Juice: The O'Malleys Book 1, contemporary Adult Romance

BOOK: Juice: The O'Malleys Book 1, contemporary Adult Romance
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Rory & Cass  The O’ Malleys   book 1

Written  By

Michelle Mc Loughney

Copyright © 2014 Michelle Mc Loughney

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under S.I No. 337/2011-European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services) (Universal Service and User’s Rights) Regulations 2011.


This ebook or paperback is the sole property of the author, and may not be reproduced or transmitted without permission of the author. Please help prevent the piracy of ebooks. This book is a work of fiction. All names and characters are fictional, and any likeness to those living or dead including events, or occurrences, is completely coincidental.


This ebook or paperback is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook or paperback may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, then please return it to the author. Thank you for respecting the hard work of an independent author.


The author acknowledges and thanks the real people, places or products and copyrighted status of the following used in this book:

Bunratty Castle and Folk Park, Durty Nellies pub, Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James, County Clare, Regents park, London, Paris and Devon. Also, Dealz, Montmartre, Botticelli, Albrecht Durer, Birth of Venus, Simonetta Cattaneo Vesspuci, Picasso, Manet, Jack B Yeats, Renaissance period, Frappuccino, Shannon Airport,  Jack Kerouac, Michael Mc Clure, Allen Ginsberg, Beat Generation Writers, City Lights Bookstore, John Steinbeck, East of Eden, San Francisco, The Gilmore Girls, The Mater Hospital, Dublin, Los, Jameson Irish Whiskey, The Smiths, Claddagh Jewellery, France, Gatwick Airport. Hogwarts, Quiddich, East Lyn and Hoar Oak Waters, Watersmeet, Plymouth, Derriford Hospital, Thin Lizzy, London Eye, Clare and Kilkenny hurling teams. Mister T, The A team and Prince, Cream, Get off, Raspberry Beret, Johnny Depp, Facebook, Google, UGG boots, Molly Ringwald, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, Kathy Bates, Misery by Stephen King.


Due to the frequency of bad language and several sex scenes including one with masturbation within this book, all readers should be over 18.


This book contains a story dealing with the sensitive topic of organ transplantation. This may be a trigger for some people. I have endeavoured to deal with this subject in a sensitive and dignified manner, and have done much research on the subject. I have spoken to some recipients of life-saving organs

transplants and also to families of those who have donated organs.























In loving memory of John Doonan.

An ordinary man.

With much love,

Michelle. x




































This, my first book is dedicated to my family and friends. Thank you to all who have helped and supported me throughout this process.


I could never thank my husband Liam enough, for his endless support and faith in me. It is only your love and support that made it possible for me to chase my dream, and catch it! A special thanks to our children, Aoife, Kate, Junie and Liam and our lovely grandson Alex, for just being the amazing people that you are. I am forever grateful for the bucket-loads of love, support and endless humour offered so generously by you all. Thank you so much to the wonderful people who make up my immediate family and much love to my new family too. Having you all in my life, has only enriched and completed it. You have supported me so much and I could not have done this without you. And remember, if you do piss me off, I will write about you and make you get up to all sorts of ridiculous shenanigans.

What can I say, except thank you. The friends I have accrued over the years, have laughed and cried with me in equal measure. Because, that’s what true friends do. You have more than proven yourselves to be true friends, time and time again. I am so grateful to have you all in my life to share lunches in the Knights, dinner parties, drinks, chats and coffee. You know exactly who you are, all across the world. I hope you recognise a little of yourselves in this book. You know you’re in there. Right? Every weird and ridiculous, fun and emotional situation in my life somehow has you lot in them. You are all so very special to me. Never forget that. Only real friends would happily check out €1.49 vibrators in Dealz on a random Saturday.x


A special mention to all the Indie authors, and facebook friends who have supported me, and made me laugh with your total weirdness. You guys are the shit.





Table of Content


































ass ran to the door and pulled it open. She beamed widely when she saw her aunt Debbie standing in front of her on the doorstep. Her arms were filled to bursting, with matching pink and blue happy 21
birthday balloons. Cass put her hands out and started to take them from her.

“Hey Deb, it’s so good to see you, the gang are all out back.”

She hugged Debbie to her chest and rubbed her back affectionately.

“Happy birthday gorgeous girl, here take these. It’s only something small, a bit of money for the both of you. Where’s Harry?”

“He’s dropping Matt Landon home. He puked all over the floor and as you can imagine, Mum is going mad.”

“Deb, you shouldn’t have!” Cass smiled broadly as she took the envelopes from her aunt and placed them on the sideboard.

“Yes I should! It’s not every day my favourite niece and nephew turn twenty one. Ah Cass, it seems like only yesterday you were two beautiful little babes in arms.”

“And you haven’t aged a bit in twenty one years, imagine.” Cass winked.

“Go on before I slap your behind lady.” One side of Cass’ mouth quirked up and she took the older woman by the arm. She led her out to the back garden where their friends and family were enjoying a BBQ in the spring sunshine. It had been an unusually warm April in England, the vast majority of the country was making the most of the fantastic weather. Cass looked around and sighed with contentment. Her family home overlooked the beautiful Watersmeet gorge; she never failed to be inspired by the soft beauty of the Devon countryside that had shaped her childhood. Her family home was idyllically positioned at the point where the lush valleys of the East Lyn and Hoar Oak Waters meet; it was the perfect setting to celebrate her birthday. Laughter and chatter were in high flow around the garden and Cass watched as her friends and family interwove warmly around each other.

She noticed her mum looking at her watch, a worried expression etched on her usually carefree face. Moving over beside her, she tipped her lightly on the arm and whispered in her ear softly.

“You okay mum?” Alice Evans turned toward her daughter and bit her lip frowning.

“Where has your brother got to, Cass? He’s been gone over an hour. I only take ten minutes to get to Matt’s house and back. He knows we’re all waiting to cut the cake.”

“He’s probably chatting to someone. You know Harry, ever the social butterfly. I’ll give him a ring.” Cass moved away from her mother, took out her mobile and rang Harry’s number. It went straight to voicemail. She waited for the beep and whispered between her teeth.

“Harry Evans, get your ass back home immediately! Mom is cracking up here. She wants to cut the cake. I’m giving you exactly five minutes until I open every birthday card and pocket the money!”

Cass looked up and smiled over at her mother giving her a thumbs up. As she mingled with the guests, she tried to push down the anxious feeling that was threatening to bubble to the surface. 

“Cass, will you get the door,” her dad shouted from his perch in front of the BBQ pointing his cooking tongs towards the direction of the house. She shook her head and smiled at the sight of him flipping burgers and turning sausages dressed proudly in his chef’s hat and ‘kiss the cook’ apron. It was a world away from his job as a lecturer at a local college. Still, that was her dad, man of the people, expert BBQer and all round nice guy.

Cass ran through the house and opened the door, she fought back a grin.

“Really guys,” she shouted back down the hall.

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