Just One Look (Women of Substance) (5 page)

BOOK: Just One Look (Women of Substance)
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“Do you enjoy being single too much to be interested in a serious relationship?”

He shrugged. “I wasn’t interested in one with her.”

Should I expect him to feel the same way about a serious relationship with me? “How did she take it?”

“Better than she would have had I let it continue much longer.” He reached across the table to touch my hand. “I’d rather talk about you than her but I want you to know that I don’t make it a habit of leaving a trail of broken hearts in my wake.”

“You broke her heart?”

“God I hope not.”

He sounded sincere and I was glad. Although all I expected from him was a brief, hot fling, I wanted to like him as a person.

“Have you ever been married?” I asked.

“No. I’ve never been married or engaged.”

“Have you ever been close?”

“No. I’ve been too busy working to establish myself as a CPA and lately an Internet marketer. I’m thirty-six and I’ve dated a lot of women since college, but none for very long.”

“Why not?”

“I wasn’t ready to settle down and I never met anyone capable of making me change my mind.”

Thank God or even a brief fling would have been out of the question. “What about your family?”

“My father is dead. My mom is remarried and living in France with her new husband. My brother and I visit her at least once a year.”

“Is your brother your only sibling?”

He nodded. “For which I’m thankful since he’s such a pain in my ass.”

“You don’t get along with him?”

He nodded. “I was joking about his being a pain the ass. Most of the time Manning and I get along just fine. He’s eighteen months older and we’ve never completely gotten over the whole competition thing. Nevertheless, anyone trying to hurt him would have to go through me first.”

I smiled, thinking how protective my brothers were of me. “Is he married?”

“No. Our poor mother is beginning to think we’re not the marrying kind and she’ll never have grandkids.”

I met his gaze. “Will she?”

He shrugged. “She will if Manning ever gets his ass in gear and settles down.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

So he wanted me to play dentist and pull the answers from him like pulling teeth? I could do that. “Why don’t you get your tight ass in gear and settle down?”

“I’ve never needed to.”

“Do you ever plan to settle down with one woman?”

“I’ve never had to buy the cow to get all the milk I wanted.”


“If a system isn’t broken, why fix it?”

“You don’t think much of women.”

“How the hell did you arrive at that asinine conclusion? My mother’s a woman and I think the world of her.”

“And other women?”

“I happen to have a great opinion of women—I just don’t see the need to marry one.”


“I don’t know.”

If he didn’t know whether or not he wanted to get married at thirty-six, he probably wasn’t the marrying kind. But that’s fine because all I wanted from him was a hot fling. But I found I couldn’t leave the subject alone. “Why do you have such a bad view of marriage?”

“Oh honey, you’re really jumping to conclusions. I never said I had a bad view of marriage. I don’t. My parents and grandparents had great marriages. Two of my high school friends have been happily married for over ten years. I think marriage is a wonderful thing—as long as both people want it. I don’t.”

I flashed him a meaningless smile.

“What about you? What are you looking for in a relationship and have you been married or engaged?”

I shook my head. “I’ve never been married or engaged.”


“But I would like to be both—very soon.”

He arched a brow. “Are there any likely prospects whose ass I’ll have to kick to continue seeing you?”

Didn’t I wish? “Not at the moment.”

“Good.” He smiled, placing a hand over mine.

Feeling as if I were losing myself in his dark gaze, I smiled too.

He squeezed my hand. “Damn you’re pretty.”

“I’m so glad you think so.”

“How could I not?” He glanced at the dance floor. “Dance with me.”

I nodded, eager to feel his arms around me. “Yes.”

On the dance floor, he held me close with his lips against my forehead.

Feeling as if I were floating, I pressed closer in his embrace.

We danced until I felt his cock stirring. Then he swore softly and drew away from me. “I’d better take you home before I forget my good intentions.”

At my open apartment door, he bent and kissed my cheek. “I’ll call you,” he promised, brushing his cheek against mine.

The scent of his cologne along with his sheer masculinity aroused me. I longed to lean against him and link my arms around his neck. I didn’t. “Please do—in this century. Okay?”

He laughed, kissed the corner of my mouth, and left me standing there.

I went inside and leaned against the door with my eyes closed. I blew out a breath.
Please call me
very soon.

I fell asleep thinking of Anderson. In the morning, he sent me a dozen roses and a box of expensive chocolates. The accompanying card bore two letters: A P.

I opened the chocolates and bit into one. Delicious. Just like the man who had sent them.

Call me soon, Anderson, or I’ll have to hunt your tight ass down and wrestle you to the floor and ride you all night long. Hee haw!





Chapter Three



When I left the complex gym the morning after my first date with Narena, I encountered Manning on his way in.

He took one look at my face and slapped me on the back. “Finally scored, huh?”

“Fuck off,” I smiled and pushed past him.

“I knew you had it in you, squirt,” he called after me. “I’m going to want to meet her soon.”

“Don’t hold your breath,” I called back. I took a shower, set the alarm on my cd player, and fell asleep. I woke just after twelve p.m. from a graphic dream of Narena, semi aroused. I’ve never been overly fond of masturbating. And I didn’t intend to start. So I was going to hope she shared my need for sexual fulfillment with her or I was going to have to find myself a one-night stand until she felt comfortable enough to sleep with me.

I lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling thinking about her. I couldn’t wait to see her naked and ready to be fucked. I’d never dated, or been particularly interested in a woman her size but damn if I didn’t get hard every time I thought about her. I still wasn’t sure what it was about her that attracted me. Maybe once we had sex some of her allure for me would vanish. If it didn’t, one of us would be in for heartbreak.

First things first.
I reached for my cell phone and called her. “Hi,” I said, when she answered.

“Hi yourself.”

I loved the sound of her slightly husky voice. I smiled. “Do you have any idea how sexy you sound?”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“Oh, yeah, baby. I do.”

“Hmm. I love a man who appreciates the finer things in life.”

“I’m looking forward to showing you just how much I appreciate you tonight.”

She sighed. “I want to get married.”

Where the hell had that come from? Did she really think I wanted to hear that from her after one date? “Does that mean we can’t get to know each other until you meet the lucky man?” There. Now she’d know that I thought she was special without harboring any hopes that I wanted anything even approaching a serious relationship with her.

She didn’t answer.

Damn! Had I blown it after just one date? “We can discuss it over dinner tonight,” I said.

She remained silent.

Shit. If she thought I was going to allow her to jerk my chain…”Still there?”

“Yes. I’m here, Anderson.”

But she didn’t sound very happy about it. “I’ll see you at seven?”

“Why don’t we do dinner another night?”

Oh fuck! “Ok. I’ll call you.”


And she hung up.

What the hell had just happened?
I rolled onto my stomach. Fuck!






After ending the call with Anderson, I experienced a level of depression that dismayed me. I didn’t know him and had only been out with him once. I wanted to sleep with him. Given that fact, I had no business feeling almost betrayed because he’d made it clear all he wanted from me was sex. That’s all I wanted from him.

So why are you getting emotional and creating problems where none exist? You both want sex. Have it and move on.

Later that afternoon, as I sat trying to compose an email to let him know I’d changed my mind and wanted to see him after all, he sent me an exquisite bouquet of roses. The card bore his initials.

I spent fifteen minutes on the exercise bike before I ran a bath and slipped into the water to soak. By the time the water cooled, my mood had improved. I needed a night or two alone to get my emotions under control. I decided to have dinner alone at my favorite restaurant. I’d email Anderson tomorrow and suggest we start from scratch. My doorbell rang just after I finished dressing.

The sight of Anderson in my peephole worked wonders for my lingering doubts. I took a deep breath and opened the door. He looked handsome and sexy in a dark suit, white shirt, and dark silk tie.

He frowned. “Are you going out?”

I blinked. He asked the question almost as if he thought he had a right to expect an answer. “Yes. I am.”

He glanced over my shoulder into the foyer. “With who?”

“We’re meeting there. If you’ll excuse me?”

He shook his head. “Why are you going out with someone else?”

“I don’t owe you any explanations.”

He started to turn but suddenly swung back around. “Fuck that! I want one.”

Too damned bad. I gave him a cool look.

He stared back. “Why another man and not me?”

“Because I’m not in the mood to spend the evening with a man who thinks of me as a cow who will give him free milk!”

He ran a hand through his hair. “You’re angry with me because I was honest about why I’m not married. What the fuck is wrong with that picture, Rena?”

I hated his ability to make me feel like an idiot.

“I hope you know that I didn’t mean to offend you.”

What was it about him that made me want to believe everything he said? “I think I do.”

“Then why are you going out with another man?”

“If you’re still interested after tonight, call me and we’ll talk.”

“I’m here now.”

“But I’m not interested in talking now.”

“You know what? Neither am I. Have a good damn time with your other man.” He compressed his lips and stormed off.

I watched him walk towards the elevator before I went back inside. If he called me, fine. If he didn’t, oh well. I got my shoulder bag, key fob, and left my apartment. I drove to my favorite lounge, found an empty booth, and ordered a drink and a steak.

I went there often as did most of the people present that night so I didn’t feel alone. But I had no appetite. While I sipped my drink, the proverbial, tall dark, and handsome man slipped into the booth across from me. “Hey gorgeous.”

Rick Davis, one of my friends—with benefits. I wasn’t in the mood to sleep with him but we’d agreed that the benefits would work both ways. I smiled. “Hi.”

“How are you feeling?”


“You’re looking better than fine. You look good enough to eat—all night long.”

Great. He wanted sex. He’d never turned me down. I couldn’t say no to him. I kept my smile in place with difficulty.

He reached across the table to place a hand over mine. “Are you alone?”

“No. She’s not so keep your hands to yourself!”

My heart raced and I looked over my shoulder.

Anderson stood behind me, glaring at Rick. I blinked. Where the hell had he come from?

Rick narrowed his gaze. “Excuse me?”

“I think you heard me the first time,” Anderson said.

Rick looked at me. “Do you know this guy, Rena?”

“Damn right she does.” Anderson placed a hand on my shoulder. “And she’s with me.”

Rick kept his dark gaze on my face. “You know him?” he asked again.

I could imagine what he really wanted to ask: So you’re dating white guys now? The tension between the two of them was intense. Neither one of them would back down until I’d chosen between them. The choice was really a no brainer. Rick was a good lover who I could depend on when I needed a warm body and a big hard cock inside me. He had never made me feel easy by talking about cows and free milk.

I turned to glare at Anderson, only just resisting the urge to shake his hand on my shoulder.
Where the hell do you get off doing this?

He locked his gaze with mine.

Keep it real, Rena. Choose the one who’s always been there for you
. I shook my head and turned back to face Rick. “Yes. I know him,” I told Rick.

“And he’s your date? You’re seeing him, Rena?”

If you’re not careful, you’ll ruin things beyond repair with Rick.

Anderson’s hand tightened on my shoulder.


I sighed. “He asked me out,” I heard myself say.

Rick sat staring at me for what felt like forever before he abruptly rose and walked away without another word.

Great. He’ll never darken your door again.

Anderson moved forward to slip onto the seat opposite me. He placed a hand over mine.

I jerked my hand away. “You followed me?”


“Well, you wasted both of our time,” I rose, put some money on the table for my drink, the dinner I wouldn’t be eating, and a tip. Then I walked away.

He followed me outside and caught my hand before I could reach my SUV. When I stopped, he turned me to face him. “Have dinner with me.”

“You just ruined my relationship with Rick.”

He shrugged. “You ruined mine with Caren so I figure we’re even.”

“I didn’t follow you around and intrude when you were with her to make sure she knew about me.”

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