Justify My Thug (24 page)

Read Justify My Thug Online

Authors: Wahida Clark

Tags: #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

BOOK: Justify My Thug
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“You bitch!” I balled my fist and punched the shit out of Oni. The glass of liquid she had just put to her lips hit the floor, shattering.

Everybody was up and over to where we were in a flash. Her brother started to grab me but Faheem looked at him then said, “Don't get fucked up.” Then he turned his attention to me, grabbing me by my neck.

“Jaz, now is not the time for this bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

I couldn't even speak. “Get my daughter, Faheem. Now. And as long as you fuckin' with this bitch, you will not have any contact
with me or Kaeerah. Go get my daughter!” I screamed. I was about to go postal in that bitch as I shoved Faheem off of me.

“Jaz, what is—”

I cut him off. “I told you this skank ass ho was behind this shit. Hell, she probably set this whole kidnapping thing up, Faheem. I told you she ain't shit! Just go get me my daughter.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

I pointed at the detective. “That's the nigga who planted the crank in my car and arrested me. So fuck you, fuck her and fuck all of y'all crazy muthafuckas. And fuck it, I'll get my own daughter, so I can get away from all of y'all sick fucks!” I was heated. I stormed to the living room and snatched my daughter off the couch. The poor thing didn't know what was going on. “That bitch got you blinded. Let me get outta her before I catch a case for real. And Faheem, you know I will. I won't give a fuck about going to prison.”

“Hold up Jaz,” Faheem jumped in front of me, trying to block me from leaving. The phone started ringing and his attention was briefly diverted so I used that moment to push him out of the way. I was outta there and rushing to the car. As me and my daughter got in I could hear Faheem going off on Oni and her trying to explain but I didn't give a fuck. But I did hope that they get their son back because not her, not Faheem will ever see my child again. It was officially over.


Shit just hit the fan for real. I was busted. Faheem stormed out after Jaz, while all three of my brothers were staring at me.

“Oni, don't tell me you did that shit. And you got Ronnie here
to help you? You didn't even check with us before you pulled some stupid shit like that. And why? ‘Cause you want that nigga back? That is so stupid.” Big Mike was obviously disgusted with me.

“You was supposed to call a sit down before you made a move like that, Oni. You know the rules,” Damon spat.

Mike looked at his son. “And you? You gonna jeopardize your whole career over some bullshit baby mama drama? You should of have sense enough to come to me before you even moved on this bullshit.”

“Pops, my career is already on the line. I fucks with y'all remember?”

“Son, listen to me. I can keep you apart from this. But anything outside of this, that's on you.”

“Now we got to deal with two crises,” Wali said and he smacked the back of Ronnie's head.


I just saw Rick. My heart was pounding faster than roaches scurrying away from the kitchen light. I saw King Rick. It was him in the flesh. He was here in the city. He was alive. Alive and well. And what was spooking me even more was that the chick he was with reminded me of Kyra. Kyron was buggin' because he swore up and down that it was somebody I used to fuck with.

“Kyron, you heard what he said. He wanted to know what you were doing with his boy's wife.”

“That's what he said?”

“Yes, that's what he said.” He picked up that I was getting a little disturbed by his questions so he changed the subject.

“So, the nigga is a cop?”

“Yeah. He lived right down the street from us and he was a detective, a dirty one. But he loved him some Trae.” I smiled as a few old memories ran through my mind. Kyron gave me a dirty look so I snapped out of it and kept on going. “I believe they
did some things together, I just don't know to what extent. Him and my girl Kyra started messing around when Marvin started back getting high. We think Marvin is the one who deaded him … well, we thought he was dead. Trae even went to his funeral, which was obviously a staged one. That's why I'm trippin'. We hadn't seen him since. The nigga was supposed to be dead.” I had to call Trae.

“Well, the muthafucka was out of line.”

“And what would you have been pulling a gun out in a crowded restaurant?” I asked Kyron.



I corrupted my mission and got my niece back to California safe and sound. The boys were still in Florida, so I had to call my Aunt Marva over to ask her to house sit and keep an eye on her for me. I wanted to surprise everybody, so I told my aunt not to tell anyone that she was here. I quickly got her settled and was out. I needed to get back to New York to go pick up my sons and to bring Tasha back home.

When I arrived in New York and had yet to catch Kendrick or Kyron, which only pissed me off more, I was forced to resort to some of my old tactics.

I set my plan in motion and then picked up my sons and headed back to Cali to drop them off, only to turn around and head back to New York. Yeah, lately I had become a flying muthafucka. Our private plane had become my new apartment. I'd been on and off that muthafucka for almost a week straight. I was showering, sleeping, the whole nine yards.
When I arrived back into the city, I went to my apartment and set the trap.


We had just come back from getting a whole pizza from Famous Ray's. Its delicious aroma smelled up the car and my stomach was growling. I couldn't wait anymore. I opened the box and tore off a slice.

“Shorty, we about to go inside,” Kyron said as he looked at me as if he couldn't believe that I was eating pizza in his ride.

Obviously this was his first time being around a hungry, spoiled, pregnant woman so I went easy on him. “I know, but my stomach is growling. Can't you hear it? And plus there's nothing like hot pizza right out the box.” I looked at him as I took a big bite of my slice of pizza with extra cheese. The oil from the cheese was dripping down my chin but I didn't care. He turned the car off and we sat there. Me with my pizza and Kyron had rolled himself a blunt. We was sitting there chillin'.

The evening was crisp and clear. When we finished Kyron opened the door and was getting ready to get out, when out of nowhere this nigga comes and pulls the door back and then slammed it on Kyron's leg. “Fuck!” Kyron yelled out. It happened so fast, neither of us saw it coming.

“Get out muthafucka,” the dude barked, holding the door with one hand and a .357 in the other. His partner appeared from the shadows holding a double barrel in Kyron's face.

I didn't know what to do. I knew that Kyron had a hammer, but before he could get to it the guy snatched him out the car so fast, patted him down and took it.

“Just let my Shorty go and we can do this.”

“Nigga, that ain't your shorty,” the dude with the burner said.

“Get out the car, Tasha,” Kyron told me right before the dude punched him in the face.

I threw the pizza box down and went to open the door when another dude snatched it open, scaring the shit out of me. “Hold up. You are going to have to come with me.” I looked over at Kyron and they had him on the ground whupping his ass. People walking past looked but kept it moving.

“Come on, get the fuck out,” Dude glared at me.

I looked at dude closely and he looked to be my height and from the way he was cut up, the nigga lived in the gym or just got out of the pen. When he licked his lips, that's when I really got shook. But I promised myself that I was not going out without a fight. I got out of the car and yelled, “Somebody call the police. I don't know this guy! Help me! Help!”

He grabbed my arm and snatched my Louie. “Shut the fuck up!”

“If you want the bag, keep it. There is money there and you can have it all.”

“Do I look like I came out here to rob you? Now look, I'm supposed to bring you back in one piece but if you don't cooperate, just like ya boy over there, you gonna get fucked up, too.”

A limo pulled up and dude shoved me towards it. The back door flew open and I was pushed inside. When the door shut, I was sandwiched between two more fresh outta prison looking niggas. I turned back to look for Kyron but they were gone.

“You can stop shaking, we are not here to hurt you,” the dude who was already in the limo said. I didn't even realize that I was shaking like a leaf.

“Then where are you taking me?” No one said a word. “What
are they going to do to him?” The new guy smiled. His partner made a call and simply said, “We got her and we are on our way.”

After we got into Jersey, I soon noticed several signs saying Teterboro Airport. Teterboro is a small airport for many private jet holders. That's when it all clicked …
Then I thought about Kyron. My stomach knotted up and my hands started sweating. They probably killed his ass. The limo pulled up to the third hangar. For real, I didn't want to get out of the car. As a matter of fact I had made up my mind that I wasn't going to get out and if I could, I would make a run for it.

Both of my escorts got out. The quiet one closed his door. The other one said, “This is your stop, Mrs. Macklin.” So this lame knew my name all along. I kindly sat glued to the seat. “Yo, this is your stop. You need to get out.”

I still didn't move.

“Deuce, she ain't gettin' out,” he yelled to his partner.

The other door flew open. “Mrs. Macklin, just so you know, we have specific instructions to drag you off if necessary. So what's it going to be?”

I crossed my legs and sat back into the seat, making my stance obvious. “Tell my husband if he wants me, to come and get me. Why does he have to get y'all to do all of his dirty work?”

Deuce closed his door and came around to where his partner was. His partner grabbed my ankles and yanked me towards him. I swung at his face. Somebody gripped my arms. “Get the fuck off of me. Let me go!” I screamed.

The quiet one pulled a gun on me and said, “Dead or alive makes me no difference.”

The look in his eyes said
Tasha get the fuck out
. I slid to the door and made my exit.

“Oh, so now you ready to walk on your own?” the one who took my purse said as he grabbed my arm yanking the rest of the way.

“Y'all better get the fuck off of me,” I threatened.

“Jimil, let her go man.” They both turned me loose. The one named Deuce held out my Louie.

“There's your ride right there. Go ahead up the stairs. Nice doing business with you,” smartass Jimil said.

“Fuck you.” I snatched my bag from him and headed for my ride in the sky. Each step I took weighed me down more than the previous one.


I fixed my stare on the portrait of the waterfall in hopes of not losing my composure. I was refusing to believe that my marriage had evolved into this spectacle and just how off the chain Tasha had gotten. As far as Kyron was concerned, whatever happens happens. But at least nobody can say that I didn't give the nigga ample warnings.


I stepped onto the plane and the stewardess Maggie greeted me. “Mrs. Macklin, good to see you again. Let me take you to your seat. Mr. Macklin is waiting on you.”

I didn't say anything, even though she was still talking. I had completely blocked her out. I was focused on preparing myself for
Mr. Macklin
. He was seated, looking calm as ever, legs crossed as if he was posing for the cover of
magazine. He gave the appearance of not having a care in the world. Of course he had
that smirk on his face that said, “I told you I would find your ass and drag you back home.” He motioned for me to sit down across from him.

The captain made an announcement to buckle up and prepare for departure. Maggie came by and asked if we would like anything to drink before takeoff. Trae told her no.

I sat there occasionally stealing glances at my husband. Of course, he did not take his gaze away from me and didn't open his mouth during the whole time we were ascending up into the air. When the fasten seat belt sign turned off, I got up to go to the restroom. As soon as I closed the door I went to the toilet and threw up. I wasn't sure if it was from fear, the flying or from the delicious slice of greasy pizza I had just gobbled down.

I made it to the sink and checked out my surroundings. I loved this bathroom. It reminded me of an upscale nightclub. It had a plush, butter soft leather sofa, a marble vanity table and all of the amenities you could think of, except for toothbrushes and toothpaste. I hit the call button for Maggie. I hoped that there was some mouth utensils somewhere around. In the meantime I would just hang out in here as long as I could.

I sat on the sofa, tilted my head back and closed my eyes. Once again my thoughts turned to Kyron. I was wondering if he was dead or alive. If he was dead what would I do? If he was still alive what would he do next?”

The bathroom door flew open and instead of it being Maggie, in waltzed Trae. “What are you doing?” he asked me.

“What did you do to him, Trae?”

I swear he looked like he turned into the devil. The whites of
his eyes turned red, his nose flared and his face was contorted. He looked at me as if I had lost my mind. “Come again?”

“What did you do to him?”

“Ask me about the next nigga again and I promise you, I'm gonna lace your jawpiece.”

“Trae, I just asked you a simple question. You can't give me a simple answer? What. Did. You. Do. To. Him?” My dumb ass obviously forgot who I was talking to and what he promised to do to me. Because the next thing you know he had punched me dead in the jaw, keeping his promise. My bottom lip started bleeding after I bit it and this nigga had the nerve to put his ear to my mouth. Yeah, this nigga has officially lost his muthafuckin' mind.

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