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Jon and Kate Gosselin PA Reporting

February 2010

…A nanny arrived at the house at 1 pm and went inside. Kate left the house thirty minutes later by herself, driving very fast along the winding country roads near her home. As she got closer to town, she was driving 70 mph in a 40 mph zone trying to lose the paparazzi (or just being Kate.) Her high-speed chase ended back at Planet Nails in Wyomissing where she stopped briefly the day before. This time however she was inside for over an hour getting extensive work done on her fingernails. She came out looking fabulous and ran to her car and jumped in and sped home. When she got there she went to the garage and pulled out the Sprinter van and pulled it right up to the front door where she normally parks it to block the paps view of the entrance to the house. She then went inside and came out a few minutes later with the boys. It looked like she was trying to sneak them into her car. She left the property and again was driving very fast over the highway and toward her UPS store.


From the Paps
“Kate came flying by at excessive speed and reached speeds over 100 mph in traffic heading toward Lancaster. She continued past Lancaster and got off at the Elizabethtown exit, trying to lose the paps the entire time. She pulled into a residential neighborhood and into a driveway to a house and quickly jumped out and shuttled the boys inside.”


Since October 2009, Kate has been cited four times for traffic violations. This article provides details about those citations.


Kate Gosselin Cited Twice Since July

Updated: Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011, 3:37 PM EDT Published: Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011, 3:29 PM EDT


Fox 29 has learned that Reading, Pa.-area reality TV mom Kate Gosselin has been cited twice since July for traffic offenses, including an incident where she was driving 88 miles per hour.

Traffic court dockets show Gosselin, cited under her legal name Katie I. Gosselin, was pulled over by Pennsylvania state police on Sept. 11, 2011 in South Londonderry Township in Lebanon County.

She was charged under a statute regulating roadways. That case is still pending and Gosselin received a traffic citation.

On August 9th, Katie I. Gosselin was pulled over by state police in Brecknock Township in Lancaster County. She was charged with driving 88 miles per hour in a 65 mile per hour zone.

That case was settled with a guilty plea in court and Gosselin was not present at the hearing. She paid fines of about $164.00.

There were no details on passengers in Gosselin's vehicle in the two recent incidents.

Gosselin has two other traffic citations since 2009.

On Feb. 26, 2010, Katie I. Gosselin was pulled over by state police based in Gettysburg after she was speeding at 73 miles per hour in a 55-mph zone.

That case was also settled with a fine of about $155.

On Oct. 30, 2009, Katie I. Gosselin was cited for an incident related to obedience to traffic control devices in Adams County. She pled guilty and paid another fine.

The last two incidents were documented on Web sites like TMZ. In the 2009 incident, TMZ said Gosselin was reportedly doing 70 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone. TMZ said her eight children were in the SUV at the time.

Under Pennsylvania’s points system for traffic violations, speeding tickets can give a violator between 2 and 5 points for each offense. After a driver compiles 6 points, the state requires testing and other remedial measures.

Gosselin should be under the 6-point threshold.


Kate can’t blame her dangerous driving on the paparazzi anymore. They no longer follow her, but her reckless driving habits continue.
Given Kate’s driving record, it is completely hypocritical for her to dispense driving advice to others such as she does in this Twitter exchange:


xxxxx @
night Kate :-). Driving myself to school in the morning for the first time since passing my test on Friday :D wish me luck xD x


omg Ellie. Drive carefully... I remember those days. Cars are weapons! Always remember that! Be safe;) xo


Another fan tweeted:


x @
U should have had a “tweet twaffic” party w/us while U waited! We could have entertained U! :)


while driving? Oh never!


Kate needs to follow her own advice.







Sources of mine who are very close to the family, and who have been inside the house with Kate, have told me that Kate is a big drinker. I have been told things like:


“Wine is her drink of choice to take the edge off.”

“She drinks the cheap stuff. She regularly drinks an entire bottle of wine herself at night before going to bed. She also drinks wine during the day.”

“Kate has staffers buy the wine for her and bring it to the house in bags so nobody would know about it.”

“Kate was a big drinker at the height of her fame during the show. She was often blurry-eyed drunk.”


I have seen pictures of an obviously drunk Kate Gosselin.
I have never personally seen Kate drinking, but I have seen her recycling bin, and there have always been plenty of discarded wine bottles in it. In fairness to Kate, many parents have a drink or more at the end of the day to calm their nerves. If I were in Kate’s shoes, I’d probably drink myself to sleep at night, too. But here’s the difference: we other parents have not lied about drinking in order to market ourselves to a Christian fan base; we have not branded ourselves publicly as an example of great parenting; and we have not been interviewed stating over and over again that we are selfless and everything we do is for our kids. The fact of the matter is that no one would care much at all whether Kate likes to drink if she, herself, hadn’t lied about it, and if she drinks responsibly.

Kate’s drinking is only relevant because, given her volatile nature, there is concern about what would happen if she were drinking while being angry with the children or, possibly more worrisome, while driving with the kids in the car at her usual very high speeds.

Kate has said in the past that she doesn’t drink at all. On March 19, 2011, while she was in New York City for a “pre-birthday celebration,” a paparazzo who was shooting video asked Kate if he could buy her a shot for her birthday. She replied, “I don’t do shots.” (And yet, I have a photo of Kate pounding shots.) The pap asked her what she drinks, and she answered, “wine.” So it just begs the question: Why all the lying about drinking? Oh, right. Image is everything.

The subject of drinking also comes up in some of Kate’s emails. Once again, these are only interesting because of Kate’s insistence early on that she doesn’t drink or that she just drinks wine.

In December of 2008, Kate emailed Gina Neild and told her she was “Still not sleeping.” She said she was listening to her music and still couldn’t get over “those delish choc martinis”. Kate said, “oh baby, keep those away from me! :)”

On Thursday, January 1, 2009, at 8:31 AM, Kate
sent an email to Gina assuring her that she was going to “totally behave on this occasion!” Kate continued by saying “No more drinking” and she had “drank my fill for a long while…” She told Gina that her New Year’s resolution was “no more drinking!”

Later that same morning, Gina responded to Kate, saying that she had a chocolate martini waiting for her. Kate replied:
“Oh man don’t tempt me!!!! ... But you know my new years resolution.....I wonder how long that will last?! :)”

Here are a couple of
other things Kate said about drinks and drinking in emails: Actually ate yesterday.... And not planning to eat much on Sunday.... So darn yummy! Just drinking... Lightly!” and “We tried out our pom martini recipe last night... It’s perfection!”

And here are a couple of examples of Kate tweeting to people who have mention
ed something about wine to her:


xxxxx @
and I’ve heard red wine is good for u n moderation; Awesome!


My rare treat… Merlots lately. I’m a light weight so a bottle lasts a looonggg time lol


xxxxx @
We are joining you for movie night. “Hugo” at our house. A glass of wine in place of popcorn. Enjoy your night.


hey! Me too! A very rare glass here.. Had to wonder if wine was spoiled, lol! I think it’s ok… Loving movie so far!


These are both examples of Kate-speak. She often says the exact opposite of the truth, even if nobody asks. She makes a point of acting like she doesn’t drink much by saying things such as, “My rare treat,” and “a bottle lasts a looonggg time.” In the same way she often says, “No lie,” her use of the word “rare” in both
these tweets tells us that it isn’t a rare occurrence at all. But Kate did have a professional “Media Trainer” and publicist for years feeding her the EXACT wording to use in any given situation. She must think that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.






“I dont c color”

Kate Gosselin



Kate Gosselin is, at best, ignorant, and, at worst, a racist. She would disagree with this assessment, of course, because she believes she can do no wrong. She is either too self-engrossed as to be completely unaware of her intolerant and judgmental behavior, or she just doesn’t care. Neither of these reasons excuses her behavior.

In June of 2012, Kate put any accusations that she is racist to rest through this Twitter exchange:


you beter retweet me.. I’ve tweeted you twice & you keep ignoring! #racistpeoplethesedays


REALLY??!Wow!A busy mom misses tweet& I’m accused of being racist?Harsh! I dont c color–God made us all! Have a fun day!


Kate claims she doesn’t “c” color. If this is true, why then does she always feel compelled to describe people based on their ethnic appearance, even when such descriptions are completely unnecessary? These are some examples of Kate’s less than stellar moments as they pertain to the differences among us.





This is a paraphrased
excerpt from Kate’s journal:


October 2006

The Gosselins were in New York City on their way to the American Girl store and they were in a hurry. Unfortunately there was a Hispanic parade right outsi
de the store and the streets were barricaded!!!!

Then, when they got to the store, the had to wait in a long line with everyone else waiting for their reservations. Kate said there was a big bodyguard (black man) who told them they would have to go to the end of the line and Kate said she wishes she could have seen his face when they were waved to the front of the line past everyone else!!!!


I’m not sure how calling the bodyguard out as a “black man” had any relevance here. But it is true to form. Kate Gosselin has a habit of identifying people by their color or nationality, even when it is irrelevant to the story. She did this
on page 35 of her first book,
Multiple Blessings
, when she talked about her second infertility doctor and said she saw “the concentration in the deep dark eyes of my African doctor as he himself tried to remain calm as the images unfolded.”

Why did Kate have to call him her “African” doctor? He’s a doctor in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania. She didn’t travel to Cape Town, South Africa, to see him. Does she refer to everyone in her life by their color or country of origin?

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