Just One Taste (Kimani Romance) (8 page)

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Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

BOOK: Just One Taste (Kimani Romance)
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He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. The quick action stole her breath away. An instant later he kissed her with explosive power. They were consumed as the swell of passion surged to abandoned bliss. He laid her down beside him and quickly removed his pants and underwear. Then his hand came down between her legs and through her lace panties began stroking and massaging her. She was wet and it seemed to excite him even more. “You’re wet. You feel so good,” he muttered in her ear as he nibbled her neck and his fingers toyed with her true pleasure. Her hips began to gyrate of their own volition. This wasn’t what she expected, but right now all she knew was that she needed his hand right where it was.

Then he stopped, leaned back to look down the length of her nearly naked body. Her breasts peaked like twin mountaintops with nipples hard as cut diamonds. She reached down to feel him. He was hard, thick and long. Her stomach quivered. It had been a long time for her and he was so big. She leaned up and pressed her hand on his chest. He rolled onto his back with ease. She grabbed the condom package, opened it and slowly rolled it down his erection. She stroked and teased, knowing it was torturing him to remain still, but he did.

When he was well fitted, she climbed on top of him and kissed him. His hands came up to her with his thumbs circling her nipples. She moaned. Every nerve ending in her body felt as if it were about to explode. The kiss ended, and he began nibbling her neck, shoulder and chest. Then his mouth came to her breast. He took her in, suckling and savoring her bountiful flesh. He assailed the other, until her body arched and her legs trembled.

She pushed back and sat up, feeling his erection right at the entrance of her core. Then slowly, she eased down, filling herself, taking all of him. She felt every throbbing inch inside as her muscles clamped tightly around him. He groaned and held her waist. She began to move up and down, rolling and grinding her hips into him. Her breathing quickened to short gasps.

Her heart sped to match the pace she’d set. In, out, in, out, she surged over and over again. Rocking and riding him harder and harder. She panted, craving every inch of him inside of her again and again. Then she leaned back to sit tall and rock lower and deeper. He covered her bouncing breasts with his large hands that tantalized each nipple relentlessly.

The fury of passion raged as their climax approached. She held back as long as she could but she knew it was a losing battle. The first release escaped in a full spasm, making her scream his name. Her legs shook and she gasped a whimper but continued to ride him. He grabbed her hips tightly and began pounding upward, thrashing into her full force. He was coming and she was coming again. Their bodies tensed and tightened and shook as their release exploded. He slowed to deliberately measured, punctuated thrusts as his essence poured out. They tensed one last time, holding tight as ecstasy took them once more, and then slowly released them.

She opened her eyes. He was staring up at her with a smile that made her want to do it all over again.

“Hey, you okay?” he asked breathlessly.

She nodded and moved to get off, but he stopped her and pulled her down on top of his chest. Their breathing quickly synced as one. She closed her eyes again and enjoyed the feel of his long, gentle strokes on her back and down to her rear, the solidness of his chest and the treasure of him still inside of her.

She must have drifted to sleep because when she awoke she was lying on her stomach and he was right beside her, stroking and rubbing the length of her naked body. “Hey,” she said lazily.

“Hi,” he replied. “You have the most desirable body I have ever seen. And your rear is simply spectacular,” he said, kissing each buttock to make his point.

“I bet you say that to all the women you know.”

“No. I don’t,” he said with more sincerity than she expected.

She rolled over to face him. She was smiling. “You are so bad for me.” She bit at her lower lip, then reached over to grab another condom from the nightstand. “Here, put this on,” she said.

Already hard, he did. “Nice and slow this time,” she told him.

He smiled. “Yes, ma’am, nice and slow.”

They made love just as she asked—torturously slow and so very, very nice. Her on top, him on top, it didn’t matter. In the end, their passion erupted into another mind-numbing climax—then another and another.

Chapter 8

ours later Chase woke up to the beginning of daylight and squinted against the open drapes. He sat up and looked around. He was alone. Smiling, he remembered the night before. Nikita Coles was a remarkable woman and together they had been insatiable. They’d used three of the four condoms he’d pulled out and right now he was ready to use the fourth one.

The first time she had climbed on top and took charge and he liked it. There was no pretense of purpose or false timidity. She was bold and assertive and knew exactly what she wanted from him. She was tight, but the fit was still perfect. Lying here thinking about her, he could feel his body getting hard all over again.

He got up and went into the bathroom. There was everything he needed on the counter. He brushed his teeth, jumped in the shower, wrapped a towel around his hips and then went downstairs. The heavenly aroma drew him like a moth to an open flame. Nikita was in her chrome-and-marble sanctuary. She was sitting in the alcove beneath the large stained-glass bay window writing something in a book. He watched her a few moments, undetected.

She wore glasses and had her hair parted in the middle and braided on either side like schoolgirl. She had on an apron tied around her waist over a simple floor-length sundress. He didn’t know what was more mouthwateringly stimulating, the sight of her or the aroma of whatever was cooking in the oven.

“Good morning,” he said, interrupting her. She looked up, smiling, and removed her glasses. He was still naked except for the towel wrapped and tied at his hips.

“Good morning. Your clothes are in the dryer.”

“Thanks.” He walked over to her, took the pen and notebook from her hands and pulled her to stand. Barefoot, she was much shorter. He untied the bowed apron and tossed it on the cushions, then looked down the length of her body. His towel poked out slightly in front as he pulled her into his arms and began kissing her.

“Mmm,” she moaned between passionate kisses. “Oh, I have something in the oven.”

“Me, too,” he joked.

She giggled and pushed away. She went to the oven and pulled out two perfectly baked miniature cakes. The aroma was insane. She set the cake pans on the wired racks then turned and put another two small pans of batter in the oven.

“When are they coming out?” he rasped seductively.

“In about thirty to thirty-five minutes,” she said.

“Perfect.” He took her hand and led her to the front stairs. They climbed the first few steps and just before she got to the lower landing he stopped her. She turned to him. He was a step below. He wrapped his arms around waist and leaned up to kiss her. As the kiss deepened he began unbuttoning the four buttons at the front of her sundress. Her breasts, full, plump and inviting, peeked out. He dropped the next step down with his mouth open and devoured her instantly.

She held on to his shoulders and arched her back, giving him exactly what he wanted. Kissing, licking and sucking, his mouth was everywhere. She stood weakened by his amorous assault. “I can’t wait. I need you now. Right now.”

At her words he quickly pulled her dress and his towel away. They stood naked.

He kissed down the length of her body, then up again stopping at her stomach, waist and hips. He reached behind, caressed and massaged her rear, drawing her closer. “Mmm,” he groaned deep and throaty, “suddenly I think I have an appetite.”

“Okay, I can cook some eggs, bacon, pancakes and—”

“Nikita,” he interrupted and looked up at her smiling. “Not that kind of appetite,” he said softly.

“Oh?” she began as he pulled her to sit down on the step in front of him. “Oh.” She realized exactly what he meant. He spread her legs, putting each on his shoulders, and she lay back on the landing. He lifted her rear off the step and with tender, relentless greed, licking and savoring, he ate his fill and more.

“Oh!” Nikita climaxed hard with an orgasm that was damn near blinding. Waves of rapturous spasms rippled through her. “Oh…”

He ripped the condom open and barely fitted himself before he entered her in one smooth fluid motion. They never made it upstairs to the bed.

* * *

Hours later Chase sat watching as Nikita picked herbs from her large backyard garden. Earlier, after making love on the steps, they had eaten breakfast, cleaned the kitchen and iced the tiny cakes. Then they walked around the extensive perimeter of her property. Now with a wicker basket over her arm and dressed in another floor-length sundress, this one more fitted to her body, Nikita walked down another makeshift aisle.

Each section was squared off with long wooden planks resembling open boxes—some with covered netting and some without. Like a playful butterfly she picked and chose her targets with selective ingenuity—first touching, smelling and examining and either passing them by or picking and storing them in her basket. Chase decided that he could watch her playful ritual all day.

But he was no fool. He knew Nikita would be upset when she found out what he wanted from her. He also knew she might assume their sleeping together was all part of his ruse to get what he wanted. The thing was he wasn’t sure it wasn’t.

Truth in fact, she was right. He had intended to get closer to her and find her weakness and exploit it for Titan’s gain. But unlike Daniel, he didn’t want to come into Key West and start taking over. He needed the community and the prominent Coles family as allies if Titan was going to stay. Nikita was the key to everything.

He watched her bend down, gather a large handful of spiked greenery, and then pull it up from the earth. She brought the bunch up to her nose and inhaled. She smiled with overwhelming pleasure, as if she’d just breathed in the scent of a dozen roses. He half smiled, seeing her repeat the action over and over again.

He looked up. The sky was overcast. Still, it was easy to discern that it was nearly midday. It was Sunday and he knew he still had to work. He didn’t even want to see his cell phone and email messages. He looked back at the garden. Nikita wasn’t there. He scanned more closely and finally spotted her crouched low behind a high, colorful bush. She stood up and happily continued to the next section.

It was the simplest action and still it seemed to give her pure pleasure. Having obviously filled her basket to capacity and apparently very satisfied with her pickings, she walked back toward the house—toward him. “You looked like you were having fun out there,” he said.

She smiled brightly. “I was. I love playing in my little garden.” She turned, looking back admiringly. “Every year it seems to get smaller and smaller.”

“How many acres do you have?” he asked.

She sat down next to him with her basket beside her. “Two, but most of it is just undeveloped grounds. The soil is too sandy to expand the garden. Still…”

“What you have is well-tended. Who waters and takes care of it when you’re away all week?”

“Believe it or not there’s a programmed and timed irrigation system that I can control wirelessly with my computer. I come and pick weeds when I can. Also, the Petersons, my housekeeper and her husband come in and help out a few times a week. They live on a fixed income and have an apartment a few miles away. They come here to putter in the garden and pick whatever they like. We’re like growing partners. I supply the land and they tend it and take what they need. Last year they asked if some of their friends might help out, as well.”

“So this plot of land helps others, too.”

“More like we help each other,” she said.

“Sounds like you have your corner of the world all worked out.”

“Nah, not even close,” she confessed, then showed obvious concern. “Coming here sometimes makes me sad. This used to be a thriving community about seventy years ago. As soon as I saw this area I loved it.”

“And Reed gave it to you for a kiss.”

She nodded. “In lieu of an engagement ring, he signed the deed over to me. It had been in his family for decades. His parents gave it to him and he gave it to me. Of course when they found out, they were furious. They demanded it back and even took me to court a few times. But it was a legally binding transaction. The cottage and land are mine.”

“And you kept it after everything that happened.”

“I’ve been offered a lot of money for it.”

“Take the money.”

She stopped and looked around. “This area will come back to life someday and when it does I’m going to build a restaurant here.”

They slipped into a comfortable silence for a few moments, then she asked him, “You said last night that your mother moved to Europe to get a new start, but you didn’t mention your father. Are they divorced?”

“My parents were never married. For the first fifteen years of my life my father had no idea I even existed,” he admitted freely, something he never did. Few knew of his humble beginnings. “My father’s family didn’t accept their relationship so my father broke it off. He had no idea my mother was pregnant at the time.”

“Wow,” she muttered softly. “That must have been difficult for her and for you. Did you know about him?”

“No, not for a long while.”

“So how did he eventually find out about you and vice versa?”

“My mother owned a small eatery outside of Paris. A magazine did an article on her. My grandfather, Jacob Buchanan, was in France at the time and he happened to see a picture of my mother and me in the magazine.

“He came to the café. He immediately recognized Mom and that I was a Buchanan. The next day he contacted her and demanded to meet me. She refused. This went on for months. As a Buchanan he tried everything, threats, money, but it was his promise to tell me everything that did it.

“After that she told me about my birth, about Titan, the Buchanans and my father. Jacob and Daniel came to meet me. They insisted on taking me back to Alaska to raise me, as they put it, the right way.” He chuckled. “The rest is history.”

“The right way. What’s the right way?” she asked.

“The only way, the Buchanan way,” he said.

“Did you go?”

“No. I didn’t know them. All I knew at the time was my home in Paris. I stubbornly refused, also a Buchanan way, apparently.”

“I guess everything worked out in the end.”

“Yeah, something like that. My mother was killed in an accident and I went to live in Alaska. My grandparents raised me.”

“And what about your father?” she asked.

“I preferred to stay with my grandparents, Olivia and Jacob. My father objected but…”

“Let me guess. You stubbornly refused.”


She looked at him. “Demanded, huh?”

He smiled and nodded. “You’d have to know my family to get it. The Buchanans rule the world. Whatever they want, they get—period. They have money and power in abundance. That’s tempting and very seductive to a lot of people. Few adamantly turn it down. Eventually everyone surrenders to them. In the end, they always win.”

are you,” she said simply, identifying the truth in his statement.

“Yes, I am a Buchanan,” he said with a mixture of pride, arrogance and disdain. He shot her a look, his eyes intense and piercing, that seemed to warn her off. “Never forget that,” he spoke softly.

She nodded. Then, as if a cool chill shivered down her spine, she stood abruptly. “Are you ready to go?” she asked, grabbing her basket.

He nodded, took the basket and set it beside him on the top step. He pulled her in between his long legs and gathered her in his arms. He held her tight, kissing and nuzzling her neck tenderly. Making love with her was so natural. He could see himself doing it for the rest of his life.

He kissed her lips long and leisurely. When the kiss ended he leaned back. For a moment he didn’t speak. He just enjoyed the feel of her, knowing this would probably be the end of them. After all, this was exactly what it was. Not a love thing, not a relationship thing, but a sex thing and now it was time to let it go.

“Thank you for bringing me here. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful,” he said.

She nodded. “Come on.” She took his hand and led him back to the house.

* * *

After dropping off one of the small cakes to the Petersons, they headed back to the city, him in his car and her in hers. When they crossed into the Key West city limits she glanced up in the rearview mirror. Chase beeped his horn and turned in the direction of her brother’s home. It was time to get back to her real life. She drove through town to the beachfront area and her sister’s home.

As soon as she got out of the car she heard the laughter and squeals of her two nephews coming from the back of the house. She walked down the side path and reached over to open the gate. A flash of bright colors dashed by in the distance then disappeared, followed by another flash of color. Nikita knew it was her nephews.

They appeared again. This time she stepped back and rang the chimes and bells at the gate’s entrance. Two tiny cuties stopped and turned instantly to see who it was. They were dressed as superheroes in swimming trunks, goggles and towels for capes. They were flying around the backyard. Nikita rang the bells again. Their faces lit up and they came running. Nikita couldn’t help but laugh. They held their arms out and flew to her. She leaned down and grabbed them in one fell swoop.

Nearly knocking her over and toppling the small cake boxes in her hand, the three laughed as Natalia came to see who it was. “Hey,” Natalia said, waving. “Come on back.”

Nikita laughed as the boys realized she was holding two cake boxes. “Ooh! What’s that? Is that a cake? Is that for us? Is that for us?” they excitedly repeated over and over again.

“Only if your mother says it’s okay. So you’ll have to ask…”

They immediately ran off to their mother before she even finished the sentence. By the time Nikita reached her sister, the boys were jumping up and down excitedly. “She said yes!” they cheered.

Natalia told the boys to calm down, put on their T-shirts, wash their hands and go sit down at the kitchen table. When they ran off, she hugged Nikita warmly.

“You look great this morning,” Nikita said.

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