Just One Kiss (13 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: Just One Kiss
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“I- I don’t know,” she puffed, eyes closed, lips parted.


“I think you do,” he murmured thickly, deciding how best to strip her naked.  “Or at least I think you will,” he promised darkly, sliding Daphne’s dress off her perfectly white shoulders.  “I think you’ve been waiting ever such a long time to have a man teach you what you want.”


“You think too much,” Daphne sighed, mewing breathlessly as Edward’s talented mouth went to work on the skin his
fingers had just exposed. 


He couldn’t help it, he laughed, the vibration trembling through his body and echoing through Daphne’s.  She made a soft, feminine murmur of pleasure, and then Edward’s tensed in surprise when her fingers scooted over his chest, clearly itching to strip away his jacket, his waistcoat, his shirt- damn it, he was wearing far too many clothes! 


Edward’s jacket was dispensed with in a flash.  He ripped it off and threw it onto the floor, covering Daphne again in a heartbeat.  Edward was just a little surprised, but not at all displeased when his wife’s fingers began to toy with the covered buttons of his waistcoat.  He forced himself to stay still for a moment and see what she was would dare to do, but his stillness must have unnerved her, for she dropped her hands and flushed.


“You can touch me you know, Daff,” Edward breathed heavily, pressing his lips all along her collarbone, while his own hands went back to lightly stroking her breasts through her gown.


Oh, but she couldn’t!  And she definitely, definitely shouldn’t!  Was Edward testing her? 
Daphne wondered, as she tried not to audibly
- ladies, she was certain, were not suppose to
while attending to their marital duties!  And if Edward knew that she was enjoying his attentions it was bound to simply enrage him, wasn’t it?  She was meant to be pure and untouched,
and she was
, it was just… Daphne had heard enough to know, very basically, what was coming next, and she was slowly beginning to understand what the ache between her legs signified.


“I want to see you,” Edward groaned, and Daphne suddenly found herself on her feet.  She blinked quickly, unsteadily, trying to regain her balance.  The room seemed to be spinning on its axis, and then her eyes met Edward’s and she
d that she was the one who was spinning.


He was still the most handsome man she had ever seen, tall and powerful, and wickedly male.  Even when she had stopped liking him, she had never been able to make herself stop loving him.  Maybe he didn’t love her, and maybe he never would, but he wanted her, he wanted to possess her, he had said as much, and the look in his eyes- heavens, even an unschooled virgin couldn’t mistake the desire blazing in the depths of his eyes.


So why was she afraid? 


Maybe because she thought she might die if she disappointed him?


“Edward?” she whispered, unable to stem the tremble of her voice, or stop her body tensing as he took a step closer.


“Shhh, don’t be scared,” he purred, his deft fingers working at stripping away her dress and undergarments. 


Daphne stood perfectly still,
by the fear that Edward said she shouldn’t feel, and… something else, a restless energy that was getting harder to ignore.  She didn’t want to remain passive, but she was terrified of Edward's disgust if she tried to be active. 


When she was standing completely naked, Daphne raised her arms to try and cover herself, but Edward’s fingers gently coiled around her wrists and prevented her modesty.


“Don’t hide from me,” he groaned.  Daphne’s skin burned.  She peeked out from under lowered lashes as she watched her husband watching her, was he disappointed, had he been expecting something more?  But then he spoke, and Daphne’s heart sang.  “So beautiful, God you’re- I never thought-” Edward grunted roughly, but he seemed to be unable to say anything more.


I did that
… Daphne thought breathlessly, gasping as Edward wrapped her again in his arms.  It felt so good.  She couldn’t deny that fact.  It felt like coming home, like she’d found a part of herself that had been missing for so long.  How was it possible that Edward didn’t feel at least a small echo of the rightness she felt when she was in his arms?


Thought was becoming increasingly hard however; Edward’s hands moving over Daphne’s bare skin was the most exotic sensation of her life.  His fingers were warm and thick, and pleasure spiked wherever they brushed her skin.  It was difficult to remain afraid now also, Edward seemed like a different man to the one who had dragged her home, threatening her with his dominance.  He was gentle, tender, and Daphne’s fingers flexed, itching to reciprocate the delights he was bestowing, but she still didn’t dare go that far.


When Edward’s hand cupped her breast a sigh of pleasure bubbled forth from Daphne’s lips.  Her eyes burst open in alarm, but if Edward had thought any less of her for her murmurings of lusty approval then she couldn’t tell; there was a strange determined set to his jaw and a burning intensity in his eyes.


“Edward,” she gasped, as he pinched and tweaked one nipple- she’d never thought, never imagined, that it would feel like this- bolts of pleasure were pulsing through her body, darting straight to the centre of her womb. 


Daphne’s legs were beginning to tremble.  She was just wondering how much longer she would be able to stand, when Edward dipped his head.  His hot, hungry mouth closed over the pebbled tip of her breast, and her knees gave way. 


She stumbled back, hitting the mattress before falling back, and a moment later she was lying sprawled inelegantly across the bed.  Her face burned with embarrassment, she scrambled to sit up, but Edward gently pushed her back down, pressing her back with one hand while the other worked at the buttons of his waistcoat.  Daphne didn’t dare look at her husband’s face, but she couldn’t quite believe it when she heard a low rumbling chuckle pass his lips.


“Not quite how I planned to get you lying on your back again,” he purred wickedly, shrugging his shoulders, and sending his waistcoat the same way as his jacket.  “But whatever works,” he laughed thickly, lowering his head again to resample the delights of her bosom.


“Oh Edward-” Daphne puffed.  Surely- surely he couldn’t
her to stay still and silence while he was tempting her body with such sinfulness?  “
,” she moaned his name again, finally laying her hands on his powerful shoulders.  His shirt was warm to the touch.  Daphne could just imagine how hot his skin must be underneath.  She wanted to feel him.  “Please?” she whimpered, and then froze. 


Was that too much?  Perhaps so, because Edward had ceased his slow, intoxicating ministrations.


“Please what?” he breathed huskily, rocking his body against Daphne’s, making his wife gasp again.


“I- I don’t know,” she mewed.  “I can’t think.”


Daphne was certain that the Devil himself couldn’t have a grin as wicked as the smile that Edward suddenly threw in her direction.


“Excellent,” he growled, slipping his shirt off over his head.  “I haven’t lost my touch then,” he smirked rather smugly. 


Daphne forgave him his arrogance.  She might have forgiven him first-degree murder in that very first moment when the top half of his body was finally revealed to her.  He was perfect.  Just as Daphne had always known that he woul
d be.  It was quite as simple as
that.  All lines and angles, carved out of warm, golden skin.  She wanted, no
, to touch him.  All of her demure whisperings about restraint fell by the wayside as she laid one palm flat against Edward’s hard abdomen, while she raked the fingers of her other hand through the tangle of springy dark hair that covered his chest.


“Daphne,” he sighed her name like a prayer as his eyes dipped closed.  “My Daphne,” he swore, lowering his mouth to claim hers, while his hands went back to stroking and plucking her skin.


This was so much more than anything she had ever imagined.  Daphne squirmed restlessly beneath her husband’s body.  She rubbed up against Edward as she moved and heard him grunt.


“Oh God, Daff, you feel so good, even now,” he panted, kissing her neck heavily.  He scooted his hands under her bottom and crushed her hips up against his arousal.


There was a note of surprise, of wonder, in his voice that Daphne was just about able to distinguish between the thick notes of desire. 
Did it surprise him so much?
She thought sadly.  At sixteen she had known that she wanted to share her soul with this man, and he had truly felt nothing in return.  This bitter little thought might have threatened her pleasure, had Edward’s fingers not finally slipped between her legs.


“Oh-!” she gasped, eyes wide,
mouth gaping as her hips arched
up off the bed.  “Edward, I-!”


He shushed her gently, chuckling roughly.  Daphne grasped at the bed sheets, clenching them in her fists as her husband probed her sodden slit.  Her face was locked in a grimace of painful pleasure. 


Edward’s eyes narrowed to slits as he watched her features bunch together in wonder.  He wanted more, he wanted to make her scream, to scream
for him
.  But she was holding back and it was killing him.  He had waited too long, pushed her too far away.  She was so tight.  He groaned as he dipped a finger inside her sheath, gratified at least by how wet she was, how ready to take his body, by the fact that she couldn’t keep her hips still.


“Daphne, I need you,” Edward grunted, reaching with a shaking hand to shed his trousers. 


He hadn’t meant to make the confession aloud.  He
meant to take
her, not
to give
himself, but after he’d spoken Daphne raised her hands to his body and clutched at his shoulders, and Edward could have sworn that a little barrier came down.


“God Daphne,” he groaned, kissing her soundly as he wrenched down his trousers, moaning aloud when the huge, pulsing rod of his
was finally able to spring free from its confines. 


He wanted to pound into her.  The desire for release was almost overwhelming.  But Edward couldn’t resist the urge to let her see him.  He pulled back a fraction when Daphne made a murmur of protest at his retreat, and then his whole body shuddered as his wife gasped.


“Oh my-!” she panted.  The fear was back in her eyes as she drank in her first real sight of a man, fear, but there was also wonder, and curiosity, and… lust. 


Edward bit the inside of his lip hard enough to draw blood to keep from humiliating himself.  Who would ever have thought that Daphne-
- could reduce him to such a quivering state?  Or maybe… maybe some part of him had, and that was why he had run?  Edward savagely pushed that thought aside, covering his wife again with the threatening weight of his body.


“I’m going to make you mine now,” he growled.  His voice was ragged, he barely
d it as he splayed her legs wide and nudged against her opening.  Daphne’s eyes were impossibly wide, but Edward was glad that she was watching his face, grateful that she didn’t try to turn away.


The first thrust would hurt her, Edward couldn’t help that, and some dark selfish part of him wondered if he
to help it.  If he didn’t, in fact, want that one burst of pain to fill Daphne’s body and brand her indelibly as his… his body clenched. 


If he warned Daphne of the pain that was to come then she would tense, and that would make it worse for her, Edward reasoned, which was (at least partly…) why he allowed himself to do what he did next.  Edward slammed forwards, plunging into the sodden sheath of Daphne’s femininity and tearing through her maidenhead, hilting himself inside his wife’s body in one fierce thrust… and with one word on his lips:


Oh God, nothing had ever- nothing could ever- feel this good
… Edward wanted to explode the second that he came to rest inside Daphne’s tight little
.  He had forced his eyes to remain open through sheer strength of will, so he’d seen the flash of pain that had lit his wife’s face, but now, now he couldn’t quite read her- that possibly had something to do with the fact he was shaking with his tenuously leashed desire.

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