Read Just Her Luck Online

Authors: Jeanette Lynn

Just Her Luck (41 page)

BOOK: Just Her Luck
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"I'd gladly go blind," he leered lecherously, winking at me when I snorted.

"You can't go out in
," Bowen protested, adjusting the sleeves of his handsome looking black western shirt, striding in.

He had black jeans and black boots on as well, making me drool a little over him.

"Hey, eyes over here!" Thatcher grumbled, "You haven't checked my fancy duds out yet. Make him wait his turn, sweet cakes."

He winked and gave me a cheeky grin.

Smiling, I rolled my eyes and gave him a thorough once over, humoring him, clapping, though careful of my hand, when he did a slow turn and cocked a hip.

Looking over his shoulder at me, he gave me a roguish grin and a wonderful view of his sexy, dark denim clad rump.

What an ass.

And I mean that in the nicest way.

"Very nice," I complimented, giving him a wolf whistle when he wiggled his bum at me.

"If you keep clapping at him," Ephraim snorted, spanning my waist, coming up behind me, his large hands gripping my hips, "Then you really are gonna take an eye out with them things."


My hands shot up to my chest protectively.

"Mama," Sawyer protested, joining in the melee, his usual easy mien tainted with a frown, "You aren't seriously gonna make her wear that, are ya?"

He waved his hands around at my outfit and gave his mother a disapproving glower.

"How is it any different from what I'm wearing?" she asked defensively, gesturing at her very similar, yet less bust pushing, non-hoochie length hemline, outfit.

It looks so much cuter on her.

"It really is short and I can't really bend over," I told her kindly, not wanting to hurt her feelings when she’d seemed so excited.

"You can't?" Ephraim chirped, voice catching in his throat, trying not to swallow his tongue.

I gripped his hand when it went to wander towards my bum, stilling it behind me as I tried to keep a straight face, his hand hidden at my back.

"Oh..." Barb said slowly, examining me from head to toe, face scrunched up as she scrutinized me, tapping her chin in thought.

"I get it,” she said finally, light blonde brows pulled down low before she gave a firm nod and looked up, “ You want her more...
,” she nodded more enthusiastically, waving a hand at me, “okay, more like regular folk."

I stared at them all, lips parted slightly, horrified.

"No, Mama, I never said..." Sawyer protested.

"Normal? Regular?" Barry laughed, slapping his knee. He glanced around, chortling.

The fool laughed harder, and I glared at the skinny oaf.

It wasn’t that funny.

"I can just wear something of my own...." I gritted out, resisting the urge to maim my cackling cousin.

I hope he laughs so hard he trips himself up, gets tangled up on his boat sized goofy feet and hits his stupid fat, cackling head.

That would teach him.

I sniffed a little.


"Oh, no," Barb tsk-tsk-ed, shaking her hair, a swirl of blonde and curls swishing about her pixie face, "That would never do."


"What's wrong with what I..."

"Come now, Vieve," Ruthie directed, urging me back into the room, "You keep them cowgirl boots on and we'll just slide the next one on over your head.

“Next one?” I mumbled, “There’s another one?”

"I'll help!" Thatcher volunteered.

"NO!!!" Barb and Ruthie both bellowed out in warning, making me laugh.






"I think my pain meds have officially kicked in," I whispered, looking down at the very cute country western style sundress I had on, wiggling my toes in my brown cowgirl boots.

Okay, I'll admit it, I make this shit look good,
I thought, eyeing myself in the mirror.

It was different, but it was cute, and surprisingly enough, I'm really diggin' the style, lovin' the earthy tones and pretty sage green all throughout the dress.

"Why did you guys want to dress me up, again?" I asked curiously, still trying to wrap my head around that one.

"Oh, no reason," Barb said secretively, smiling at me knowingly.

I raised a brow at her.

"Okay. Okay, fine,” she harrumphed, caving, “I never had a daughter and Ruthie and I got to talkin'... and well, the boys are just so smitten with you and..."

"Hurry up ladies, I'm starvin'!" Jep whined from the living room, making Barb shake her mop of blonde hair as she rolled her eyes and let loose a tinkling laugh.

"You know,” I said quietly, not wanting to give her the wrong idea, “I don't want to burst your bubble or anything, but..."

"Still on that, sweet pea?" she said gently, giving me a sympathy squeeze. "I hope you've figured out I've raised a stubborn brood. You think you can get away from all five of them?" She laughed like it was the funniest thing ever. "Oh, honey, those boys are ruthless when they want somethin'."

"It's just Ephraim and Bowen. Sawyer and Reeve both, uh... well... erm... needless to say they weren't interested, so let’s drop them. And Thatcher would flirt with a wooden post, so long as it had a picture of a woman's face on it. I don't think he really means it. Not really. He’s just teasing. It’s his way, you know?"

She ignored that and changed the subject.

"You're hair looks so cute like this, by the way," she complimented, fussing with a runaway lock, smiling at me contentedly.

"Uhm, thanks," I said awkwardly, letting it go, throwing my small sweater on, nabbing my purse up to get us all out the door.

"Finally!" Reeve grumbled, shooting up, ready to herd everyone out the door, "You guys were taking fore... ver." He eyed me up and down as his words trailed off.

"Doesn't she look adorable?" his mom gushed, hurrying over to Phin, taking his and Jep's arms to let them walk her out the door, Brayden taking up the rear.

"You look...
," was what ended up coming out of Reeve’s mouth only moments later.

"I think you look downright gorgeous, baby." Ephraim grinned, tugging me into his side.

"Really?" I asked shyly, peeking up at him.

"Really," he assured me, eyeing me from head to toe, "but I still like you best just the way you are," he stole a kiss, "you look naked without all them piercings and what not. They make you,

I beamed at him and gave him a thankful peck on the cheek, walking outside together, letting him help me up into his new truck.

He hopped right in after me, making me do a double take at Bowen in the driver's seat.

"Hey, sweetheart," Bowen purred, wrapping his large hand around the back of my neck to pull me in.

I gasped as he yanked me towards him and our lips met, his tongue automatically thrusting in between my parted lips, making me forget where we were, what we were about.

Who am I?

What day is it?

The kiss went on and on, tongues tasting, breath mingling, until my body tingled and my chest heaved, and I thought I might come from the feeling of his lips on mine alone.

"Wait," I panted, trying to pull back, "Your parents... everyone else... Ruthie," I protested between hot, searching sweeps of his tongue.

"Gone," he growled, holding my lip prisoner with his teeth.

I whimpered a little and let him reel me back in for another searing, demanding kiss.

"Looks like it’s just you and us, baby," Ephraim murmured huskily, voice much deeper than usual.

His warm calloused hand slid onto my thigh, caressing the curve of my hip as he made his way down my leg.

He gripped my hips in his large hands and pulled them up, lifting my ass up high in the air.

"What are you...?!"

"Hush, girly," Bowen's big voice rumbled. "We have an...
of sorts that we need to work out with you. A disagreement that we all need to hash out."

"A, uh, a what?" I asked breathlessly, wiggling around like a worm on a hook as Ephraim's fingers snuck up along the crack of my ass, fingers running along the seam, venturing slowly towards where I wanted him most.

Just a little lower, buddy, that's right.

Oh, god, right there.

I moaned when he teased over my clit through my panties, drenching them all the way through as he pinched and rubbed at the tight sensitive bud, circling around it in a painful tease, making me ridiculously wet.

"You like that, sweetheart?" Bowen rumbled in that sexy voice of his, hands reaching up to tug at my nipples, popping them out of my bra and right out of the top of my dress. "You like when he plays with your clit, don’t you?"

I didn't answer, too busy having a mini orgasm as he tugged at my breasts while Ephraim strummed my pleasure button with his talented fingers.

Ephraim stopped suddenly, running his finger over the edge of my panties, teasing his way, ever so slowly, to the entrance of my sex.

"Answer him, baby. Do you like this? Like my fingers? Like when I play with your clit?"

"Don't stop!" I cried as he inserted first one long, thick finger, then two, thrusting them in and out of me, in and out, in and out, stopping so suddenly that I cried out at the loss.

Bowen, who was waiting patiently, a breast cupped in each hand, sucked one perfectly plucked nipple in to his mouth and suckled hard, making my pussy cream all over Ephraim's fingers, so deliciously deep inside me.

I moved around experimentally on his stilled fingers, pumping myself up and down on them, gripping the long, wide bench seat on his truck in a death grip, gasping and moaning in ecstasy as I fucked Ephraim's fingers and Bowen took long drugging pulls on my breasts.

On the cusp, they both pulled back when I was just about to orgasm.

I whimpered and cried out, ready to scream as I gaped, eyes going back and forth between the two of them.

"Why did you stop?!!" I wailed.

They both crossed their arms over their chests and gave me the same mulish expression, the same stubborn tilts to their chins.

"We want you to admit you're our girl," Bowen rumbled sternly, dead serious.

I huffed and puffed, like a good little protesting, unsatisfied dragon lady.

"And we're you're men," Ephraim put in firmly, both of their tones brooking no argument.

And I'm sooo tempted to fry their asses to a crisp.

Where's the ability to breathe fire when you need it?

"And you won't let me finish until I do? Do I have that right?" I asked slowly, purposely blanking my expression.

"Yes," they both said in unison.

"Smart," I reluctantly admitted, giving them credit where credit is due, readjusting everything on me as I righted my clothes, grabbing up my purse to hop into the backseat. "There's just one small," I smiled slowly, showing them with my fingers, pinching the digits together so they knew
what I meant, "Itty bitty, teeny tiny problem."

"And what would that be?" Bowen inquired, watching me curiously.

"This is
we're talking about here, fellas, and I'm just as stubborn, if not more, than the both of you combined."

They tried to see if I was bluffing, staring me down as I glared right back.

They both groaned when I didn't give in, glancing at each other uncertainly.

I got comfortable in my seat and smiled at them sweetly.

"You should be really careful with whom you mess with, boys. I could always find my own relief."

"Do it and I'll brain him," Bowen snarled.

I lifted my skirt slowly, teasing my thighs with the material as they watched fixedly, stopping just above the top of my mound.

My lips quirked up into a grin.

"Who said anything about a he?"

They both watched me, eyes glued to the 'V' of my thighs, holding their breaths in silent anticipation as I let my fingers slide down under the hem of my dress, arching up, throwing my head back in a long drawn out moan.

I peeked my eye open and found them both ready to climb over the backseat and jump me.

"Just kidding!" I popped up and sat back down in my seat, folding my legs primly, skirt tucked in under me. "Had ya goin' there for a minute, didn't I?" I smirked, wiggling my brows at them, cackling at the looks on their faces.

"Evil wench," Bowen muttered, plopping into his seat, starting up the engine.

"That was just plain mean, baby," Ephraim grumbled from the passenger seat, arms folded over his chest.

They both turned their backs to me at the same time.

I snorted.

"You can be mad at me all you want,
. You two have the same pants to get glad in."

BOOK: Just Her Luck
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