Just Between Friends (36 page)

BOOK: Just Between Friends
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     Curious, Nora asked, “How can I promise you something if I have no idea what it is?”


     “Never mind that, just promise me.” 


     Hesitating only a moment, Nora agreed.  “Alright, I don’t understand, but I promise.”


     “I want you to have this dress,” Miranda insisted. “Now remember, you promised.  Please, accept it.  It’ll make me feel better knowing I could at least repay your kindness in some small way.  Why, don’t you realize if it wasn’t for you and Isaac, I could have died out there?  I owe you my life.  The least you can do, is accept a measly dress in return.”


     Nora’s face lit up as Miranda placed it in her hands.  “But I’m not used to owning something so fancy,” she stammered.


     “Well then, it’s about time you did.  Come on.”  Taking her to one corner of the room, Miranda pulled back the curtain that concealed the area where a small cot was stored.  “You can change in here where you can have some privacy.”


     As Nora stepped behind the curtain, Miranda pulled them closed and waited.  It seemed to be taking her forever.


     Finally, the curtains opened and Nora walked out.  Miranda held her breath.  Why, she didn’t even look like the same person.  She was lovely.  The dress was a perfect fit.  Taking her by the hand, she urged, “Come on Nora, Isaac has to see how beautiful you are.”


     When he saw her his eyes widened with approval.  “Nora,” was all he could manage to get out.


     “Do I look alright, Isaac?”


     “Do you look alright? Why honey, you’re absolutely breathtaking, and look at what I’m wearing.  You’ll be ashamed to be seen with me, now that you’re dressed like that.”


     “Isaac, I could never be ashamed of you.  I love you,” she beamed.


     “I hate to cut in on this conversation you two,” Miranda interrupted, “but the ceremony is about to begin.  You’d better find a seat before they’re all filled up.”  Nodding, Isaac placed his hand on the back of Nora’s arm, and with Cathleen in the crook of his they made their way into the sanctuary.


     Peering in, Miranda saw that the church was nearly filled to capacity.  She breathed a sigh of relief, fearing the crowd would be small, due to the snow.  It seemed all of their neighbors were there, along with Emily and her new beau.  She had heard about him, but they had never met.  She had to chuckle to herself, thinking that Emily must have finally faced the fact, that Alec would never be interested in her as more than a friend. 
Good for her though
, she thought.  She was glad she had finally found someone she could find happiness with.


     Glancing to the front, there was Steven looking so dapper in his dark suit with white waistcoat.  She could tell by the way he couldn’t stand still, that he was just as nervous as she.


     Suddenly music filled the air.  Her mother kissed her, then hurried into the next room.  Cassandra touched her arm and Miranda nodded, signaling for her to begin her walk as maid of honor.  Taking his place beside his daughter, Frank took her by the arm then whispered, “I love you, honey.”


     Her eyes filling with tears, she smiled and replied, “I love you too, Papa.”


     As they made their entrance the crowd stood, and watched as they slowly made their way up the aisle.  When Steven saw Miranda, he could barely breathe. 
How could this vision of loveliness possibly be his?
  She completely took his breath away.  As she drew near, his heart began to pound, and his hands became so clammy.  He was unable to take his eyes off her.


     When they reached the front, the minister asked, “Who gives this woman in marriage?”


     Looking at his oldest daughter, Frank smiled and stated, “I do.”  After handing her over to Steven, he took his place beside his wife, who was seated on the front row.


     All during the ceremony, Miranda and Stevens eyes never wavered from each other.  To each of them this day had seemed an impossibility.  Now here they stood, becoming man and wife.  As the minister spoke, his words were barely audible to their ears, for they were too intent on the emotions they were feeling for each other.  It was as if they alone were in the room, for everyone else was unnoticed by them, their eyes and minds only belonging to each other.


     They only became aware of the others, as the minister announced, “I would now like to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Steven Arthur Reynolds.”


     Feeling her heart begin to flutter, Miranda repeated the minister’s words in her mind. 
Mrs. Steven Reynolds
.  For as long as she could remember, she had dreamed of hearing those words.  Now it had finally come true.


     “Steven,” the minister continued, “You may kiss your bride.”


     Stepping closer to her, he lifted her veil, and gathered her in his arms.  Placing his lips on hers, she trembled.  When the kiss ended, everyone stood and clapped, as Miranda’s face grew red.  When the crowd surrounded them, she felt as if she were on a cloud, floating high above everyone else.  This whole day seemed unreal, as if it couldn’t possibly be happening.  But it was happening.  She belonged to Steven now, and he belonged to her.  They would never be separated again.


     “Miranda, honey,” her mother said, interrupting her from her thoughts, “I’m so happy for you.”   As Mary embraced her, she could still hear her mother’s sobs. 


     After everyone else had congratulated them, Frank spoke up, “The reception is to be held at our house, and all of you are welcome.  Now we want you to know that we understand if you can’t make it, what with the snow and all, but we hope to see as many as possible.  Mary has been working so hard, and has prepared so many delicious dishes.”


     Then making his way through the crowd to where his daughter stood, he explained, “Miranda, we’re going to leave now, so we can be there to greet our guests.  I love you, honey.  See you in a little while.”


     Watching them leave, she felt so privileged to have such wonderful parents.  They had stood with her through thick and thin.  She would always be grateful to them.




     Except for Steven, Miranda and Mr. and Mrs. Williams, everyone had already left the church.  Alec’s parents had stayed behind hoping to speak with the couple, and congratulate them, for Louise wasn’t up to going to the reception.  Miranda noticed her strange behavior, but had decided it best not to ask any questions.


     Watching as they approached, she smiled and braced herself, unsure of what they were about to say.  Maybe they still blamed her for what she had done to Alec.


     “Miranda, dear,” Louise stated, as she reached them.  “It was such a lovely wedding, and you’re such a beautiful bride.”  Taking her by the hand, she then looked at Steven, as she added, “You’re one lucky man I hope you realize that.”


     He glanced at Miranda and seemed to be beaming.  “Yes, Mrs. Williams, I most certainly do realize that.  I’ve waited an awfully long time for this day.”


     “I know you have,” she agreed, as she patted his hand.  “I want you to know I couldn’t be happier for either of you.”


     “That goes for me too,” Ethan cut in.  “It’s plain to see by just looking at you that you belong together.”  He shook Steven’s hand, and hugged Miranda.  “We wish you a long and wonderful life together.”


     As she stepped back, Miranda asked with a confused look on her face, “Aren’t the two of you coming to the reception?  We would really like for you to be there.”


     “No,” Ethan guiltily answered.  “Louise here isn’t feeling too well today.  I’m going ahead and take her home so she can rest up a bit.”


     Worried, Miranda remarked, “I hope it’s nothing serious.”


     “No, dear,” Louise assured her.  “I just have a headache.  I’ll be fine once I’ve rested.  Now we must be going.  We’re making the two of you late for your own reception.  Congratulations, again.  Maybe one day soon, I can pay you a visit.”


     “That would be lovely,” Miranda replied.  “I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Chapter XXII



     The day, by late afternoon, had turned so warm that the snow was running in streams alongside the road, as Ethan and Louise drove toward their home.  The sun felt warm against their faces.  Even though he had his suspicions what the doctor had told his wife, he was beginning to feel annoyed.  He worried yes, but the fact that she wouldn’t confide in him, was starting to anger him.


     Ever since her visit to doctor Mitchell, Louise had sort of become withdrawn.  Ethan was unable to get through to her.  One day he even stopped and asked the doctor what he had told her, but he had only answered, “Ethan, it’s nothing serious.  I wish I could tell you more, but I made a promise I wouldn’t say anything.  My advice to you is, just be patient with her.  She’ll confide in you in her own time.”


     He was still in thought, when Louise spoke.  “Ethan, could we stop here for a moment?  There’s something I want to tell you.”


     “Pulling on the reins to stop the horses, he only looked at his wife.  They were about halfway between the church and their home, in a heavily wooded area, and very private.


     “Ethan,” she began, “please, just listen and don’t say anything until I’ve finished, alright?  What I’m about to say is very hard on me.  Please, be patient.”


     He only nodded, as she began.  “When I visited Doctor Mitchell the other day, he told me some very distressing news.  Oh, it’s nothing life-threatening or anything.  I’ve just been unable to find the proper words to tell you.  Maybe you won’t want me anymore after this, and I couldn’t blame you if you didn’t.”


     Ethan was really confused now.  Although he had his suspicions as to what it was, he was now unsure.
  Why wouldn’t he want her?
He wondered.


     “You see, Ethan.  Oh, this is so difficult.”


     Placing his hand over hers, he encouraged, “Dear, whatever it is, we can face it together.”


     “But Ethan, you don’t understand.  I can never be a proper wife to you again.  I’ll no longer be able to bear any more of your children.  For you see, I’m now going through the change of life.  Now that daughter you’ve always wanted will never be, unless of course, you find someone else.  Maybe you should.  I’m sure I won’t be of use to you anymore.  After all, what kind of wife can I possibly make?”


     He embraced her as her whole body convulsed with sobs.  “Louise dear,” he said, pulling away, “you listen to me.  You know very well, that there is no-one else for me in this whole world.  Why honey, you’re all I ever dreamed of since the moment I laid eyes on you when we were just children, you know that.  I love you.  Do you think I only want to be with you just so you can give me children?  Sure, I would have liked to have had a daughter, but to be honest I gave up on that idea a long time ago.”


     One lone tear was trickling down her face as he said,  “Besides, my guess is, we’ll be having a lot of little girls running around soon, what with Ben being married and Alec soon to follow.  We have two fine sons, and I couldn’t be happier.  Why, honey, we’re still young.  We can watch all our grandbabies grow up.  Now if that’s all you’re worrying about, then you might as well cheer up.   I suspected that was what it was anyway, especially since you wouldn’t tell me.  I stopped at doc Mitchells the other day but he wouldn’t say anything.  I mean, really, deep down I already knew, but I still wanted to make sure that’s all it was.  You understand that, don’t you?”


     She only nodded.


     He noticed how her expression seemed to be changing, as if a weight was lifting from her shoulders, so he suggested, “Why don’t we turn around and go back to that reception?  It seems an awful shame to miss it.”


     Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she agreed, “You’re right.  I did feel bad for not going.  Miranda seemed terribly disappointed.”  Studying this over a moment, she then said, “Alright, let’s go.” 


     He didn’t have to be told twice. He smiled at her, and after giving her a quick kiss on the lips, he pulled on the reins once more, causing the horses to turn.  They were headed for the Porters.

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