. She relished every taste and was also impressed with the goat cheese.

“How is it?” Steve leaned in and whispered to her.

“Really good,” she told him. “How’s your duck?” Her nose crinkled up in feigned offense.

“It’s good too, thanks.” He laughed at her fake affront. “Do you want to try some?”

“Ah. No thanks.” She put up her hand to push away the fork he was trying to shove at her.

“Are you sure? It’s quack an experience,” he said, laughing even louder now.

“Hush,” she threatened. “You’re bothering everyone.” Lindsey had noticed the others staring at them.

“Oh, all right. Can’t take a little joke,” he teased.

Lindsey reached under the table and gently pinched his thigh with her left hand.

“Ow! What was that?” Steve yelled as he lifted up the table cloth to check. Lindsey resumed eating her salad and pretended to not know a thing about it. But, her laughter wouldn’t contain itself and she had to bring her napkin quickly to her face to cover it up.

Steve’s eyes narrowed in understanding. “I see how it is,” he said. “You just wait until later.”

Lindsey smiled and held up her hand with her palm towards her face. She motioned her fingers as if to say ‘bring it on’.

Don had had enough of the flirtation between the two of them. He tried to think of another way to distract them from each other. “Why doesn’t everyone share their favorite part of the trip so far?” He paused to look at Martha, and then asked, “Would you like to begin?”

Martha set down her fork. “Sure. I think my favorite part so far was the first day and our trip up Sulphur Mountain.” She pointed out the window.

The part of the group on the opposite side of the table had their backs to the window and hadn’t noticed the mountain. Once they did, their talk centered around that first day. Others agreed that was their favorite, while some said they really enjoyed the falls and Yoho Park. The man who always asked about the food surprised them all when he said he liked the Hoo Doos. Lindsey thought for sure he’d pick one of the places with a restaurant.

As she sat at the table looking out on the Sulphur Mountain, Lindsey remembered the first day and the gondola trip. That had been the beginning of her empowerment. She felt closer to Nana and closer to God. When she looked down on His creation, she was humbled in response.

She also felt strength from the fact that she had traveled all this way on her own and she was doing it successfully. She hadn’t had any troubles and was getting to learn more about herself and her capabilities.

“Is everything okay?” Steve leaned toward her. “Are you full?”

“No, not yet. I’m still waiting for my key lime tart.”

“You’re in luck. Here it comes.”

Lindsey took one look and knew that she would have a sugar rush to keep her going for hours. It was worth every bit of it though. The key lime was delicious and satisfied her sweet tooth.

Steve got up to check on the other guests and play host for the last few minutes of dinner. After the dishes were cleared from the table, Martha leaned in to Lindsey and asked, “Joyce and I were wondering if we could get your address?”

“Sure,” Lindsey said. “Why?”

“Well, we’re always going to wonder what happens between the two of you if we don’t. Will you write us and give us an update?”

Lindsey laughed. “I’d be happy to.”

“Thank you for appeasing us old ladies. Just remember that we were young once too, and we know all about falling in love.” She paused. “It helps to keep us young when we’re around new love, too.”

“Martha, you still have a lot of life left,” Lindsey told her.

“Oh, I know child. Don’t you worry. I’m too stubborn to go anytime soon anyway. There are many more places Joyce and I want to travel to. Tuscany is on my list and I’m not going to miss that for anything,” she finished with a slap of her hand on the table.

After dinner, Steve took Lindsey for a walk around the outside of the castle. She was still in awe over the immense sight and found herself distracted by it. She realized she was much more comfortable in smaller settings and around things less lavish. They held hands as the moon peeked out between the clouds.

Steve stopped walking and turned to take both her hands in his. “I wish we could stay in this fantasy forever, but we have to head back soon.”

“I know. I’m just not ready for this night to be over. Can’t they leave without us?” she asked, knowing it was wishful thinking.

He curled up the right corner of his lip. “I’m afraid not. I’m risking my job as it is being with you, but if I don’t show up to finish tonight’s trip, I will get fired.”

“I know. And I would never want that to happen. I know how much you enjoy your work.”

They turned around and started walking back towards the bus.

“Lindsey, can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Would you be open to me coming to Michigan for a visit this fall? I have some vacation time and I would really enjoy seeing where you live.”

She smiled. “I think that would be okay.”

“You think?” he teased.

“Yeah. I’ll have to check my schedule and see if I can fit you in!” She grinned and took off running.

“Oh yeah?” he said as he chased after her. Steve was surprised at how fast she ran in those three inch heels. It took him at least thirty yards to catch up to her.

He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her into the air. “I’ve never met anyone like you,” he said between breaths.

“I’ve heard that before,” she teased. “Only it’s usually in an ‘I don’t ever want to see you again’ kind of way. I hope that’s not what you mean.”

The teasing stopped and Steve became very serious. “No, Lindsey. You truly are one of a kind, and I am beginning to fall for you.”

“I’ll catch you if you do!” She was joking, but saw the hurt in his eyes, so she tried to return the compliment. “I find you fascinating, Steve, and I am beginning to fall for you too.”

“Let’s go, partner!” Don’s voice came from the lot. Pointing to the bus, he continued, “We have to get these passengers back to bed. Although it looks like you might be on your way.”

Lindsey snapped her head in Don’s direction. “What did you say?”

Steve positioned himself between Don and Lindsey with his back to her. He didn’t want her to see the flash of unchecked temper in his eyes. He usually did not react physically, but in that moment, he wanted to punch his best friend. Had they been anywhere but at work, he might have.

“You just worry about yourself, Don!” Steve shouted back with a strain in his voice he had never felt before. The look that accompanied his bellow was enough to cause Don to turn around and climb into his driver’s seat.

Steve turned around to face Lindsey. “I apologize for my friend. I’ll address this with him later. There is no reason for you to have to put up with his inappropriate behavior . . . or comments.”

Lindsey appreciated that, but was hesitant to tell Steve of all the other insults, and threats, Don had given her. She continued to hold out hope that Don really was the good friend Steve said he was and that his juvenile acts would come to an end soon.

They got back on the bus and everyone was quiet from the long day. “We trust you enjoyed everything today and will remember this experience at the hotel. Please get rest tonight. Tomorrow is another early day for us and we will meet in the lobby at seven,” Steve told them. “If no one has any questions or concerns, we will leave you to your thoughts and we will be back to the resort in no time.”

Steve and Lindsey cuddled together for the ride back to the resort. Once again, words were unnecessary between the two of them. He looked so handsome in his suit and she tried to remember every detail about the kiss.

When they returned to the resort, Steve walked her up to her room. “I had a wonderful time tonight, Lindsey. Thank you for everything.”

“Thank you. I will never forget it, or forget kissing you. It was perfect,” she agreed.

“Get some rest and I will see you bright and early in the morning.”

“You too. Good night.” She leaned in to kiss his cheek.


five in the morning to a phone call from Steve. He wouldn’t be able to go to the Ice Fields today. His grandfather had fainted again and was back at the hospital for more tests. He wanted to be there for the results.

“I completely understand,” Lindsey told him, although she was disappointed since this was the last day of the tour. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“No. I want you to enjoy the rest of your journey. It’s what you came here for, and I know you wouldn’t feel complete until you finish everything in the journal.”

“I know you’re right, but now I’m torn between being with you, and—”

“I want you to go,” he interrupted.

“I will, but I will call you as soon as I get back. Please tell Grandpa that I’m praying for him.”
Hopefully we can get together tonight before I leave.

Lindsey arrived late to the bus and got a seat in the very back, the same seat she had on the first day.
So much has changed since then
, she thought.
It’s amazing what can happen in such a short time.

George was the tour guide for today. “Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen. Steve had a family emergency today, so I’m here to escort you to the Ice Fields. My name is George Shirr.” He put his hand on Don’s shoulder. “Don and I don’t get a chance to work together often, but it’s a pleasure for me to be with such a competent driver. He has the best record of anyone in our fleet.”

That was greeted by applause from the passengers. Don smiled and appeared more relaxed today. Very similar to how he’d been on the first day he picked her up.

The Columbia Ice Fields was another sight that Lindsey didn’t anticipate. She didn’t expect the beauty that presented itself in a different way than the mountains, or the flowing waterfalls and lakes. The Ice Fields commanded respect.

“The ice that you’ll be walking across was formed from snow falling 400 years ago,” George told them. “This is as far as our bus goes, so please gather your things, and we’ll help you get settled on the Ice Field’s bus.”

On the new bus, Lindsey took a seat next to Martha and Joyce.

“We haven’t had a chance to catch up on your gossip, honey,” Joyce said.

“How are things going with Steve?”

“Really good,” Lindsey smiled. “I don’t understand it, but we have found a connection and I can’t wait to see where this will go.”

“We’re happy for you, Lindsey,” Martha said.

“Enjoy it Lindsey. Every minute of it,” Joyce said, smoothing her brunette curls, “even if it doesn’t last a lifetime, the memories will.” She smiled.

“I remember the first time I fell in love,” Martha told her. “It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Of course, the third and fourth times got easier,” she teased.

“Truly, Lindsey. This is once in a lifetime. Make sure you’re giving your heart to a good man,” Joyce added.

“I am, Joyce. I am.” She smiled.

“Ladies and gentleman,” George’s directions came over the microphone, “please take your time exiting the bus. Step carefully onto the ice and watch your step.”

Lindsey smiled at the two women. “Let’s go!”

They got off the bus, and Lindsey let the women go on ahead of her. She followed her own path and knelt down near a stream of running water.

“You can take a drink,” Don said. He had snuck up on her once again. “It’s very clear and refreshing.”

She didn’t know whether or not to trust him, but saw others cupping a handful, so she gave it a taste. It was so cold that her teeth ached in complaint, but it was so smooth. “I had no idea,” she said.

“I know. It’s another one of those amazing secrets that we try to keep to ourselves here in Canada.” He bore through her with his eyes.

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