Just Between Friends (26 page)

BOOK: Just Between Friends
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     Kissing Tommy once more before she left, she replied, “Alright, I’ll see you later.”  As she was leaving the room, she turned and added, “I love you, Mama,” then hurried out the door.




     Miranda had picked up Steven and they were on their way to his parent’s house when he scooted up close beside her and slipped his arm around her waist.  She had been so pleased to see that Cassie had cut his hair, and Ben had loaned him some of his clothes, even though they were a bit too big for him.  Her heart ached to see him so thin.  But even so, he looked much better this morning.


     About a quarter of the way there, Steven had taken over the driving, allowing Miranda time to just relax a little and to calm her nerves before reaching the Reynolds. She glanced in his direction for a moment, then turning her head slightly, laid it against his shoulder, while holding onto his arm. 


     This was the opportunity Steven was looking for.  He pulled back on the horses, and once they had stopped, he laid the reins on the seat beside him then turned to face Miranda. He cleared his throat then stammered, “Baby, I know this may be too soon to ask this, but I’ve waited so long I just can’t wait any longer.  Now maybe I won’t be able to give you much at first, but I will, baby, I promise.”  He paused for a moment to catch his breath.  “Will you marry me, Miranda?  Pa has that small house behind his, the one he and ma lived in before the one they live in now.  Now I know it’s not much, but I’ll build you one just as nice as Ben and Cassie’s.  It may take some time though.  It’s just a shame that the one I had already started to build for us before I went off to war was destroyed.  It wouldn’t have taken so long to finish.”


     Miranda couldn’t speak, for this was so unexpected.  Her heart was fluttering wildly.


     He continued, “My legs are improving. I can feel it. They’ll be almost normal again one day, I know. We were so close to being married when all this happened.  I just can’t wait any longer, Miranda.  What do you say?”


     Tears were welling up in her eyes.  She still couldn’t speak.  Burying her face against his neck, he stroked her hair.


     “What is it, baby?  I didn’t mean to make you cry.”


     She gathered her emotions, and looked up at him. “No Steven, I’m not crying because I’m sad. I’m just so happy.  Why only a few days ago, I didn’t care if I lived or died.  I’ve been so unhappy without you, and now it feels as if I’m going to explode with all this happiness.  Yes Steven, I’ll marry you.  I don’t care where we had to live as long as we’re together.  I love you so much.”


     He claimed her lips.  When he pulled away, she could barely breathe. They grew silent. After a moment, he spoke.  “Miranda, I don’t want us to wait any longer than we have to.  Would two weeks be enough time for you to prepare?”


Two weeks
, she thought.  She knew that wasn’t very long, but it still seemed an eternity.  She then realized she would have so much to do she wouldn’t have time to dwell on it, so she responded, “Yes that sounds perfect.”


     “Good,” he nodded, and kissed her once more before adding, “Well, come on sweetheart, let’s be on our way.  I’m anxious to get this over.”


     She decided to take over the reins again, so Steven handed them to her.  As she nudged the horses on, she thought,
Two weeks

In only two weeks she would be Mrs. Steven Reynolds.  Her life would then be perfect.




     It was still quite early as they reached the turn to Steven’s parent’s home.  “Stop here, Miranda,” he suddenly spoke. 


     She did as he had ordered, but asked, “Why, Steven?  We’re almost there.”


     He ran his fingers through his hair.  “I just think it would be best if I walked the rest of the way.  That way you can go ahead and kind of prepare them for this.  It’ll be easier for everyone, alright?”


     Hesitantly, she agreed. “Well, alright Steven. If you think that’s best.  Give me a while though.  I’m just as nervous as you.  I have no idea what to say to them.”


     He touched her face.  “You’ll do fine.  I’ll wait until I see you open the curtains and look out before I make my appearance.  How does that sound?”


     She nodded, and answered, “I think that sounds like a good plan, but, I’ll sure be glad when all this is over.  My heart is pounding so hard.”


     He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. “Relax,” he assured her, as he pulled away and looked into her eyes.  “This will all be over before you know it.”  He then slowly climbed down from the wagon, resting his weight on the cane.


     Miranda glanced at him once more, then urged, “Wish me luck.”  She then drove on.




     As his home came into view, Miranda saw no-one outside.  They still must be eating breakfast, she reasoned.  Pulling up in front of their house, she slowly stepped to the ground.  Her palms were perspiring so.  Gathering her nerves, she climbed the steps that led to the front porch.


     Hesitating a moment, she then knocked. She heard someone approaching. When the door swung open, she jumped.


     “Miranda,” Sam apologized, “I didn’t mean to startle you. I supposed you’ve come to see if we’ve found out anything. I wish we could give you good news, but papa still hasn’t found anything.” Taking her arm, she then invited, “Please, come in.  We’re all in the kitchen.  Won’t you join us?”


     As she entered the house, she announced, “Sam, there’s something I need to discuss with all of you.  I think I’ll just stay in here and wait until you’ve finished eating.  Then please, ask your parents if I could speak with them, and you also, of course.”


     Fearing Miranda had found something bad out about Steven, Sam became anxious.  She said shakily, “We’ve already finished.  We were just talking.  I’ll go get everyone.  We’ll be right in.  Please, go have a seat and make yourself comfortable.”


     Samantha had informed her parents, and they all joined Miranda.  As soon as they were seated, Arthur asked, “What have you discovered, Miranda? We know it’s something.  Please, just be straight with us.”


     Realizing they expected the worst, Miranda assured them, “It’s not what you think. Please, don’t worry.  A lot has happened since yesterday evening.  I’ll do my best to explain.”


     She paused and took a deep breath before continuing.  “You see, after my father and I returned home yesterday, I was feeling pretty hopeless.  I had gone to my room in total despair, about to give up.  Then something kept needling at me to go back, alone.  So, I did.  It was growing dark when I got there.  I went to the house where Sarah had been found and I just started talking.  I spilled my heart out to Steven.  I felt I was just speaking to the wind, but little did I know someone was actually listening.  As I was leaving, I heard a voice. When I turned around, he was walking toward me.”


     She stopped to catch her breath, and looked to see their expressions.  They had been so quiet.  You could hear a pin drop, but she asked, “I guess you know who I’m talking about, don’t you?”  As she looked at Amelia, she saw how white she had become.  She knew this was a shock.  “Are you alright, Mrs. Reynolds?”  Miranda asked, with much concern in her voice.


     Nodding, she asked, voice quivering, “Are you trying to tell us that Steven is alive?”


     Feeling very pleased to answer her question, she smiled and proudly declared, “Yes, I am, and he’s outside right now.  He wanted me to tell you first, so it wouldn’t come as such a shock.”


     Arthur looked toward the door, then back at Miranda.  “Are you saying he’s out there, right now?”


     “Yes!”  Miranda answered jubilantly.  “He asked me to let him off at the corner and said he would walk the rest of the way, so that would give me time to prepare you.”


     Arthur gathered his wife in his arms and they both cried.  “Amelia,” he wept, as he rocked her in his arms, “our son is alive!  He’s alive!”


     Samantha joined her parents on the sofa and threw her arms around them both as they hugged her to them.  Miranda sat quietly, watching.  When they pulled apart, Arthur wiped his eyes and stood to his feet.  Reaching his hand to his wife, he urged, “Come on dear, let’s go see our son.” 
It felt so good to say that,
he thought.  She took his hand as he helped her to her feet.  Then turning to Sam, motioned for her to join them.


     Miranda was enjoying the sight, and unnoticed by them, she stood and made her way to the window, for she knew Steven would be waiting.  She saw him standing by a tree in the yard.  Upon seeing her, he headed for the house, cane in hand.


     Arthur, Amelia and Samantha walked silently and slowly toward the door.  It took Arthur awhile to open it, for he had to prepare himself.  After all this time of thinking him dead, to find his son was alive, was so hard to believe. 
How could this be?
  As he nervously pulled it open, there he stood.  They stared at each other a moment, then Arthur pulled him into his embrace.  “Steven,” he cried, “oh how we’ve missed you!”


     “Pa,” Steven’s voice broke as he tried to speak, “it’s so good to see you again.”


     When he pulled free from his father’s arms, he looked at his mother.  She came up and wrapped her arms around his neck and wept into his chest, as he pulled her close.  “There, there Ma.  Please, don’t cry.  I’m home now, and I’m never going to leave again.”


     But she couldn’t stop crying, and she was trembling all over.  They were beginning to worry when she finally let go of him.  “Steven,” she sobbed, “I can’t believe you’re here.  All the nightmares I’ve had.  I’ve prayed that one day we would find out that you didn’t really die in the war, and here you are.  I’m so happy.”  She hugged him to her once more.  Steven was relieved to feel that her trembling was beginning to cease.  He backed away and proclaimed, “I love you, Ma,” then kissed her on the cheek.


     It was Sam’s turn now, and seeing the tears as they flowed down her face, he exclaimed, “Not you too, big sister!  I can’t bear to see any more crying.”


     He hugged her to him, as she cried.  “Oh Steven, I didn’t think I would ever be called that again.  It’s so good to finally have you home.”


     He felt her trembling also, and knew he had done the right thing to send Miranda ahead of him to warn them.  What even more of a shock it would have been if he had just showed up unannounced.  As she left his embrace, he asked, “Where’s that niece of mine, that little scamp?  I should have known she wouldn’t keep my secret.”  He laughed at that.  “And I’m sure glad she didn’t.”


     “She’s not up yet,” Sam explained.  “She had a bad night last night.  Her stomach was hurting.  I hope she feels better when she gets up.”


     “She’s a special little girl, Sam.  You’ve done a wonderful job raising her.  She reminds me of you, you know?”


     “She told us you said that.”  A deep longing came to Sam’s eyes, “She’s everything to me.  She’s all I have left of Michael.  Thank you for taking such good care of her when she was lost.  Sometime I want you to tell me what happened and where you found her, but right now, we just want to hear about you.”


     “Yes, Son,” Arthur cut in, “please, tell us everything.”


     Miranda could see how Steven’s father seemed like a new man. Why only yesterday, he looked so defeated and hopeless.  Now, he seemed to glow.  She was so happy for all of them.


     Just then they heard the sound of footsteps as they ran down the stairs. “Mama,” Sarah asked, “what’s going on?”  Seeing Steven, she froze.  Her eyes widened, fearing he would be angry with her.


     Steven made his way to her.  He smiled down as he greeted her.  “Hello, Sarah.  Do you remember me?”


     She only nodded, not knowing what to expect.  He knelt before her and gathered her in his arms. When she pulled away, she shyly asked, “You’re not mad at me, are you?”


     “No, Sarah, of course I’m not mad at you.  To be honest, I’m glad you told my secret.  That way I could come home again.”

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