Joust of Hearts (5 page)

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Authors: Genella deGrey

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Joust of Hearts
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Melisande folded her hands before her and lowered her gaze. She wasn’t going to get out of the dancing as easily as she’d hoped.

“Pray forgive me, Melisande, I was too harsh. Most insensitive of me.” She stepped forward in an affable manner and lifted Melisande’s chin with her fingertips so that their eyes met. “Melisande,” she said, speaking softly, “your mourning has passed, you have allowed enough time to grieve over Liam. He was Fitzherbert’s friend, too. We both understand the loss. However, you are very young yet. You need to experience more of what life has to offer. Tonight you will meet some very honorable men that I am sure Fitzherbert and I would approve of. You need to socialize with your peers and I will be there for you if needs be. Now, smile and promise me that you will attend.”

She had to admit, she’d indeed been lonely for attentions from members of the opposite sex, a thought she had pushed to the back of her mind many times over the last year. Much to her dismay, Melisande’s eyes began to water as her forlorn sentiment overwhelmed her. Was it that she felt guilty for not being overly sorry that Liam was gone? Was she truly afraid of meeting other men? Was it the emotions of the day that kept her so tense that she was now exhausted? Or was it all that put together? “You practically know my every thought, Helena,” she said as two errant tears spilled down her cheeks.

Helena hugged Melisande. “Your fears will pass, I vow. Rest now, before the eve is upon us.”

Melisande pulled out of Helena’s arms, nodded, then wiped her tears away with the backs of her hands.

“We shall see you in the great hall for the feast, and no more crying. We do not want to attend with our eyes puffy,” Helena said from the portal of Melisande’s chamber with a kind smile.

“Aye, Helena.” She reached out and closed her door.


* * * *


Melisande awoke from her brief repose just after the sun dipped beyond the realm and the last of the day’s colors clung in the clouds over the horizon.

Maggie and Tilly were not in the antechamber, nor were they in the immediate vicinity. Opening her door, Melisande called out to a passing serf to fetch her tardy maids.

Shrugging off her feelings of frustration, Melisande headed for her trunks. She chose her lavender robes with the beaded bodice and velvet underskirt in dark blue. The sleeves of the robe were lined in sky-blue silk and were as wide as they were long. The collar of the robe dipped to a subtle ‘V’ and was covered in seed pearls. The small headdress she chose was also in blue, with cream-colored gossamer veils that fell just beyond the shoulders. The matching cream sleeves of her chemise reached to her wrists and fit her arms snugly. These robes were her favorite, for both her maids declared that they made her eyes more blue than gray.

Maggie and Tilly came rushing into the room, pouring forth their apologies. They quickly dressed Melisande, and praised her for her beauty and taste. Melisande ascertained that they were only trying to avoid reprimand for being late.

Her ablution complete, Melisande made her way down the winding stone staircase that led to the great hall where tables were set for supper. The large room was lit with hundreds of candles and housed nearly as many jovial guests.

Helena had a seat waiting for Melisande at the high table. “Come, Melisande. The hunt, it seems, was a great success and there is plenty on which to sup.”

As she sat, a trencher and flagon of wine were placed in front of her. She smiled, made small talk and endured introduction after introduction to lords and ladies, young maidens seeking husbands and an occasional elderly knight or two.


Devin could hardly eat. He blocked out all table noises and other voices except
. Her laughter was as magical as her smile.

“Aye, Lady Dupree, recount once again some verses for us.” A voice sounded from one of the other guests at the high table.


“We would be most appreciative!”

“Pray do, my lady.”

Pleadings abounded all around.

Helena spoke up. “The evening’s verses were going to be said after we have danced a while, but if you wish it now—”

“Prithee, my lady!”

“Oh indeed!”

“The amusement would gladden us greatly!”

Devin found himself caught up in the enthusiasm. “’Twould be most welcome,” he agreed. The man next to him chimed in as well.

Melisande stood up and cleared her throat with a swallow of her wine. “I have chosen some verses from
Cursor Mundi
, which was, as you may know, written during the year of our Lord thirteen hundred and twenty.”

As she spoke, it was as if she transported her audience back in time. Her voice fluctuations and pronunciations of the old dialect were perfect. When she finished, the whole room lit up with robust applause and shouts of “Huzzah!” Fists and goblets were struck upon tabletops.

Lord Bergavny’s smile practically illuminated the room. “This evening’s festivities are going even better than I could have hoped for.” He beamed, and instructed his pages to clear away the tables. Helena bade another servant call the musicians to the gallery for the dancing.

When sufficient room was made in the great hall, Lord Bergavny turned to his wife and held out his hand. “Shall we make our way to the floor, my dove?”

“Aye, my lord,” Helena replied. She placed her fingertips upon his knuckles, briefly skimming his skin in an unspoken amorous gesture. Devin had never envied anyone as he did Lord Bergavny at that moment.

As the musicians readied their instruments, the guests assembled in the center of the room and paired off for a circular dance.

Devin started toward Lady Dupree to ask her to dance, but some rutting stag of a boy snatched her up instantly. Devin narrowed his eyes at him. However, the boy missed the reprimand, so enamored was he with the Bergavneys’ guest. Had he been a fellow knight, Devin would have challenged him right then and there.

His anger took him aback, but only for an instant. In order for him to participate, he needed a partner to equalize the count of men and women. He proceeded to ask the closest maiden to join him. She accepted with enthusiasm and he hoped belatedly that the girl’s mother did not presume that this was the beginning of her daughter’s future. She placed her hand on his and they moved toward the other dancers.

In all honesty, it was Lady Dupree he wanted—and so much so that he ached with it. The last time a woman affected him so was his first sexual encounter. It had taken him an entire two weeks to talk her into a tryst. The next morning, when her father found them in the barn, naked and in each other’s arms, the man sent her to a nunnery. Devin had been drunk with her beauty that night, and so young… He’d known what he’d done was a sin and guilt had riddled him for an entire month or more.

However, this interest in the storyteller wasn’t gluttony or drunkenness, merely the vice of lust, which, now that he was an adult and in total control of his actions, usually didn’t last beyond one or perhaps two nights between his object’s thighs.

His cock surged at the very thought of sinking into Lady Dupree’s creamy heat.


The lines were formed with men on one side, the ladies on the other, each directly across from their chosen partner.

Melisande admired the beauty of the gowns that danced before her. The vivid colors and sparkling jewels were resplendent even in the dimness of candlelight. The gentle rustle of silks that could be heard around her would be an inspiration to gown designers at home and abroad. She coyly glanced down the line of gentlemen in their finery and wondered how Lady Helena knew so many handsome men.

The dancers went forth, changing partners as the music dictated. Melisande glanced up and her breath caught in her throat. Her newest dance partner was one of the most handsome men in the room. He looked at her with such a pleasant intensity that she heated under his scrutiny. He was tall with light brown hair and eyes the color of a meadow at the peak of spring. His hands were large in comparison to hers, strong yet gentle, which echoed the rest of his build. His face was smooth and youthful, save for the few furrows between his brows, denoting deep concentration. No man had ever looked at her the way he did… It appeared to be a challenge and an invitation in a single look. They broke apart and continued down the line to their next partners.

Melisande was both startled and delighted. She swept her gaze down the line of men and became drawn to her previous partner’s pleasing form and graceful steps. She could not wait until she passed him again.
What is this
? she thought to herself as she tried to conceal her smile.
A joust of hearts, with only your wit and eyes as weapons?
As he approached, Melisande failed in her attempt to stop her body from shaking in anticipation of when their hands would touch once more. Thanks be to God that it didn’t take long to come round to him again.

He took her hand and pulled her closer than was customary for dancing. “You look thirsty,” he said, his voice silky smooth. “When the music ends, would you permit me to fetch you some wine?”

“I’m afraid we have not as yet been introduced. Had I known you from Adam, there would not exist an impediment,” Melisande said loftily. She would not allow this man to know that she was already curiously attracted to him.

“I am Devin, you are Lady Dupree. Needs there be more said?” he stated with much authority and confidence.

She sighed inwardly, maintaining an outward appearance of indifference for propriety’s sake. “You, sir, are forward in the extreme.” She raised her chin in defiance and cocked an eyebrow for emphasis.

He leaned closer yet to her ear. “And you, m’lady, do not seem to mind overmuch,” he replied with a wicked grin.

Feeling as though he were reading her mind, Melisande detected heat flooding her entire body. She couldn’t help but grin in surrender.
Do my thoughts show so plainly on my face
? She surmised that she was sorely out of practice when it came to conversing flirtatiously with men. ’Twas the security of her friend’s home that afforded her the luxury of agreeing to his suggestion, she supposed. Sighing audibly, with a nod, she answered, “Very well, I shall permit you.”

Devin’s smile shone his victory. “Meet me in the garden, my Lady Dupree,” he whispered as they broke apart again.

Chapter Five




Melisande’s thoughts whirled and her heart pounded in her ears. She realized she had changed partners twice more before the music ended and hadn’t said a word to either one of them. Before the next melody began and she was caught up in another round, Melisande headed for the doors that led to the gardens outside. She’d nearly reached them when she passed by the Bergavnys.

Helena reached out and placed a hand on Melisande’s shoulder. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

“I am finding this eve more to my liking with each passing moment,” she whispered in a rush to Helena and patted her hand.

Helena lifted an eyebrow and a mischievous smile parted her lips. “Excellent, Melisande. Most excellent.”

She excused herself and continued toward the garden doors. A confidence settled upon her she usually only experienced when holding an audience on the edge of their seats during a crescendo or a most intense moment of a chronicle. After all, they were going to be in public.
What could happen that would be considered wrong?
On the other hand, what if something did happen? A grin tugged at the corners of her mouth.
So what if it does? This Devin is a most handsome man, and it has been so long…

Melisande passed through the door and started out toward the moonlit gardens. Devin had his foot propped up on a stone bench, a goblet of wine in each hand. As she approached, he came to a more formal standing position.

She could see the silhouette of his shoulders by the silvery light of the moon and at once he seemed much bigger than she remembered. Slightly less than two arm’s lengths away, she felt her aplomb slip and turned back to the entrance of the hall.

“Lady Dupree, please don’t leave.”

Melisande halted and shut her eyes.

“I have brought the wine needed to quench your thirst.” His voice held an odd sort of supplication and yet rang with promise.

She decided she was thirsty and, after all, he’d only asked her to share a drink with him. Melisande cringed inwardly at the thought of being such a prodigious tangle of contradictions, but then again, hadn’t that always been her predicament? She opened her eyes and slowly turned toward him, noticing an unlit torch close to the bench behind him.

“Why has the fire been doused? ’Tis difficult to see,” she commented, meanwhile, in the back of her mind, she searched in earnest for a suitable conversation to begin with him.

“Pray forgive me. The couple that occupied this bench, before I dismissed them, had already put the flame out. I had not a free hand to start it burning anew. Shall I—”

“Nay, verily, there will be no need. I-I feel safe as long as you are here with me.” Merciful heavens, it sounded to Melisande as if she were listening from without, rather than participating in the discussion.

“Do you?” Devin’s smile revealed his straight, white teeth regardless of the near-darkness.

“Why, of course…” Melisande said, nervously walking forward and taking the goblet from him, accidentally brushing her hand over his. Devin’s smile faltered slightly, but she was sure it couldn’t have been from the contact of their skin. “You simply asked me to join you for refreshment.” She heard her own voice speak as if she were trying to convince herself. With a slight shake of her head, Melisande put that idea as far from her thoughts as she could and gracefully lowered herself to the bench. A brief, nagging opinion flitted through her mind that she really should not be here with a strange man, however handsome. She stole a quick glance his way.

Handsome, she found, was an understatement.

Devin sat beside her and she watched him take a quick sip of his drink. “Unless there is something more you desire,” he said, setting his wine down on the ground next to the bench.

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