Just Between Friends (17 page)

BOOK: Just Between Friends
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     “Shh,” she put out a finger to his lips.  “Well, you didn’t lose me, now did you?  I’m going to be fine.  Ouch,” she groaned, as she tried shifting positions, “Sore, but fine.”  Her voice was so weak as she spoke Ben thought, but at least she was talking.  She was going to live and with that realization, made him the happiest man alive.


     “Cass,” he said anxiously, “I have to tell the others.  They’ve all been so upset.”  He rose, bent and gently touched his lips to hers.  “I feel as if I’ve been given my life back.  I love you so much.  I’ll be right back.”


     He found Alec and Miranda, along with doc Mitchell in the kitchen.  Miranda was attempting to fix breakfast, but her expression was solemn as she moved about, and Alec was taking plates from the cupboard.  Doctor Mitchell sat at the table sipping on a cup of freshly made coffee.


     Fearing the odd expression on his face when he entered the room, Miranda was the first to speak.  “Ben, what is it?”


     He walked over and wrapped his arms around her, then pulling away, he replied, “She’s awake, Miranda!  Cass is awake!”


     Miranda was ecstatic.  “Oh Ben,” she cried, “that’s wonderful news!  Can I see her?  I have to go tell mama and papa!”


     She was speaking so fast.  Alec walked over to her and advised, “Whoa now sweetheart, slow down.  I know you’re excited, but let’s let doc Mitchell examine her first, alright?”


     She felt foolish.  “You’re right.  I’m sorry, I’m just so happy, that’s all.”


     “I know,” Alec laughed, “and rightfully so.”


     “Don’t worry, Miranda,” Doctor Mitchell cut in, “as soon as I examine her, and I feel she’s up to it, you’ll be the first to see her, alright?”


     “That’s a deal,” she agreed.




     About fifteen minutes later the doctor returned and assured everyone that Cassandra would indeed make it.  It would take time for her to recover, but he knew she would have a lot of support.


     True to his word, he allowed Miranda to visit with her sister, but he advised not too long.  He knew she was going to be having a lot of visitors that day, and he didn’t want her to feel too stressed.


     Nervously, Miranda ascended the stairs and walked to the room Cassie occupied.  Pushing the door open slowly, she peered in.  Upon seeing her, Cassie invited, “Come in, Miranda.”


     Noticing how weak she sounded, Miranda knew she couldn’t keep her talking long.  “Hello, Cassie.  How are you feeling?”  She knew that was a stupid question, but she was at a loss for words.


     Weakly Cassie answered, “I’m alright, Miranda.  I’m glad you’re here.  I need to ask you something.  I thought Doctor Mitchell would have said something, but he didn’t.”  Her voice was so faint, Miranda could barely understand her.  She didn’t even sound like herself, but still she continued.  “I lost the baby, didn’t I?”


     Miranda nodded.  “Yes, Cass, I’m so sorry.  We didn’t know how to tell you.  Why didn’t you tell anyone about the baby?”


     Holding back tears, she answered in a voice barely above a whisper.  “I wasn’t sure I was.  I was going to visit the doctor this week.  Once I was certain, I would have told Ben.  How did he handle it?”

     Knowing how hard this was on her sister, she said gently, “Cassie, I can’t lie.  It hurt Ben terribly to lose that child, but, the one thing he couldn’t have been able to bare, was to have lost you.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so grief-stricken, and I do think he would have died somehow if he had lost you.  I know you don’t want to hear this right now, Cassie, but you and Ben will have lots more children.  I know that doesn’t ease your pain right now, but someday things will return to normal.”


     Cassandra remained quiet for a long while, then she asked, “How’s mama, Miranda?  This has had to be so hard on her.”


     “Yes, it has, Cass, but
guess what?  We have a new baby brother.  His name is Thomas Lynn, and both he and mama are doing fine.  At least mama will be when she finds out you’re going to make it.”


     “Oh!”  Cassie exclaimed.  “I can’t wait to see him.  When was he born, and how is mama?”

     “He was born around daybreak yesterday morning, October fourth.  He’s beautiful, Cassie, and mama is doing fine.”  With that the door swung open, and Ben walked in.


     Taking this as her clue to leave, Miranda stood up and said, “Well, Cass, I’m going to go home now and tell everyone the good news.  I probably won’t be back until this evening.  I know papa will want to come over and see you.”  She kissed her
sister on the forehead.  “I love you, Cass.  I’m so glad you’re going to be alright.”


     “I love you too, Miranda,” she returned affectionately.  “And please, tell everyone at home I love them, and not to worry.  Give the baby a kiss from his sister.”


     “I will,” she promised, then left Ben alone with Cassandra.




     By that evening, everyone’s tensions had eased.  The Porters, knowing their daughter was out of danger, could really enjoy their new son.  Mary was so happy she had cried all day, but only tears of happiness this time, and her father, after visiting with Cassie, seemed his old self.


     Each of them knew the rebuilding of Ben and Cassandras home would take some time, but it would be nothing compared to what they would have endured if they had lost her.  They were truly thankful.

Chapter XI



     Christmas was fast approaching once again.  Everyone had pulled together to help Ben rebuild his house.  Even Arthur Reynolds, Steven’s father had helped, and they had finished just in time before the first snowfall of the season.  It still had some finishing touches to be done, but Ben and Cassandra were anxious to be in their home again.


     They had been staying at the Williams, and although they loved them dearly, it still wasn’t the same as being in their own home.  Cassie was getting much better, but she still had a long way to go.  She still grieved the loss of her child.  Baby Tommy was such a joy, but each time Cassie saw him, he made her think of her own.  Yet, she loved him dearly and was beginning to talk of having another baby real soon, so they knew she was starting to be her old self again.  Miranda was glad, for she worried about her sister.


     She and Alec had even begun to visit the Reynolds.  She loved being with them, and they loved little Sarah.  She was such a lovely child, Miranda thought.  Though she dared not say it, she thought she looked a lot like Steven.


     She and Alec were becoming quite attached to her.  Sarah especially loved Alec.  She would run to him every time she saw him, and even though he never said anything, Miranda also knew that Alec loved that little girl as much as she did.


     Alec was playing with Sarah in the back yard as Miranda and Samantha watched them from the kitchen window.  Miranda noticed how quiet Sam was, when she suddenly spoke, “It’s so good to see Sarah like this.  I always wish she could have known her father.  Oh, papa tries, but he never plays with her like this.  He loves her, but he’s older.  Well, you know what I mean.  Sometimes I still miss Michael so much I can hardly stand it.  He would have been so proud of Sarah.”


     Miranda could sympathize, for she knew how hard it was to lose the one you love.  “Yes, he would have.  She’s a wonderful child.  I’m sorry I’ve missed so much of her growing up.  She’ll be six years old soon, March first to be exact.  I remember that day so vividly,” she recalled.  “Steven had come to my house and told me he was an uncle.  You should have seen how proud he was.”  Tears were beginning to well up in her eyes.


     “You still miss him too, don’t you?”  Sam asked.


     Looking at her, she answered, “Yes, sometimes I’m alright, but then something happens and it feels as if my heart is being torn out.” 


     They both grew silent.


     A few seconds later, the door to the kitchen swung open and Alec and Sarah came bounding in the room.  Hearing their laughter, they were brought back to the present.  “Well,” Sam questioned, “did the two of you have a good time?”


     As Alec reached over and tickled Sarah, he replied, “Well, I did.  I can’t answer for this little pumpkin though.  How about it, sweetie?  Have you had fun?”


     Her sky-blue eyes were sparkling as she looked up at him.  He reached for her and lifted her into his arms. Her long golden-blonde hair hung freely down her back, and she could barely stop giggling before she answered, “Yes, I did, Alec.    Will you come back over tomorrow and play? The snowman we built will still be there, won’t he?”


     He placed her back on the floor then, and knelt before her.


     He looked at her lovingly.  “Yes, Sarah.  He’ll be there, and if I can come back tomorrow, maybe we can build him a Mrs. Snowman.  What do you think about that?”


     “Yippee!”  She squealed, as she jumped up and down.  “I would like that.”  Then looking at her mother, she pleaded, “Can we, Mama, please?  It’s not that cold outside.”


     Sam couldn’t resist her daughter.  “Yes, it’s alright with me, honey, but you shouldn’t bother Alec too much.  I’m sure he’s very busy.”


     Alec interrupted, as he straightened, “I don’t mind, Samantha.  Really, I love being with Sarah.”


     She studied this for a moment, then replied, “Well, alright then. Can I get you a cup of coffee?  It’s still hot, and if you’d both like, you’re welcome to join us for dinner.  It will be ready shortly.”


     “No,” Miranda spoke up.  “We really have to be on our way.  I promised mama I would help Aunt Alice with Tommy.  She and papa are going to Cassie’s to fix dinner for them.”


     Alec cut in, “But, we’ll try our best to come back tomorrow.”  Looking at Sarah, he added, “I wouldn’t want to disappoint the little one.”  He then winked at her.


     They bade their goodbyes, and as they were driving along, Miranda turned to Alec and stated, “You’re becoming quite attached to Sarah, aren’t you?”


     He grinned.  “You’re not jealous, are you, Miranda?”


     She looked shocked at his question, “Why of course not!  What a silly thing to ask.  She’s only a child.  It’s just that I hate to see her get so close to you, then when we get married and have children, she’ll feel left out.  I don’t want that to happen to her.”


     He felt flattered.  He knew she was jealous by the high pitch to her voice.  He had never heard her even mention the fact of marriage, even though he had asked her months ago.  Maybe this was the best time to approach the subject again, now that her mother was on her feet.  Maybe it could even be soon.


     Slowly, he began.  “Speaking of marriage, Miranda, do you think we could set a wedding date?  There’s nothing holding us back anymore.  Your ma’s had the baby, and Cassie’s better.”  He stopped the buggy then, and reached over and slipped his arm around her waist.  Looking into her eyes, he proclaimed, “I love you, Miranda.  What do you say?”

     She looked down and was silent for a minute, before she gave her answer.  “Yes, Alec, you’re right.  I agree with you, it is time.  You say when, and that‘s when it will be.”  She had a mixture of emotions.  She didn’t know if she was happy or sad, but she couldn’t think about that now.  She had kept him waiting long enough.


     Alec was thrilled.  He leaned and touched his lips to hers and feeling that desire, he stopped.  He couldn’t let himself lose control.  “Oh, Miranda, you’ve made me the happiest man alive.  I know we’ll have to wait at least until spring breaks, and I can build us a place.  It may not be as fancy as Ben and Cassie’s at first, but I can work on it more after we move in.  I just can’t wait.”


     Miranda wished she could feel as happy as he, but one day she would.  She knew it would just take some time.  She reached out and touched his face and said, “Whatever you build will be fine with me, Alec.  Don’t worry.”


     Thinking this over a moment, he then suggested, “How about an April wedding?  I don’t think I can wait any longer than that.”


     She considered this a moment, then answered.  “That sounds fine.”

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