JR (131 page)

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Authors: William Gaddis

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pool pulled in from… what? Place next door there Malwi yes I told Blaufinger to annex it while they were at it favor to … No no favor to Zona, having some trouble here parking her damn car simplest thing just to hold on what's that Beaton?

—The suspension from trading of the company's common stock and nine percent convertible subordinated debentures, at which time the securities of the company were delisted due to the company's inability to meet listing requi…

—Monty? didn't hear you got Beaton here babbling about this debt restructuring damn it Beaton hold it to my ear think I hear with my chin? was what … ? Annexed told them just to go in and… how the devil'd that happen said there wouldn't be any resistance, Blaufinger didn't think they had a damn slingshot between them said these Uaso troops just walk in and … well by God … Well by God decima … what? Poor buggers where'd they… thought they were real? Where the devil'd they get them never heard such a … don't know damn it means we'll have to drag in labor from Angola or some other damn hold on, what the devil do you want.

—Just sign here Mister Katz?

—Here here give me that I'll sign it. There. On that date…

—Monty? How secure's this damn phone you're on …

—City National Bank, the trustee under the indenture applicable to the nine percent convertible subordinated debentures declared an event of default and demanded payment of the outstanding principal amount together with the accrued int…

—Figured those deposits someplace upriver from the brewery where they get the trace of cobalt puts the head on their beer, damn fools tip their hand file for the mineral depletion allow… I know that no damn reason to broadcast it is there? Already hanging you with this Typhon contract cobalt stockpile's the whole damn basis for it, broadcast this every damn leftwing paper in … resignation don't take effect till tomorrow does it? Any damn reason you can't just stamp the whole damn thing classified before you clean out your desk there? Don't any… Management no don't know a damn thing about it good earnings record probably got it in to raise capital hold on, Beaton?

Paragraph in there on this brewery sale?

—Yes sir it's the next para…

—Well read it.

—Yes sir. The operations of Wonder Brewery are continuing normally. The company has received and is entertaining several inquiries looking to the sale of this subsidiary. The chapter eleven proceeding poses certain technical difficulties but there does not appear to be any reas…

—Strike it out. Monty… ? No just sit on the whole damn… shouldn't make any trouble no, heard they locked him up chasing police around the brewery there with a damn gun right now just sit on it maybe tie it in later on the sale to this pipeline outfit soon as Broos gets this loan

guaran … taking the original offer Stamper made before he went down that's right Alberta Western sites mining clai… Don't care how damn low it was bona fide offer wasn't it? Think we… because his outfit's already spent forty million studies surveys hearings impact statements litigation with these damn ecologists still haven't laid a damn inch of pipe … banking consortium underwriting every damn penny that's why, sell off this Alsaka subsidiary to them lock stock and barrel only way to keep the damn reins on it … SEC why should the damn SEC interfere, recapitalizing the parent company settle the creditors save the damn stockholders something, have to raise capital don't we? Cash flow level's projected to hold this paper complex together Triangle handful of satellites no damn reas… know that yes still mostly timber harves… well by God, Beaton?

—National Bankruptcy Act filed with the court a proposed arrangement with unsecured creditors specifying the manner in which claims against the comp…


—In order for yes sir?

—Know anything about these damn mining claims? Monty says they just handed down a decision invalidates every damn one of them who the devil…

—Yes sir you may recall suggesting I initiate an action when they declined Mister Stamper's original offer. I was able to demonstrate that the claims laws clearly envisage placer mining which presumes large amounts of available water, whereas the entire area these claims comprise is dry as a …

—Monty? Beaton in there demonstrating again he … know you did yes, he … know it damn it forgot about it, any damn reason you can't leave a memorandum reverse your position before you clean out your desk there? Want this whole piece to hang together Alberta Western sites right straight down through the… Know it yes just that damn reserva… just arrested those damn Brook brothers didn't they? Picture in yesterday's paper had them dragged out of BIA in there tearing up the peapatch after that show they put on at the res … FBI what… ?

Stolen car count all the damn FBI's ever good for, always find another fool salesman damn well think assault on a federal marshal they'd be

… Claims to the whole damn thing wiped out weren't they? Supposed to revert to the Bureau of Land Management but they're in here suing Alsaka and the parent on those leases and damages biggest damn claim the company's got against it, leftwing press fanning the damn flames end up with a jury seen too many fool movies hand them every damn penny they… Win it they'd have the money to bid it in buy the whole damn thing back heard one of them on a phone tape shouting he'd… what? By God no didn't authorize didn't ask for it Monty how big a damn fool do you… don't know no tapes just turned up, phone at their uptown headquarters Beaton couldn't even find the damn place borrowed a couple of half-baked detectives from Zona came up with a

lot of damn bits and pieces worst damn job of… Talking about what…

? Don't know no Beaton's heard them have to call you back, wade through this foul-mouth secretary they had up there bring those tapes with you Beaton?

—Holders of the company's yes sir, nine percent convertible subordinated debentures provide for the issuance of eight shares of common stock for each one thousand dollar princip…

—BIA what? Have to talk louder Beaton holding the damn phone a mile away is … wards damn right they're government wards, been feeding at the public trough since Ouster's last… good, damn good way to … need every damn cent they can get, handle it that way never even get near Appeals Court stop the whole damn thing in its tracks who's… good yes straighten Broos out when I get him Stamper's people scratching around said just lowgrade coal told them to talk to

that little Jew on the power commission might gasify it set up a … who Stamper's outfit? Beaton no hasn't told me a damn word about it standing here bab … shouldn't be no just make damn sure Bureau of Land Management's signed this ninety-nine year lease with them before you clean out your desk there, less damn publicity the better Beaton here tells me that damn Stamper woman's kicking up her hee… Crawley? what's… Know he handled it but… Don't have a damn thing to do with this operation Monty no Stamper set him up on that National Parks stunt tried to get into the Everglades hundred thousand acres drilling rights Seminoles and Mickeysuckies sitting on there, district next door supplies fresh water to Miami broken down retired population only fun's flushing toilets lease that out they'd hand them their scalps damn it Beaton trying to mash my ear off? Told you Crawley don't know his elbow from … can't help it damn it crybaby called me too said he was being thrown to the… know that Monty but by God pulls a stunt like this goes under peak of this crisis in investor confidence no business getting into those damn bellies in the first place did he? Expects the Exchange to put up twenty-eight million bail him out doing their damndest down there right now just to hold things together, may get up two or three million settle his clients with eight

or ten cents on the dol… No damn choice Monty let these small investors up to two three hundred thousand go under bank feeling the pinch had to put all Crawley's street name collateral everything Wiles could salvage into Emily Cates and Francis Joubert way the damn market's sliding faster we redeem them pay both foundations back the bet… Had to pull Wiles out didn't we? So damn much underwriting bring charges like that against him and Crawley see the whole thing go like a stack of dominoes, SEC in there wetting their damn pants just slapped their wrists on this know your client rule damn fools both of them get up at that hearing say they never laid their damn eyes on him heard even his own fool directors said they'd never…

—Excuse me could I just get the patient's arm again he shouldn't be…

—Who … ? No only one says he knows him well's that boob you had brown nosing around Typhon tried to give the damn company away David somebody, just won this fool Advertising Man of the Year award

… same damn thing here got the bit in his teeth now he puts the blame upstairs tries to subpoena his boss in this Nobili hearing don't turn up for it FDC probably just let it … Wouldn't even show up to defend that erratic management suit handed over his whole damn

company didn't he? think he'll show up to take this boob off the hook? Don't even defend that paternity suit picture of her in the paper jury take one look he would have won it hands dow… Don't know Crawley said Honduras thought he wanted to buy it damn nerve called me at the bank sounded like he was at the bottom of a rain barrel hardly

hear what he … No some deal wanted me to help him out just this once set up a string of sounded like only banks your family ever need, said he still had a friend over at Chase … got off fast as I damn well could just told him to quit calling the press issuing these damn

statements, reads the parent company's made debtor in possession tells me he's the damn parent says he's bringing countersuit next damn thing all he wants back's the corporate seal, says he … Not worth the damn trouble no, marshals sealed some off uptown picked some up at the Waldorf heard Zona's half-baked detectives found some hid in a school locker someplace but… He called who … ? Well by God can you… just says it looks like they followed the damn letter of the damn law damn it Monty IRS says his social security number's same one on a million sample cards in dime store wallets, filed under that don't constitute massive fraud does it? Only damn suit I know against him now's the short swing stock conversion he pulled in that mill takeover back at the start, disgruntled damn stockholder lost her drawers in it place a ghost town only ratable left's the damn cemetery since this bunch pulled the mills down shipped the looms to South America on a tax dodge and set up in Georgia with cheap equipment under deductible maintenance, too cheap to supervise it whole damn thing went up on some cracker's used car lot tried to hang onto their tax umbrella with a shipload of damn Hong Kong sweaters lawsuit don't touch him does it? Statement in the paper he was working for the stockhol… cut the whole damn thing loose cemetery's part of this fool health plan franchised it out to these funeral people some dancy cowboy Beaton picked up with, this junk car cracker down there wants to sue sitting duck let him sue the damn franchi… What I just said calls the Attorney General just sounds like he's trying to get his ex … says because that's what you do damn it that's what I mean! Sounds like he's just trying to get his executive officer off the damn hook Beaton here just hold on, Beaton? What's this damn suit against this what's his name executive officer just talking about him.

—Five. Cash payment in full to all general unsecured claimants whose allowable claims aggregate one hundred dol…

—Beaton! Zona belching over here can't hear a damn…

—lars or less yes sir, or who choose to reduce their claims to this amount the action against Mister Bast is an insider suit sir, rising from his sale of parent company stock at the…

—Damn insider suit Monty old stunt he pulled on the bank put up his stock as collateral forced us to sell it for him before the damn bottom fell out to get around his option terms, how the devil Crawley let him exercise the damn option before it matured class action is it Beaton?

—The issuance of yes sir both this and the suit against the company's president are class actions brought by the same plaintiff, since the mill properties were deeded over for a public park and speedway resentment has grown over the rising welfare burden in the town of Union…

—Didn't ask for a tour of the damn place Beaton just answer my questions after this hear me? Monty? Didn't tell you to quit reading did I Beaton?

—No sir issuance of eight hundred thousand shares of common stock to be distributed ratably to all other generally unsecured…

—Don't look like it no both class actions probably throw them right out, price of stamps don't sound like anybody can raise the damn postage run around notify all the potential claimants under this Eisen ruling first decent decision the damn Court's handed down since FDR packed his damn what's that Beaton?

—The arrangement is conditioned upon approval by the company's shareholders of a one for twenty-four reverse split of the shares of common stock presently outstan…

—Cut that make it one for twenty, trying to make a market in it at a half get this damn thing back on my ear, what's that Monty … ? No what damn good would… get's him barred from trading that's all, don't serve any damn purpose to … Well by God no, just make it look worse for the whole damn business community that's why damn it!

SEC's civil complaint put the whole damn thing into the hands of a receiver didn't it? had this Bast and this J R what's his damn name barred from running any publicly owned companies didn't it? harshest penalty the damn SEC can ask for isn't it? Can't bring criminal charges by God Monty push this too far get every damn fool who ever lost a nickel in the market writing his damn congressman to … No but by God that's what the whole damn thing's all about! Civil complaints nothing but these damn lawyers having lunch fight over a few damn prepositions but by God push Congress too far like walking in a damn hencoop at night wake them all up, start cackling about criminal provisions pass a damn law before they know it only damn face you'll see in the Union Club be some black with a tray, already got these two barred from trading on any major exchange haven't they? do any

damn good to add one more to the pile? Federal damn prisons already beginning to look like the damn Harvard Business School inside blacks running loose in the streets cutting throats but every damn paper you pick up's somebody in a Brooks suit on his way to Leavenouch! By…

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