Just The Thought Of You (2 page)

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Authors: Emily Brandon

BOOK: Just The Thought Of You
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She wiped the tears and went to get a seat in one of the chairs. Nothing made
much sense after the talk her father but she was determined to know what he
wanted her to learn and understand from the book. She took a close look at the
book and stared a while at the angel. She did not know much about angels only
that they were from Heaven. She turned a page and saw that the writings were in
Latin. She did not even know it was Latin but she understood everything it
said. The first was just a prayer made for the reader. She turned to the next
page and read the hand like written book.  The book seemed like just a
hundred pages long. There were times when she had to reread a page to fully
understand what was going on. The book was not like a typical book, it was
written like passages in the bible. She read one of the passages again:

            “To earth
cometh the angels of power,

Fallen from the lust of their master and lovers

Bound to the earth till the last sands of time

Brought to cause havoc in the kingdom of dawn

Lest the last star bearing heaven and earth

Cometh to fight in legion and bear arms with love

It was a beautiful
passage Deanna thought. It was on the last page of the book and she did not
have a clue what it meant. She tried to understand what it meant but alas she
. He was good at understanding such
things. She lay on the floor thinking about her grandmother and what she was
doing to find her. She thought about her father and how he suddenly showed up
but most of all she thought about
. She
realized that her father,
looked just a like, like they were of the same
breed or culture. What startled her was that
looked exactly like them.

She knew it was crazy to think he had anything to do with her father’s being
there and
being there as well. She had not
seen them together and did not know if they actually knew each other. She had a
feeling that there was so much more to the story. She heard the door open and
this time it was a female that entered the library. She had long blonde hair
and looked, well like a supermodel. Deanna felt a twinge of envy. The woman had
long slender legs and blue eyes. She turned to look at Deanna and smiled a
sexy, sultry smile. Deanna herself would go invisible next to this woman.
Deanna was tall but not supermodel tall, she had long dark hair, curly in at the
ends and she had tanned golden skin. She liked the way she looked but she knew
that men thought otherwise. The woman walked towards Deanna, “I’m
” she said “come with me, let’s get you fixed” she
turned as if intentionally showing Deanna the long blonde hair she had. Deanna
. They walked down a long hallway
designed like that of the 17
century. Deanna felt like she was
lost in a different time. They reached an engraved door with a large brass
opened the door and led Deanna
into a beautiful room. Standing there were a group of ladies. Nothing seemed
different about them; Deanna guessed that they were just maids there. “Get her
ready for the feast later, do what you can” said
Deanna thought she heard a taunt in the way
said it but she let it slid, she saw
lie on
the bed and pull out a cover of Cosmo. The maidens rushed over and pulled her
into a marble bathroom. It was the largest bathroom designed for one person. It
was made of beautiful marble and smooth stones. There were cravings on the
columns and the tub was made of gold and ivory.

The maidens did their job thoroughly without showing any enthusiasm, “well no
one in their right mind would find bathing a girl something fun” she thought.
They striped her of her clothes and filled the tub that was as large as an
indoor pool, with water. They made her get in the foamy pool and started
washing her with soft cloths. It was a rather embarrassing situation having
people you barely know give you a bath. They worked slowly, scrubbing her skin
and lathering her hair with sweet smelling soap. They rinsed her and massaged
her skin with oil that made her tanned color glow. They hadn’t finished when
entered the shower room and the maidens bowed
and left all of a sudden. Deanna was so shocked that she grabbed the nearest
towel she saw. “Apologies on the intrusion but there have been a change of
plans” he said. He seemed to look rather happy that he caught her in such a vulnerable
moment. She heard a scream from outside of the room, it sounded like
. Deanna did what her instincts told her. She ran
to the door way where the maidens slipped through and closed it tight. Heart
beating fast she raced down the fire lit hallway, it led to a staircase
upwards. She ran up the stairway straight into the kitchen, it was huge. She
did not know how to get to
but she had to.
She ran and kept opening doors to different rooms and finally she heard voices
in one room. “The girl must be here somewhere!” a cold yet seductive voice said
in Latin. “Find her and the Archangel! Go! The voice said. Deanna ran and hid
in a corner she could see that there we more than 5 males who walked past her
hiding place. The door closed and Deanna waited for everything to quiet down. A
few minutes after she ran out of her hiding place she ran until she reached a
door. It was made of bricks and metal.  She saw it was engraved with signs
and symbols that bore Latin scriptures. She touched the stone and whispered “
”. The door slowly opened and it led to a stairway down into
a dungeon.

4: The

She took a step down to the staircase. The stone felt cold and she was cold
herself wearing only a towel. “Too good a bath” she thought. She hurried down
the stone stairway. It was dark but she was able to see where she was going.
The air felt stale and cold. It felt as it evil was embedded in its stone. She
reached the last step and found herself in a circular chamber. In the middle
she saw something that made her step back. His hands were tied upwards with
golden chains, his wings were chained as well and his feet barely touched the
floor. He looked like he was tortured in the chamber and left to die there in
the dark.

Deanna took a step forward and looked closely at the man. He was the most
beautiful creature she had ever seen. His face was glowing in the dark, his
hair dark like the night and his skin was caramel. He was muscular and toned
but hung on a rope of gold helplessly.  Though the bruises were slowly
fading, she could see that he was hurt. She searched the room for the lever
where the chain was connected to, she let the lever go and the angel fell with
his hands and wings still tied. She looked at the face; she touched his cheek
and felt the warmth it gave her, like hope. She tried to untie the angel but it
was useless. The chains were bound by locks of titanium. It bore inscriptions
that held them in place. “You found him” a familiar voice said. She turned and
standing in the shadow of the cellar.

” she said and stood and ran to him. “I have
never been happier to see you” she said as she hugged him. “We have to help
him, I think he is an angel or something, I
he’s hurt!” she said.
tensed but he did not
look to happy. “Run”
said. Deanna backed
away from him “What? Aren’t you coming? What’s going on
she was starting to get scared. “The inscriptions have to be read by a
and a descendant of Enoch. This would free the
told her. “Do it now and run” he
said as if it were a warning.

 Why are you acting this way?”  Deanna screamed.
just stood there staring at her “we will no longer be friends, I your enemy and
you mine” he said as if he regretted it “take the Archangel and go, this is the
last favor I will do for you as repayment for your father’s kindness”. He
backed a little more into the shadows, “take the Archangel and leave through
this door, the key is under the hood.” She thought she heard him almost laugh
“and put on some clothes Di, it’s going to be a long run” as he said this he
turned and walked out the secret door.

Deanna was hurt but she knew that she had to help whatever the creature was.
She ran back and looked at the inscriptions on the chain. She focused on it and
read the words slowly and clearly. The locks broke and the angel’s eyes
fluttered at stared straight at her. It had eyes as dark as the midnight sky
just like
. She felt a twinge of sadness
and remembered what she had to do. She pulled the angel up and couldn’t help
but be in awe. The Archangel was majestic. He stood tall and glowed in a
powerful way. His wounds were starting to heal. “
” the angel asked. Deanna was lost for words; even its
voice sounded sweet and gave her a feeling of happiness. “Deanna” she answered.
The Archangel smiled. It was a beautiful thing. Just then noises were heard and
the Archangel fluttered his wings. “Let’s go” Deanna pulled him towards the
secret door.

They entered the room and they saw that it let right outside of the
castle. Yes, it was a stone castle and Deanna had seen too much to be awed by a
castle. Right to their left was a
2013 Ferrari
458 Italia
. Deanna new about cars and she knew this was one
expensive car. She looked for the key in the hood and found it. Inside the car
were clothes. She put them on as fast as she could and told the Angel to get
in. This was a hard task as his wings were too wide. “I can fly you know” the
Archangel answered. Deanna almost had a heart attack. He was smiling at her and
she realized that if he were to be common teenager, he would sound like he just
did. “Well go on then we have to get out of here”. The Archangel stepped a
little too close to Deanna and stared at her. “Deanna, right?” and he gave her
that sweet angelic smile and flapped his wings. He gripped her in an embrace
and flew upwards to the sky with her.

Chapter 5: The Fallen

Deanna would
have liked where she was despite all the things that were happening. But being
in his arms, flying was not something she’d actually do for fun. She could feel
the warmth the angel gave off but every time she wanted to look away she could
see clouds and that made her hold on tighter to the Archangel. She could see
the lands below. It was exhilarating to be that high and feeling safe yet
afraid as well. The Archangel dipped and flew downwards heading for a hill.
Deanna held on with all her might and suddenly felt as if she was falling but
the as fast as she felt it the Archangel caught her again. They landed in the
middle of the woods. Deanna was tucked in the wings of the Archangel; she felt nestled
and didn’t want to move.

He opened
his wings to let her out. Deanna stepped back and stared at the Archangel. He
was beautiful. A creature she had only seen in books and heard of in stories.
She took a step back to admire his elegance and grace. The Archangel spread his
wings out as if to stretch. Deanna could see that it had 3 wings on each side,
huge and it looked of pure white. The Archangel stared at Deanna for a second
then spoke “I will get some fire wood, find us safe ground” and with that he turned
and walked into the woods. Deanna was still astonished by the Archangel and
could believe it was going to get firewood. She scanned the area and saw a
large oak tree nearby; it had a den like curve near the roots and would have
been a great place to camp out for the night. It was cold and dark and the moon
was peeking through the trees. Deanna just sat there listening to every sound.
She was trying to take it what had happened today, her father,
and the Archangel. It terrified her yet in a way
she felt familiar with everything. The Archangel stepped out of the woods and
his wings were no longer visible. He was carrying piles of wood like it was not
heavy at all. He lit the fit in an instant and then walked closely to here and
sat by her sit. “What is your name?” Deanna asked the angel.

“You can
call me...hmm” he thought “Gab” he said. “Gab, like the angel Gabrielle?”
Deanna asked surprised. “No, not that Archangel, I’m known in many names but I
have always liked the nickname “Gab”” he said with a childish grin. Deanna
wasn’t so sure he was an Angel; he acted so normal, so human. “Well then, Gab”
Deanna said “might as well tell me what you are doing on earth, aren’t you
supposed to be guarding heaven or something”. “Well yes” said the Archangel
“the heavens and you” he smiled back. “I have been watching you since you were
born but it wasn’t allowed because… well I am not a guardian angel”. He said
those things like it should have made sense to Deanna. “
is you guardian angel” Gab said.

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