Judged By You (Judge Me Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Judged By You (Judge Me Series)
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I turned and faced the wall splaying my hands on the wall in front of me.
At first I felt the washer at my feet and working their way from front to back then up my legs, then moved over my mound to my stomach and breasts, I grinned as a little too much time was spent washing my breasts. My arms were next, followed by my neck and under arms. When he came to my back, he dropped the washer and massaged my shoulder and back with his hands and thumbs. It was the most relaxing feeling, and I closed my eyes to enjoy it. The tension I had built up left my body, and I couldn’t help but slump against his chest.

“Enjoying that are we
.” He said before kissing the sensitive flesh below my ear.

“It feels good

His hands left my body
, and he bent to pick up the washer he had dropped.

“I forgot to wash an extremely important part of you

“Oh did you now
.” I said with a grin.

“I did indeed
.” He reached between my legs and washed my mound with the washer but was rubbing his finger between my slit at the same time.

“Are you taking contraceptives yet
?” He asked pausing the movement of his fingers.

Too embarrassed to say no, I shook my head instead. I must remember to do that this week. But then again, why should I do that when I don’t know where this is headed? Getting brave I said, “I don’t know where this is going, and I don’t like taking pills short term

Dropping the wash cloth he inserted two fingers into me. I gasped; I was not prepared for the impact. His fingers move quickly in and out of my body, I moaned loudly moving my hand to cover his. He grabbed my hand with his free hand and held my wrist behind my body but still moving his fingers inside me. The motion paused and another finger was inserted. The burning sensation of my tissues being spread presented and I screwed my eyes closed tight, but as the feeling became pleasurable I relaxed and opened my eyes. I wiggled my wrist free of his hand and found his hard cock; I began to stroke it from
the bottom to the tip….. Slowly at first but then moving faster. His breathing became raspy, with his fingers working their magic inside me and my hand working to stroke him I could feel him start to tense. I gripped him harder and stroked faster, I knew he was getting close and so was I.

“Jesus…. Savannah
.” He groaned. And I felt hot fluid hit my back. At the same time, my insides tensed, and I let my orgasm take over my thoughts. I rocked against his hand while continuing to stoke him. When our breathing settled I realised him, and his fingers slid from my body. I felt the washer on my back wiping of his seamen. That would have to be one of the hottest things I have ever experienced, I have never had anyone do that to me. This man was going to break me, and I knew it.





Chapter 7


I jumped out of the shower after washing yet again……. dried and put on the cloth
es Damon had provided me. I told Damon I was going to get a glass of water and asked if he wanted anything, he told me he was ok, he would meet me in the kitchen when he was done. I needed Nicole’s expert advice on the situation, and I needed it now. My feeling were started to get out of hand, and I knew if I played with fire….. I was likely to get burnt. The glasses and bottle of wine sat on the kitchen counter were we had left them, the thought struck me to crack the bottle and drink it to calm me, but hot wine and me……. not a good mix. I needed to keep my thoughts inside my head around this man……and if anything made me talk it was alcohol.

I returned the bottle of wine to the fridge and used my wine glass to get a
glass of water, I had no idea where I would find the cups in his kitchen and I felt a little apprehensive going through his cupboards looking for one. I had only been here once, and I would feel offended if anyone went through my kitchen on the second visit. After I poured a glass of water I dug into my bag and grabbed my cell, I had to call Nicole, I needed to ask her advice, but I also needed to make sure she was okay. We hadn’t been apart for too long lately with her “sickness” and “hormones”, she was becoming a little dependent of me, and I was with her as well, it is gratifying to have a friend by your side and to be able to talk to them whenever you need a shoulder, and right now, I needed that shoulder. I dialled her number, and she answered on the second ring,

“Hey Sav
.” Nicole was cheerful This was a change from late.

Nic….. How are you feeling?”

“Good, I haven’t hurled this afternoon which is strange
, but I like it.” She said with a giggle. It was so good to hear her laugh, something familiar.

“That’s great.
” I said before falling silent.

“Are you home
?” Nicole asked.

“No, I…umm…. I went to dinner with Damon
, and I’m staying here tonight.” Please don’t give me the safe sex talk….. Please don’t give me the safe sex chat I repeated to myself.

“Oh…. That’s good. But something is wrong. I can
hear it in your voice Savannah.” Nicole knew me so well.

“Well……” I looked around the room and couldn’t see Damon anywhere; I hoped he was still in the shower….. I strode up the hall and could still hear water running. Good I was safe to talk. I walked over the balcony and stepped just outsi
de the threshold, I hated the height, but the fresh air was good.

talk to me.” Nicole said in a demanding tone.

“Okay, well I just don’t know what’s happening here; I mean I need your advice on something
.” I started to chew on my nails as I spoke; I always did this when I was nervous. Nicole would tell me plainly what to do, but if I did it or not was another story.

“What do you need my advice on? I mean I will give you advice
, but if you take it or not I mean….. We know you’re like Savannah.” Nicole said laughing and someone how reading my thoughts.

“I asked Damon what we were doing….. And he said we are having a good time…. and I don’t know, I guess I was a little heartbroken at that. You know me Nicole
, I over think things and……” I trailed off…. I couldn’t finish my thought.

“You have feelings for him, don’t you
?” Nicole all but squealed into the phone, I had to remove it from my ear so I wouldn’t be deaf after our conversation.

“I have feelings yes, but I don’t know what kind they are yet

Oh Savannah, your so coy…… you have to know what you feel for him, lust, love, friendship or a bit of everything.” Nicole said excited. I could imagine her sitting on the couch waving her hands around as she spoke those words.

“I’ve only known him a few weeks Nicole, gee’s.
I don’t love him, but I like him.” Could I love him though? Love was a tremendously strong word for me, and I didn’t throw it around a lot, but the mention of that word, made my stomach feel funny, unfamiliar feelings.

“What do you want from him Savannah? You have to know what you want and ask for it…….. Don’t let him make all the choices, you’re a person to
, and you have feelings.” Nicole was right I do have feelings, but what did I want? I didn’t know if I could be in a committed relationship with someone right now with everything that was currently going on in my life?

“I don’t know what I want from Damon, Nicole. All I know
is I think I want this to be more than a good time, and that’s all. I will think about it okay.” I had to think more about my choices before I voiced them.

“Alright Savannah.
I’m here whatever you decide and if you need any more advice okay. And please, use protection.” She said in her stern voice.

“Thank you
Nicole, You’re the best. And I know you’re going to be a devoted mother.” I hope that wasn’t too much to say to her, she was still a little sensitive on the mother bit.

“Thank you Savannah…..
I hope so too.” Nicole said which surprised me a little.


, Savannah.”

I ended the call and stepped a little further out of the door way and further onto the balcony. I could see the city l
ights out in front of me, but I wanted to get to the edge and look down, but I was too afraid, heights genuinely did scare me. I took a deep breath and turned to head inside.

indubitably don’t like heights do you.”

“Holy shit Damon
,” I all but screamed. “You scared the shit out of me…… what are you doing there.” Holy cow, he was standing in the door way leaned up against the pillar with his arms across his chest.

“I couldn’t find you in the kitchen…. But then I heard you talking
.” He eyes became darker, and a dark smile appeared across his face. Did he hear my conversation? He was in the shower when I checked, what could he have actually heard? Oh my…….

“I just called a friend
.” Do I ask him if he heard anything? God I wasn’t good at this.

“Nicole I’m guessing

“Yes…. I wanted to see how she was; she has been…….sick lately

“Do you want to talk about anything
?” Damon asked with that mischievous grin plastered across his beautiful lips.

Do I want to talk about anything? If I did, I wouldn’t know what to say, I mean, I don’t know what I want right now, but I have these feelings that I keep tryin
g to push aside. I like him…. I like him….. But he doesn’t feel the same if we are only having a good time right?

“I’m a litt
le tired; can we just go to bed?” At that moment, I did actually yawn. I was tried, but I was also looking forward to cuddling in bed. Hmm….. Would he even want to do that?

“Of course….. I have an early start tomorrow, unfinished business
, but I will take you to breakfast before I go to work.” Damon said in a businesslike manner.

I nodded in agreement and walked back into the safety of the apartment. I heard the door close behind me as I made my way to the counter to put my phone away, and to drink the last of my water. Once I had finished I turned to see Damon staring at me, he looked deep in thought, like he did in the car. His brow was furrowed
, but it quickly straightened, “come to bed.” He simply said. Whatever he was thinking disappeared when I caught him looking at me.

I followed him to the bedroom and suddenly felt like a child having a sleep over at the friend’s house. Not knowing which side of the bed to go to if it was me who had to turn the light out etc. I decided to be a child and crawl up the middle of the bed, obviously he would tell me to move if I was on the wrong side, but right now the middle looked the best option. I looked over to see Damon laughing, his smile was breathtaking, I laughed with him, he knew what I was up to I swear.

Damon flicked the bedside lamp on and wondered to the doorway and turned the main light off, than he came back to the bedside. I watched him as he checked him cell phone, he frowned at something than put it down. Is always seemed to be thinking, I presumed it was because of his job, but I wasn’t going to ask. I flipped the comforter down and crawled under it as I made myself comfortable I saw Damon take his shirt off, his body was ridiculously hot. His ripped abdominal muscles made my mouth water. He was only wearing a pair of silk boxers…… the same as mine. I giggled, and he turned to look at me.

“What has you giggling
?” He asked with a grin.

“Just that you’re wearing the same boxers that I am
.” I couldn’t help but smile. Damon smiled in return and shaking his head.

He turned off the bedside light and got under the covers next to me, I rolled over and started to move towards the other side of the bed, but before I made it all the way over Damon grabbed me by the hips and shifted me back towards him and cuddled into my back. I felt so secure in his embrace, which was both calming and unsettling all at once. It was silent for minutes; the only sound was our breathing. Calm and collected. I opened my mouth to say good night, but Damon spoke.

“What were you and Nicole talking about earlier?”

“Nothing really…….. Good night Damon
.” I said, but in a quiet tone, hoping it wouldn’t push the subject.

Damon shifted and rolled me onto my back. I could just make out his facial features in the darkness. One of his hands came up and cupped my face, his thumb brushing over my lips. He leaned down slowly, and I felt his lips on mine. His tongue was tracing my bottom lips, so I opened my mouth to
allow access. Our tongues caressed each other’s; the kiss itself was soft and quite affectionate. It made my toes tingle. The kiss seems to last ages, minutes, hours I don’t know. But it was beautiful. When he finally pulled away, I noticed his breathing had changed, he was faster, and shallow…….my breathing was the same.

“Your lips are so soft
.” He whispered before taking my mouth again. I gathered the courage to wrap my arms around his neck and pull his body closer to mine. While our tongues danced with each other, his hand that was caressing my face worked it's way down my body…….softly touching my neck, shoulder, breast……. Gently caressing of my nipple, then squeezing, hand started to move again……ribs, hip…..thigh…..

BOOK: Judged By You (Judge Me Series)
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