Jude (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Jude (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 2)
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He groans. "Damn, Sadie. I don't think that helps."

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Sex might be out of the question, but I can still give him some relief. 


The next afternoon, as soon as my dad leaves the gym, I convince Jude to "help me" in the laundry room. It isn't until I shut and lock the door that he figures out what I'm up to.

"What the...no, Sadie. You said we couldn't-"

I drop to my knees and yank his nylon shorts and boxer-briefs down, making him curse to the ceiling.

"Oh, hell yes," he groans when I suck his length until he's hard as steel and has doubled in size. He gasps and moans, his hips thrusting, fists tangled in my hair like he desperately wants to take control and fuck my mouth faster and harder. Probably deeper, too, so I try to accommodate him by doing all three. It takes a little while to get him off, but I enjoy pleasuring him with my mouth, making him crazy.

When I stand up, Jude spins us around, putting my back to the wall and wrapping my legs around his naked waist. His tongue seeks mine while his palm cups my mound through my jean shorts, rubbing the right spot until he has me coming with all my clothes still on, during the time of the month.

"Wow," I whisper against his lips, still trying to catch my breath in his arms.

"I know the feeling," he replies, pulling back to give me a dimpled smile. "Now let's go see if I can kick some ass again today."

I laugh and agree, so he puts my feet back down on the ground and pulls his boxers and shorts back up. After peeking out into the hallway, Jude goes straight to the locker room to tape up and cup up for the fight. I actually stay behind and do the laundry before eventually following him back out to the gym floor.

When I get back, everyone is too distracted with Jax and Jude to notice that I've been missing or that my lips are swollen. And the two are something to see. From a distance they look almost identical, but moving closer it's obvious that Jax is a little broader through the shoulders, and thicker all over with longer hair. Jude's leaner and faster, easily dancing out of Jax's reach. He's still shirtless, fighting in just his shorts, like usual, and so fucking sexy.

The other fighters have all stopped what they're doing to gather around the cage, cheering them on and yelling out moves. These two are the best fighters my dad's ever trained facing off. They go at each other brutally, not holding back just because they're siblings.

Jax gets the drop on Jude, grabbing him from behind. But then Jude somehow uses his momentum to maneuver an impressive hip toss, flipping Jax, so that he lands with a loud
when his back hits the canvas. Sounds of appreciation ripple through the observers when Jude is able to get his stunned brother in a headlock.

Jax flips over to his stomach, relieving some of the pressure of Jude's arm over his neck. He tries to buck Jude off, but he doesn't budge. Jude mounts Jax's back, legs wrapped around his waist, an arm around his neck, pulling it back with his other hand in a choke hold that finally has his older brother tapping out.

Either Jax is slipping or Jude's getting better. I'm pretty sure it's the latter. There's no doubt in my mind that he'll whoop Linc Abrams's ass in July.

When Jude stands up he curls his fingers around the metal links of the cage recovering while everyone congratulates him then goes back to what they were doing. When his midnight eyes find mine he smiles and winks, making my heart forget how to beat. His incredibly defined body from years of hard work is slick with sweat, and his broad chest heaves with his deep breaths, exactly how he looks whenever the two of us are alone together.

Good God almighty.

How did I luck up and get to sleep with him? Knowing I'm the only woman to ever get fucked senseless by such a perfect, incredible man makes me feel like I'm ten feet tall and bulletproof.

"Sadie?" The sound of my name penetrates through the erotic film festival playing in my dirty mind.  

"Oh, hey, Matt," I say when I realize one of our other welterweight guys is standing beside me with his hip resting against the front check-in counter.

"I didn't recognize you. You look...different," he remarks, shamelessly flicking his hazel eyes up and down my body.

My new blonde hair is still straight and shiny, thanks to Jessica at
The Cutting Edge
salon, and I've been wearing my contacts since it's hard to give blow jobs or get laid trying to keep my glasses on. I'm farsighted so I can't see shit without them. Since we're having an unusual May heat wave, it's eighty-five degrees outside which is why I've forgone my uniform of jeans, a plain
t-shirt, and Chucks for a pair of Daisy Duke’s, a tight fitting purple tank top and beige wedge sandals. Jude's sudden rapt attention makes me feel sexy for the first time in my life, and I want to be more girly and pretty for him. Apparently my more feminine look is also catching the attention of guys at school, and here, too.

"You mean I actually look like a girl?" I ask with a smile. The sweaty brown-haired fighter flashes his own cute grin and nods.

"Yeah, but not just any girl. You're hot as fuck," he says softly. When his eyes drop to my breasts, or more specifically to my nipples standing at full attention thanks to my carnal thoughts about Jude, I have to fight the urge to cover them with my arms.

"Thanks, I guess."

My cheeks burn knowing he's very obviously checking me out, which is why I always dressed so conservatively before. I only just realized that when guys started staring at me after puberty, it was because they were interested, not because they were disgusted by me. It had been a surprising revelation, and one I'm still trying to figure out what to do with.                             

"Graduation's coming up, right?" he asks.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Jude moving closer to us, grabbing a bottle of water from our refrigerator next to the counter and pouring it down his throat.

"Uh-huh. Next Saturday." Matt also attended Landon, my current private school, and graduated two years ago.

"Maybe we can hang out some this summer," he says, and is it my imagination or is he flexing the muscles in his naked upper body? I swear I saw his pecs bounce.

"Yeah, I'm sure we will," I respond. "I'll be here working most days."

There, I hadn't turned him down, but I didn't lead him on, either.

"No, I meant maybe we could go out one night. Like on a date."

I hear the loud crunch of Jude's plastic bottle and see his tense posture in my peripheral vision. So he'd heard that, huh? Is he jealous? If so he's crazy, since I'd have to be a blind and dumb idiot to want anyone but him. He probably has no idea that I've been crushing on him ever since the first time I saw him. He was only fifteen when he and Jax started training here with my dad. Jude was definitely leaner back then, but so damn gorgeous, he didn't seem real to my eleven-year-old self. 

"Oh. Well, I um, actually just started seeing someone, so I hope I'll be spending most of my free time with him this summer."

"Too bad," Matt replies, already retreating backwards but still cocky when he says, "Let me know if there's anything I can do to change your mind."

I nod and he heads down the hall toward the locker room. After a few seconds, Jude comes over and leans his forearms on the counter across from me. "I think I'm gonna ask Matt to spar with me tomorrow," he snarls with a clenched jaw, making me laugh.

"That won't be a fair fight," I reply.

"We're in the same weight class."

"Yeah, but you're about to become the Welterweight Champion of the World, and he's only been fighting for three years."

That makes Jude smile, easing his hostility. "You think I'll win?"

"I'd bet on you. You've been beating Jax and he's a helluva lot tougher than Linc Abrams."

“Thanks,” he says with a chuckle. “So, do you want to meet me at River House Tavern at seven tonight?” he asks softly, “Or do you already have plans with one of these other dickheads?”

I smile and shake my head. “Nope, no other plans. I’ll see you there.”

Chapter Eight



I feel like I could take on King Kong’s fat ass and I’d stomp him into the ground. It's an awesome feeling, and I know Sadie has everything to do with it. Being with her gives me a bizarre high I've never felt before. Whenever I'm away from her now I'm constantly jonesing for more. I want to talk to her, see her, and have her underneath me. And as badass as I feel, there's also this nagging edge of desperation or...dependence that I can't shake, and I'm not sure I want to. For the first time in my life, I wake up and go to bed looking forward to something incredible in my life other than fighting. Like tonight.

It'll be like my first official date with a woman. I don't just want to get in Sadie's pants. I want to spend time with her, make her smile and hear her laugh. Ever since we made plans last night, I've been eager to just get to know more about the girl I've seen every day for seven years but never really talked to before.

After my shower I’m in such a good mood that I have to fight the insane urge to enthusiastically moonwalk to my locker. It’s impossible to ignore overhearing snippets of the other guys gossiping like chicks, only more X-rated. Pretty much the usual around here.

“… see her ass hanging out of those shorts when she bent over?
!” Jimmy exclaims while I'm pulling on my clothes.  

“That’s nothing. Yesterday she had on this low V-neck dress with no fucking bra. Leaning forward on the counter, her tits were spilling out of it, just begging to be devoured,” Matt responds. 

“I don’t know when the fuck she got so hot, but now she’s got every bastard in this place walking around with a raging boner. She's so goddamn distracting I can't look away even when I try.”

. That comment grabs my attention. Sadie's the only female who hangs around the gym other than the occasional girlfriend or mother who randomly stops by. Surely they’re not talking about her…But then Matt says, “Yeah, too bad she said she’s seeing someone. I’d give my left nut to be the first one to hit that. You know her untouched pussy will be tight as fuck. I'd make her scream like a banshee when I pop her cherry.”

I have my forearm over Matt’s neck, pressing him against the lockers before I even know what I'm doing or that I’ve moved.  “Who the fuck are you talking about?” I snarl in his startled face before it's replaced with fear. He should be scared of me because right now my self-control is MIA.

When Matt doesn’t answer or can’t because I'm choking him to death, I glare over my shoulder at Jimmy, my enraged expression warning him he's next if he doesn't tell me.

“Sadie,” he says wide-eyed, quickly backing up out of my reach.  

Fuckin’ knew it.

I bring my knee up, nailing Matt between the legs and making him groan “You’ll lose both nuts if I find out you’ve even
about her again.” 

“Why…do you…give a…shit?” he asks.


I want to tell him that she's mine. In fact, the words are right on the tip of my tongue trying to claw their way out, but I can't without losing Sadie and my head coach in one fell swoop. So I swallow the proprietorial words that scrape my throat like roofing nails all the way down.  

“You’re disrespecting Coach Brigg’s daughter, that's why! Shut your fucking mouth about her or I’ll shut it for you,” I warn. When I finally let him go, he coughs and collapses down to his knees.

I grab my shit and get the hell out of there before I kill one of these bastards. Apparently I’m not the only one to notice Sadie’s makeover from invisible to sexy as fuck. Not being able to lay claim on her because of the risk Coach will find out is going to give me high blood pressure. I want everyone to know she's mine. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to think about guys constantly coming on to her. If I have to endure one more asshole hitting on her, I'm going to go apeshit on their asses.


“Hi, sugar. How are you doin’ tonight?” a strange man asks from beside me. One old enough to be my father.

“Great. Just waiting for my boyfriend,” I respond as I look around the tavern and over at the door. “You might have heard of him, Jude Malone? He’s a really awesome MMA fighter. Beats the shit out of guys for a living, and he’s really great at it. He’s about to fight for the IFC Welterweight World Championship title.”

The man immediately takes a step back from my barstool, just like I'd hoped. Good.

“Malone? Yeah, I’ve heard of him. His brother Jax, too.”

“Uh-huh,” I respond, then relax when Jude finally walks through the door. He scans the room and he smiles when he finally finds me. Right before his eyes narrow and his expression turns murderous at the man still next to me. “You might want to run along now. He looks pissed,” I tell the guy who scuttles quickly away.

Without a greeting, Jude spins my stool around until he's standing between my legs, his lips pressing against mine. His kiss is possessive and dominating, holding both sides of my face in his palms. His tongue forces its way into my mouth, making me moan at the contact, instantly lighting the spark of arousal through me.

When Jude eventually pulls away, we're both gasping as he leans his forehead against mine. “I can’t leave you alone for two minutes without some fucker trying to screw you. I don’t know how much more I can fucking take, Sadie.”

I'm not sure what to make of his comment. It almost sounds like he's blaming me for guys coming up to talk to me. “It’s not like I want any of them.”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t show so much skin.”

“What?” I gasp, pulling away from him.

“The short shorts, the low-cut shirts. It’s all begging for guys to look and think about fucking you. Damn, Sadie, you can’t be that naïve! You know exactly what the hell you’re doing.”

I don't know how to react to his harshness. I like Jude a lot, and have crushed on him forever. But I'm not going to let him blame me for how men act toward me, or how he decides to deal with it, especially not after being invisible to everyone, including him for so damn long.

“You're starting to sound like my father. When did you become such an asshole, Jude?”

The muscles in his jaw tick before he responds. “I don’t know. Maybe it was when those three pricks were talking to you Saturday night. Or when you said jackasses at school asked you out. Or most likely it was when I overheard Matt and Jimmy talking about how sweet your ass and titties are, and how much they wanted to 'hit that’. Then to top it all off, I show up here to see some old ass guy hitting on you!”

“Oh, so should I go back to wearing baggy t-shirts and grungy jeans? Is that what you want?”

“Yes, for the love of God, woman!”

“Well, let me go home and cover right up, so you’ll be happy,” I say sarcastically, standing up from the stool and grabbing my purse.

“You’re leaving?” he asks in surprise.

“I can’t sit around here looking like a slut, now can I?” I ask, angry that he'd ever imply such a thing.  

“Sadie, I get that you’re PMSing or whatever, but just calm down. I didn’t say you look like a slut,” he responds, scrubbing a hand over his face.

“I can’t believe you,” I tell him, shaking my head as I head for the exit. “Let me know when
period ends, Jude, because right now you’re the one acting like a crazy bitch.”

BOOK: Jude (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 2)
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