Jungle Surprises

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Authors: Patrick Lewis

BOOK: Jungle Surprises
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The adventures continue ...

Look for Book Three.

Tugg and Teeny

Jungle Surprises

Written by J. Patrick Lewis

illustrated by Christopher Denise

For Sanay, with love,–Grandpat

Table of Contents

A Great Gusting Mystery

The Zig-Zag Race


A Great Gusting Mystery

“What a perfect day to stay inside and work on my next poem,” said Teeny. “Now if I could just find my lucky writing hat.”


“Where did you see it last?” asked Tugg.

“Yesterday it was on the porch but it is not there now,” Teeny said.

“Let's play detectives, Teeny,” said Tugg. “I'm sure we will be able to find it.”


When they came to the waterhole, Pinkie Flamingo looked very sad.

“I am sorry but I have not seen your lucky hat, Teeny,” she said, “and my prettiest feather has disappeared.”

“Follow us then,” said Tugg, “on the great hat and feather hunt.”


“Have you seen Teeny's hat?” Tugg asked Flap the Elephant.

“No,” said Flap. “Have you seen my umbrella? Elephants are supposed to have good memories, but I forgot where I put it.”

“Okay, Flap,” said Tugg. “We will help you find your umbrella.”


“Will you help me too, Tugg?” asked Margie Barge. “I set my inner tube on the shore of the waterhole, and the next thing I knew, it was gone!”

“Join us, the Jungle Detectives, Margie,” said Tugg. “We are happy to help another friend and together we will find our treasures.”


So they walked up and down the jungle.


And they asked everyone they met.


But no one had seen a thing.


Everyone started to bicker and argue about who had taken the missing items.

Just as they were ready to give up and go home, a big gust of wind blew up.

To escape the blustery wind, they all huddled under a tall tree.

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