Justified Treason (Endless Horizon Pirate Stories, Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Justified Treason (Endless Horizon Pirate Stories, Book 1)
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Chapter 5


As told by Charlotte Wetherby




ake up, my dear. He is here. Mister Braddock is here.”

The alarm in Mary’s voice startled me out of my restful slumber. Catching my breath from the scare, I sat up slowly and told her to calm herself. Mary laughed at her animated panic and resumed her usual playful demeanor as she laughed, “Oh
, look at me acting such a fuss. Let’s get you ready, deary. I think you will be surprised by the sight of Mister Braddock.”

I lazily rose from my bed and responded with a yawn. “You saw him?”

“I did. I saw him getting out of his carriage, and he’s not at all bad to look at. For some reason I thought he was going to be old and pompous but he is actually very handsome and prim. He can’t be much older than thirty.”

“Oh my, I had been under the same impression.”

Having not imagined Mister Braddock to be attractive, the unanticipated notion stirred my nerves with worry.

Mary dressed me in the same golden gown that I wore to The Rusty Anchor, and then pinned my hair up on the left, leaving long curls hanging on the right. Taking a moment to view myself in the mirror, I eyed the reflection of the proper lady that looked back at me. I certainly looked the part of the role I was intended to play, but I wished I had a shot of rum to help warm the frost that had coated my fearful heart.

Determined to face the situation head on, I inhaled a strong breath of confidence and told Mary that I was ready as I could be. She assured me that I would do fine, and I hugged her tight before I headed down the hall.

Before I went down the stairs, I paused to observe the man that was talking with my father in the entry hall. From where I stood, the man’s face was unclear, but I could see that he was tall and his shoulders were wide. I watched silently as Benson took his extravagant baroque coat, and I saw that his breeches were of a fine satin while his buckled shoes shone beneath his white hose. I laughed at the thought of
Sterling calling him a wig-wearing scallywag but once Benson removed his hat, I was surprised to see that his true shoulder length hair was dark brown, and the wavy flow was well groomed. I watched my father lead him into the dining area and forced myself to follow.

Once I entered the room, my father got up from the table and announced, “There she is.” He smiled with pride as he walked over to greet me.

Mr. Braddock also arose from his seat to acknowledge me with all proper etiquette. I felt quite awkward at the center stage of attention, but the comfortable rhythm behind Mister Braddock’s voice left me feeling easy. “Hello, Miss Charlotte. My name is Lawrence, Lawrence Braddock. I am very pleased to meet you.”

I was awestruck by the gleam of his dark brown eyes, and stunned by the way his profound chin and well defined jaw were perfectly lined by his mustache and Van Dyke goatee. His teeth were straight and his smile was as warm as the hand that he reached for mine with. The startling attraction that he triggered in my heart seemed to let loose a flutter of butterflies in my belly, and I offered a shaky hello.

Luckily my father did most of the entertaining over breakfast. They jabbered on on about Mister Braddock’s journey over from London, his work as an attorney, and my father’s position in the sugar trade. Hester’s polite interjections lightened the professional tone of the otherwise business based conversation, while I listened silently; intent to find something to distaste, but Lawrence Braddock showed no signs of anything reasonable for me to contest.

When breakfast was done
my father and Hester excused themselves from the table, and father made an awkward gesture for me to show Lawrence the garden. I froze with fear. The thought of being alone with that man terrified me on multiple levels. I was afraid of being forced to relate with him and also fretted the temptation of my attraction to him. Aside from all of my concerns, I knew I had to do as my father said.

As I braved the effort to rise,
Lawrence gently reached for my hand to guide me up. I was stunned by the flare of his touch, yet confused by his unknown attempt to intercept me from my true love. “Please show me the way mi’lady.” He nodded his head with a courteous grin.

I forced a polite smile and led him to the garden.

Walking out of the veranda doors into the thick, humid air, I observed the clouds that jumbled in the sky and enjoyed the way their shadows gently moved across the flourishing landscape. On the way to the pavilion, Lawrence looked around and exhaled, “This is a truly beautiful estate, Miss Charlotte. Have you enjoyed your time on this island?”

“All I have ever known is this island, and so as far as I know, it is wonderful.”

“You have not been to London?”

“No I haven’t. I have never left this island.” I lowered my head, expecting to hear about all the glorious things of which I had been denied.

“Well I’ll be quick to tell you, it is those who have not seen this isle that are missing out. You are quite fortunate to call such a beautiful place home.”

I was flattered by his kind attempt to ease my blunder and my cheeks lifted with a grin that I did not have to force.

“I am looking forward to my new life here.”

Knowing that his new life included taking me as his wife, I was not sure how to respond. Panicking within the awkward silence of not knowing what to say, I nervously attempted to detour his talk about the future by learning more about his past. “What was your life like in

“Very busy and very fast. Though I had a beautiful home, many clients, and was well known in town, I felt the need to slow down and settle in somewhere warm. After doing my research and writing to Hester, I found that this would be the perfect place for me.”

It annoyed me that he led his sentence right back to the future.

I simply nodded my head to show that I understood, and he took my bleak response as an opportunity to reel on. “Also, your father told me about you.” My heart almost leaped out of my throat. “Once I heard about how lovely you were, I knew my course was set. I will say, your beauty is greater than imagined.”

How many times would this man leave me speechless? I had not anticipated his handsome allure and I was helpless against his adoring demeanor. Frustrated with the blank white space that floated in my mind, I meekly accepted his compliment. “Thank you, sir.”

“Please, call me Lawrence.”

I nodded to agree.

“Well, Miss Charlotte, I must be going to lay out some plans for my property. It was truly my greatest pleasure to meet you, and I do look forward to seeing you again.” He moved in a slight bow as he kissed my hand. Once he walked out the gate I stayed still in the pavilion, like a statue in the garden.

Soon enough I broke free of my trance and strolled through the garden to let my thoughts meander. The heavy scent of fruit and flowers seemed to soothe my nerves as I wandered down the winding path. I walked to the northwest end of the property and peeked through the gate at the view of the sea. The clouds were rolling across the sky and I enjoyed the way their shadows danced over the glimmering ocean.

Just below the shrubs that lined the sea cliff before me, I could see the sandy shore below. It was the place where I had confessed this very betrothal dilemma to
Sterling. I loved the way that even a mere dream of him could warm my heart like a rock in the sunlight.

Today’s turn of events had been unexpected and I needed to reassess the angle of my plan. All the seemingly impossible notions swirled in my mind like a whirlpool until I thought of the tattoo on
Sterling’s chest. Telling myself that my heart would guide me to freedom, I put my hands on the iron bars of the fence and soaked up the beauty of the view. The wind blew through my hair, and as if the breeze would carry the message to my buccaneer, I whispered, “I will wait for you my love.” 




Lawrence had busied himself arranging the layout of his estate and I mulled along in my usual way. I had been working on my songwriting assignment and looked forward to the day’s harpsichord lesson. I walked into the music room and greeted Girard with great joy; he was always pleasantly inspiring. After going over some note patterns and reiterating the rules of the assignment, Girard stood back to listen as I relayed my work.

I had always enjoyed playing the harpsichord and had improved greatly over the years, but today I found an unexpected pleasure in the art. The sound of music poured across the air that filled the room, replicating the root of my passion as if each note were a word; finally confessing my forbidden fancy. I alone understood the language and reveled in the secrecy, for though the world around could hear the notes and feel the passion, they would never know the story that my music expressed.

Girard could hardly contain his pleasure, “My dear, your passion is uncanny.”

“Oh, thank you Girard. It is your teaching that has brought me so far.” I remembered
Sterling saying how much he loved music and that the crew enjoyed having musicians aboard. I hoped that I could play for him one day; then the language would no longer be a secret.




The Pattersons and Mister Braddock joined us for Friday night’s dinner and though everyone talked in joyful delight, I kept to myself. The men blustered on about politics and the prospect of producing rum, while the women were drinking rum and talking about spending the money the men plotted over. After rice pudding the men headed out for their cigar smoke and us women huddled in to enjoy our chatting.

Hester slurred a bubbly invitation, “Charlotte, my dear, I believe you should have a drink with us tonight.”

Maureen, whose face was nearly healed, agreed. “Oh yes, to celebrate.”

Hester poured a glass for me that I happily accepted.

After a round of small talk Maureen shrugged her shoulders at me and whispered, “So, what do you think about Mister Braddock?”

My buzzing mood made it easy to stick to the positive side of the truth. “Oh, he is quite handsome isn’t he? He is very kind and polite as well.”

They both giggled and Hester boasted, “He has always been a pure gentlemen, one of England’s finest.”

Maureen added, “You’re a lucky lady, Charlotte, and how joyous for us all to have you married here at home.”

I was truly enjoying myself. Laughing and gossiping with Hester and Maureen had become much more enjoyable than I ever would have expected. In fact, I was growing quite attached to my new friends, and through the bubbling buzz that we shared, I began to think that this lifestyle might not be so bad. Eating fancy food and drinking with the ladies while the men smoked cigars and supported our futures. We all laughed as we cheered our glasses together to begin another round, and every bit of my smile was sincere.

Once the men returned, Paul raised Maureen from her seat and twisted her around in a fluid dance move. At the same time my father led Hester up by hand and I thought how dreamy it must be for these couples to be truly in love and not have to hide it. While I adored their romance with light envy,
Lawrence politely reached for my hand. I accepted his gesture and felt a misting energy flow down my arm as I rose. Once again I wondered if it would be possible to embrace this lifestyle that I had always hoped to escape.

The older couples went on their ways and
Lawrence suggested we go out to the garden. As I came to my feet I realized that I was completely tipsy from the rum, and I almost lost my balance. Lawrence leaned his arm beneath mine to catch me, and though I told him I was fine to walk, once I moved, it felt as if my feet were feather light and the ground was rolling beneath me.

Unprepared for the rush, I leaned on
Lawrence for support and laughed at myself. Instantly feeling small and dainty against his wide chest, I had no desire to back away. Lawrence was naturally large but his muscles were not as refined as Sterling’s. Sterling’s body was shaped by the hard work of his lifestyle, but far as I knew, Lawrence had spent his days indoors sitting behind a desk. I was surprised by the rough feel of his hands as he wrapped them around my arms.

He pulled me up straight and smiled playfully. “A little too much rum tonight, mi’lady?”

I looked at his handsome face and laughed, blaming Hester and Maureen. “Oh, those women can drink. I’d say they are a rather bad example.”

continued to lead me out the door where we stood on the covered porch outside the dining hall. I reveled in the distant sound of rumbling thunder and wondered if it would rain. While I gazed upon the clouds that were rolling in, Lawrence complimented me. “You look lovely tonight, Miss Charlotte.”

“Well thank you, kind sir. You are not half bad yourself.”

He looked to be aghast by my improper slur, but I was buzzing from the rum and wasn’t the least bit concerned with acting proper at the moment. In fact, a surge of playfulness rushed through my body and I wished that he would pick me up in his arms or have a stick sword fight with me.

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