Kat Attalla Special Edition (68 page)

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Kate winked at Jake. "I don't mind. I can sleep late tomorrow."

Jake nodded. "Sure, Joe. That would be fine. She can drive herself as long as she has the truck back before dark."

Joe blinked his eyes in relief. "We'll make sure she leaves in plenty of time. Twelve o'clock then, Chloe?"

"It's a date, Pop." Chloe floated on a cloud, bubbling on nonstop. The last two miles the excitement finally caught up to her and she was asleep by the time they reached the farm. Jake carried her into the house and put her in her room, then joined Kate in the living room.



* * * *


He circled her waist from behind and pulled her into his lap on the sofa. "You’re probably exhausted. Why don't you stay here tonight?"

"That twenty-second walk home might tire me more than spending the night with you?" she joked.

"It's a strictly platonic offer."

Unable to hide her disappointment, she frowned. "Then what's the point?"

"I guess we could neck on the sofa for a while."

She wondered if he thought her so starved for affection that she'd accept any small crumb he offered to tide her over until Chloe left the following day. "I appreciate your generous offer, but I'd rather not get caught by your brother when he comes back."
"He won't be back until tomorrow morning. And you know I didn't mean it like that. You really can be a brat when you're sexually frustrated."

Kate's mouth dropped open. "Who says I'm frustrated, sexually or otherwise?"

She knew Jake didn't buy her indignation. He need only move a hand along her body and she would instantly react. "It's been a crazy day and I don't want to leave you alone, but if you persist along these lines, I'll have no choice."

Kate didn't want to be alone either. She trusted Jake when he said the offer was platonic. She didn't trust herself not to tempt him. "We'll try. If I can't behave myself, send me home."

Jake's suggestive grin had her heart skipping a few beats. "If you really can't behave, I'll take you home myself. I'm trying to be noble, but you could tempt a saint."

"And we both know you're not a saint." She slid herself down and curled into him. Her slow, twisting movements were meant to test his self-control, and she could visualize two red horns trying to push the halo off his head.

"You are obnoxious today. Go to sleep!"

"I'm only trying to find a comfortable position." Jake's body jerked in response to her touch, and she decided it was best to back off. Her little game had gone far enough. Jake cared about her too much to take advantage of the situation. She should show him the same respect he so obviously had for her. "Good night, Jake."

"Good night." He pressed a chaste kiss against her forehead.

For a long while Jake couldn't seem to relax, and she felt guilty for teasing him so unmercifully. She remained perfectly still until the tension in his arms lessened and his breathing became slow and rhythmic. His long day had begun at six in the morning, and another would start again in less than four hours. He needed uninterrupted rest, so she eased herself out of his arms and covered him with a quilt. She would have to be satisfied with sleeping in his bed alone.


* * * *


The following morning, Kate stretched out across two long bales of hay and peered down over the edge of the loft. One of the barn cats, a big old tabby, viewed her intrusion with nervous green eyes. The cats were used to having the run of the loft to search for mice, and the angry hiss told her that she wasn't welcome. She hissed back and waved her hand, and the spooked cat disappeared behind an opening in the wall.

What are you doin' up there, Kate?" Chloe called out.

"I'm going for a roll in the hay."

Chloe laughed. "Alone? How boring."

"How would you know?" Jake asked. "Never mind. I'm not sure I want to know. If you're finished, you can go get ready for dinner with your grandparents. Remember, they like you to dress up for dinner."

"I remember." Chloe put away the last machine and went to the house.

Jake climbed the steps up to the loft and sat on a bale across from Kate. He reached out and removed a piece of straw that had twisted its way through her long hair. "So. Did you enjoy your roll in the hay?"

"Not really."

"Maybe you're going about it wrong. Let me give you a hand." He grabbed her ankle and pulled her down into a pile of loose hay on the floor. When the initial shock wore off, she began to laugh so hard that her sides hurt. Jake used the hold on her legs to flip her around until she had bits of straw sticking out from every inch of her body.

"Enough," she begged through her laughter.

He held out his hand for her. She yanked on it, pulling him off balance and down into the pile next to her. He had difficulty maintaining his dignity while she tossed fistfuls of hay at his head.

When Jake had taken enough playful abuse, he pinned her arms to the floor and slid on top of her. "I can't believe I'm doing this. I've never made out in the hayloft in my life."

She gazed up at him, gulping in deep breaths to calm her giggles. "You still haven't," she taunted. She wriggled her arms free and cupped them in back of his head. Their lips met, and all her pent-up energy went into the kiss.

Jake's large hands roamed freely over her body. She eagerly guided him, inviting him to touch her in places that aroused her to a fever pitch. She wanted him so badly that she ached with desire.

She felt Jake's withdrawal and arched in closer. "Easy, Kate. This isn't the right place."

"I don't care."

He locked his fingers through hers and brought them to his lips. "I do. You deserve better. Chloe will be leaving in a few minutes, and we'll have all day alone."

Someone in the heavens had a twisted sense of humor. No sooner had Jake spoken his promise when they heard the heavy thud of approaching footsteps.

"Yo, Kate. I have a surprise for you," Trevor's voice echoed through the barn.

"Damn it, Trevor," Kate complained. "If they gave a Nobel Prize for lousy timing, you'd be on the next plane to
to receive the award."

"I guess Jake's up there, too," Trevor mused, not sounding the least bit put off by Kate's insult.

Both Jake and Kate heard a soft, feminine giggle that didn't belong to Chloe. Trevor had brought a woman home. That was a surprise.

"Katherine Costello. What are you doing up there with a man? Didn't you learn anything from the nuns at Queen of Peace School?"

Kate gasped and slid out from under Jake. "Nikki! What are you doing here?" She sprang to her feet and ran down the stairs, unconcerned about her tousled appearance. The laughter from Nikki and Trevor stopped her. She quickly brushed off her clothing.

"I can only hope that he looks worse," Nikki said.

Kate felt the color flood her face. "Get down here, Jake. I'm not going to take this alone." She threw her arms around her sister, giving Nikki a hug that took her breath away. "How did you find this place?"

"I almost gave up. I've been driving in circles since late last night. Someone finally directed me to this guy." Nikki pointed to Trevor. "He was trying to hitch a ride home."

“If I'd known you were involved in such important matters, I would have entertained her for a while," Trevor said.

"Shut up," Kate and Jake snapped out together. Jake had taken the time to restore some order to his clothing before descending the stairs. He stood next to Kate and waited to be introduced.

"This is
" Kate began.

Nikki cut her off. "Jake. I know." She looked back and forth between them, their guilty smirks hiding nothing. "And I flew all this way to surprise you because I thought you would be all alone for the holiday."

"Are you kidding?" Trevor said. "Jake hasn't left her alone since the day she arrived."

"Shut up, Trevor," Jake growled. He turned towards Nikki and gave her a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Her sister's presence obviously made Jake uncomfortable, and once again Kate saw his insecurities rising to the surface. "I'm sure you want to visit your sister alone. Come on, Trevor. We have work."

"On Easter? I want to get a union in here," she heard Trevor mumble as Jake pulled him away. "Someone call the labor board."

"Are they always like that?" Nikki asked.

Kate broke out in a wide grin and hooked her arm through her sister's. "No. Most times they're worse."





Chapter Fourteen


While Nikki freshened up, Kate started a pot of coffee. She glanced out the window, looking for Jake. She could always tell when he was upset because he worked out his frustrations by splitting firewood. She would have liked a chance to speak with him before he stormed off, but she didn't want to cause a scene by calling him back.

She rested her elbows on the counter and sighed. Nikki's surprise visit left her with conflicting emotions. She reached for a chocolate cookie. Let's just see if this really relieves sexual tension. Although thrilled to see her sister, she’d been looking forward to spending the day in bed with Jake.

Nikki returned from the bathroom and sat at the kitchen table. "Did my visit cause a problem, Kate?"

Her light coloring, such a contrast to Kate's own, seemed paler than normal. The hours of driving must have taken a toll on Nikki, and Kate was reluctant to unload her problems.

"He'll get over it."

"But he's angry?" Nikki noted, and lowered her head. "I should have called first."

"It's not that. Whenever it comes to my family or work, he gets weird. I think he's afraid I'm going to leave."

"What does he think of Leather?"

Kate shook her head sadly. "He doesn't know yet."

Nikki's eyes expanded. "What? Oh, Kate. What does he think you do?"

"He thinks I'm a member of an orchestra." Her sister's accusing glare brought back all her own guilt feelings. "I didn't tell him that. He just assumed it, and I never corrected him."


Kate lowered herself into a chair.
Why, indeed
? She had asked herself that same question many times in the past few days. "In the beginning I wanted people to judge me for who I am, not what I do for a living. Now I can't seem to get myself out of it. You'd have to know him. He's so overly proud. It's bad enough that I'm rich. I don't know how he's going to take the rest of the news."

Nikki shrugged. "At least it's a switch from guys only interested in your money and fame."

"Thanks. That's just the sort of support I was looking for."

"And his daughter? Where does she fit in?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you trying to . . ." Nikki cut off the thought, but Kate knew what she was getting at.

"I'm not trying to replace Kelly. I care a great deal about Chloe."

Nikki smiled sympathetically and covered Kate's hand. "I'm sure you do. But does the fact that Jake has a child affect the way you feel about him?"

She had to admit that Chloe had been a big part of her developing feelings for Jake. The patience and love he devoted to his daughter revealed more of his personality than a conventional dating situation ever could. Would she love Jake if he didn't have Chloe? She couldn't answer because she didn't know if he would be the same person. She only knew that she did love him.

"I don't know what it is, Nikki. He makes me feel special without treating me differently. I feel like part of a family. And I guess I'm afraid to tell him the truth because everything will change. I couldn't stand it he looked at me like I'm somehow different."

"He's going to find out, Kate, unless you plan on giving up your work for good. You can't keep your secret forever in a place like this."

Kate knew her sister was right. In
New York
she could remain invisible. Like music on the breeze Leather could be heard but never seen. She didn't know the names of three people who lived in her apartment building back in the city. In the two weeks she'd been in Tannersville, half the town knew her. And she liked that.

“I’ll find a way to tell him."

"Make sure you're the one who tells him, Kate. And do it before he hears it from someone else. The truth has a way of catching up to us all."

The underlying warning held a ghostly prophecy that sent a chill of dread down Kate's spine. Very few people knew her as Leather, and the ones who did would never intentionally hurt her. They had too much to lose, but no one more than she.

Nikki pleaded exhaustion and lay down for a nap. Kate's unsettling talk with her sister left her feeling worried. She needed to speak with Jake to be sure that things were still right between them.


* * * *



Kate watched from behind as he repeatedly brought the ax down in strong, fluid strokes. The noonday sun reflected off his golden hair. The muscles in his arms stretched the fabric of the sleeves, and only the double stitching kept the shirt from bursting apart when he landed each blow.

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