Katie's Forever Promise (36 page)

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Authors: Jerry S. Eicher

BOOK: Katie's Forever Promise
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Katie unwrapped her sandwich and ate slowly as she watched the waves slide onto the shore. She would remember this day for a long time, she decided. This peaceful balm would heal much that hurt inside, giving her strength for the journey ahead.

Chapter Thirty-Six

The night of the Christmas program found Katie sitting in the front row of the large classroom. The school desks had been pushed aside and replaced with rows of benches unloaded from a wagon parked outside. Up to this point, Katie had survived the stress of the past few weeks. The trip to the beach had certainly helped, followed by Carolyn's frequent happy outbursts at home over the day they'd spent together. Now, in just a little more than an hour, the Christmas program would be behind her. Katie could barely wait. Skeptical glances had been coming her way all evening from several of the parents, apparently wondering whether the program she'd prepared would somehow be tarnished by her reputation.

Gas lanterns hissed as they hung from the ceiling above her, and snow was beginning to fall outside. A few flakes already hung on the darkened windowpanes. The murmur of the gathered crowd rose and fell around Katie. Well, she'd done her best, and now the moment of truth had arrived. The children had practiced over
and over every afternoon since the program was planned. Carolyn had even come over to help several times since she'd been the architect of the program. Maybe that's why the evening had a prayer of a chance—that and Carolyn's ever-cheerful presence.

What would she have done without Carolyn? Katie had no idea. Ever since the Saturday at the beach, Carolyn had gone out of her way to spread good cheer and hope. No doubt this was
Da Hah
's way of looking out for her. It almost brought tears to Katie's eyes.

Would Ben show up tonight? Katie wondered. The thought sent a sinking feeling to her stomach. Ben's staying away was not doing her a bit of
. All it had done was leave her heart cold and wounded and struggling along on its own.

And now on Sunday mornings Mahlon Bontrager was making eyes at her from the men's bench. Maybe he thought with Ben gone, the coast was clear? Surely she hadn't given Mahlon encouragement, had she? She'd tried to comfort him over the loss of his
, Lydia. And they had chatted like friends at Mabel's wedding. But that hadn't meant anything to her. Mainly she had wanted to get through the day, smarting as she was from Mabel's rejection. But the situation was becoming obvious enough for
to notice. Last Sunday she'd approached her in private and asked, “Is Mahlon Bontrager showing interest in you, Katie?”

“How would I know?” she'd snapped.

had persisted. “He looks interested to me.”

Katie had shrugged. “Well, I'm not interested in him.”

had let the subject lie, but the implication had been clear enough.
thought Katie ought to show an interest in Mahlon…or at least consider the option.
would certainly be happy if she did.

did have her own life as evidence that a woman could fall in love later even if not right at the first. Twice that had
happened. First with Katie's
and then with Jesse. Mahlon would fit that mold like a button fit a buttonhole. Maybe she ought to give in? All it would take would be a few smiles sent in Mahlon's direction, and he would be paying a visit on some Saturday night, even overlooking the mess she was in from the school board firing.

Katie jerked herself out of her thoughts. Carolyn was pulling on her arm, whispering in her ear above the murmur in the room. “It's time to start, Katie. You look like you're in another world. Cheer up. It's going to be great.”

Katie smiled as she stood. She motioned for the schoolchildren to come forward, and the crowd quieted. “It's time to start,” Katie began a bit nervously. “If everyone could find a seat, the children will show you what they've worked on so hard.”

Katie sat down, certain that her face was as red as a beet.

“You did fine!” Carolyn squeezed her arm beside her.

The first-graders were all looking at her, and Katie nodded. They jumped up, nearly falling over each other, but they made it to the front without any further mishaps. They lined up like they had drilled so often and seemed to relax. Johnny led out in his strong voice, singing the song by John Morrison, “To Us a Child of Hope Is Born…”

The others soon joined in—three girls in new dresses their
had made just for the occasion. Their voices didn't carry as far as Katie had hoped, but they were as cute as buttons. Even the grins on Johnny and Pete's faces managed to look joyful instead of silly. Ray Mast's son, Troy, opened his mouth wide, singing with all his might. Despite his
's vote against her, Katie thought, Troy was the cutest little boy in her class. When the song was completed, Johnny moved the program into its second part by quoting from the second chapter of Luke. “And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth…” Johnny even said the
big words better than he ever had before, completing all of his verses without a mishap.

The others did almost as well, but it didn't really matter by then. Katie could feel the mood in the room turning decisively. The first-graders were winning everyone's heart. Carolyn was wiggling with delight by the time all five finished with their parts and sat down again.

The two eighth-grade girls went next with their poems, making a striking contrast to the little first-graders. Katie was ready to lean over and kiss both of Carolyn's hands in thanks, but such a display would be completely out of the question. Carolyn would be getting a hug though, right after the program was over. There was no question about that.

By the time the program wound down nearly an hour later, Katie knew her face was glowing.

“That was the best ever,” Carolyn whispered, confirming Katie's suspicions.

Katie rose to join all the schoolchildren for the last scene, a rousing rendition of “The Praise Song,” sung to a fast

Gott Vater
…” they sang together with the adults soon joining in.

Even Bishop Miller had a smile on his face as he sang along. That had been Carolyn's last stroke of genius. The young folks sang this version in the Sunday-night hymn singings, but no teacher had ever used it at a school Christmas program.

Katie glanced over at Enos. He didn't look happy, but at the moment she didn't care. She'd been through enough suffering because of him, and she was getting ready to face even worse in the days ahead. Enos had her forgiveness, but that didn't mean she had to like him right now.

Katie caught Mahlon Bontrager's eye on the back row. He
looked quite impressed, and she glanced away at once. It would be so easy to encourage him, to give in to what everyone would approve of. She was getting pressure not only from
, but from the entire community who thought she needed a serious repair job to her reputation. Who better for the task, they were probably all thinking, than widower Mahlon Bontrager?

And Mahlon was a decent man and pleasant to be around. But she wasn't ready to think of him as her husband. Her love for Ben was still strong. Why else would his absence be hurting this much?

The song ended, and Katie headed straight for Carolyn, giving her a hug right in front of the whole room. Katie whispered in her ear, “You're an angel, Carolyn. Did you know that? I can never thank you enough.”

By then everyone was busy chattering up a storm, obviously impressed with the program.

“You give yourself too little credit, Katie. You're a
teacher,” Carolyn said.

“Well, not everyone thinks so,” Katie said. “Glad I have you in my corner, though.”

“You'll make it through.” Carolyn patted Katie on the back. “I know you will.”

Katie nodded and turned to meet
as she approached. They embraced, and
whispered, “That was so
, Katie.”

“Thank Carolyn. She helped plan it.”

, I know.”
turned to give Carolyn a hug. “Both of you did so well.”

“Thanks for the praise!” Carolyn said as she moved aside as more parents approached. Apparently Carolyn had endured all of the limelight she could handle.
stayed, though, to shake hands with Ben's parents, Leon and Lavina, who were the first in line.

“That was so
!” Lavina said, clasping Katie's hand with both
of hers. “You've done such wonders with Noah on his schoolwork. He just loves you as his teacher.”

“Thank you,” Katie said, sealing her lips so as not to ask how Ben was doing. She didn't dare ask right here in front of everyone.

, you did
.” Leon offered her a smile before they moved on.

The line moved forward with Katie greeting parents and telling them how well their children were doing. And they told her how much their children loved her as their teacher. Had the tide turned? Was a miracle happening right in front of her eyes? Had Carolyn's help in producing such a
Christmas program changed their minds about firing her after the holidays? Did she dare hope?

Only Enos and his
stayed away, hanging around in the back of the school. Clearly they weren't pleased with how things had gone tonight. They must have hoped she'd make a dismal failure of herself and seal her own doom. Well, she wasn't sorry to disappoint them. The Kuntz family deserved this.

As the crowd began to thin, Ruth Gingerich pushed her way through, a thin smile on her face. This was the first time Katie had seen Ruth since the news hit the community of Katie's firing.

evening,” Ruth greeted her, still smiling. “That was a
program tonight.”

“Thank you.” Keep breathing, Katie told herself.

Ruth shifted on her feet. “I hope there are no hard feelings between us about the rest of the term. I want you to know I had nothing to do with it.”

Katie forced a smile. “I know.”

“Katie, if you take my advice, you'll dump that Ben Stoll and get yourself a fresh start. That's the only way out of this.”

Katie shook her head. “
, I can't do that.”

Ruth moved on, looking more sympathetic than Katie had imagined. She must be in worse shape than she thought if Ruth's sympathies were stirred. Ruth left with one last concerned look over her shoulder.

The room was emptying quickly, and Katie was preparing to leave when a man cleared his throat behind her. Katie jumped and whirled around.

, don't let me bother you.” Bishop Miller offered her his warmest smile. “I just wished to add my thanks for the evening, Katie. You did great considering you aren't coming back after Christmas.”

Could that maybe be changed? Katie wanted to ask. But even the bishop didn't meddle in school affairs, and she would only embarrass herself.

“Thank you,” she offered instead.

“I also want to tell you how much I appreciate you and Ben taking my advice,” Bishop Miller continued. “Jesse told me Sunday that Ben's staying away.”

“That was more his decision than mine,” Katie admitted.

Bishop Miller nodded. “And that's how it should be, Katie. The man must lead, even when the way is hard.”

Katie looked away. She didn't agree, but there was no sense in a protest. It wouldn't change anything.

“I'm hoping Ben will stay true to his word when the trial comes up.” Bishop Miller looked sharply at her. “You pray for him, Katie. That's what the young man needs. And courage.”

“I do pray for him,” Katie said. “More than you know.”

Bishop Miller nodded. “Then
Da Hah
will surely answer. Thanks again for the program. That was quite an up-building exercise for our young students.”

Katie watched him take his
's hand and walk out the door.
It was then that Katie began to gather up her own things. Taking one last look around, she wiped away the tears before turning out the lights. Waiting a few moments for her eyes to adjust, Katie found her way to the back of the school.

“Goodbye,” she whispered into the darkness. “Goodbye, sweet schoolhouse. Take
care of yourself.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven

As if the weather were making an attempt to spread good cheer and the Christmas season's spirit far and wide, the storm that brought in the snow on the evening of the Christmas program continued the following day, and snow was still falling on Christmas Day. Katie sat at the kitchen table warming her hands with a cup of hot chocolate. Carolyn was outside playing with Joel in the snow. The two seemed boundless in their energy. Katie had wearied after a few hours and left them to their snowmen with carrots for noses and red beets for eyes. Both items had been brought up from the basement root cellar, the use of which
had allowed with a smile on her face.
was glad Katie wasn't moping around all day in her room, so a few vegetables were worth contributing to the cause.

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