Journey into Darkness (56 page)

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Authors: John Douglas,Mark Olshaker

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Barr, William, 265

Battle, Alien, 234. 237, 244, 245

Beckerman, Joseph, 328

bed-wetting (enuresis), 23

Behavioral Science Unit, 6, 88, 342

Bell, James Spencer, 223

Bell, Larry Gene, 100-01, 350, 364, 367

Berkowitz, David (“Son of Sam”, prison interview with, 21, 241

Bernardo, Paul Kenneth, 70-76, 83, 125, 149, 241, 330, 364, 367

relationship with Homolka of, 74-75, 76

Bevan. Vince, 62, 67, 69

Bianchi, Kenneth, 65, 237

Biden, Joseph, 263

Bismarck Tribune
, 134

Bittaker, Lawrence, 15, 22, 65-66, 125, 241, 330, 364, 366, 367

prison interview with, 66

black masked rapist, 309, 314, 317, 321, 323

Bloch, Robert, 25

Blunt, Lynn, 116

Boeck, Richard, murder of, 32-36

borderline personality disorder, 117, 235

Boyer, Roger, 61

Branch Davidians, 17, 25

Branchflower, Steve, 287-88

Brennan, William, 256

Brooks, Broggan, 235

Brown v. Allen
, 258

Brunner, James, 212, 215

Bugliosi, Vincent, 353, 354

Bundy, Theodore “Ted,” 25, 366

Buono. Angelo, 65, 237

Burgess, Allen, 342

Burgess, Ann, 20, 145, 342

burglars, profile of, 339

Bush, George, 262

Callos, Phyllis, 261

Canadian and American National District Attorneys and Crown Attorneys As sociation, 49

capital punishment,
death penalty

Carpino, Amanda, 59

Carpino, Jacqueline, 59

Carrig, Robert, 297-300

Carrington, Frank, 261-62

Carter, Bobby, 234, 239, 243, 247

Carter, Steve, 325

Cavanagh, Kate, 67, 69, 71

Chancellor. Lee, 262

Chandler. Raymond, xiii

Chapman, Cheryl, 276, 284, 286. 287, 292

Chapman, Ed, 314

Chapman, Paul. 276


child abductors, 56, 57-58, 86-120, 113, 143-46, 149

in buildup phase, 145

“fantasy-driven.” 146

of infants,
infant abductors

men as, 149

phases of, 145

in post-abduction phase, 145, 146

profiling of, 160-61

in recovery/release phase, 145, 146-47

“thought-driven,” 146

women as, 149-59

see also
child molesters

child molesters, 89, 91, 93, 96, 98, 102, 103, 112-15, 121-61

as abductors vs. nonabductors, 145

child pornography of, 124-25, 127, 137-38, 145

definition of, 123-24

dysfunctional childhoods of, 142, 145

gender of, 149

inadequate type of, 127, 128

incestuous, 138-40

interviews with, 89, 166

introverted, 134-36, 138

as morally indiscriminate, 126-28

as pedophiles, 124-28, 134-42, 165

post-accusation reactions of, 140-42

preferential, 124, 126, 134-42, 146, 165

preferential, types of, 134-37

prison interviews with, 89, 166

profile of, 123-28

repeat violent, prison interviews with, 166

reporting of, 139-40, 169-70

repressed, 126

sadistic, 134-36, 146

seduction-type, 134-36, 138

sexually indiscriminate, 126-27

as sexual predators, 123-28

situational, 124, 126, 129, 134, 135

situational, types of, 126-28, 136

suicide risk of, 142, 146-47 types of, 123-28

Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis for Law Enforcement Officers Investigating Cases of Child Sexual Exploitation
(Lanning), 126

child obsession disorders, 88, 90, 108

child pornography, 124-25, 127, 137, 145


missing and/or abused, 121-61

molestation of,
child molesters

murdered by nonparent household members, 148

murdered by parents, 105, 147-48, 277

protection of,
children, protection of

violence against, 47-85, 86-120, 152, 158

see also
child abductors; infant abductors

children, protection of, 135-36, 138, 139-40, 143-44, 162-89

age-skill chart for, 188-89

baby-sitters and, 177

Buddy System for, 172

Check First for, 172, 176

communication and, 169

at day-care centers, 177

detecting sexual exploitation for, 186-87

for elementary-school-age children, 174

emotional support and, 168-69

empowerment and, 171, 177

inappropriate touching and, 172-74

intervention for, 178-80, 183-84

NCMEC guidelines for parents, 171-77, 184-89

NCMEC safety strategies for children, age-specific, 171, 174-75, 184-89

NO-GO-TELL for, 174

for older children, 176

photos and, 176

reporting offenders and, 139-40, 170

saying “NO” for, 173

self-esteem and, 168, 172, 175,

in single-parent families, 169

Child Welfare Administration, 180-83

Cho, Diane, rape and murder of, 312-13, 318, 325-26, 328

Cho, Mrs., 312

Citizens for Law and Order (CLO), 261

Clabby, Rick, 42

Clairemont murders, 36-41

profile in, 36-38

Clapp, Robert, 226, 229

Clark, Amber, murder of, 38. 41

Clark, Marcia, 353

Clark, Pamela, murder of, 38, 40, 41

Clark, Woody, 39

Clarkson, Chris. 214-15

Clinton, Bill, 269

Coale, John, 302

Cochran, Johnnie, 352

Collins, Gertrude Martinus “Trudy,” 190-212, 219, 221-23, 230-33, 238-39, 243, 247-48, 249-56, 259-70, 272-75, 362-65

Colhns. John Albert “Jack,” 190, 212, 219, 221-23, 230-33, 238-39, 243, 247-48, 249-56, 261-70, 272-75, 362-65

Collins, Stephen Thomas, 192-211, 219, 221-23, 228-32, 250-51, 263, 266, 274-75

Collins, Suzanne Marie, life of, 190-219, 230-31

adolescence of, 200-09

adoption of, 193-94

childhood of, 196-200

early childhood of, 193-96

honor deck membership of, 216-17

in Marine Corps, 209-19

at Memphis Naval Air Station, 212-19

personality of, 195-96

Collins, Suzanne Marie, murder of, 1-9, 13-14, 249-50, 262, 263. 273-75, 293, 363, 364

profile in. 1-6, 240-43

trial aftermath, 249-75

trial in, 235, 238-39, 243-48

computers and profiling, 18, 41

control, serial killers’ need for, 9, 15, 23-24, 45, 53, 75, 106, 129, 132, 147, 244, 285, 297, 318, 319, 326, 343, 346, 347, 350, 352

Coon, Patti, 214-15, 218, 224, 225

Cooney, Manus, 263

Cooper, Greg, 335

Cooper, Janet, 219

Craddock, Samuel, 245

Crime Classification Manual
et al
.), 342

Crime Summit (1991), 262-63, 265

Crime Victims’ fund, 265

cruelty to animals, 23

Cummings, Dorothy, 226

Dabbs, Deanne, 314

Dahn, Diane, murder of, 39

Darden, Christopher, 350, 353

Davenport, David, 224

Davis, Debbie, rape and mur-der of, 306-08, 314, 318, 328

Davis, Richard Allen, 142-45,147

trial of, 142-44

death penalty, 252, 258-59, 270-71, 272, 364-67

Dershowitz, Alan, 351, 356

deterrence, 361, 365

Devier, Darrell Gene, 45, 291

DeVilliers, Nina, murder of, 60,62

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition
(DSM-III), 235, 342

Dickinson, N. Dak. police department, 128-33

Dietz, Park Elliott, 124, 265

Dinkel, Frank, 134

Dinkel, Priscilla, murder of, 128-34

profile in, 128-33

disorganized offenders, 63, 81, 129, 147, 158, 279, 280, 282, 337, 343

DNA testing, 39, 72, 77, 83, 316-17, 326, 328-29, 352

domination, serial killers’ need for, 9, 15, 23-24, 43, 53, 65-66, 71, 75, 129-30, 146, 326

Douglas, Erika, 14, 48, 79, 84

Douglas, Jed, 14

Douglas, John:

first assignment of, 104-05

on forensic psychiatry, 119

illness of, 11

as parent, 47-49, 56, 123, 135, 163, 167-68, 175-76

as unit chief, 15

Douglas, Lauren, 14, 47-48

Douglas, Pam Modica, 14, 48-49, 84, 123, 135, 163

Drake, Sue, 214-15

Dreyer, Joel, 117-19

dysfunctional childhoods:

of child molesters, 142, 145

of serial killers, 23, 36, 102, 144

Easley, Rebecca, 270, 272

“Elegy for a Marine” (Collins), 274

Ellis, Carroll, 254

Elveson, Franchie, murder of, 310

enuresis (bed-wetting), 23

Etter, Steve, 335

Evans, Chris, 59

expert testimony, 41-42, 287-88, 292

Fahey, Helen, 325, 331

Fairfax Peer Survivors Group (FPSG), 254

fantasies of serial killers, 23, 43, 45-46, 49, 52, 56, 63, 64, 68, 75, 81, 90, 94, 124, 125, 126, 130, 137, 139, 145, 146, 240, 287, 300

FBI Academy, 6, 16

FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
, 9,240

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 12, 149, 294

Field, Frances, 303

fire-starting, 21, 23, 323, 326

First Amendment, 125

Fitzpatrick, Bernard, 78, 82

Folger, Abigail, murder of, 361

“Forces of Evil” case, 278

Fortas, Abe, 257

Foust, Kenny, murder of, 32-36

Frankl, Viktor E., xiii

Franklin, Gregory, 225

Franks, Bobby, 365

Fredd, Willie, murder of, 31-36

profile in, 33-35

Freeman, Jeff, 200-06, 209, 210, 228

Freemen, 25

French, Donna, 57, 58, 76

French, Doug, 57, 58, 76

French, Kristen Dawn, abduction and murder of, 56-58, 60-64, 68, 71-72, 74-77

see also
Schoolgirl Murders

Frost, Brent, 88

Frykowski, Voytek, murder of, 361

Fuhrman, Mark, 350, 353-54

Gacy, John Wayne, 92

Gein, Ed, 25


of abductors, 149-60

of child molestors, 149

of infant abductors, 156

of serial killers, 27-28

of victims, 89, 103, 125, 134

Genovese, Kitty, 98, 178

Goldman, Ronald, murder of, 333-56

profile in, 336-56

Gonzowski, Greg “Gonzo,” 214-15, 217, 229, 230

Grant, Dan, 283

Greenfield, Hank 115, 118

Green Ribbon, Operation, 62-76

Green River murders, 11, 14, 332

Griggs, John, 225

habeas corpus, writ of, 257-64, 269

Hagerman, Amber, abduction and murder of, 144

Hagmaier, Bill 25, 88, 335

Hamm, Carolyn, rape and murder of, 296-301, 302-03, 305, 313, 317-21, 329-31

profile in, 298-99

Hand, Mrs., 218, 229

Hand, Susan, 212-18, 220-21, 229-31, 274

Hansen, Cassandra Lynn “Cassie,” abduction and murder of, 86-103

profile in, 88-84

Hansen, Ellen, 86-87, 102-03

Hansen, Robert, 277

Hansen, Vanessa, 86-87, 103

Hansen, William, 103

Harding, Della T., murder of, 132-33

Harrington, Jim, 103-05, 107

Harris, Thomas, 25

Harris v. Nelson
, 257

Hatch, Orrin, 263

Hawkins, Frank, 298

Hayes, Charles, 42

Hayes, Harold, 9, 239

Hazelwood, Roy, 9, 69-70, 73, 240, 299-300, 335

Hazzard, Ernie, 311

Heck, Debbie, 283, 284, 290

Heidnick, Gary, 25

Hellams, Susan, rape and murder of, 307-08, 313, 329

profile in, 310-11

Helmick, Debra, murder of, 99

“Helter Skelter,” 24, 343

Heng, Deliana, sexual assault and murder of, 43, 125, 291

Hester, Maize D., 156

Hill, Mike, 314, 316, 322-25

Hillside Strangler, 65

Hinckley case, 278

Hitchcock, Alfred. 26

Holton, Tim, 256, 259, 266

homicidal triad, 23


assassination-style, 33, 34

classification of, 342

lust, 9, 240-42

stranger vs. nonstranger, 55, 63, 79, 105, 281, 338, 342

Homolka, Karla Leanne, 71-77, 320

relationship with Bernardo of, 74-75, 76

Homolka, Tammy Lyn, rape and murder of, 72-73, 75

homosexual pedophilia, 117

Hoover, J. Edgar, 12, 77

Horgas, Joe, 298-99, 302-06, 309, 313-31

Horn, Jim, 247-48

Hoverter, Norman, 148

Howard, Greg, 287

Howard, Michael, 224-25

hypnosis, as forensic examination tool, 236

I-40 Killer, 26, 51-52

Ikerd, Charles Neil, 156-58

Ikerd, Heather Louise, abduction of, 156-58

Ikerd, Terra Ann, murder of, 156-58

incest, 138-40

In Contempt
(Darden), 350

infant abductors, 149-60

age of, 150

gender of, 156

media coverage of, 152, 154, 155, 159

MO of, 152

profile of, 150-52, 160-61

protection against, 160-61

race of victim of, 152

relative risk for, 152

reporting of, 150, 159

Stressors in, 151

violence in, 152, 157

see also
child molesters

Ingaldson, William H., 287-92

insanity defense, 116-20, 237-38, 244-46

Inside the Criminal Mind
(Samenow), 265

International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety, 149

In the Belly of the Beast
(Abbott), 166

Investigative Support Unit, 6, 11, 16, 88, 277, 287, 294, 317, 335, 342

isolation from society, 257, 360

Izquierdo, Elisa, murder of, 180-84

Izquierdo, Gustavo, 181-83

Jacobs, Greg, 144

Jessop, Christine Marion, sexual assault and murder of, 49,78-84

profile in, 80-83

Jessop, Janet, 79, 83

Jessop, Kenneth, 79, 84

Jessop, Robert, 79, 83

Johnson, Mina Ethel, rape and murder of, 271-72

Jones, Jim, 25

Jones, Patricia, 101

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