Just Lunch

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Authors: Addisyn Jacobs

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Just Lunch

Addisyn Jacobs

Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2014 Addisyn Jacobs

toward the restaurant, I was having second thoughts. Maybe this was a terrible idea. Maybe I would have been better off never seeing him again. Maybe I was in for the best sex of my life. And then I saw him. He was seated near the window, smiling up at a waiter who was placing two water glasses on the table in front of him. As I strolled toward the door, I took the shameless opportunity to stare at him. He wore a charcoal grey three piece suit, his crisp white button down accented by a sapphire striped tie, which was a little loose around his neck. His short chestnut hair was slightly disheveled and he already had the beginnings of a five o’ clock shadow. I knew how much time he spent in the gym, so I was certain under that three piece suit was sculpted muscle and raw sex appeal. He was smoking hot.

Austin used to be my boss but had moved to San Diego for the job of a lifetime about six months ago. The first time we met, our eyes locked across the room and we couldn’t look away, our attraction instant and powerful. We worked together for eight months before he left, and even though I struggled to keep my hands off him, I knew we couldn’t go there. I was his subordinate, he would lose his job if he touched me. One night, after a few too many happy hour cocktails, he flat out admitted he didn’t trust himself alone with me. I always regretted not making a move, but I walked away from him the night before he left without so much as a kiss. There was no way we’d ever be able to stop at just a kiss, and I knew I couldn’t sleep with him and keep my emotions in check. I’d end up hurt, and I didn’t want things to end badly between us.

When my boss called me into his office Friday morning and announced he wanted me to attend a leadership conference in San Diego, my first thought was of Austin. Maybe I’d get to see him. Maybe I would finally fuck him. Enough time had passed, now I could sleep with him without getting my feelings involved. I had one small problem though; I had a boyfriend.

I’d only been seeing Jamie for a couple of months, and the sex was amazing. We’d begun our relationship as friends with benefits, but our connection grew as we spent more time together. A week ago, we had The Talk, and both agreed we’d stop dating other people.

“I can still meet Austin for lunch though, right?” I asked my best friends Kate and Georgie the next morning at brunch.

“That depends. Are you going to be able to keep it to just lunch?” Kate asked.

“Of course I am. Jamie is incredible, and I don’t want to start this relationship off by being dishonest,” I told them, hoping I sounded more convincing than I felt. I knew I’d try very hard to behave myself, but Austin was fucking sexy, and I didn’t know if I’d be able to resist if he came on to me. Part of me wanted to be alone with him just to see what might happen.

“I think you should go for it,” Georgie said. “Austin was gorgeous, and yes, Jamie is great, but you guys
became exclusive. I think you should get a little grace period. Besides, it’s not like you’re going to be dating Austin, you’re just going to fuck him.”

“Stop,” Kate admonished, tossing her cloth napkin at Georgie, who tossed it at me. “Don’t encourage her. She’s already considering it, and she hasn’t even seen him yet.”

“I am not considering it,” I grinned, trying not to laugh as I chucked Kate’s napkin at her head.

“You are such a shitty liar. You totally are!” she laughed.

I couldn’t help but giggle along with her. “I wonder if he has a girlfriend,” I mused, eyeing Georgie with a wicked grin.

was, about to have lunch with Austin. After our brunch last weekend, Kate and Georgie helped me pick the perfect outfit. I wore a slim fitting cobalt blue dress that perfectly matched his eyes, my bare arms tanned from my recent weekends at the pool. Patent nude-colored pumps, classic gold hoop earrings, and my pale gold satchel completed my look. Inside the restaurant, I walked toward him, heart pounding, and saw him look up and catch my eye. He beamed, standing as I approached, and held his arms out for a hug.

“Lexi, it’s so good to see you! How have you been?”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed, my senses acknowledging his firm body as we pressed together. He smelled incredible, his spicy cologne mixing with his intoxicating natural male scent. “I’m great! It’s good to see you, too.” Maybe I was imagining it, but he held on to me a little longer than necessary, and smoothed his hands down my back as he released me. Every inch of my body sizzled with the contact. We settled into our seats and smiled at each other. “How are you doing? How’s life in San Diego?”

“I absolutely love it. Work is great, and I’m learning how to surf, which has been so much fun. And you can’t beat the weather.”

“That’s awesome, I’m so glad you like it. I’ve always wanted to learn how to surf. Is it hard?” I asked.

“Once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy, as long as you stick to the little waves.”

A waiter came over and took our drink order, and as he walked away I glanced at the menu. “What’s good here?” I asked.

“Their wraps are amazing. Your mind will be blown.”

“Oh yeah?” I laughed. “Do they have a buffalo chicken wrap? They’re my favorite.”

“It’s your lucky day,” he grinned.

“I can’t wait,” I replied, smiling at his enthusiasm. I couldn’t help but think about having my mind blown in other ways, more specifically by him sliding his cock inside me. Fuck. This was not good. Less than ten minutes into lunch and I’m already thinking about his cock.
. Grabbing my silverware wrapped in a napkin, I disassembled the pieces, laying the cloth across my lap. I took my time arranging the cutlery, aware that he was watching my every move. My hands drifted into my lap, fingers twisting the sapphire cocktail ring I wore on my right ring finger. “So what part of the city do you live in?” I asked.

“I’ve got a place right on the ocean in Mission Beach, about fifteen minutes away from here. Rocco loves the ocean.” Rocco was his dog, I remembered, a rescue who was Austin’s baby.

“Oh yeah, Rocco, how’s he doing? I never did get to meet him, did I?”

“No, I guess you never did. You should come meet him while you’re here. When do you leave?” he asked, his eyes mischievous. He leaned forward, his hands moving toward the center of the table. If I reached out, I could touch him.

“I leave for the airport tomorrow around three.”

“What are you up to tonight?”

“I’ve got this dinner event for the conference until seven thirty.”

“That’s perfect, I’ll just be leaving work. I can swing by and pick you up on my way home.”

I glanced up as a gorgeous blonde woman strutted toward our table, dropping my gaze back to his as she continued by. I couldn’t help but be impressed when his eyes never left mine as he waited for my answer.

“I don’t know, I’ve got an important conference call first thing tomorrow morning…” This was the deciding moment. If I said yes, I’d get the chance to be alone with him. As much as I wanted him, I still didn’t know if I could go through with it.

“I’ve got a hot tub on my deck,” he said in a sing-song voice, a huge smirk on his gorgeous face.

Well, now I was screwed. Just the thought of being in a hot tub with Austin instantly made me wet. No way was I turning down the chance to see him shirtless. Imagining the two of us almost naked in a tub of steaming water sent my heart into overdrive. “I can’t say no to that offer,” I said, grinning back at him. Game on. “But I don’t have a bikini with me.”

“Guess you’ll just have to go in your underwear,” he said, winking at me. “Or I can see if my girlfriend has one at my place.”

There was no way in hell I was wearing another woman’s bikini. “I’ll go in my underwear,” I laughed. So he did have a girlfriend. Maybe he wouldn’t be trying to sleep with me tonight. “How’d you meet your girlfriend?” I could only hope they hadn’t been together very long.

“A friend set us up on a blind date a few weeks after I moved here,” he said, my mind acknowledging the immediate stab of disappointment. “What about you, are you seeing anyone?”

“Yeah, for a couple months now.”

Our waiter swooped in with our food and we dug in. “Oh my God, you were not kidding,” I breathed after I swallowed my first bite. “My mind is officially blown.”

the bill, we stood on the sidewalk as I typed my number into his cell. “So I’ll see you around seven thirty?”

“Yeah, I’ll text you when I’m pulling into the hotel.” He wrapped me up in a hug, pressing his palms across my lower back as I just about melted into his arms. “See you tonight.”

The rest of the day flew by in a blur. It was hard to concentrate on anything except imagining what might happen that night. Several different fantasies ran through my mind, all of them ending with him fucking me senseless. As I wrapped up with dinner, my phone buzzed.
Pulling in now, but no rush. See you soon.
Ten minutes later, I walked through the lobby door and saw Austin leaning on a tiny black sports car, typing away on his cell. He looked much less buttoned up compared to that afternoon, suit jacket off, tie loose and shirt unbuttoned at his neck. My breath caught in my throat and my heartbeat pounded in my ears. He had looked sexy before, but this more casual appearance made him look like he’d just stepped out of a Calvin Klein ad. He glanced up as I approached, slipping his phone into his pocket and reaching out to hug me. “How was your dinner?” he asked.

“Long and boring,” I responded, “so glad to be out of there.” He opened my car door and waited for me to settle into the bucket seat before closing my door and heading around to his side. Watching a man drive a stick shift always gets me hot, and this was no exception. He skillfully steered us toward the highway and within minutes we were cruising west on I-5. Some men drove sports cars like assholes, but not Austin. He drove fast, but I still felt safe. When we pulled into the town of Mission Beach, he slowed down, pointing out the bars and restaurants he liked.

“You ready to meet the beast?” he asked. It took me a few seconds to realize he was talking about Rocco, and not his cock. My mind was clearly in the gutter.

“I can’t wait,” I replied, thinking I couldn’t wait to meet his cock, either. I wondered if we were both thinking of the same double entendre.

“This place has been here for almost a hundred years, but the inside was just remodeled,” he told me, pulling into the driveway of a charming cottage. The white shutters stood out against the cerulean siding like clouds dotting a bright summer sky. The picket fence bordering the modest patch of grass matched the shutters, and I imagined Rocco frolicking in the yard and napping in the sun.

As soon as I opened the car door, salty sea air filled my nostrils, and the distant roar of the waves reminded me that even though I couldn’t see the beach, we were only yards away from the shore. Grabbing my bag, I followed Austin into the lush, tropical alcove that led to his door, thinking about how lucky he was to live right on the ocean. Inside, Rocco jumped on Austin, so happy to finally have his dad home. “I have someone who comes and walks him twice a day so he doesn’t have to be cooped up alone,” he told me as he scratched his pup behind the ears. Rocco was an adorable dog, his white splotches set against tan fur, giving him a Jack Russell terrier look, only bigger. After he loved on his dad, he came barreling over to me, and I leaned down to pet him. “Stay down, Rocco,” Austin warned.

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