Just a Couple Ex's Blindsided (12 page)

Read Just a Couple Ex's Blindsided Online

Authors: S. Anders

Tags: #interracial romance, #small town romance, #Contemporary Romance, #Multicultural Romance

BOOK: Just a Couple Ex's Blindsided
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“How stupid is that,” she muttered, rolling out of bed to look for her silky robe. Grabbing the black and gold robe off a hook on the bedroom closet door, she pulled it on over the camisole and nightie short, shorts she’d slept in. There was only one bathroom in the house and she had to wear a robe to get to it.

But she lingered by the bed, thinking about her earlier thoughts. Why was she even thinking about getting involved with Axel, while her marriage was dissolving?
Because he was hot
, was the first thing that popped into her mind.

“God ... he
too,” she moaned.

He was built and with a brown-eyed, sexy gaze that just dug into her and made her wet on the spot. Plus his mouth was amazing when they were kissing. She’d never been kissed like Axel kissed her. So it was as if she was in high school, mooning over the hot jock. But she was a woman, not a kid, and she knew the pitfalls. It could end up just being a fling. That was if he wasn’t going back to his wife after the night before.

She growled with that thought, knowing she shouldn’t secretly hope she made it into bed with Axel ... and beyond. How could she find someone like him now ... at this time in her life? All the indecisive thinking going back and forth just made her grumpier so she called it all off. “I’m just going to let happen what happens, damn it.”

She stomped to the door and tugged it open. The minute the door swept past her, the most delicious smell overtook her. It smelled like vanilla and cinnamon and ... She went the opposite way of the bathroom.

“Coffee,” she sighed with longing. Without really thinking about what she was wearing or where she was going the yummy smells drew her into the kitchen and in view of Axel’s broad back at the stove.

He had on brown silk pajama bottoms that hugged his tight ass and a white, wife beater tee shirt on that emphasized the muscles in his shoulders. Her eyes traced over the taut muscular bulges in his upper arms. Oh. God. Her silky camisole top slid over her now hard nipples as she watched the hanks of Axel’s ass move as he did something at the stove.

She must of made a longing sound, because she knew she was l o n g i n g.

“Liv, I’m sorry ... and I have French toast,” Axel said, before turning to look at her.

It was interesting, he started to swing around with a spatula held up and suddenly he stalled. She drug her gaze from his ripped body to see his brown eyes looking at her bare legs, up to her hips, higher to her chest, over her face, and then back down with an intensely hot look at her hard nipples. She felt it too her bones and she immediately got wet with arousal.

The spatula clattered onto the stove and he stalked forward. “What are you wearing?” His voice was rasped and husky as his gaze ignited fire into hers. His reaction to what little she was wearing was intense and amazing.

“Silk robe,” she managed to scratch out of her throat. Then his heat was warming the front of her.

“Jesus, if this is what's on top. Not sure I can handle what's underneath.” His hand cupped on the side of her breast with his thumb brushing the outline of her tight nipple. She gasped, arching toward him. “I can see these clear through that silk,” he muttered.

Then he began tugging her robe open. She caught his upper arms, but not to stop him. “I thought you couldn’t see what's beneath.” She’d never had a man react this way to her before.

“Forget that,” he growled. “Got to see.”

It made her flush with pleasure and more. Then he had her unwrapped with her robe gliding down her legs, to pool around her bare feet. Axel’s gaze darkened into molten browns as he looked at her belly button peeking out, then down at her tiny nightie shorts. His hand stiffened at the side of her breast with his thumb centered and unmoving on her twanging nipple.

Suddenly, his hand moved from her breast and he used both hands to grasp her shoulders twirling her around, then stopping her with her back to him. “Jesus,” he uttered. She blushed clear to her roots. He had to be looking at her bottom. “So many things I was going to do about us this morning,” he muttered behind her. “But this. Hell.”

His hand grasped the back of her thigh, caressing up to her lower buttocks, then it dragged the material of her nightie shorts upward, until his big hand swept to the other side of her bottom. He stroked down and her butt undulated in his wide hand.

“God, Axel,” she whispered.

He rubbed her butt again and she rolled her bottom against his hand. “Hell, baby,” he uttered.

Then he turned her to him like a whirlwind again, grabbing the back of her head through her hair and lifting, until their lips collided. His strong arm bracketed the back of her waist and pulled her tight into his body.

She moaned in his mouth with her hands stroking all that muscle she’d eyed earlier. His erection was hard against her belly like a thick, heavy column. She mewled deep into his mouth as they tongued each other. He was more sizable than she’d ever felt and thrills quivered through her, while her center ached more intensely for him, getting wetter.

He tugged her head to the other side, and tilted his head to take her mouth deeper as her leg crept up over his hip and she ground her pelvis against him. He growled in his throat at this, clamping a hand over her ass to help her.

His tongue lashed her mouth deeper, then left her unfocused with dazed passion. “I want this. Do
want this?” he uttered. Her pelvis continued to grind against him.

“Yes,” she panted.

“Look at me.” He jerked, lifting her up and her legs automatically circled his waist. Her center split over the ridge of his shaft. And she mewled with deep longing. “Look.” His hand in her hair tugged her face towards his. “Look, Liv,” he demanded again.

“Axel,” she whined, opening her unfocused eyes. She squinted hard and saw the intense blaze of his irises. He was walking, then she felt the cold counter on her bottom.

“Tell me,” he said, shaking her head lightly by his hold to her hair.

“Want you,” she moaned. “Want.

She heard slapping beside her and she looked over to see him turning off the burners. She limply put a hand to the effort, managing to turn one off. Their lips attacked each other again, only this time it was better because she was open for him with her legs on either side of his hips.

Her breasts were smashed into his chest and her center was crushed into his erection as his big hands groped her butt. “I can feel your wet on me,” he rumbled huskily against her mouth.

She moaned, humping against him. His big hands lifted her and she grabbed his neck as he began walking, while she kissed his throat and hung on. He got to her bedroom and threw her down on the bed, tore off his tee as she ripped her top up over her head. Then her eyes greedily took in every point on his spectacular chest as he bent, swelling those muscles, then he pulled her nightie shorts off her hips and down her legs.

He pulled them off her feet, kissing her ankle as he went, then he suddenly stiffened and swore, “
Damn it

She was panting for him so she wasn’t certain if he was angry or hyped up hot and horny. “What?” she exclaimed.

His gaze jerked from looking at her slit, which was pretty exposed with her legs up against his chest. “No condoms!” he practically shouted.

“Oh!” she careened, she was so disappointed. She hadn’t had to use condoms in years. His gaze was so hot and intense she was surprised she didn’t see smoke coming out of it as he looked at her bare breasts, then down to her bare belly and hips, then her slit, then her legs.

He growled a cuss word again, and she saw him visibly tremor.

,” she tried.

His head jerked. “Damn it, Liv.” He clutched both her ankles. “
our first time.”

“I’m on the pill!” she exclaimed.

His head shook slowly. “Not going to do that to you,” he said as if convincing himself. Then he let go of her legs, and he abruptly turned and stalked from the room.

If she’d been grumpy before, now she was freaking frustrated.

Chapter Twelve

iv stayed in her room for twenty minutes, while trying to calm her ramped up desires. When she could think clearly, which she wasn’t certain she was yet, she realized Axel was just protecting her. And himself. The pill was fine, but in their situation condoms were a must ... until they both got checked out.

Eventually, she grumbled, “Thank god, Axel has control.”

She didn’t like it, but he was right. All good and well to figure out why he did what he did ... that still didn’t help her denied arousal after-burn. Later, she peeked out of her bedroom seeing the coast was clear, and she scooted to the bathroom to take a long cold shower. She’d never needed one of those before, but boy she did then.

An hour later when she finally braved going out into the kitchen, she saw Axel sitting in the living room. It was as if he was waiting for her. Just looking at him in his jeans and the same killer-looking wife beater tee with his gaze so deep, yet intense, instantly relit her arousal.

“Hey,” he said, looking her over.

“Hey,” she answered, not leaving the doorway.

His gaze traveled over her jeans and the thin-strapped flowered top she had on, then it lingered on her face. “I got carried away,” he said solemnly. “It’s just when I saw you in that sexy ...” He didn’t finish.

“I got carried away too,” she offered quietly.

He grabbed his knees and rolled his shoulders as if loosening them, while she really appreciated the view. “I want to get carried away with you. Way away,” he said lowly. “It’s just ...”

She interrupted him. “No, I get it, Axel.” She paused, then mumbled, “I didn’t want to get it at first, but we don’t want them and who they’ve been with in our bed.”

His smile was slow and sweet. “That’s my Liv, right out there. Love it.”

She smiled a little. “So you got drunk last night?” she asked as a question.

He grabbed the back of his neck rubbing for a moment as she switched feet to lean on. He dropped his hand. “First I’m going out, right after we talk, and buy condoms.” Her heartbeat sped up at this and a blush coursed across her cheeks. “Don’t like leaving my lady needy like that,” he said in a low and intense voice.

Warm melting started somewhere near her heart, touched her nipples, then headed south. “Same here,” she replied softly, way softer than she was feeling, keeping herself on the other side of the room from him.

“As far as last night, Liv, I was confused and I didn’t handle it well.”

“Kiki?” she asked, trying to keep out of her voice how important the answer he’d give to her was.

He started to answer slowly, “Kiki and I ... that was just ...”

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

Both their heads turned at the rapid knocking on the front door, and Liv really wished Axel would have answered that looming question. Not had to leave it hanging, like the answer could be Kiki and him getting back together.

“Hell,” Axel, muttered. “Have no idea who that could be.”

She let him go to the door; it was his aunt's house and she stepped aside so he could move through the entrance. As soon as Axel pulled open the front door, Liv wished she’d not been standing there or anywhere in the house for that matter.

“Kiki,” Axel uttered, and Liv could not judge his deep voice from behind.

She straightened, wanting to fade into the wall.

, is she
here,” Kiki exclaimed, in the higher ends of screeching.

Liv saw Kiki was dressed to accomplish something and her barely there halter dress screamed;
I want my man back!

Axel could have cussed as dirty and low down as he’d learned in the military. He could not believe Kiki was standing in front of him. Kiki tried to grab the screen door, and he had the presence of mind to catch the handle on his side, and keep her from opening the flimsy barrier.

“Let me in!” she demanded.

But he held on, shaking his head. “Got nothing for you,” he uttered.

“But you have something for
,” Kiki spat. “I’m your wife! We need to talk!”

“Why?” he asked in a pissed off growl.

“Because I am
wife and you need to be with me after what her bastard husband made me do!”

“What did he do?” Liv whispered behind him.

Axel swung his hand behind him with one finger out in a gesture for her to wait a minute.

“He blackmailed me into bed!” Kiki screeched on the other side of the screen door.

Axel heard Liv gasp with a cut off laugh behind him, then she exclaimed. “He isn’t capable of doing that! Why would he?”

Kiki stomped her high heels like a child. “He did!”

Axel heard Liv barely whispering, “She’s lying.”

“Because he’s on the council, right?” Axel threw at Kiki.

“I didn’t say...” Kiki cried.

Liv exclaimed over her, “He’s not!”

Kiki finished, “That!”

Then, Liv added, “Not on any freaking council.”

“Axel! Open the door, baby.” Kiki simpered, pouting her lips at him through the screen.

“Quit damn lying,” he stated angrily. “
call, I can find out.”

“But I want you back! Doesn’t that mean something?” she cried.

“No. Fuck.

She backed off the porch as if he’d hit her. Then she stumbled down the step. “You could’ve had this!” She gestured at her body, shaking her pointing finger. “Instead of that skinny bitch!”

Axel squeezed his eyes shut.
Damn her
. “You stay away from me and Liv or I
get a restraining order, Kiki.”

Kiki screeched one more time, then she got into her car. Axel turned and slammed the door shut. When he turned to look at Liv, she was gone.

Liv camped in her bedroom, calling her lawyer, and then debating whether to call Andrew and tell him what Kiki was saying.

“More like rub it in his face that his little mistress is trying to get her husband back,” she muttered.

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