Kaleb (3 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Kaleb
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not a date.” Zoey realized how defensive she sounded as soon as the words were
out of her mouth.

are you going to give in and sleep with him?”

her bucket of cleaners, Zoey managed to lock the front door and roll her eyes
at her friend while pretending not to have heard the question.

wasn’t the first time V had asked that particular question, and she knew it
wouldn’t be the last, so Zoey wasn’t even going to dignify it with a response.
Best friend or not, V had an uncanny ability to get on Zoey’s last nerve with
her constant pestering when it came to her friendship with Kaleb Walker.

seemed as though once a week V would go off on a tangent about how Zoey and
Kaleb were dancing around one another and should just give in and admit they
wanted to sleep together. For the most part, Zoey managed to ignore her. The
rest of the time she just made it worse by arguing.

was possibly a smidgeon of truth to V’s assessment of the situation, but Zoey
wouldn’t admit it. Ever since Zoey’s marriage came crashing down around her,
she and Kaleb had managed to rekindle the friendship they’d shared since middle
school. Only this time, her best buddy managed to spark an irritating amount of
lust that Zoey refused to acknowledge.

there weren’t many days that passed in which they didn’t meet up for dinner or
drinks, or just to hang out with a group of friends, Zoey was having a hard
time ignoring this little infatuation she’d apparently developed for him.

far as she could tell, there wasn’t an ounce of reciprocation from Kaleb’s
side, so it made it a little easier to pretend he was just her friend. And she
could’ve lived with that if her warped and twisted mind hadn’t gone and
conjured up a plethora of images that consisted of all of the things Zoey
wanted to do to the man.

had a feeling V’s comments were to blame for that carnal slide show playing
over and over again in her mind.


minutes later, Zoey was pulling her truck into the gravel parking lot of Moonshiner’s
– the one and only bar in their very small town. For a Thursday afternoon, it
was packed, but the more the merrier, Zoey thought to herself.

took a little persuading – or flirting, whatever you wanted to call it – to
commandeer two bar stools, but they finally managed. Ordering their usual –
mango margaritas – Zoey glanced around the dimly lit room, scoping out the
familiar faces.

of the Thursday crowd was younger, getting a jump start on the weekend and
choosing to battle it out at the pool tables. The dance floor was empty, but
that wasn’t unusual for this time of day. It usually livened up quite a bit
after dark, but they were still a few hours off from that.

Feeling a tad surly after V’s pestering from earlier, Zoey turned
to her friend and threw out the one question she knew would get V riled up.
“So, when are you going to focus on your own Walker man and lay off my
nonexistent sex life?”

 Walker man?”
V almost sounded as though she had no idea what Zoey was talking
“Who the hell are you talking about?”

Remembering the way V had all but jumped on Zane Walker the last
time they’d all gotten together, Zoey arched an eyebrow in challenge. “Don’t
deny it. I saw the way you were eye fucking Zane the last time we were here.”

Zane Walker
 – Zane?” Vanessa laughed, and the
sultry sound had half the bar turning to look at them.

“Do you know another one?”

The best defense is a good offense
 – the phrase suddenly rang through Zoey’s mind when she saw
the look in Vanessa’s eyes. It was about to be a free for all.

“Wait.” V held up a hand, taking a sip of her drink.
“You first.”

first, what?”
Zoey was confused.

“You admit to crushing on Kaleb, and then I’ll tell you my story.”

“Oh, whatever.”
Zoey laughed. “I am not crushing on Kaleb or anyone else for that
matter. But you, my beautiful friend have a bad case of the hots for one Zane

V blushed immediately, but turned her head and avoided Zoey’s
knowing stare. It was obvious the woman had been lusting after Kaleb's younger
brother, but Zoey had no idea for how long. Not that age mattered, but there
was a six year age gap between V and Zane, which was surprising because her
friend had never been the type to go for younger men.

“You can’t deny it, V.”

When Vanessa’s ears flamed red, Zoey knew she’d hit her mark. But,
they both knew it was all in good fun because yes if either of them were to own
up to it, both of them had the hots for one of the Walker brothers.

“Maybe not, but what about
you and Kaleb?”

“What about me and Kaleb?” Zoey asked, forcing a smile. She did
not like where this conversation was going, regardless of whether this was her
best friend or not. She was not willing to admit whatever these strange
feelings were that she’d developed for Kaleb.

“You have to admit he’s hot.” V grinned.

“Well, of course, he’s hot.” That 
 a secret.

“Have you ever fantasized about what it would be like to kiss
him?” V asked, getting pushy as always.

What was this?
Eighth grade?

Hoping like hell the heat that suddenly infused her face 
 visible, Zoey smarted
off. “

The smile that beamed on V’s face had Zoey stilling in her chair.

Oh God.

She was suddenly enveloped in strong, muscled arms and overwhelmed
by the all too familiar, highly intoxicating scent of the one man she
heard that comment.

“So, what would it be like?” Kaleb’s sexy voice whispered in her
ear, his warm breath tickling her cheek seconds before his lips landed in a
chaste, friendly kiss.

Shoving him off of her, Zoey laughed because if she 
, she might just cry.
“Oooh, gross!
Boy cooties.” 
definitely eighth grade

“Boy cooties?” V asked, laughing. “That’s what you scream when Kaleb
Walker plants a kiss on you?
Mercy, woman.
beginning to seriously worry about you.”

Zoey felt the heat flood her face as she purposely ignored
Vanessa, all the while trying to pretend Kaleb 
 actually heard their

“You’re early.” She told him when she finally managed to compose

“I’m starving.” He waved off the bartender when he strolled over.
“Take me to dinner.”

“Nuh uh, buddy. It’s your turn to pick up the tab.” Zoey reminded

Before Kaleb could argue, Zane walked up and Zoey watched as V’s
entire demeanor changed. If she 
 mistaken, it just got a lot warmer in the bar, despite the
blast of cold air from the air conditioner.

Zoey smiled.

“Ok, I’ll take you to dinner.” Zoey stood abruptly. “Here, Zane.
Take my seat.” Throwing a knowing grin at Vanessa and watching as her friend
tried to shoot daggers from her eyeballs, Zoey laughed.

“You are so dead,” V mouthed before Zoey turned away.

Truer words had never been spoken because as Zoey turned to walk
out of the bar with Kaleb, she was hammered with a sudden, overwhelming urge
to... kiss him.



minutes later, Zoey was pulling her truck into a vacant parking space beside
Kaleb’s. She’d insisted on following him to the restaurant because she had
needed a minute to get a grip. As she shut the truck door, turning to face him,
she realized she probably could’ve used a few more minutes. Damn it.

through the parking lot, Zoey tried to distract herself by figuring out what
she was going to have for dinner.  She had to reminder herself not to let
him choose the restaurant in the future because although the food was decent at
this particular establishment, the service was well...

thought about trading that truck in lately?” Kaleb interrupted her thoughts as
he held the door open for her.

it in? What on earth was the man talking about? She loved her old Chevy and
couldn’t imagine ever trading it in. “No, why?”

“Because it’s too damn slow.”
He goaded her before throwing his arm around her shoulder in a friendly

took the opportunity and elbowed him in the ribs for his comment. “It’s not my
fault I don’t drive like a bat out of hell. If you and that monster of a truck
would obey the law, you wouldn’t be worried about my driving.”

the fun in that?” He asked as they approached the hostess stand which was as
usual lacking a hostess.

senses were assaulted by the delightful smells of home cooking, mixed with the
low hum of conversations as they waited for someone to seat them. The place was
packed, but that was normal for any day of the week but especially on Thursday
when fried chicken was the specialty.

“Hey, Kaleb.”
Rachel Talbott, the hostess slash waitress, swooned.

You got a table for two?”

do, sugar.
Anything for you.”


had spent more than one night watching as one woman or another lusted after
Kaleb, more than obvious in their pursuit of him, regardless of her presence. Since
she and Kaleb were only friends, and the entire town knew it, she’d come to
expect it, but it still grossed her out.

Anything for you
Zoey muttered,
and Kaleb squeezed her shoulder as they followed the overly flirty hostess
through the restaurant.

seated, Rachel took their order – their frequent visits made them regulars and
they always got the same thing. Two of the specials, salad with ranch dressing,
mashed potatoes and iced tea. Two peas in a pod they were.

tell me more about this kissing fantasy of yours.” Kaleb said, trying to hide a
grin. He didn’t fool her.

shut it.” Zoey laughed, but the telltale heat was back in her face. “There is
no fantasizing going on here.” She lied.

well, that’s too bad. I was going to share some of my fantasies with you, but
noooo. I get it.”

smirked. “I have no desire to hear what goes on in that warped brain of yours.”
Unless of course your fantasies include me.

you’re lying.”

was mesmerized by that signature Walker grin – just a little crooked, just a
little wicked, and just a lot sexy.

heard you myself. You’ve fantasized about kissing me. What if I said I’ve
fantasized about kissing you, too?”

sudden desire to wish he were telling the truth was overwhelming as was the
increasing awareness of him as way more than just her buddy. “Cool it, cowboy.
So, what’d you do today?”

nearly enough.” Kaleb stated, sounding serious.

“Something wrong?”

necessarily, no.”

could tell Kaleb was holding something back, and she had an idea of what it
was. “You went to talk to my dad, didn’t you?”

some of her father’s land was one of the main priorities of Kaleb’s for several
months now, and yet, he hadn’t spoken to her much about it. Figuring he was
trying to avoid an argument – not that she would’ve argued – Zoey never
broached the subject either.

Glancing down at his hands, then back up at her, Kaleb
continued, “I just don’t get it.”

what?” Ok, so now she was curious what they’d discussed.

the past conversations I’ve had with him, he seemed interested, yet for the
last few days, he’s given me the run around as soon as I walk in the door.”

his mouth, Zoey did her best to listen to what he was saying, but she was
becoming way too distracted. “With the economy the way it is, I figured he’d be
all for getting rid of it.” She told him.

what I thought, but I’m beginning to wonder if he’s hesitant because of the
family connection. You said the land had been in your family for generations,

My great
grandfather purchased the land back
when the town wasn’t even a town. And it’s been handed down generation after
generation to the men in the family.”

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