Just Human (30 page)

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Authors: Kerry Heavens

BOOK: Just Human
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“That’s fine, thanks.”

I sit in the chair next to him. Danny opens the can of Coke and pours it over ice for me.

“Do you feel better?”

“Much. Thanks.”

As he sits back, I lift my feet onto his lap. He strokes them and we just sit. The relaxing rhythm of his fingers on the soles of my feet threatens to make me just a bit too relaxed in my exhausted state. Fortunately, the food arrives before tiredness takes hold. Danny emerges with a tray of food in those brilliant Chinese takeaway boxes that they have over here. I don’t know why we haven’t adopted this at home, but they are
American. The food is delicious, Danny has chosen well; apparently this is what he and Jen ritually have.

“I’m still really nervous about meeting Jen” I admit. “And your parents. They can’t all be that happy that you’re leaving the country to be with me.”

He laughs. “All I can tell you is what they’ve told me, they’re happy for us. If any of them corner you and say bad things, or threaten to rearrange your face, tell me about it and they’ll sleep with the fishes.”

“Don’t laugh at me. If someone was taking Max away from me, I would hate them forever!”

“Ah yes, but my friends are reasonable.”

“Hey!” I pout.

“Listen, I’ve seen them all and they all say that they love the difference in me, I’m happy and relaxed. They all genuinely want good things for us. Okay?”

“Okay,” I relent.

“Now, can we go to bed?” he asks, innocently flashing me his amazing smile.

I giggle. Pathetic! But that’s who I am now.

“Only if I can have a cuddle.”

“Well…okay deal.”

Danny grins and jumps to his feet. In thirty seconds flat, the food has gone, the door is locked and Danny is leading me into his bedroom.

“I’m pleased you’re letting me walk this time, my ankle couldn’t take another knock,” I joke.

He turns to me and narrows his eyes. I accidentally laugh even though I’m trying to keep a straight face.

“Right!” he shouts, grabbing my thighs and throwing me over his shoulders in a fireman’s lift. I shriek.

“Put me down,” I giggle.

He obliges and drops me on the bed and I flop back laughing. The bed is really high; the possibilities of this do not escape my attention, even in my hysteria. Danny leans over me and waits for my laughter to subside. Silent anticipation hangs between us as I wait for him to make his move. He smiles softly and moves forward to kiss me. My lips part and our tongues take over as he crawls onto the bed above me. He whips his t-shirt off and comes back to my lips, holding me to him firmly with his hand grasping behind my neck.

I moan into his mouth when his hand slips gently around my throat, clutching my chin and forcing my head to turn away from his kiss. I sigh as his lips glide down my neck. I love masterful Danny. He catches his breath and settles between my legs, hitching my knees up either side of him and pulling me closer to him, then traces kisses down until he reaches my vest. He pulls the neckline down sharply, revealing my naked breasts, and causing me to gasp. He squeezes them together, licking and biting them in turn.

He slides his hands underneath me and lifts me to sitting, long enough for me to lift my vest over my head. I throw it off the bed as he lies me back down again, returning to my breasts with a new fervour. I lift my head to watch him and as he licks upwards, our mouths almost meet. He begins licking over my nipples and brushing my lips at the top of each stroke. I try to reach forward to meet him, but he’s tantalisingly out of my reach and remains in control. I run my fingers through his hair, holding him close and pushing him into my chest, while I writhe with pleasure beneath him.

He draws back, tugging at my bottoms. They slide easily down my legs and I hear him exhale at the realisation that I’m not wearing underwear. He plunges his tongue straight into me before he has managed to remove my trousers completely; he struggles slightly with the multi-tasking. I don’t want him to stop the incredible thing he’s doing inside me with his tongue so I kick them off. He moves his hands under my bottom and lifts my hips off the bed while he remains with his tongue working deep inside me. I groan loudly, unable to control the volume, the pleasure is so intense.

As he switches to sucking hard on my clit, I squirm to get away, not certain if I want to stop him or beg him to carry on forever. I claw at the bed, moaning, almost laughing, unable to control myself. He continues regardless and holds my hips down firmly to the bed, causing me to thrash around more. My attempts to pull away have worked me further up the bed and Danny breaks contact for a moment to drag me back to him like a rag doll. I put up no resistance and I know, from his dominant demeanour, tonight is going to be all for me. He stands quickly and pulls down his shorts, stepping out of them and crawling back between my legs.

Gathering my legs up, Danny pushes himself quickly into me, and drives his tongue back into my mouth in one motion. He thrusts, once, then twice and as he finds a rhythm he moves my legs down and around his back and rolls us onto our sides. Moaning together, we both move, the pace quickening.

He stares deep into my eyes, amplifying the intensity. One arm is underneath me, wrapped around my back, holding me tightly by my hair. The other hand moves over me, never settling in one place too long. He pinches my clit, sending a shockwave through me. Then he pinches hard on each of my nipples, before brushing his hand across my throat, fingers splayed, but never tightening his grip. His actions are gentle, though unmistakably domineering. I’ve never been so turned on.

Then he slows everything down. He brings my knees up under his arms and releases my hair, pulling me tight to him in his strong arms. I lose my leverage and lie still while he glides in and out of me slowly. He starts kissing me, really taking his time. He strokes his fingers up and down my face, with such tenderness, I want to cry. I’m overwhelmed by the love I feel from him. I touch his face and he looks deep into my eyes, pressing his forehead into mine and leaving our lips, just barely brushing while still thrusting in and out of me.

Our breathing is ragged and warm between us. Then Danny takes his hand away from my face, forcing it between us and rubs my clit with surprising determination. I convulse as he attacks the most sensitive part of my body with so much force, and I cry out. Danny holds me tight with the arm that is wrapped around me, stopping me from escaping and forcing me to accept the mind-blowing pleasure that has me so close to the edge. It’s almost unbearable, but I can’t tell him to stop

Just when I think I can’t take it anymore, he releases me, turning me on to my other side and entering me from behind. He continues his assault on my clit and has to hold me tight to him to keep me under control. Then he slows his hand, allowing me to get a hold on what I’m feeling. I turn my face to his and as we kiss, his fingers send me freefalling over the edge. I call out. There are no words, only pure feeling and Danny breathing hard in my ear as he nears his climax.

“I love you,” I whisper and feel him tense at my words.

“Oh God,” he groans as he releases himself into me, holding me tight and continuing to thrust gently.

We’re both in pieces, panting, slick with sweat and barely a coherent thought between us. Danny’s hand slides around my neck, grasping me gently while he presses his lips against mine. His tongue parts my lips and we kiss forever, he wraps me in his arms and we keep this intimate, sensual moment alive for as long as we can.

“I love you so much,” he whispers.

I smile. “Thank you.”

“For what?

“For loving me, for finding me, for giving me more pleasure than I knew I could have,” I reply, kissing him again.

“The pleasure is all mine.”

The bright sunshine wakes me and I stretch sleepily and smile to myself when Danny curls around me.

“Good morning,” he says.

“Mmm morning,” I reply stroking his fingers.

“I let you sleep. I though you needed it.” I hear the smile in his voice as he recalls last night.

“I did,” I purr. Then it occurs to me he’s let me sleep late and I panic.

“Wait, what time is it?”

“It’s okay. It’s only 10am.”

“I realise Danny is dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, and I can smell coffee.

“You’re dressed,” I say with a hint of disappointment.

“I went to the bakery to get breakfast.” He sits up, holding out his hand to me. “Come on dirty girl, you need a shower.”

“Me, dirty? You were doing all the dirty things last night.” I sit up and indignantly ignore his proffered hand as I get off the bed.

“I didn’t hear any complaints.”

No, well, he’s got me there. I laugh, and turn back to face him.

“When did you get so dominant?”

Danny laughs, “Home turf advantage, I guess. I thought you were really into it…was I wrong?”

I raise my eyebrows; he knows I was.

“No. I like the new you,” I say as he pulls me against him. I comply, submissively and allow him to pull my hair back so that my neck is exposed to his lips, pausing as he gently bites. I gasp. His teeth relinquish the flesh and his lips soothe the skin. I really like this side to him and I grin. He loosens his grasp on my hair and I straighten up.

“Make sure some of this Danny…” I say, gesturing to all of him, “…comes home with me.” Then I grab him behind the head and pull him to my lips, my turn to be in control. I run my other hand down his chest, to his waist and without pausing I feel for his erection. It’s as hard as I expected and I grope it through his shorts. Danny moans and I instantly let go. Looking him in the eyes, I leave the suspense hanging for a second.

I flash a devious smile. “Now, let’s shower, I want to meet my niece.”

Turning on my heel, I march into the bathroom, leaving him standing in his bedroom with a hard-on.

“Oh. Come. On!” I hear him object. Ignoring the protests, I turn on the shower and step under the water, laughing.

Danny pulls his truck into the car park at the hospital and I check my watch. We arranged to come at 3pm, so that they could have some time with just Matty and the new baby. We’re ten minutes early so we sit for a minute. Danny is quiet. I wonder if all this baby stuff is too much for him. I said I was happy to go on my own, but he insisted on coming. Grace said everyone was welcome, so that’s not the problem. I just think, like most men, Danny merely catches sight of a baby-gro and comes over in a cold sweat.

We’ve just been shopping and I went ‘Auntie Liv crazy’ in a baby shop. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not broody; I’m just an excited auntie. Danny went into himself in the shop and has been quiet ever since. I need to find a way to convince him that this isn’t going to turn me into an obsessed clucky nightmare. I’m just not that girl. He’ll see.

“There’s your mom and Connie,” he says pointing. I look over and see them stepping out of a cab.

“I’ll go and tell them we’re here,” I say opening the door.

Danny fetches the presents from the boot and emerges with balloons and a big gift bag. He walks towards us with reluctance.

“Here, let me carry that,” I offer, “you look ridiculous.”

He hands them to me gratefully, not holding my eye contact and fidgeting nervously. I really need to discuss this with him, I’ll do it after this, or it will start affecting things.

We walk through the sparkling corridors to Grace’s room. We’re greeted at the door by Matty, full of exuberance.

“Have you come to meet my sister?” he asks. Once he’s satisfied that we have presents, he lets us into the spacious room. Grace is sitting on the bed, looking radiant and relaxed. Andy is sitting in one of the chairs holding tiny Mia.

“This is her,” Matty says standing next to his dad. “She’s a baby.” We all laugh. Then while Connie and Mum mob Andy and coo over little Mia, Grace gets up and comes over to Danny and me with a huge smile.

“Hi, you two,” she says with a grin that says she has a million questions. She hugs me tight, then let’s go and hugs Danny, kissing him on the cheek. He’s quite taken aback, because I doubt they’ve said more than a few words to each other their whole lives.

“How are you doing?” I ask.

“Oh fine,” Grace says dismissing the idea that she would be anything but fine. “Much easier the second time. But never mind about that, I want to know all about you two.”

Just then Andy appears at her side and leans over to kiss me then, seeing Danny, he shakes his hand and engages him in conversation.

“So?” asks an unrelenting Grace.

“Grace!” I hiss. “Can we talk about this later?”

“Okay, but I want all the details.”

“Grace,” My mum calls from across the room. “I think Matty wants to open the presents.”

Grace rolls her eyes and turns to attend to Matty.

We all move into the room and sit in the seats set out for us. Grace sits on the bed with Matty and Andy stands, while they arrange the presents and balloons.

“I don’t think these presents are for you,” warns Grace gently. “But I will need some help opening them. Do you know anyone who is good at opening presents?”

“Me!” shouts an impatient Matty.

Everyone is smiling as they begin opening presents from Connie. Connie gets up from her cuddle and places Mia in my arms. She is so perfect. I just stare at her. She wraps her tiny fingers around mine and I’m in love. She breathes softly and sleeps, while I stroke my thumb across her knuckles. I realise that I’ve been mesmerised, which won’t help Danny and his misplaced ‘man-panic’. I look at him and he smiles, putting his arm around me and leaning over slightly to get a closer look. He looks more relaxed now, so I go back to idolising my niece and try not to worry about the repercussions.

Next they open the big bag of gifts from me, well us. Matty pulls out pink thing after pink thing, getting further into the bag until he pulls his head out with a very confused look on his face.

“Livvy, I don’t think this is for babies,” he says frowning and holding up a Spiderman toy.

“Oh, really? Sorry, I thought babies liked Spiderman.”

“No,” he says with such authority. “Spiderman is for big boys.”

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