Just A Small Town Girl (10 page)

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Authors: J.E. Hunter

BOOK: Just A Small Town Girl
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I couldn’t help liking the sound of
raising Riley. Fisher paused to wrap his free arm around me and I pressed a kiss to his lips before leaning in to kiss Riley’s cheek.

Mrs. Felding, an elderly lady pretending to read a magazine about power tools, broke into a coughing fit that made me hyper aware of her presence.

“I’m so proud of you,” I leaned in to kiss Riley on the cheek again, “He’s smart just like his daddy.”

“Let’s celebrate. When do you get your lunch break?”

“Right Now,” Dr. Schultz announced, ushering his patient through the front door and tossing the older man’s file onto my desk, “You can go whenever you want Piper,” he came to a stop in front of Fisher and reached out to tickle Riley, “You know Fisher, Riley is due for a checkup. I can fit him in this afternoon if that works for you.”

“I can’t bring him by, I have to go to work after I take this spectacular woman to lunch,” he wrapped his arm around my waist. I could feel Mrs. Felding’s eyes on me.

“I can keep him for the afternoon then bring him home with me if you want,” I smiled at Fisher, unsure of why I was so eager to please.

“Yeah?” his hand tightened on my back and I smiled, “sounds good.”


A waitress I vaguely recognized as one of Dr. Schultz’s patients seated us and got Riley a high chair.

“Is it going to bother you?” Fisher asked, continuing our conversation from outside the diner while I read the menu.

“Is it going to bother
?” I asked back, peeking over the top of my menu flirtatiously.

“I asked you first,” Fisher mimicked my look and I wanted to lean across the table to kiss him. He wanted to know if I was bothered by his reputation around town and everyone’s belief that they had a right to say something about our relationship.

“I don’t mind if you don’t,” I lowered my menu, having selected a chicken caesar wrap and a side of applesauce for Riley. I really didn’t mind. I’d let people’s opinion of my relationship dictate my moods before and that was a mistake I wasn’t willing to repeat.

“I don’t mind, I’m used to people here talking about me,” Fisher put his menu aside as well and reached across the table to interlace our fingers, “I’m known as the single dad wannabe rock star former hell-raiser and you’ll be known as-”

“The single dad wannabe rock star former hell-raiser’s girlfriend,” I smiled, relishing the feel of his thumb tracing my knuckles, “Is there a way to add my title of ‘new girl in a small town’ to that? Maybe you could even become ‘new girl in a small town’s boyfriend?”

Fisher’s laughter made my smile grow wider.

“I can consider that,” he whispered, leaning across the table to peck my lips.

“Travis Fisher?” a redhead about our age wearing an apron the same color as her bright orange hair asked, approaching our table slowly, “I haven’t seen you since you knocked up-oh hello I’m James,” she introduced herself, just noticing my presence at the table.

“Hey James, this is my girlfriend Piper,” I could feel the slight tension in his hand as he introduced us.

“Hi James, it’s nice to meet you” I tried to smile even though Fisher’s body language made me want to crawl over to his side of the table and cower next to him.

“You’re new around here aren’t you? No wonder you’re willing to give Fish a try, everybody else around here is too smart to get thrown into being a stand-in mom to his kid and risk having a run in with-”

“I think I’m going to have a cheeseburger and fries James,” Fisher interrupted, giving her a hard look.

“Yep, I’ve got that for you Fish, and you hun?”

I ordered my wrap and watched the waitress walk away before giving Fisher a look.

“What?” he asked, I shrugged and waited for him to explain his strange behavior, “That’s the kind of stuff I wish you didn’t have to hear. Everyone has an opinion and that’s mild by comparison.”

He let go of my hand. I could feel him pulling away emotionally deep in my stomach, as physically real as the cool air settling between my fingers where his hand had gently cradled mine.

“Hey,” I stepped around the table and slid into his side of the booth, “Everyone has a past right?” I placed my hand on his thigh, “I’ve had my share of gossip sent my way and I think a little bit of curious discussion because I get to call such a charming, talented,” I leaned in close to his ear to whisper, “and sexy, man my boyfriend then it’s worth it to me.”

Fisher’s hand came to wrap around mine on his thigh. “I’m lucky; you know that?”

“I think I heard that somewhere,” I answered, a broad smile gracing my lips.

“Did you hear that you’re a little cocky?” he asked, throwing his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close.

“If being cocky is what got me here in your arms I don’t think I want to be modest,” I nuzzled my head into his shoulder, listening to Riley prattle off a chorus of “dadadadadadas.”


Mrs. Felding was leaving Dr. Schultz’s office when we walked back across the threshold. I held Riley on my hip, letting him tug on my hair and whisper baby sweet nothings into my ear. Fisher stepped into the reception area behind me, just in time to become the focus of Mrs. Felding’s speculative glare.

“I see you’re up to your old ways young man,” she stepped close to him, pointing a bony finger at his chest, “Now don’t you think Piper is like those other girls! She’s too smart to let you get her pregnant like that other hussy, even if she is stupid enough to get involved with you in the first place.”

“Now Doris, it’s time for you to get home isn’t it?” Dr. Schultz emerged from his office in time to save Fisher from the old woman’s wrath.

While they chatted at the door Fisher ducked his head down, touching his forehead to mine, “Still think I’m worth it?” he whispered.

“Still think you’re lucky?” I answered.

Fisher laughed a little before pressing a heated kiss to my lips, “unbelievably lucky,” he murmured before pulling away.

He paused to wave at me from the door before disappearing down the sidewalk.

“My last appointment called to cancel, so I can check out this little guy then we can both head home,” Dr. Schultz announced, tugging Riley from my arms and heading toward the exam room.

I followed quickly, watching as he weighed and measured Riley.

“He’s a big boy isn’t he?” Dr. Schultz laughed, peeking into Riley’s tiny ears.

“Yeah, I can’t believe he’s already starting to talk,” I slumped into a chair next to the exam table Riley was seated on.

“It’s early for him, but he gets constant one-on-one attention, so that can be expected,” he paused to wink at me, “and attributed to an excellent babysitter.”

I smiled, wondering how this man could use the simplest compliments to irrevocably lift my spirits.

“How is the other man in your life?” he asked, seeming to attempt a casual tone.

“You just saw him. He’s amazing,” I looked down at the floor for a second before my eyes met the doctor’s again.

“But?” he prodded.

“But I think he’s worried I’ll leave him,” I swallowed hard, wondering why I was telling my boss all of this, “he thinks everyone in town will have something bad to say about him and that might change my opinion of him.”

“Will it?” he pushed his glasses higher on his nose.

“No, I don’t think so,” I knew enough about small town gossip not to let it affect my decisions.

“Good,” he smiled, “I’ve known that boy since he was Riley’s age and I have to tell you he’s got a good heart. He forgot what was right for a little while there, but he’s never been a bad guy. I actually think those years of stumbling through the dark made him find a light inside of himself and that’s why his music is so good.”

“You’re a Wharf fan?” I couldn’t believe the crease-faced man in front of me liked a modern garage band.

“Of course I am,” he gave me an accusatory look, “I listen to my CD at least once a week.”

I made another mental note to ask Fisher for a CD.


I’d never seen Kyle or Dustin in our apartment building before, but somehow I knew the sounds in the hallway were related to them even before I opened my front door.

“Pipe!” Kyle exclaimed, reaching out to wrap me in a hug and press a kiss to my cheek before holding me at arm’s length, examining my sweatpants and Van Halen t-shirt, “you dressed up for me I see!” he exclaimed, smiling brightly.

“Hey Piper,” Dustin smiled at me before following Kyle into the living room where they both cooed at Riley.

I closed my door, truly confused as to why they were in my living room. They weren’t unwelcome guests, just unexpected. I’d taken a step closer to them, preparing to ask exactly what they were doing in my apartment when another knock came to my door.

“Hey honey!” Bailey exclaimed, her brunette locks bouncing as she eagerly hugged me before joining the guys in my living room.

“Okay,” I said the word loud enough to get their attention before gentling my tone, “When did I decide to have a party?”

The two men stared at me. It was a distinct possibility that they had absolutely no idea why I was confused, so I turned to Bailey.

“Oh, well we’re here to see Fisher, but he’s not back from work yet,” she shrugged as if that explained everything.

“We just figured since you two are together it’s kind of like his friends are your friends and your place is his place?” Dustin had a hopeful look on his face.

I couldn’t help laughing at the idiotic logic.

“That’s not what I thought,” Bailey exclaimed, giving him a dirty look, “you’re my friend, so I wanted to be here for you.”

“Why would I need anyone to be here for me?” I asked, interrupted from getting any answers by my front door opening and Fisher’s arms wrapping around my body from behind.

“Hey beautiful,” Fisher whispered in my ear, giving me a soft peck on my temple.

I melted into him, confusion easing away in the warmth of his body and smell of his masculinity. I started to wish all of our friends weren’t standing in my living room, so we could act on some of the images floating through my mind.

“What did they say?” Kyle demanded, interrupting our moment. I scowled at him for a second before stepping forward to remove Riley from his arms, deciding deprivation of his godson was the only fitting punishment.

“What did who say?” I asked Fisher, looking up into his eyes.

He answered my question first, reminding me of why I liked him enough to make him my boyfriend.

“I heard back from Emilee,” his smile spread, making me guess what was coming next, “Mark, one of the producers at Rebel, wants to pick us up!”

I smiled as he lifted me into the air, cradling me carefully so the baby wouldn’t be disturbed and spinning us both in a circle.

“That’s great!” I squealed in the middle of the second rotation, “I’m so proud of you,” I whispered when the spinning stopped, pressing a kiss to his lips, all of our friends be damned.

“That means putting together a real record,” Kyle exclaimed, placing his hands on Dustin’s shoulders and shaking him out of a happy daze.

Bailey gave Kyle a brief congratulatory hug and then wrapped her arms around Dustin for a prolonged squeeze he returned with equal enthusiasm.

“Your Daddy’s going to make you so proud. I promise,” Fisher whispered into Riley’s ear, so quiet I almost didn’t hear, running a hand along the fine black hairs on the boy’s head.

“Fish this is happening,” Kyle shouted, excitement radiating in each step he took, making him practically bounce across the room.

Fisher made sure I was standing securely before throwing his arms around Kyle in a brotherly man hug. A few seconds later Dustin dropped his arms from Bailey’s shoulders and threw his arms around the other two men, making a mess of hugging men in the middle of my living room. Bailey and I watched as the hug turned into enthusiastic back slapping and playful shoves.

“They’re roughhousing; even when they’re celebrating!” Bailey gave Riley a look, “Don’t grow up to be like that,” she ran her knuckles across his pudgy arm as she spoke, a playful glint in her eye.

“How else will he celebrate?” Kyle asked, easily tugging Riley from my arms, rubbing his finger against the baby’s balled fist in a play fight.

“kakakakakakakaka,” Riley squealed in response.

“I have an idea of how we can celebrate,” Fisher whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull my back against his chest.

“Do you?” I whispered back, “I’m intrigued.”

“Oh I’d tell, but it’s a surprise,” he laughed at my disappointed slump into his chest,

”What if I asked nicely?” I trailed a finger down his chest in my best attempt at seduction.

He cleared his throat, his voice becoming a little husky as he asked, “how nicely exactly?”

“Oh I can be very nice when I want to,”  I ran my nose along the outside of his ear, simultaneously running my open palms up over his pectoral muscles, back down his chest, and across the waistband of his jeans until my fingertips met across his back, pulling my body closer to his. I could feel him pressing into my stomach and shifted slightly, telling him I knew exactly what he was thinking about.

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