Katherine the Queen: The Remarkable Life of Katherine Parr (59 page)

BOOK: Katherine the Queen: The Remarkable Life of Katherine Parr
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residence with KP,
ref 1

translation of Calvin’s
Institutes of the Christian Religion
ref 1

translation of KP’s version of
Prayers or Meditations
ref 1

translation of
The Mirror of the Sinful Soul
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Elizabeth of York,
ref 1
ref 2

Ellerker, Sir Ralph,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

translation of
Paraphrases upon the New Testament
by KP,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Essex, Earl of,
ref 1
ref 2

Featherstone, Richard,
ref 1

Ferdinand of Aragon,
ref 1

Field of Cloth of Gold,
ref 1
ref 2

Fillol, Katherine,
ref 1

Fisher, John (Bishop of Rochester),
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Parr, Elizabeth

Fitzhugh, Lady,
ref 1

Fitzhugh, Lord,
ref 1

Fitzwilliam, Admiral,
ref 1

Fitzwilliam, Lady,
ref 1

Fitzwilliam, William,
ref 1

Flodden, Battle of,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Fogge, Sir John,
ref 1

Fowler, John,
ref 1

Foxe, John,
ref 1
ref 2

Acts and Monuments
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

ref 1
ref 2

ending of war with,
ref 1

and Scotland,
ref 1
ref 2

war against England,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

Francis I, King of France,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

Gainsborough Old Hall,
ref 1
ref 2

Gainsborough, (port),
ref 1

Gardiner, Germain,
ref 1

Gardiner, Stephen (Bishop of Winchester),
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

and Anne Askew,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

character and beliefs,
ref 1

conspiracy against KP,
ref 1

Gering, Giles,
ref 1

ref 1

Gillingham (Dorset),
ref 1

Goldsmith, Francis,
ref 1
ref 2

Great Bible,
ref 1

Green, Sir Thomas,
ref 1
ref 2

Greenwich library,
ref 1

Greenwich, Treaty of,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Grey, Henry
Dorset, Marquess of

Grey, Lady Jane,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

Grindal, William,
ref 1

Grocyn, William,
ref 1

Hallam, John,
ref 1

Hampton Court,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

ref 1

Harington, John,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Harington, John (son),
ref 1

Harper, William,
ref 1

Harvel, Edmond,
ref 1

Hastings, Lord,
ref 1

Henry IV, King,
ref 1

Henry VI, King,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Henry VII, King,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Henry VIII, King,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

and Anne Boleyn,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

and betrothal of Edward to Mary Queen of Scots,
ref 1
ref 12
ref 3
ref 4

book and manuscript collection,
ref 1

break from Rome and declares himself Supreme Head of Church of England,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

and capture of Boulogne, (1544),
ref 1
ref 2

ref 1

and children,
ref 1
ref 2

concern over spread of scripture in the vernacular,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

cuts himself off from KP and children in last months of life,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

death and funeral,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

declaration of Mary as illegitimate and treatment of,
ref 1

divorce from Katherine of Aragon,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8

early days of reign,
ref 1

failing eyesight,
ref 1

final days,
ref 1

and fine art,
ref 1

foreign policy and international affairs,
ref 1
ref 2

and German princes,
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

and illegitimate son,
ref 1

ref 1

immobility of in later years,
ref 1

and Katherine Howard,
ref 1
ref 2

and KP’s religious writings and views,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

leg problems,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

makes KP regent during absence in France,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

marriage to Anne of Cleves,
ref 1

marriage to Jane Seymour,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

marriage to Katherine of Aragon,
ref 1

marriage to and relationship with KP,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
ref 10
ref 11
ref 12

and music,
ref 1

physique and appearance in later years,
ref 1

and Pilgrimage of Grace,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

and plot against KP,
ref 1
ref 2

proposal of marriage to KP and her decision to accept,
ref 1
ref 2

relationship with Charles V,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

relationship with Mary,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

religious beliefs and reforms,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

reputation of,
ref 1

and Scotland,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

seeking of sixth wife,
ref 1

speech to parliament (1545),
ref 1

and succession issue,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

and war against France,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

and will,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

Herbert, Anne, (née Parr) (KP’s sister),
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
ref 10
ref 11
ref 12
ref 13
ref 14

Herbert, Lady Blanche,
ref 1
ref 2

Herbert, Sir William,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

Hertford, Anne
Somerset, Duchess of

Hertford, Earl of (Edward Seymour)
Somerset, Duke of

Hoby, Sir Philip,
ref 1
ref 2

Holbein, Hans,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Holy Roman Empire,
ref 1
ref 2

Howard, Elizabeth,
ref 1

Howard, Katherine,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

Howard, Mary
Richmond, Duchess of

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