Read Just Ask Online

Authors: Mia Downing

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotic Romance

Just Ask (8 page)

BOOK: Just Ask
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Jordan bucked his hips and then remembered the rules. “Fuck me harder, please.”

“Very polite.” Ryan eased back in and Jordan sighed at the fullness. He picked up the tempo, gliding gently in and out, his hand gripping Jordan’s cock in the same rhythm.

“Oh, God. I don’t think I can take more,” Jordan whispered, dropping to his elbows because the pleasure was just too intense, his arms shaking. His balls wanted to combust, his cock needed to detonate, his ass bursting into the most awesome flames. Release would be torture, because that would mean it was over. “Please let me come.”

Ryan faltered in his strokes, panting, his skin blistering hot yet damp against Jordan’s back, ass, and thighs. “I’m there, too. Come with me, Jordan.”

Jordan jerked, the tidal wave of pleasure overtaking him. He thought he’d come hard before… This was ball-aching, toe curling, muscle-cramping hard, and if Ryan’s cock weren’t anchoring him to the bed, he would have shot off and launched into the sky, landing on the moon. His cum spurted into Ryan’s hand, up his belly, the pleasure more than intense.

Behind him, inside, Ryan stilled, trembling, his breath held. Then he lurched forward, thrusting harder, faster, the tip of the condom filling with an explosion of heat.

“Jordan,” Ryan moaned, hand biting into Jordan’s hip. He pumped a few more times and then curled around Jordan’s back, holding him close. They fell to the side, Ryan still lodged deep, cock twitching, his arm slung over Jordan’s waist.

“That was fucking incredible,” Jordan said, awash with euphoria, kissing Ryan’s hand. Incredible didn’t describe how he felt. “I’m definitely relaxed.”

“Told you I’m a good teacher.”


“Yep.” Ryan grinned against his back. “You staying?”

The night?
Jordan had never slept with anyone before, not a woman. Definitely not a man. Well, with Blake in a camper, but that didn’t count. He’d been ten. But the idea of sleeping with Ryan, waking up to his cocky smile in the morning light…yeah. “You going to wake me up in some kinky fashion that will relax me further?”

“I plan on fucking you all weekend. You’re mine, Hill. But I won’t make you stay.”

The deep, possessive quality of Ryan’s voice was the signature on the deal for Jordan. The fact that Ryan wanted him yet offered freedom if this was too much made him that much more sure. “Then I’m staying.”

Chapter Five

The next morning, Jordan woke slowly, the air conditioner too much on his skin. The breeze was chilly and slightly salty in scent, like the ocean. Why had he turned it up so high? But the other side of his bed was warm. He slid over to that heat until his body came in contact with hot flesh that seemed to fit into the curve of his torso too perfectly. He inched closer, satisfied, his hand wrapping around a waist, his fingertips brushing the tip of a soft cock.


Jordan jumped back, fully awake, rubbing his eyes, struggling to remember the evening. The cold was from the ocean breeze that had kicked up, blowing in through the open patio door, the gauzy drapes blowing outward. The room was dimly gray, the bed a wide expanse, the man next to him tanned and curled up on the edge of the far side. Ryan.

Oh, God. Yes. Ryan.

A jumble of feelings rushed in, much like the waves crashing outside. He’d slept all night with a man. He’d been blown and fucked by a man. It was so shocking, sinful. Wrong.

No, it was right. So right. All of it.

The admission let his breath sag from him, relief poring through his veins and over tense muscles. Maybe it was all right because it wasn’t just any man. Ryan was special, something Blake knew when he’d taken him on as a partner.

Jordan rose, naked, and padded over to the patio door. He gently shut it, blocking out the wind. The sea was turbulent as a storm rolled in, the clouds dark and ominous. He turned and studied Ryan’s sleeping form, wondering what had he meant to Blake? Had they been lovers? He wracked his mind, trying to remember.

As a teen, Blake had been fairly tight-lipped about his preferences, but Jordan had caught him jacking off with an all male porn magazine. Jordan hadn’t cared. It just meant less competition with the ladies. Blake had been too pretty for his own good, all dark haired and dark eyed, with a flashing smile and quick wit. Women had fallen at his feet.

But they’d grown apart during the college years, Blake going south to Texas, Jordan going north on his scholarship. Then Jordan had hit it big with a business gamble, buying with his savings and borrowed money a company he planned to break apart and sell. The turnover had netted him his first million. That was all it had taken to be hooked. Hooked and rich, but after a relaxing evening of the best sex ever, he wondered if the price he’d paid over the years—the loneliness, the stress—was worth it.

“Awful serious for this hour,” Ryan commented from the bed. He’d rolled, the sheet bunched around his lean waist. He leaned against the headboard, his hands behind his head as he studied Jordan with serious eyes. “Having doubts?”

“No. I was thinking about Blake.” It was the truth.

Guarded blue eyes regarded him much in the same way Blake would look at someone, as if he were peeling back the layers of a tropical fruit, going deeper for the tender flesh, or in this case, his soul. “It would be normal to have doubts. Be shocked as hell.”

“I did thirty seconds of that while you were sleeping. I’m not a man who usually regrets his decisions. I know what I want, I go after it, and if I’m not happy with the outcome, I make it change until it’s what I want. That’s the beauty of owning half of the free world. It bends to your needs.”

Ryan nodded but didn’t look convinced. “So what were you thinking about Blake?”

Jordan sat at the edge of the bed, wanting to climb in, unsure how to go about that, since Ryan didn’t seem to be inviting him back. “How did you meet him?”

“Oh.” Ryan stared straight ahead, unable to look at Jordan as he swallowed the lump in his throat. He had anticipated this conversation at some point, but it wouldn’t be easy. Especially now. Sex with Jordan had been intense, and it rattled him some to recall Mark this morning, as if a part of him had cheated somehow, despite Mark’s deathbed wish for Ryan to move on, find another love. “I was Mark’s life-partner.”

“Mark.” Jordan thought for a moment, brows knitted together, and sucked in a shocked breath. “Mark Levine. Blake’s best friend through high school. They went to college together.”

“They were lovers, firsts for each, but it didn’t work out. But you know Blake. He didn’t care that it had ended, and his thought was, once friends, always friends. I met Mark through Blake, because Blake and I were in classes together.”

It hadn’t been uncomfortable, the three of them together. Blake had been too much of a free spirit to settle on one man once he’d ended his relationship with Mark.

Jordan shifted on the bed, reclining on an elbow, his lean form graceful in the simple movement. “I never knew they were a couple. They hid it well.”

“Mark wasn’t open. It was hard on our relationship, because I didn’t care who knew. He cared too much.” It had been the cause of many a fight, not because Ryan was a whiny bitch and wanted PDA, roses, and declarations of love. But Mark had analyzed every touch, every glance, and it made Ryan uncomfortable, as if Mark were ashamed to be seen with him, even as just a friend.

“Mark passed away. Cancer, right?”

Ryan nodded, unable to say more. He’d never kissed Mark goodbye. Too public, even at the end.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” Jordan looked it, too.

Ryan nodded again, in thanks, and it took a long moment to find his voice again. “After Mark died, I struggled and just went through the motions until Blake called with a business deal. He took me up to that waterfall—we hiked—and he told me about his vision. Mark had left me money, and combined with what I had, it was enough to start a whole new life.”

“That had to have been rough.”

“At first, yes, because I was all suits and business, like you. It took a while to settle down, learn to relax and just enjoy as we built on to his successful business.”

Jordan cleared his throat. “Did you and Blake—”

“No, never,” Ryan said quickly, heading off that line of thought. “I had a quick thing with a friend who came down for a bit a year ago, but that’s it since Mark.”

Silence descended. Well, if you could call it silence, with the ocean crashing against the beach, the breeze hammering a nearby wind chime. Jordan cast a glance outside at the storm-raged beach. “It’s too stormy to put Blake to rest.”

Ryan waved a hand toward the beach in dismissal. “This will pass quickly. It will be beautiful this afternoon, and the weather will be perfect tomorrow. We’ll go then.”

“And today, mighty King of Relaxation? What challenges lie in store for us today?”

“Well, I don’t have to go to the stable unless I want to.” And they were going to spend the weekend doing the last thing Ryan expected them to do—having sex. No, they couldn’t do that. Damn responsibility. Ryan knew his duties too well, hammered home by Blake. Get Jordan on their side. “I took the weekend off, knowing you’d be here. I wanted to show you around personally.”

“You knew? I was very discreet in my arrangements.”

“Yeah, you were. But I had the hotel staff notify me when you called, and I also had your PA’s phone number. Angela was all too happy to let me know her uptight boss was taking a well-earned vacation.”

Jordan chuckled. “Good thing I found a relaxation coach. Blake always said he wanted to shove coal up my ass and make it a diamond. Maybe we should make sure your dick hasn’t turned into one.”

“Maybe you should.” Ryan grinned and opened his arm, welcoming Jordan to him. After the discussion of Mark, Ryan needed to feel Jordan’s warm body and hold him. A bi-curious male wasn’t going to be so brave in public, but Ryan needed to know where the limits started. “Come, I dare you to kiss me in broad day light.”

“Morning breath?” But Jordan inched up the bed, his skin so pale next to Ryan’s tanned flesh, his mouth inches from his. Jordan smelled of sex and sea, his dark hair tousled, his eyes growing darker with passion.

“I don’t give a shit. Kiss me.”

Their kiss was gentle, tentative. Sweet, even. They pulled apart, and Ryan caressed Jordan’s jaw. “Good morning.”

“Back at you.” Jordan blinked, and then leaned in for a kiss of his own, one that was just as sweet. That gentle touch of lips melted over Ryan’s heart, sliding through his insides, straight to his groin. “So what will we do today, besides sex? I expect sex.”

And though Jordan had just kissed him, Ryan sagged in relief, knowing Jordan wanted him, too. “You want more sex, do you?”

There was no battle waged in Jordan’s eyes as he inched closer, his lengthened cock rubbing Ryan’s hip, his lips nibbling at Ryan’s throat. Not an inch of doubt, just many, many inches demanding satisfaction.

“I want the whole relaxation experience. The brochure said I’d get rides on horses, daylight ocean swimming, maybe some snorkeling. A trip to the village, so the tour guide can buy beer. But if you read between the lines of the brochure, I think it said lots of sex, too.”

“Busy itinerary.” Ryan grinned as Jordan’s tongue rimmed his ear, the pleasure intoxicating.

“I could challenge you to another run down the beach in the daylight, see what else I can get you to buy for me.”

Ryan laughed. As if Midas needed anyone buying him anything. “Later, when the ocean is calm. Right now, we shower.”

“Sex?” Jordan kissed his throat, nipping at Ryan’s pulse.

The gentle seduction shot a surge of blood through Ryan’s veins straight to his cock. As bad as he wanted to fuck Jordan, the island came first. Ryan needed Jordan to see Bendura’s treasures and he had two days to share everything special. They could take care of those needs at night. “You can wait for that, too.”

The look on Jordan’s face was priceless. Obviously, he’d never waited for anything in his life, and the expression Ryan got was one an emperor would give his evil subjects right before heads rolled. “Waiting is going to make me tense. Cranky. I’ll fire your ass as my relaxation coach.”

But Ryan held the power. “Fire me, and I won’t fuck you.”

“Shit.” Jordan plopped back on the bed, oozing defiance, but his erect cock seeped pre-cum. Jordan’s body wanted. Good.

Ryan couldn’t resist lapping that tasty dribble from the tip. Jordan moaned and reached for him, but Ryan rose and went to his dresser. “That was a promise for tonight. Today, I challenge you to find relaxation despite waiting. I’ll fuck you at seven tonight, no sooner.”

“Double shit.”

Ryan laughed at Jordan’s ornery look and reached over to slap his ass. “Hit the shower, Hill, and don’t try dropping the soap. I have staying power like you would not believe. I won’t be tempted.”

Lust flared in Jordan’s eyes at that smack on the butt cheek. “That’s rude. Do I at least get a kiss now and then? A hot grope? Give me something to look forward to. I’m not a patient man. Once I want something, it becomes an obsession.”

Ryan’s heart pounded at the request, the desire for his man churning in his belly, swirling higher, consuming him. But he hoped the island would become an obsession, too. “Kissing and whatever is allowed if it’s above the belt, until seven.”

“If I wear my pants low enough, the tip of my cock will be above the belt.”

Ryan laughed again, loving Jordan’s boldness despite being new to this side of sex. “If it’s below the belt, soft, then it doesn’t count. Tug your pants up and behave.”

“Fine.” Jordan sighed and slid from the bed. “I knew I hated this fucking island.”

“You’ll love it again at seven.” Hopefully, long, long before seven.

Jordan kissed Ryan’s lips, the look in his eyes daring Ryan to stop him. “I hope to hell so.”


Jordan couldn’t remember the last time he’d seriously dated anyone. College, maybe? But lately, he hadn’t sought out anyone. He didn’t have time for that nonsense.

But the plan for today, roaming the island with his very polite and efficient tour guide/relaxation coach felt like the beginning of a date, one he wanted desperately. So Jordan vowed to fight the urge to calculate costs and income and would just enjoy the sights for a change.

BOOK: Just Ask
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