Justification For Killing (8 page)

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Authors: Larry Edward Hunt

Tags: #time travel, #kennedy assasination, #scifi action adventure

BOOK: Justification For Killing
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Miss Lu said to
‘those guys are crazy, what have
they found ‘Zorro’, Zombie, Zogilla’?
“What have you found, Captain”?

Zapruder...! Zapruder...!
Oh heavens Zapruder!” he kept saying holding the metal canister of
film high above his head and dancing around the room with the other
two joining in, all chanting “Zapruder... Zapruder... Zapruder...”
at last they finished yelling, and they all began to laugh and slap
each other on the back.

By now they had Miss Lu
curious to the contents of this Zapruder film.

The Captain continued,
breathlessly, “Should we? Come on tell me, should we?”

Are you kidding,”
responded Sarge, “who would ever get another chance like this”?
Spook heartedly agreed.

The Captain hurried over
to Miss Lu and between breaths asked, “Can you run this through one
of your machines, so we see which frames we want

Sure,” that’s the way we
do it, unless we do the whole film. Remember the ‘Motion
Decelerator’, it will do the trick.”

She took the small
eight-mm roll of Kodak film, walked over to yet another metal pin
ball looking machine and inserted the roll of film, applied
pressure to a circular ‘start’ button and the tape began to play on
a built-in TV. The TV screen lay flat on top of this device. A
small metal knob that she manipulated controlled the object that
allowed the film to advance. They all huddled around the machine,
peering down at the TV screen, straining their eyes trying not to
miss any images.

In a moment or two, the
scenes they all waited to see appeared. “Stop! Stop right here. Can
you copy frames one hundred ninety through frames three hundred
twenty? And run them through the Edison?” Said the

Sure, just give me a
minute to separate those frames,” she said.

As soon as Miss Lu had the
selected frames of film processed though the Motion Decelerator the
Magnetic Synchronizer and back into the Motion Accelerator she
placed the film into the ‘Edison’ and announced to her waiting
audience that the ‘show was about to begin.'

Tinker had no idea what
was about to happen, but she knew for these men to get so overly
excited it was something extremely important.

She laughed, and told them
to get their popcorn ready. “I’m flipping the switch, Lights...
Sound... Action...”, she said trying to imitate a movie

The tiny TV screen began
to glow. The images appeared but could not distinctly be seen.
Within a second or two the action on the screen began to gradually
become clearer and clearer.

Immediately the
assassination attempt footage of President John F. Kennedy was
being viewed on the TV.

The film was showing the
black Lincoln convertible, Jacqueline in her pink suit, President
Kennedy waving to the crowd as they happily journeyed down Elm
Street in Dealey Plaza. Dallas, Texas.

Who is
this Zapruder we are watching? Which one is he?” She asked to
neither of them in particular as she pressed the

Oh! Miss Lu, he is not in
the film,” Dr. Kim answered. “Abraham Zapruder had arrived at
Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas just a few minutes before President
John F. Kennedy arrived November 22, 1963. He is the man filming
the assassination.”

He went on to explain how
Zapruder had a Kodak Kodachrome II, eight-millimeter, home movie
camera, and he arrived with Marilyn Sitzma, one of his office
workers. He climbed up on a concrete pedestal and began filmed 26.6
seconds and 486 frames of the President’s motorcade as it traveled
down Elm Street, driving from left to right directly in front of
his camera.

At frame 190 Lee Harvey
Oswald, as history has always shown, fired the first shot with his
Italian bolt-action rifle. It struck the Secret Service Agent Clint
Hill in the right shoulder.

He loaded, aimed and fired
one more 6.5 mm Carcano bullets wounding the President and Governor

By frame three hundred
twenty Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, seriously wounded, is seen
frantically holding on to the rear seat of the limousine as it
speeds off under the triple overpass to Parkland Memorial Hospital
where the President was rushed into the emergency room! “Please,
Miss Lu, restart the film,” Dr. Kim anxiously begged.

Miss Lu pressed the
restart button, the film continued. A man’s voice could be heard
“Here they come!”
A woman’s voice behind the man said,
“Take your time, I’ll balance you, so you don’t
In the background, they could hear
shouts and cheering, but suddenly from the left of the motorcade
two ‘cracks’ of a rifle being fired are heard, very audibly and
spaced rather close together. The motorcade passes behind a road
sign and just as it emerges another ‘boom’ is heard coming, not
from the same direction, but this shot comes from behind and to the
right of Mr. Zapruder’s camera.

The President falls
backward and to his left grasping at his throat. Voices on the
screen are screaming
“Get down!!" “What’s
, “They’ve shot the
Mixed in with this
conversation were the sounds of people yelling and screaming. The
wounded agent on the limousine’s trunk was heard weakly
“Go! Go! Get going!”

Quickly one more crack of
a rifle is heard, but this one came from the same direction as the
first two shots.

The motorcade speeds

The screen slowly goes
dark. There was absolute silence in the room. Finally, Miss Lu
speaks, “Explain please? I just witnessed your President Kennedy
being shot and the car speeding off. What are you seeing that’s so
important? I’ve seen that film before. It has been shown for

This time Sarge pipes up,
“Little Lady, it has previously been proven that President Kennedy
was wounded by Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone assassin, who fired three
shots with an Italian Carcano rifle from the sixth floor of the
Texas School Book Depository. I have heard many Italian Carcano
rifles fired and two of those shots sounded, amazingly, like a
Carcano coming from the left of the cameraman, Mr. Abraham
Zapruder. Left would be back toward the Texas State Book
Depository. The first shot came from the same general direction of
the Book Depository, but it sounded similar to a thirty-ought-six
(30-06) M-1 rifle. The second came from the same direction as the
first. The third seemed to come from behind Mr. Zapruder and it
sounded like a pistol!! The forth was back toward the Book
Depository building.”

Captain Scarburg said,
“there was an extra shot in there!! It sounded to me as if the loud
shot came from behind and to the right of where Mr. Zapruder was
filming. He was on the north side of Elm Street; therefore, the
shot must have come from the vicinity of the Grassy Knoll. I
believe its report sounded more like a pistol than a rifle. The
Carcano rifle uses a smaller 6.5 mm bullet than the larger 30-06
M-1 rifle; when fired the two have two totally different sounds as
you could tell from the film. Three of the shots heard came from
the same direction of the Texas School Book Depository one sounded
like an M-1 military rifle, and the other two were of the 6.5 mm
Italian military rifle style; the one from behind and the right was
definitely a pistol. My conclusion: There were, at least, three
shooters in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963 and three different
people took shots at President John F. Kennedy!”

Tinker with her limited
knowledge of American history may not have known what Zapruder
meant, but she obviously knew this was big... no it was

After Papa Scarburg
concluded his analysis of what happened Captain Scarburg piped in,
“Doggone-it Pop! I have always trusted our Government, but I agree
with you, two of those shots were not a Carcano, and I agree - one
came from behind and toward the Grassy Knoll’. There were at least
three shooters involved that day, but why would our Government
cover it up”?

Spook threw in his two
cents, “This is unbelievable! Four shots, no doubt about it, three
from the left and one from the right rear. What are we going to do
about this?”

Sarge quickly answered,
“Spook, believe-you-me we are going to find the

This was the beginning –
September 1967.

SCAR became a Washington
think-tank/research facility from this beginning back in the late
1960s following the discovery of an extraterrestrial spacecraft in
the wilds of Cambodia. You read right... that word was
extraterrestrial... a UFO... a flying saucer.

Anhur, one of the
extraterrestrials, along with the help from Sam Lin and Si Lei
helped Tinker, Papa Scarburg, Grandpa Scarburg and Spook escape
from Cambodia into Thailand and finally got them safely


Chapter Six

19, 2012 SCAR



Standing at a whiteboard,
mounted on a wooden easel Captain Scarburg motioned to the
assembling group as they entered the room, “Come on in people...
find a seat around the conference table.” The table was an enormous
polished mahogany job spacious enough to accommodate at least
twenty, the group around the table hardly made a dent in the
available seating. Moving to the end of the table he announced,
“Get comfortable we’re going to be here for awhile.”

Moving back to his
whiteboard he turned and spoke, “I’m sure you are wondering why I
have called you all together? Well you are all here because
tomorrow is the forty-ninth anniversary of the attempted
assassination of John F. Kennedy. On his last birthday back in May
the President was ninety-three years old, and reports say he is
still pleasantly spry. Rose, his mother lived to the ripe old age
of 104. I guess it is in his genes. They are throwing a huge
celebration party for him out at the Kennedy compound at Hyannis
Port tomorrow afternoon also.”

You mean they are
celebrating the fact the President was wounded?”

Actually Gabby I believe
they would be celebrating the fact he wasn’t killed!”

Oh, yeah... right...

Obviously the topic of
our meeting today is JFK,” the Captain said as he exposed the notes
he had written on his whiteboard. “As you can see by the list I
have outlined some questions about the attempt on his life which
occurred back in ‘63. Yes, this is about JFK, but the outcome of
our meeting today will affect all of you too. That is why you are
all here,” said Captain Scarburg.

Seated around the table
were all the founders of SCAR with the exception of Papa Scarburg.
He died in the winter of 2002, but Spook and Tinker were present,
so were Spook’s two brothers Sam Lin and Si Lei.

Gabrielle, or as the
family calls her, Gabby, was seated across the table from her
mother Krista who, for some strange reason was invited to attend
also. She was sitting next to her husband, Trey. Next to Gabby was
another brother Lou. Beside Lou was an empty chair - it should have
been occupied by her other brother Bud; however, Bud was killed in
the Southwest Asian War.

Bud’s death weighed heavy
on the Scarburg family at a time like this. They always leave an
empty place for him in his honor, like when our military flies in
the “missing man” formation. They don’t do this to remember he is
dead; they do it so they will never forget he was once alive, and a
glorious part of their family.

The younger sister Olive
Marie sat in the next seat. Forrest was opposite Captain Scarburg
down on the end of the table – way down on the end!

What’s going on
Grandpa... why all the secrecy?”

You all remember the
stories Papa Scarburg, Spook, Tinker and I told you about the film
we watched while we were rescuing Tinker at Pac Toul?”

We sure do Grandpa... The
Zapruder film was of President Kennedy’s attempted assassination
wasn’t it’?

Gabby chimed in, “Grandpa
we haven’t seen the Zapruder film you ran through the Edison
machines. I don’t remember all the things you told us. Explain that

I guess you are right
Gabby... and since that time so long ago we have been wanting to
explore what we saw and heard on that 26.6 seconds of
eight-millimeter tape. First and foremost, as most of you know the
reason we have never pursued the events we saw on the film - it
would consume almost all our resources. Importunately, it could
also be very damaging to our national image if the truth were
finally uncovered. Last but not least it could be hazardous to our

Hazardous! Like in what
way? You mean dangerously?”

I mean you don’t
understand whom we will be dealing with if we get involved. Get
it?” Captain Scarburg continued, “We will need to find out about
all those people and their involvement in the Kennedy assassination

Those people do not want
that information revealed. Those are some of the same individuals
who know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. They might not have known
exactly the spot, but they possibly could have gotten close to the
mile marker on the interstate highway.

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