JOURNEY INTO THE REALM: The Spell Master (Journey into the Realm Series) (5 page)

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Authors: Markelle Grabo

Tags: #Fiction : Fairy Tales, #Folk Tales, #Legends & Mythology Fiction : Fantasy - General Fiction : Fantasy - Urban Life

BOOK: JOURNEY INTO THE REALM: The Spell Master (Journey into the Realm Series)
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I was left with Nathan. Surprisingly, it didn’t bother me one bit. After the awkward moments had passed and I started looking at him as someone more than just a stranger, being around him was natural, like I could let my guard down. Somehow, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me in the least, not physically or emotionally. I didn’t think I had ever felt that way around anyone before, not even with my sister…or Stellan.

Nathan was the most intriguing elf I had ever met. Most elves I knew were either bubbly and excited, or very straightforward and composed. Each had a unique personality, but there was definitely a dominant side. Even after talking to Nathan for just a little more than an hour, I could already tell he had humorous, vibrant personality traits.

“Are you headed home now?” he asked, as we walked out of school together.

“Yeah, my sister is expecting me home for lunch,” I told him, hoisting my shoulder bag up a ways to keep it from slipping down my arm.

“Are you riding?” he wondered, and though I could detect a hint of nervousness in his tone, he didn’t look away from me.

“Yes. Are you?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said. He paused for a second. “Want to ride to Birchwood together?”

“Sure,” I said without hesitation. I smiled, pleased with how my afternoon was turning out, and walked with him to the stables.

We saddled our horses and continued to talk as we headed toward Birchwood City. Nathan told me about his family, and how he lived with his parents and was an only child. His father had worked as a scout in the Human Realm for Queen Taryn before settling in Birchwood to start a family. I was relieved to finally find an elf who knew a few things about humans, and not just the stereotypical stuff so many elves accepted as truth. Maybe Nathan would even understand some of my human references.

I discovered that Nathan’s home was fairly close to mine. And Aimee’s home stood only a few houses down from his. When I mentioned that Aimee was a gifted healer, Nathan revealed that he had an elfen cousin who was a healer as well.

“Having a healer as a relative can be difficult sometimes,” he told me with a sigh as we rode.

“Why?” I wondered.

“Because she is so wise and mature despite her young age,” he admitted.

I giggled. “Does she

He reached his hand over and shoved me, but only playfully. Even so, I almost fell off my horse. “Hey! Watch it!” I cried.

“Elfens do
intimidate me,” he said.

they don’t. That’s why you got all defensive,” I said with a wink.

“I do not like your attitude, miss,” he said.

“Does it
you?” I laughed again, my smile so wide it hurt my cheeks. I couldn’t remember the last time I had smiled that way, definitely not since Stellan left for war.

“That’s it. I’m not talking to you anymore,” he said, crossing his arms, yet surprisingly still able to control the horse. I admired his skill, but was too focused on thinking of a comeback to compliment him on it.

“Aw, don’t cry, Nathan. I was only kidding,” I said, pouting.

He grinned and shook his head. “You are one of a kind, Ramsey.”

“Thanks. That makes me feel really special,” I said, grinning foolishly.

“It should. I don’t give out compliments very often,” he replied.

I smirked. “Oh, really?”

“Really. I am very precise when it comes to meeting people. They must pass the test.”

? Sounds a little condescending to me,” I admitted, trying to control my laughter, which was upsetting my mare. She was starting to get fussy, so much so that I had to hold onto the reins tightly to keep from falling. I couldn’t balance like Nathan, who could probably sleep and still sit up straight.

“Oh, really? I never thought so.” He winked.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “So, do I pass?”

“I’m still deciding,” he said.

I frowned. “

“Don’t mention it,” he said, not missing a beat. His humor was what made things so light. “Maybe I’ll have an answer for you tomorrow.”

“I look forward to it,” I replied. “So can I have another compliment? I want to take advantage of this moment, especially if you don’t give out compliments often.” I batted my eyelashes in fun.

“Okay…let me think.”

“You have to
about complimenting me?” I cried. “That doesn’t make me feel special at all!”

“No, it’s not that,” he said hastily, shaking his head so I completely understood him.

“Then what is it?”

“It’s hard to choose one. I have too many things I could compliment you on,” he said, his voice quieter than before.

I looked at him, unable to reply. Our conversation had just gone from friendly fun to something more. Was he flirting with me? I was in a relationship with Stellan and he knew that. Was I misunderstanding him?

“Sorry, those were some strong words,” he said quickly, clearing his throat.


But even though the moment was awkward, it was brief. He was able to bounce back easily. “Why don’t I just stick with your first compliment and call it a day?” he suggested.

I nodded. “Good idea.” I sighed with relief, glad to be out of

We returned to talking about things other than my good qualities. He told me about the spells he had learned since obtaining his power. He knew how to make animals understand him, which explained why his horse was so much calmer than mine. He also could make money out of any kind of metal. He made me promise not to tell anyone about that, though, because it was kind of cheating, but not really against the law.

He mentioned to me that he was working on a spell to control weather. He wanted snow to come early this year. The only place it snowed all the time in the Elf Realm was over the mountains. Other than that, winter was just cold. I asked him why he liked the wet, icky stuff so much. His only reply was to laugh at me. I was never a fan of snow in the Human Realm; winters were long and crazy in Wisconsin, even though they could also be genuinely pretty and enjoyable. But I
snow only when school closed because of it.

I wanted to ask if he knew any spells on locks because of the locked trunk in my room, left behind by my parents. Only a Spell Master could break the lock, but after a second thought I decided not to bring it up just yet. I had known Nathan for less than a day. Bumping into him a few times and dancing with him once didn’t count. I couldn’t bring him into my secret so soon. I had to control myself around him. I couldn’t let so many things slip.

Zora gave me no insight as to what was in the mysterious trunk, nor did she offer any help in opening it. She didn’t want me mentioning it to anyone, that much was sure.

“Well, it was very nice meeting you today,” Nathan told me, as we got off our horses in Birchwood.

“It was nice meeting you too.” The exchange may have sounded formal and stiff between anyone else, but to me it was real and full of promise. I stuck out
of my hands. “Friends?”

“Definitely.” He smiled and shook it.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Nathan!” I called, as I walked away and down the dirt streets.

It took a moment before he said, “Can’t wait for fencing!”

I smiled to myself and continued my walk home. Maybe the Stranger,
, would be a great friend after all. For now, I decided I would forget all about our dance and weird connection and just focus on getting to know him. Maybe then the burning fire I still felt would disappear.

However, deep down, I knew my hopes were unrealistic.

I turned to look back at him, and caught him doing the same.

Our eyes locked for a moment, and the sweet feeling of his gaze rushed through me, leaving me breathless.

He smiled warmly, and I couldn’t help but smile back.

I began walking again, and, as soon as Nathan left my sight, an empty feeling descended upon me.

I missed him terribly…




When I arrived home, Zora was full of questions about my day. Thankfully, her eagerness took my mind off Nathan, allowing me to finally take a deep breath.

“What was school like? Did you make any friends? How were your classes?” she asked, as soon as I walked through the door.

“Zora, breathe and at least wait until I’m inside the house!” I said, putting out my hands to stop her from speaking further. “Can we start eating first? I’m starving.”

Zora sighed. “Sure,” she muttered. “It’s just that today was
slow. I need excitement!”

“The day wasn’t that exciting. I mean, it was fun, but not jump-out-of-your-seat adventurous.”

“I don’t think I ever want that kind of excitement again….”

I nodded, agreeing and remembering Zora’s rescue from Finn and the other Element fairies. No matter how many times Zora said not to talk about them, they always came up anyway, as though she wanted to forget all about them and move on – which obviously wouldn’t happen until I knew my secret – but she couldn’t.

I followed Zora and sat at the table. She placed a plate of cooked chicken, some fruit, and bread on the table. I loved that Zora tried to make our meals as human as possible. I still hadn’t fully adjusted to the idea of eating things like rabbit. The thought of even trying still made me gag.

I ate for a few minutes and then gave into Zora’s continuous begging.

“The day was great. School was great. I love my classes, and I made a lot of new friends,” I said, in a melancholy tone I used deliberately.

“Um, want to elaborate a little more?” she asked.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Yeah, sure.”

I briefly described my classes and my new friends. However, I didn’t mention Nathan. He would remain my little secret. Zora had her secret – even though it was actually
secret – and I would have my own.

“That’s really nice of Brielle,” Zora commented, when I mentioned her arrival. “Tarlore has a much better school than Aubrey, despite its great history.”

“That’s what I heard. But you know Brielle; she knows what she wants. What she wants, she eventually gets.”

“That’s true,” Zora agreed.

“Yeah, and I’m really glad that she came. It’s nice to have an old friend around. I’ve missed Brielle a lot, just like I know you miss Addison.”

Zora nodded, remembering her best friend and present high guard to Queen Taryn, who was almost like a sister to her. “It’s difficult without her around. She was always the leader, you know? So independent and strong.”

“You are strong too,” I sympathized, “but I get what you mean. I remember the first time I met her. She had a fierce inner determination, something I wished I could feel.”

“What do you mean?” Zora asked.

“Well, it’s like Addison could face anything that came her way. I don’t know if I could do that.”

“You could. That’s why you were able to rescue me, Ramsey,” Zora reminded me.

“I guess so,” I agreed reluctantly, still not really buying it.

“Anyway,” Zora said, taking a bite of fruit, “I’m delighted that you are fitting in and having a great time.”

“Thanks, Zora. I’m really happy here,” I told her.

She reached over across the table and took my hand in hers. “I’m happy you are here as well. You don’t know how much your being here means to me. I missed you while you were in the Human Realm. Terribly.”

“I know, but you won’t have to miss me again. I’m not going anywhere.”

“As if I would even allow you to leave!” she joked, and I failed at resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

We finished lunch and I helped Zora clean up. Then, after checking the eggs, we headed over to Aaliyah’s house. She was pleased to see us and offered us some tea as we sat down to chat. We both accepted the offer gratefully and settled ourselves on her comfy green-cushioned couches.

“How was your first day, Ramsey?” she asked.

“It was great,” I said, and then repeated the story to Aaliyah as I had to Zora. I wasn’t a huge fan of having to repeat myself, but I knew I couldn’t avoid Aaliyah’s curiosity.

“Sounds like a great start to the year,” Aaliyah remarked when I finished.

“It was,” I agreed. “I just wish….”

“What, dear?” Aaliyah asked.

“I wish Stellan were here.” I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Aaliyah came over, sat down beside me, and took me into her arms as only a mother would. Zora’s hand clasped onto mine. It made me feel loved and protected, what I counted on these days to keep me going.

“So do I. I know he would be happy to know you are happy,” Aaliyah said.

“Thanks, Aaliyah,” I said, wiping my eyes and hoping I wouldn’t really start crying.

“I know you miss him, Ramsey, but don’t feel too sad. He wouldn’t want you to be like this,” Zora reminded me.

“I know. It’s just hard. I mean, he’s out there, risking his life, and here I am going to school like normal. It’s just…

“Wars aren’t right,” Zora said. “We all just have to deal with this until it finally ends.”

“And if it doesn’t?” I asked.

“We’re here for you, Ramsey, no matter what. You are
going to go through this alone,” Aaliyah told me.

I smiled. “Thanks. You two mean so much to me. I don’t know what I would do if I were on my own.”

They gathered me in another hug. Then Aaliyah broke away with a gasp.

“What’s wrong?” Zora asked.

“I just remembered I have a letter for you, Ramsey,” she said. “It’s from Stellan.” She pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to me. It was tied with a brown string. I took it, my hands shaking, and opened it, able to hear my heart beating loudly in my chest with anticipation. I smiled as I recognized Stellan’s handwriting. The familiarity of it warmed my heart. This was the closest I would be to him for a long while:


Dear Ramsey,

I’m very happy that I was able to write to you. We hardly have any time to ourselves here. We are always on the move. There hasn’t been much action, but a lot of travel. We are still in the Elf Realm, but we will be crossing into the Element Fairy Realm in a few days. That’s when the real fighting will start.

I can’t tell you that the war has been great fun. We are always on the lookout for an attack, and the conditions we live in aren’t very pleasant. Yet thinking of you makes things easier.

I hope school is treating you well. I wish I could have been there with you on your first day. I bet Zora is taking care of you pretty well though. She instinctively follows in the footsteps of my mother, always taking care of others. I can’t wait for my service time to be over so I can return to you and be there for you as well.

Don’t feel bad about me being away. It’s difficult enough knowing I can’t see you. Have a good time and send Aaliyah my love and to Zora as well, if she wants it. I love you and I will wait eagerly for your reply. Oh, and Cass sends his regards. Fortunately, we haven’t been separated since arriving.

I wish you were here, well, not really because I would never want you anywhere near the war, but you know what I mean. I really miss you, Elf Girl.

Wait for me.

Love, Stellan


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