Justification For Killing (45 page)

Read Justification For Killing Online

Authors: Larry Edward Hunt

Tags: #time travel, #kennedy assasination, #scifi action adventure

BOOK: Justification For Killing
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First he looked up
Grandpa’s birthday September 7, 1943. Now he thought, what can he
make out of those numbers. September is the 9th month, okay there’s
a nine. Well the 7 is obvious, but 1943 has four numbers, and he
only needed two more. Which two? He went with ‘43’. There now, he
had 9...7...4...3... okay, the next was Baba, then Spook and
Tinker. On and on he went right on down the list with everyone, he
could think of in the SCAR facility. After each person’s name, he
wrote a four-digit number corresponding to his or her

This operation consumed
the better part of two hours. When he finished he had almost two
pages of numbers, but what if Grandpa didn’t use birthdays what
else could he have used to program the access code? What about
street addresses of their homes? Again he wasted another two hours
and had a couple more pages of code numbers. What if the four-digit
code isn’t a street address, he thought. Suddenly he stopped...
this is crazy... he looked at the pages of numbers he had already
assembled... he’ll be in that elevator all night just trying those
numbers. Now he reasoned he would go back to SCAR headquarters,
with the list he had, get past the entrance guard, enter the
elevator and start playing with the numbers and see what happened.
If none of those numbers worked then he would come back to his
apartment and start with Plan B, whatever ‘B’ was, shoot he hadn’t
even come up with a good ‘A’ yet.

The time was 12:05 a.m.,
Tuesday, December 6, 2012.





Grabbing the manila
folder full of information he had amassed on Lyndon Johnson,
Forrest slipped on his jacket, attached his SCAR identification
badge, and was about to open the door and go downstairs to his car.
Reaching for the apartment’s doorknob, he was startled by a knock
on his door. Was he hearing correctly? Was that actually a knock?
Before he could take a look out the small security peephole,
another rasp was heard coming from the other side of the door. This
time the knock was louder and more pronounced than the
What the
... he thought peeping out the hole into the hallway.
“What...” he said opening the door. “Olive Marie!! What are you
doing here? And at this time of night?”

Without as much as a
how-do-you-do, she bolted into his apartment. “You’re up to
something Robert Scarburg. I know you; I saw that look in your eye
when Grandpa said you couldn’t go to Texas. You’re going to Texas,
isn’t that right? What’s our plan?”

Our plan? Our plan? YOU
don’t have a plan!!”

Ah ha!! Got you!! But YOU
DO have a plan, and I want in on it. Grandpa wouldn’t let me go to
Texas either. Now tell me. Let me have it. What is OUR plan? I want
to go too! Give me our plan!”

Olive Marie, are you
crazy? Even if I did have a plan I wouldn’t tell you. Everyone
would know about ‘my plan’ in five minutes.”

There, you said it again.
You DO have a plan. If I’m not in on it, five minutes will be too
long. I will tell Grandpa you are up to something and then see
where you will be! This isn’t a threat Forrest Scarburg... I want
in!! Or else!!”

I’m not saying yes, and
I’m not saying no, take off your coat and sit down, and I’ll fill
you in on my ‘Plan’, but you have to promise not to tell anyone,

For the next few
minutes, he explained to Olive Marie how he slipped the access card
from Krista’s purse. He showed her the pages of notes he had
written trying to figure out the four-number access code to use in
the elevator. He explained the codes were necessary so he could
gain entry to the laboratory where

access to
! What in the world for?” She said listening intently to
Forrest’s every word. Only occasionally she would grunt ‘Un huh’ or
‘Hmmm’ as Forrest explained how he was going back to Dallas to the
Clint Murdock estate. He explained how it had been reported that
Vice President Johnson attended a party at the Murdock mansion the
night before the Kennedy Assassination along with other Washington
bigwigs. The rumor was they were planning the assassination of
President Kennedy the following day. Forrest had discovered this
information and wanted personally to validate who had attended the

This was as a convenient a
time as any for Forrest to explain to his sister the story about
Clint Murdock, whom he was and how Murdock was connected to Lyndon

Get comfortable Olive and
I will explain it all to you.” He began telling the entire
chronicle to Olive Marie.

The story began with a
woman by the name of Margaret White.




Who was Margaret
White? Ms. White said she was the girlfriend of President Lyndon
Johnson. It sounded like a fabrication, but what can anyone say, it
was her story as she told it to a TV reporter for the program,

Who Had An Affair’.

Murmurings had begun after
the assassination of John F. Kennedy that Lyndon Johnson might have
been involved. The gossip concerned a man by the name of Clint
Murdock and Lyndon Johnson. Ms. White stated she had been invited
to a party - a party given at the mansion of a Texas millionaire
named Clinton Murdock. Her exposé of Lyndon Johnson began with that
party she said. A party at the Murdock estate, would not, in and of
itself, be worthy of a mention. They had the reputation of throwing
lavish parties all the time; however something was different about
this particular party she was so eager to tell about. What made
this evening unique? Unique enough that later Ms. White would
recall specific events that happened that eventful November night.
What night? Oh, nothing special about that night other than it was
only the night before the assassination of John F. Kennedy, that’s
all! Thursday, November 21, 1963.




Before Forrest continued
with Margaret White’s story, he guessed it wouldn’t hurt to give
Olive Marie a little background on Clint Murdock since he did play
a crucial part in Ms. White’s tale.

Forrest explained that
Clinton Murdock, Jr was born in Dallas, Texas, on May 10, 1925. His
father had made a fortune from real estate, land development,
railroads, and especially oil. Clint was well educated with a
degree from the University of Texas in a field of study concerning
oil and oil exploration. Forrest, at the moment, could not remember
the exact discipline of Murdock’s college major, but he believed
Clint also had an advanced degree from some university back east,
Harvard, Yale or another of those Ivy League schools.

Murdock’s father
passed away in 1961. At this time, Clinton, his brother and younger
sister inherited the entire Murdock family fortune. The
headquarters of the Murdock Empire was located in Dallas. Clint and
his siblings now owned the Techno Manufacturing Company, Columbia
Construction, the
‘Texas Hunting &
magazine, Murdock Publishing
Company and MurCo Oil.

In the late 1940s, Murdock
Sr and his close friend, another Texas oil mogul, Keith Bales met
quite by accident, the Chief of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover. A friendship developed that lasted
for years. In fact, it was claimed Hoover was deeply invested in
the MurCo Oil Company.

Another startling fact:
Murdock had ties with the Mafia. In the mid ‘50s the Senate Select
Committee on Criminal Affairs discovered Carlos Mancini, the head
of the crime family out of New Orleans, owned almost forty percent
of the MurCo Oil Company. They also looked into allegations that
Murdock Sr had close financial ties with Johnny Russolli. Russolli
reportedly was head of the Hollywood crime syndicate.

Later, one Senator on a
subcommittee of the Criminal Affairs Committee claimed, "Murdock
had J. Edgar Hoover in his back pocket. People, with plenty of
money, seem to always ‘invest’ their money on law enforcement
officials. To insure their interests are protected, they look for
officials in high places to help them.” Hoover was the poster boy
for the law and order in this country and made it a lifetime goal
to wage war with mobsters, gangsters and the like, so it was a
feather in Murdock’s hat to let it be known Hoover was his friend.
That's why men like Murdock made it their business to drop Hoover’s
name in their conversation every chance they got. If the head of
the country’s FBI is your buddy, you can get away with a lot of
things. Things some might say are on the hazy side of

Murdock developed
extreme right-wing political opinions and along with some of his
close friends, supported extreme groups like the
‘Society for the America Way’
. Murdock also donated money to a number of candidates for
congress with anticommunist campaigns. Also, it was reported
Murdock was also a quick source of fast money for the American Nazi
Party, and its leader, Lawrence Honeywell.

Also in the early ‘50s,
Murdock joined forces with some of his wealthy friends to gain
control of the Pennsylvania Southern Railroad. This involved buying
650,000 shares worth $65 million.

construction company Columbia was involved in several projects
including providing the maintenance for the Panama Canal and the
construction of a tunnel under Havana harbor for Fidel Castro, the
military dictator of Cuba. In 1960 Murdock purchased the
‘Lone Stars’
football team for $800,000 and provided the bulk of money for the
construction of the Dallas Stadium.

Forrest explained about
the others at the gathering included the two Senators from Texas
Harold L. Hood and Charles Tomlin, the head of the FBI J. Edgar
Hoover, Texas State Senator John Masters and Richard

Before I go on Olive, let
me tell you about Richard Nixon. Why, if it were true, would he be
at the house of Clint Murdock? We all remember he was President but
what we fail to realize he was also Vice President with Eisenhower
from 1956 to 1960.

ran an unsuccessful campaign for president against John Kennedy in
the ‘60 election. The race remained close for the duration, but
there were charges of voter fraud in some states such as California
and Texas, both states won by Kennedy; Nixon did not want to
contest the election, even though his advisors thought he should
protest the vote count in court. He though it would be a long drawn
out affair and would make the U.S. look bad to the rest of the
world. In January 1961, Kennedy was sworn in as President and Nixon
and his family returned to California. He resumed his law practice
and wrote a bestselling book called,
Sixth Dilemma’.

Did he hold a grudge
against Kennedy?” Olive Marie questioned.


Did he think Kennedy had
‘stolen’ the 1960 election from him?”


Did he seek

It is likely. All your
questions may be true, Sis. I would like to know too, and part of
the answer lies in finding out if Nixon had been at the Murdock
house the night before Kennedy was killed! Was he a participant in
the ‘secret’ meeting? If he were Olive, then your statements are
probably accurate. He could have been involved in the planning of
the assassination.

Ms. White explained:
“It was getting close to the end of the evening when Lyndon finally
arrived,” Ms. White said during the TV interview. She continued,
“The room suddenly became quite when he entered. Lyndon announced
he wanted to see a specific group of his political friends
immediately behind closed doors. Later Lyndon, flustered and upset,
emerged from the secret meeting and rejoined the party. I knew
Lyndon could operate secretly. Knowing how he was I did not say
anything... not even how glad I was that he came to the party. He
grabbed hold of my hand so hard, I thought he was going to break a
finger; he spoke barely above a whisper, a quiet, throaty growl. He
spoke close into my ear, I’m here to tell you, it was not a happy
message, but one I'll always remember:
can assure you Marge after tomorrow those Kennedys will never be a
thorn in my side again - that's no threat - that's a

Finishing up Forrest said,
“Okay, now that you have heard my plan to seek out the Murdock
estate and find out who attended the party you said you promised
not to tell Grandpa. You agree Olive Marie? Right now I have to
return to the laboratory.”

Without answering
Forrest’s question, Olive asked, “What happens when we get to the

We! We!
There is no
Olive Marie. It’s just going to be me! And you promised you
would not tell Grandpa about my plans either. When I get to the lab
I am going to ‘borrow’
, and I am going to

Texas! Texas! Right on
Forrest, oh, I’m not going to tell, why would I tell, I’m coming
with you!!”

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