Just Another Lady (Xcite Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Just Another Lady (Xcite Romance)
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‘Lucius …’ Elinor felt like she was seeing her husband for the first time. Always so cool, so collected; to see him broken and kneeling at her feet was shocking. She tumbled off the bed to fling herself down beside him. ‘Don’t you – did you not know? Know I was in love with you, just as I always have been. I tried to hide it, but I knew you were not convinced. Every time I came near you, you shied away.’

‘I didn’t trust myself.’ Lucius’s voice was full of shame. ‘I dared not get close to you in case I could not resist the temptation of your body. God, so many nights I went out so that I would not break down and beg you to hold me.’

‘My love,’ she whispered, the words trembling as she spoke them for the first time. ‘My love.’

‘And then tonight. You would never have found yourself in the position you did today were it not for what I’ve done,’ Lucius said, lost in his own memories and guilt. ‘Can you forgive me for that, Elinor? I swear that I will do anything to win your forgiveness.’

My dear, there is nothing to forgive. I …’ Her voice trembled as she remembered the afternoon’s experiences. ‘I am glad you assisted another woman to get away from Sir Hugo. I cannot bear the thought of anyone being forced–’ She was unable to finish the sentence.

‘I have done bad things, Elinor,’ Lucius said heavily. ‘I am no paragon.’

She smiled at him through her tears. ‘I never thought you were.’

‘I promise I would do anything to prevent you going through an experience like today’s. Sir Hugo will have told you things about me. I can’t claim that none of them are true. But I assure you that I have never, would never, hurt any lady – any woman.’

‘Do you think I don’t know that?’ she asked, leaning her head on his shoulder.

‘You still trust me? After everything?’

‘I love you,’ she said simply. ‘Of course I trust you.’ Elinor stood up and moved back onto the bed, holding her arms out to Lucius. ‘Come here,’ she said, ‘and let me show you how much.’

‘Elinor. Oh Elinor.’

Lucius lay beside her on the bed, kissing her over and over again. Every time he did, Elinor felt a jolt run through her, as if she had been caught by a gentle flash of lightning. She ran her fingers through his hair, then over his shoulders and back, pulling him closer still to her.

‘My Lucius,’ she murmured.

‘All yours. Always yours,’ he agreed between kisses.

‘Show me,’ she murmured, her fingers busy with the buttons on his shirt, even as her mouth sought his once more. ‘Show me,’ she said again, running fingers over his pale skin; stroking the muscular chest with new amazement. This, this, was all hers. Lucius was no one’s but hers. How could an evening which had started in such fear and angst have ended here, in bed with the one man she had always loved? ‘People say miracles don’t happen,’ she mumbled against his neck.

‘I beg your pardon?’

She smiled. ‘Nothing.’

She ran the tip of her tongue up his neck to his ear, and nibbled gently on the soft flesh of his lobe. He laughed, and squirmed against her; she could feel his hard erection pushing against her, and knew that she was desired.

‘More,’ she said; and Lucius laughed.

‘That was what you said last time,’ he reminded her.

‘How you could think I did not enjoy it!’ she replied, holding him as close as she could to her, revelling in the feeling of their bodies pressed together.

‘Too many clothes,’ Lucius complained. ‘I want to feel your skin against mine.’

The very words set up an aching throb in Elinor. ‘Yes. Oh yes.’

He moved away, and she made a small noise of complaint in her throat.

‘I can’t undress with you that close to me,’ he teased.

His reminder about the last and only time they had made love came back to Elinor, and she sat up. ‘Let me do it,’ she urged.



‘The pleasure will be mine,’ Lucius assured her. Then, more doubtfully, ‘You are sure?’

‘Surer than anything,’ she said, helping him out of his jacket, and then undoing the remaining buttons on his shirt, kissing each new patch of skin as it appeared. ‘Surer than anything at all,’ she added as she pushed the shirt off, leaving him naked from the waist up. ‘Oh Lucius, you’re beautiful.’ To her amazement, he blushed at this; Elinor did not think she had seen him embarrassed in his whole life before.

‘That you should say that to me,’ he said, his voice slightly hoarse.

She smiled up at him teasingly. ‘I have no doubt I’m not the first,’ she retorted. Then, placing another kiss against his chest, ‘But I hope to be the last.’

‘You are.’

Lucius might have said more, Elinor thought, but she had lowered her hands to his small-clothes, and he seemed to be finding it hard to breathe. Revelling in this power over her husband, she moved as slowly as she could bear to, tantalising him with her leisurely pace. His manhood jumped free as she pushed down his clothing, hard and begging for attention. She knelt down, took the very tip of the jutting erection into her mouth. Lucius groaned.

She pulled away. ‘No?’ she asked, knowing the answer.

‘Yes,’ he said, the word forced between his lips. ‘Yes.’

She thought she could kneel there forever, between his legs, her mouth taking in the masculine flavour of his erection. She licked a line up towards the base, kissed him gently on her way back. He was wonderful – incredible. And he was hers. She could feel perspiration wetting her skin, drips slipping down between her cleavage and making her breasts tingle that little bit more. She wanted – she wanted everything. Perhaps they had the rest of their lives to do this, but she had already waited what seemed like a lifetime for Lucius. This time, she would have it all. This time, she would rejoice in every single second. No fear, no self-consciousness. Just pure physical love-making.

‘Elinor. God, Elinor.’ Lucius’s words came out as if he could not help them; as if her name was all he had ever wanted to say. The tingling sensation grew within Elinor, not only in her breasts but lower down; in the places she had not even realised existed until Lucius had walked into her adult life, promising nothing and bringing her everything.

‘You are wonderful,’ she whispered; then, almost shyly despite herself, she took his manhood inside her mouth, sliding forward and allowing it to fill her. He was so long, so large, so incredibly wonderful. How could he ever have thought she did not worship his body? How could he ever have doubted her – doubted himself? She slid her mouth back and forth, back and forth, until there seemed to be no sensation in the world except for the feel of his erection sliding to and fro against her tongue, against the roof of her mouth. She would have given anything to take him in further, deeper, but her throat protested, and she preferred to keep him where she could taste him, taste every different secretion from his marvellous manhood.

She could have stayed like this forever, but Lucius sighed, pulling away with a reluctance that even Elinor could not doubt.

‘No, beloved,’ he murmured. ‘I want to show you – I want to show you so much more.’

He hoisted her onto the bed and pushed the layers of her dress – petticoat – undershift up around her hips. The cloth bunched around her waist, and she wriggled impatiently to move it to more comfortable places. Lucius laughed.

‘Oh yes,’ he mumbled against her leg. ‘Squirm like that for me, Elinor.’


Her stubbornness returned for a second, and she lay still as a live woman can, just to provoke him. Their relationship never had been, despite his proposal, about obedience of a woman to a man, of Elinor to Lucius.

He smiled, and she could feel the movement of his lips against her thigh. ‘Then I shall have to make you,’ he said.

Elinor breathed out, her breath a hum of anticipation. She could not – would not – tell him how much she hoped he would keep his promise. His warm breath tickled her skin; he placed kisses the length of one thigh then the other, but somehow it was the area in between which throbbed as his mouth touched her. Then, still gently, he brought his lips round to her centre, and trailed his tongue against ... Elinor bucked up against him as his tongue flickered against that spot of need between her thighs. He repeated the gesture again and again until she was moaning and pleading with him not to stop, to continue doing that – yes, that. And still he kept on, until there was a sudden unexpected rush of feeling, and Elinor cried out as the world exploded around her, leaving her hardly able to breathe, to move, to think. He pulled her into his arms and held her tight as she rode the waves of ecstasy.

‘Lucius ...’ When she could speak again, all she could think to say was his name. ‘Lucius.’

‘Yes, my Elinor?’

His erection stood proud and she wanted more, even now. She was wet and wanting and she reached a hand between his legs and guided him inside her, revelling at the sharp indrawn breath he took as his manhood pressed against her womanhood.

‘I want you,’ she said, her eyes fixed on his.

‘Yes. Darling, yes.’

She rocked her hips back and forth, slowly, still keeping her gaze on him. There was a light pink flush against his cheeks and his eyes looked dark.


‘So help me, Elinor, I can’t be gentle if you keep doing that,’ he murmured.

Her mouth twisted in a secretive smile as she continued to move. ‘Maybe I don’t want you to be.’

‘Elinor, My God, Elinor, do you know how much I’ve dreamt of you like this?’ Lucius’s breathing was unsteady; and she laughed.

‘Tell me.’

‘I ...’ Instead of speaking, however, he pushed her back against the bed and thrust into her time and time again. Elinor could sense that feeling building again – knew that it would not take long before she–

‘Lucius,’ she cried, the pleasure almost painful in its strength.

It seemed that was all he needed; she felt him pulse inside her as her heart thumped hard within her breast. There was a silence, a stillness, as they both tried to recover themselves. Then, as Lucius rolled onto his side and pulled her into his arms, Elinor spoke. ‘You were right,’ she said. ‘I didn’t think it could be better, but that was ...’ She didn’t have the words, but her smile said everything her words could not.

‘Yes.’ He kissed her. ‘And next time will be better still.’

‘I think I’ll die,’ she said, still smiling, ‘but I’m prepared to risk it.’

Lucius laughed, and they were silent again for a moment. Then he spoke of what had happened before, his tone serious again.

‘I will not challenge Sir Hugo,’ he said, ‘however much part of me wishes to. Duelling is for gentlemen, and Mansfield has proven himself anything but a gentleman. Also, I suspect this attack on you will be one of the last things Sir Hugo does before leaving the country. The man may not know it, but there is indignation afoot about bad gambling debts; and you are not the only lady whom he has discommoded.’

‘I’m not sorry he is leaving,’ Elinor replied, sober at once. ‘And yet, in a strange sort of way I feel like thanking Sir Hugo. If it weren’t for him, we might still be at cross purposes, still misunderstanding one another. And I’m gladdest of all that you won’t challenge him. He does not deserve to have that power over our lives.’

He laughed. ‘Most ladies would not be so generous, my darling.’

‘I’m not most ladies,’ said Elinor, pulling Lucius tightly against herself again.

‘No,’ he said. He angled his head to look at her. ‘No, you are not. You’ve never been “just another lady” to me, Elinor Crozier. I think you never will be.’ And the fervour of the kiss he placed on her willing lips made her think he was right.

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