Katieran Prime (12 page)

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Authors: KD Jones

BOOK: Katieran Prime
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Cassie hated it. She had to stay in her and Ren’s suite until the EWG members were taken to the other building. Though the suite was luxurious, it began to feel like a prison. She had tried to leave twice now and each time TarAK blocked her from going past the door. She called him a few choice names and slammed the door in his face.

She tried calling Jaxon on the comm link, but, was only able to leave a voice message. Kat came to check on her twice. Unfortunately the doctor was called away for some kind of medical emergency. Ren’s mother and cousin were busy doing the hostess job since she was ordered to stay away. She was going a bit stir crazy.

She looked at the clock and realized that right about that moment, Ren was meeting Scott for the first time. How would Ren react to the other man? Would he be able to remain calm? Would he lose it and beat the shit of out of him? Some part of her hoped he would.

Ren stood there on the landing field with his brothers on either side of him. His mother and female cousin stood behind them.  He watched the EWG representatives unload from the shuttles. He wondered which male was Scott McCormick. Another human caught his attention. A long legged, beautifully shaped female with light golden brown hair came walking towards him.

“Miss Carreli, welcome to Katiera.” Ren reached out to clasp her small hand in his in the human way of  greeting.

“Prime Leader. It is good to be here. You have a beautiful home world.”  Lindsey clasped Ren’s larger hand. Her stomach fluttered a little. It did so whenever she was near him. He released her hand too soon. For a moment, she had forgotten that he would be a mated man in just a few days.

Ren introduced her to those around them. “You remember Commander KydEL?”

She accepted Kyd’s outstretched hand, also observing the human way of greeting, “How could I forget. Have you had any more confrontations with Captain Malone?”

Both Ren and the Katieran man on the other side of him let out a burst of laughter. Lindsey gave the Commander a knowing smile and said, “By that reaction, I take it that you have.” She thought it was adorable that the big strong Commander would blush.

Ren introduced her to the other man standing by his side. “This is my younger brother Chief Medic and Scientist, Prime SydEL.”

She admired the younger Prime’s good looks. He had dark hair like his two brothers, but it was much longer, reaching midway down his back. His eyes with the golden pupils were cat like. “It is a pleasure to meet you Prime SydEL.”

She was then introduced to the lovely Katieran women who moved to stand beside the men. Ren’s mother, Prima SandELa, and cousin, Prima AriELa. She wondered to herself if all Katierans were just as beautiful as Ren and his family. Looking around at the Katierans present, she would have to say yes.   

It was her turn to make the introductions. She moved to the side as an older Earth male with silver hair and a young 8 year old girl with brown hair in a ponytail approached. “Prime Leader RendEL, I would like you to meet my father, Leo Carreli, and my little sister, Lisa.”

Ren smiled warmly as he shook the Earth male’s hand. “It is an honor to meet you. Your daughter has been a true asset to my people.” He gave the little girl a large smile as he greeted her too.

“Thank you Prime Leader RendEL for allowing us to come with Lindsey.” The older Earth male said.

The little girl looked at Ren curiously and asked, “Are you really a prince?”

Lindsey groaned, “Lisa!”

Ren laughed, “That's okay.” He assured Lindsey before he turned back to the little girl and answered her question. “I am told that ‘prime’ for Katiera would be the same as ‘prince’ on Earth. So … yes I guess that I am.”

“Cool.” The little girl smiled at him and then looked at Kyd and Syd. “Are they princes too?”

Both men smiled warmly at the little girl. Ren answered, “Yes they are. And this is my cousin Prima AriELa and my mother Prima SandELa. Primas are what you would call ‘princesses’.”

The little girl’s eyes got huge as she stared at AriELa and SandELa  in awe. “A princess. Wow!”

Prima SandELa greeted the little girl with a big smile. “It is a pleasure to meet you.” She smiled and blushed as she nodded at the older Earth male, Mr. Carreli. “I will take you and your daughter Lisa to your suite so that you can settle in. My niece, AriELa will bring Miss Carreli to the suite after the introductions with the EWG have been made.”

The Earth male stood up taller and puffed out his chest. “We would appreciate that.”

Lindsey hugged her family and promised to see them in a few hours. She turned back to the Prime Leader and his brothers. “What do you need me to do for you?”

“We’ll do the introductions first, and then, I will have the liaisons take them directly to their accommodations.” Ren told her.

Lindsey nodded her understanding. She turned to look at the twenty EWG representatives. Twelve women and eight men. She motioned for them to approach.

Ren’s strong male voice addressed the group. “Women and Gentlemen of the Earth World Government, welcome to Katiera. As most of you know, I am Prime Leader RendEL. I hope that you enjoyed your trip on board the transport ship. We have assigned liaisons who will assist you while you are here. Your liaisons will be showing you to your accommodations so that you may rest. Midday Meal is in about an hour and a half. Your liaison will show you around the building that you will be staying in. Evening Meal will be served later this evening. Tomorrow, after the Morning Meal, your liaisons will take you on a more extended tour of the Prime City of Katiera. We will meet tomorrow after Midday Meal for a formal debrief. Again, I welcome you to Katiera.”

Ren was turning to leave when an Earth male in his fifties with a balding head approached him. “Excuse me Prime Leader RendEL. May I have a moment with you?”

Lindsey introduced the Earth male. “Prime Leader, this is Senator John Rowe.”

Ren looked at his brothers who both looked uncomfortable. “Rowe?” He asked.

The Senator reached out a hand to shake Ren’s. “Prime Leader. A pleasure to finally meet you. I was hoping that I might see my daughter. She came here a  month ago.”

“Senator Rowe, it is a pleasure to meet you. If you will go with your liaison, I will see what we can do to reunite you with your daughter.” He gave the Senator a reassuring smile.

As soon as the man left, Lindsey turned to Ren and his brothers and asked, “Is there something I should know about?”

Ren allowed Kyd to fill Lindsey in on the whole Erica Rowe situation. Ren was preoccupied. He saw a younger, human male with blond hair walking with the EWG representatives.

“Lindsey. Is that the male, Scott McCormick?” Ren asked her.

Lindsey looked at the man Ren was pointing at. “Yes. That’s him. Pretty on the outside, but on the inside … full of shit.”

Cassie was hungry. She wanted to go down for the Midday Meal but TarAK told her to stay inside and he would have food sent up for her.  She was getting sick of being told what she could and could not do.

She was so surly that she remained on the couch when the buzzer for the suite went off. Cassie decided to let TarAK handle it since he wanted to be in charge. Cassie heard the cart of food being wheeled in but did not look in that direction until …

“Get your lazy pregnant ass up off the couch and help me with this damn cart! I am not a food worker. I told them that. But they made me wheel this thing up myself because they were afraid someone might tamper with your food.” Cassie laughed at Jaxon’s tirade. If only Cassie could let out her emotions that way.

Cassie struggled to get up off the couch. She walked over and gave her best friend a hug. “Thank God you are here. I have been stuck in this dungeon of a suite for hours all by myself. TarAK is a tyrant and won’t let me do anything or go anywhere. Ren hasn’t contacted me at all to let me know how things are going. Both my babies are standing at full attention against my ribs. And … I … am … starving!”

Jaxon looked at TarAK to get his take on Cassie’s announcement. He rolled his eyes before leaving her alone with the crazy pregnant woman.

“Well, I am certainly glad I came when I did then, for TarAK’s sake. Okay, let’s get some food in you. Maybe that will settle down my nieces you’re carrying.” Jaxon spread the food out on the small dining table.

“So, are you excited about the mating ceremony?” Jaxon asked hoping to keep the conversation light.

“I am. You should see the dress the designer made for me. It is beautiful.” Cassie went on to describe the details of the ceremony preparations. It was a good distraction. They finished the Midday Meal and decided to go out to sit on the balcony.

Two hours later, Ren came home to find Cassie’s friend laying on the couch reading with the digital tablet. When she looked up and saw him, she put the tablet down. He didn’t see Cassie.

“She’s taking a nap in the bedroom.” Jaxon said as she stood up.

Ren nodded at her. “Thank you for staying with her until I came back. I know it was a little hard on her to be here all alone …” He didn’t finish because Jaxon was laughing.

“Sorry Prime Leader. A ‘little hard’ doesn’t cover it. She would have done damage to TarAK if I hadn’t shown up.” Jaxon walked closer to him so that she was just a foot away. “How did it go?”

“The EWG members are being shown to their suites. I won’t meet with them again until tomorrow.” Ren answered.

“What about Scott?” Jaxon asked.

Ren growled. “I saw him, but, did not have a chance to confront him.” He walked over to get himself a drink. He turned to look at Jaxon. “Captain, will you come again tomorrow to be with Cassie while I am gone?”

“Of course, I hope it goes well for you tomorrow.” Jaxon looked at her watch and commented without thinking, “I better check in with his royal pain in my ass. ...Oops.” Jaxon forgot she was speaking to the pain in the ass’s brother. “Sorry.”

RendEL almost spits out his drink. He laughs. “It’s okay. I will have to call him that the next time he pisses me off. Have a good evening.” He waved goodnight as she left the suite.

Once Jaxon was gone, he went into the bedroom to check on Cassie. She was so beautiful and innocent laying there on her side. Her long red hair was spread out all around her over the pillows and the mattress. She looked like a sun goddess. Ren felt himself getting hard just staring at her.

He undressed and climbed onto the bed beside her. He pulled her into his arms and held her close against his chest. He let out a sigh of contentment as her sweet feminine scent filled his nostrils. He cleared his mind of the images he had been carrying around since catching sight of that blond male.

He rubbed Cassie’s protruding belly and felt the babies move against his hand. He didn’t care what anyone else said, this was his mate, his family. They were his responsibility to care for and to protect. He would fight anyone who threatened them. They were his and he loved them.

“Mm mm. That feels nice.” Cassie whispered as she snuggled closer to him. “Want to tell me how it went?”

He didn’t want to, but he would. He learned his lesson. He will never keep things from her again.

“There’s not much to tell from today. I’ll meet with the EWG members after Midday Meal tomorrow. I did, however, meet someone today that I wasn’t expecting.” He felt Cassie stiffen in his arms. “Senator Rowe came here to Katiera and he wants to see his daughter.”

Cassie had a confused look on her face. “Senator Rowe?”

“Erica Rowe’s father.” He told her.

“Oh shit!” Cassie turned to look at Ren’s face. “What did you do?”

“He was taken to his suite for now. Kyd will go there later to explain the situation with Miss Rowe. Our legal advisor Lindsey Carreli suggested moving the female to the senator’s suite and keeping her there under ‘house arrest’ until it is time to transport her back to Earth.” Ren told her as he gently traced a path down the side of her face with his fingers.

Cassie leaned into his touch.  She loved it when he touched her like this. “It sounds reasonable to me. Maybe her Dad will keep her in line. With him being a Senator with the EWG, he will not want to be humiliated by an out of control daughter.” There was a silent moment that seemed to last forever. Cassie knew what the elephant in the room was … Scott. “Did you see him?” She didn’t have to say who the ‘him’ was. They both knew.

“Yes.” Ren answered.

“Did you say anything to him?” She looked into Ren’s strange blue eyes with the golden irises.

“Not yet.” Ren watched her expression. She was easy to read at times. He loved that about her.

“Are you going to?” She asked.

“Yes.” He told her firmly.

She was silent as she thought about what she wanted to say. “If I asked you to let this go, would you?”

Ren shook his head side to side. “I would do anything for you Cassie, but, I can’t let this go. Everything that makes me the male I am demands that I confront the male who hurt you and endangered our children.” Ren placed his big hand on the moving bulge beneath Cassie’s stomach that felt like a tiny foot.

‘Our children’ Cassie repeated in her head. She didn’t have to ask him if he meant it. Just looking into his dark blue eyes, she knew that he meant every word.

She reached up and grabbed the back of his head with her hand to pull him down so she could kiss him. How did she get so lucky? She didn’t know, but, she was going to hold on to him with both hands.

Cassie started to remove her clothing. She noticed the change in Ren’s breathing as her breasts were released. She reached over and grabbed his thick, hard shaft. She remembered his cotton candy flavored semen and licked her lips.

Ren groaned. “Don’t … I don’t think I will last long mate. I am ready for you now.”

Cassie released him long enough to climb on top and straddle him. She reached back and took his shaft in her hand again. She rubbed the tip of his sex against her nether lips. She was anxious to get him inside of her.

Ren felt the last of his patience leave him. He grasped Cassie’s hip and thrust upwards, shoving him deep inside of her. Cassie caught on to the rhythm that Ren set. Their lovemaking became frantic. He was careful not to hurt Cassie or the babies. Afterwards, they held each other close.

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