Read Kat and Mouse Online

Authors: Lexxie Couper

Kat and Mouse (10 page)

BOOK: Kat and Mouse
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The second he crushed the
Daemon Moon
in his fist, his contract was destroyed and his
—returned. Then nothing would stop him from having what he wanted. Power. Dominion. The souls of sinners and the blood of innocents. Oh, and the complete submission of The Big Man himself.

He smiled at the heady thought and an image came—rather unexpectedly—to his mind.

Katrina O’Lauchlan. The very delicious, very intoxicating Katrina O’Lauchlan. A woman who longed to submit, but fought that longing with every fibre of her being. Perhaps, when he was returned to his true power, he would take her after all. The Mouse—pitiful human that he was—would not be able to stop him doing so.

Striding through the crowd, he tuned his mind into her psyche, tasting her, smelling her, hearing her…

Christ. I’m going to come

A wave of unadulterated pleasure stormed through Abaddon’s being—Katrina’s pleasure.

God, I’ve missed hearing you scream that. As much as I’ve missed being inside you

The words—like those of a ghost—lashed at Abaddon’s pride and in blur of senses he
Flynn Marster through Katrina’s eyes. Saw him moving over her body as though it were
. Felt him
her body, felt his cock swell and rupture and flood her cunt with his seed. Flynn’s seed.

Hands curling into fists, nails puncturing his flesh, blood seeping from the wounds, Abaddon let out a low, savage growl.

And, regardless of Los Magia law, dematerialised from
The Wicked Lynx
. Fury devouring him as he did so. Fury and unending rage.

Chapter Six


“How dare you?”

Flynn stared down at Katrina, his cock, still stiff and throbbing despite being drained by his climax, buried in her tight, wet sex. His heart told him to wrap his arms around her, hold her close and apologise for everything. But he couldn’t. His heart had no idea what was to come. “It was your bet, Kat, and you lost.” He traced a line down her profile, from forehead to nose, to lips to chin. “You’ve come a long way since the up-tight, upper-class repressed teenager I knew ten years ago.”

“And you’ve stayed the arrogant bastard you always were. At least I’ve matured.”

He let a sly grin play with his lips. “Yes. I can see that.”

Her sex clamped tight around his shaft, her pale green eyes igniting with contempt. “Get off me.”

He settled himself deeper between her thighs. “No.”

“Get. Off. Me.”


Her jaw clenched and he knew she was picturing smashing her fist against his face. Thank bloody God he’d cuffed her. “What are you doing here, Flynn?”

He cocked an eyebrow, enjoying more than he wanted to admit the feel of her body against his. “I think that’s obvious, isn’t it? Or didn’t the earth move for you too?”

Incredulous rage erupted in her stare and she bucked, thrashing under him in wild jerks. “God. What did I ever see in you?”

A tightness wrapped around Flynn’s chest. “I was dangerous, remember. Forbidden. And every time you left my arms you looked like the cat that had swallowed the canary.” He stared down at her, his body coiling at the sight of her where he so desperately wanted her to always be: with him. In his arms. “Much the same way you looked a few moments ago.” He gave her nose a playful flip with his forefinger. “You’ve missed me, I think.”

She shifted, her arms flexing as she tugged on the cuffs locking her to the bed. “I haven’t thought of you for ten years.”

Flynn chuckled. “Liar.” Katrina’s face flooded with pink heat and he laughed. “You could never pretend with me, Kat.”

Green eyes narrowed. “You’re right. I couldn’t. But I could always surprise you.” And, before he knew what she was doing, the sound of her cuffs releasing filled the room and she grabbed two fistfuls of his hair, pulling his head down to hers until their noses almost touched. “Never cuff a cop, Flynn. It pisses us off.” Her glare turned thunderous. “Now, tell me why you disappeared, you arrogant bastard, or
to this bed and leave you here.” A look of infinite confusion cut through the anger on her face. “You just vanished. Without a word.”

A beat—heavy and painful—thumped in Flynn’s chest. Their bodies still remained locked together, the intimate connection a bitter irony considering what he was about to say. “I
dangerous, Katrina. A man barely twenty with a criminal record longer than my arm, a drug-dealing father and a mother God-knows where. My world and your world were so far removed from the other not even a Doctor of astro physics could align them. I was wanted by the cops, by more than one gang, headed for trouble--shit, I
trouble--and I didn’t want to take you with me.”

Katrina fixed him with a level stare, her fists in his hair curling tighter. “Wasn’t that my decision to make?”

Flynn shook his head. “You were nineteen, Kat. The most difficult decision you’d ever made was whether to take the Porsche or the Jag to the mall.”

“That’s unfair.”

“But true. Which is why I turned you on so much.”

Thick silence followed the blunt statement. And then: “So, if you know all the answers, Flynn, why did

His throat clamped shut and he stared at her, unable to respond.

She gazed up at him, warm and soft and smelling of their sex. Yet hurt all the same. “I see.”

Anger rolled through Flynn. “No, Kat. You don’t. You showed me the life I could never have—happy, full of love and contentment. When I was with you, I let myself believe it
my life. Not the brutal life of an unwanted petty crook with no prospects.”

The fists in his hair relaxed. A little. “And yet you still disappeared. Why?”

Why. The question he didn’t want to answer.

“Why, Flynn? I have to know.”

He closed his eyes for a moment, picturing a future he always wanted. “Because you were falling in love with me,” he said, looking at her again, feeling her sex holding him like a glove. Feeling her heart hammer in her chest, a rhythm in perfect harmony with his own rapid beat. “And I was already in love with you. Irretrievably and completely.”

Her lips parted. Her eyes widened. Her fingers knotted in his hair again and with gentle, almost hesitant, care she pulled his head down to hers and kissed him.

Warmth flooded through Flynn like a tidal wave. A growl rumbled in his throat. He curled his arms under her shoulders and pulled her deeper into the kiss, his tongue meeting hers with fierce hunger. He’d spent what felt like a lifetime stealing precious diamonds from those who never appreciated them, invaluable jewels of flawless structure, when what he’d really wanted, the only thing he’d wanted, was the precious, flawed, jewel beneath him.

Her hands scored two slow, burning paths down his back, over his hips and up to his hair again, as if she needed to make certain he really was there.

I’m here, Katrina
, he thought, flicking at her teeth with his tongue as he drew in a long, slow breath, taking her into his very being.
I’m here with you

Molten heat surged through him and his cock, still buried deep within her sex, thickened. Grew long and hard and rigid. She whimpered into his kiss and arched her back, bending her knees and lifting her legs until he could penetrate her no deeper. She knotted her fists in his hair and pulled his head from hers, staring up at him with eyes that smouldered. “I want to feel your flesh on mine,” she stated, voice husky.

Planting his hands on either side of her head he smiled down at her, struggling to control his breaths. “Then you best undress me. Quickly.”

Her fingers moved to his back, curled around the hem of his shirt and, with vicious strength, she yanked it up his torso and over his head.

Shuffling his weight, he grabbed the garment in one hand and threw it to the floor, staring at her the whole time. He never wanted to lose sight of her. Never again.

“Make love to me, Flynn,” she murmured.

“Gladly,” he answered, and lowered himself down to her body again.

Her warm, smooth flesh pressed to his, her puckered nipples razing his chest, sending jolts of liquid electricity into his already straining balls. His cock throbbed and he sucked in a breath. Fuck, he was so close to coming already. The faintest whisper of her body moving with his and he would be—

Her hands slid his over his arse, around his hips and between their legs and all rational thought deserted him. “There’ll be time for slow later, Flynn.” Her raw whisper stole his breath, just as her hands found his balls and stole his control.

He rammed into her, punching his shaft again and again and again, into the tight, wet, hot channel of her pussy. He fisted the quilt beneath her, needing an anchor. Not to hold him to her, but to stop himself exploding in a rupture of sensations. He was going to come and he couldn’t stop himself. He was going to…he was going to…

Katrina bucked, locking her heels behind his arse, squeezing his balls with one hand the exact moment she pressed a finger to his anus. “Jesus, Flynn. I’m going to come.”

Rhythm deserted him. Time forgot him. He sank his cock into her wetness and lost himself to his release, crying her name out with every spurt of his seed that pumped into her sex.

was the jewel he’d hungered for his whole life. The unobtainable jewel he’d never been able to forget. And as soon as he stole the
Daemon Moon
they would be free. One last job and then she’d be…


His climax wracked his body is violent shudders, even as the word stilled his heart. Safe. She’d never be safe with him. He was a thief and she was a cop.

Two different worlds. As it always had been. Too different, too dangerous for their love to survive.

“Flynn. Flynn. Oh, fuck me, Flynn. I love you.”

Katrina’s cries rent the air. Her pussy constricted on his pumping, spurting shaft. She bucked and moaned and milked his cock of every last drop, and he gave it—willingly, desperately.

Because in his head two words threaded through the absolute rapture consuming him: dangerous, love.

His body afire, his blood ice, he cried out one more time and then slumped onto her body. Holding her, wanting to imprint this very moment on his psyche forever.

“Oh, God, I love you, Flynn,” Katrina murmured, tracing her nails up and down his back in languid, lazy patterns, a smile of wonderment in her voice.

Flynn closed his eyes and held her close. This moment. This moment. He brushed his lips over her temple. “I love you too,” he whispered in her ear, pulling her closer.

Knowing exactly what he had to do.




Katrina opened her eyes and smiled at the ceiling. She felt aglow. Clichéd, she knew, but aglow all the same. Aglow and warm and completely, wonderfully sated.

Stretching slightly, she turned her head.

And found the space beside her empty.

A chill stabbed at her euphoria. Surely he wouldn’t do it to her again? Surely…

She sat up, looking around the room.

Not a sign Flynn Marsters had ever been there.

BOOK: Kat and Mouse
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