Katie's Mates (8 page)

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Authors: Alicia White

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Katie's Mates
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She stayed close to the road and away from the trees as she headed back. When the driveway came into view, she noticed a very agitated Ryan waiting for her. His lips were drawn in a straight line, and she could see his jaw flex as if he were grinding his teeth. He was usually the calm one compared to the other men, and his obvious irritation concerned her. She walked a little faster, different scenarios playing through her head of what could be wrong.

“Where do you think you were going?” He growled the words, pointing accusingly at her. Katie stopped in her tracks and stared at him. Besides looking angry, he also seemed sad.

“I went for a walk, Ryan. What’s wrong?” She slowly approached him, wanting to apologize, although she didn’t do anything wrong. The look on his face was enough for her to get closer to him. She could touch him and reassure him that she was fine.

“I told you that I’d take you to your sister. I gave you my word.” She blinked a couple of times, trying to figure out what he was so upset about.

“What exactly are you accusing me of?” She stared into his eyes, trying to understand what she had done.

“Just forget it. Come inside.” He turned to walk down the driveway, but she stopped him.

“What? Ryan, talk to me.” She grabbed his arm, preventing him from walking away from her.

“I wish you wanted to be here with us.” He moved then, walking away from her, and she stood staring at his back. She couldn’t understand the horrible pain in her chest. His words were so genuine, and she felt bad that she had made him worry or believe that she was running away.
Although, technically, I did try to run away.
She followed him with her head down feeling completely consumed with guilt.

Katie was so focused on her feet that she ran into a solid wall and fell back on her bottom. She looked up in shock when she realized that Ryan was standing there. The man was solid muscle. She looked at him and noticed he was looking into the trees. He didn’t seem to notice she was on her butt. She stood up and craned her neck to see what he was looking at. A large polar bear came out of the treeline and headed in their direction.

She screamed and grabbed Ryan, pulling on his arm hard. “Ryan. Shit. We’ve got to get in the house. Come on.” Fear ran through her system, and she didn’t know what to do. Ryan reached out and pulled her close. He didn’t move, just stayed still and calm. “Shhh…it’s okay. He’s not going to hurt us.”

“How can you be so sure? Is he like a pet or something?” She watched the bear as he came closer, taking deep breaths and trying her hardest not to shake.

Ryan’s laugh threw her off for a minute. She looked up at him, loving the way his face transformed when he was smiling. “Nope…not a pet. That’s Lucas.”

“You named the polar bear after your brother? Isn’t that a little harsh? What did the bear do to piss you off?” Ryan laughed again, and she heard a growl come from the bear. She preferred seeing him happy. He was an incredibly sexy man.

* * * *

Ryan had been pissed when Lucas had found him and told him Katie had taken off down the driveway. He had wanted to run after her, grab her, and claim her. He wanted to show her that she was theirs and wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon. It had been Lucas’s brilliant idea to change and herd her back to the cabin, and before he could do anything, his brother had changed and charged into the trees surrounding the property. It took all of Ryan’s strength to remain calm. He hadn’t bothered with a jacket. Letting the cold wind cut through him helped to clear his mind.

Katie was huddled close to him now, watching Lucas closely. He knew she was scared, could smell her fear, but he also knew that all their secrets needed to be exposed if their mate was going to stay. He wanted her acceptance.

“There’s a secret that I want to tell you.” He kept his eyes on her, wanting to see her reaction. Lucas growled deep in his throat, and Ryan knew it for the threat it was. His brother didn’t want him exposing their secret.

“You have a pet polar bear?” She gave him a suspicious look, but he just shook his head and smiled, pulling her closer into his body. “He’s not attacking us. The other night, Nathan came to my rescue, but I never was in any danger, was I?”

“No. You’re never in any danger, and he’s not our pet. I’m not sure if you can handle this secret, Katie. I’m trusting you.” He took a deep breath and tightened his arms around her, holding her against his chest. He didn’t want her to be scared or to try to run away from them.

“You can trust me.” She held onto him as if trying to comfort him, and he leaned down to kiss the top of her head. When she looked up at him, he realized that he really did want to tell her everything. He didn’t want to keep any secrets from his mate.

“We aren’t completely human. I know this is hard to believe, trust me, I know. We live here with our clan. The cabins are spread out throughout this whole forest. We’re shifters, and I’m going to prove it you.” He kissed her once more, this time on the lips, and then turned her body so that she was facing Lucas. She didn’t say anything, so he hoped that she was keeping an open mind and not thinking he was crazy.

“Lucas, shift. I want you to show Katie what we are.” His brother growled, and he knew Lucas was angry, but he hoped that he would just cooperate. “Shift. I want Katie to know all our secrets. She’s our mate.”

He stared at Lucas, and finally he got a response. His brother moved closer, letting the change happen slowly for Katie’s sake. They had all been changing for years, since puberty, and it just became a part of them. Watching in slow motion was almost a new experience for him as well. He could imagine what Katie was feeling as he held her in his arms, hoping that she wasn’t scared, and dreaming that she would accept them. This was a completely new world for her. He didn’t want her to be scared, and he definitely couldn’t deal with her rejection or disgust.

Lucas stood naked before them, with his hand on his hips, staring at Katie. She wasn’t screaming, so Ryan took that as a good sign. He changed positions so that he could see her face, tucking her into his shoulder. She looked up at him, her mouth open and her eyes glassy. He wondered for a minute if she was in shock. Maybe he rushed this whole thing.

“Let’s get inside the house. It’s cold. We can talk about this later.” He tried to give her a reassuring smile but knew he had failed. If she wanted to leave, he wouldn’t stop her. He just needed to figure out what to do so that his brothers didn’t get too upset. He didn’t want to let her go, but he wasn’t going to keep her against her will. She didn’t say anything as he led her into the house. He went straight to the roaring fire in the living room, wanting to get her warm and comfortable since she was shaking a little.

He stood next to her, letting the warmth seep into his body. He helped her take off the layers of clothes and then took them to hang up by the front door. When he got back into the living room, Katie was sitting in one of the large, overstuffed chairs in front of the fire, her feet propped up. He felt confused and a little worried. If she was upset, then Nathan and Ethan would be even more so since they didn’t feel like she was ready for the whole truth yet.

When he walked back into the room, he sat in the chair across from her, wanting to see her face. “All of you can do that? I mean…Nathan, Ethan, and you can all change? How?” She was looking at him now, and that made him feel a lot better. Perhaps he hadn’t made a bad decision after all.

“We can all shift. We were born this way, and living up here in Alaska gives us lots of open space and freedom to be who we are. It makes it hard to find mates, though. Usually it’s the youngest brother’s job to leave home and find that special person to bring back to share with his brothers. It’s always been that way. I guess I got lucky that you came here.” He moved closer, wanting to touch her. He sat at her feet, holding her hands in his. The contact made him feel better, and he took a deep breath, enjoying her scent. She smelled like sunshine and pine.

“Okay. That means that Conner could do that, too…right? He’s the youngest brother. He was supposed to bring Chloe here?”

“Yeah. I’m not sure why he didn’t, and it’s too late to ask him. Now that she is here, Adam and Brandon have been working hard to get Chloe to stay and be their mate. They’ve waited a long time knowing that Conner found her. We’ve been waiting a long time to find you as well. Did it scare you, watching Lucas change?” He rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles, enjoying the contact. His heart beat a bit faster in his chest, waiting for her answer. She seemed to be handling everything well so far.

“No. I wasn’t scared, more surprised. I’ve always dreamed that there was more out there in the universe. I know that I’m your mate, and it’s a lot of information to take in at once. Then I think about Lucas. I’m supposed to be his mate as well, and he doesn’t want me. Can mates do that? I mean, can they just decide not to have a mate?” He knew she would have questions. The fact that she wasn’t disgusted was a great sign. He had been thinking about Lucas since he had decided not to accept Katie as his mate. His brother seemed to be watching and following her from a distance.

“Nobody has ever rejected their mate. I don’t think it’s even possible. I can’t speak for Lucas, but I can tell you how I feel. When I first saw you, my heart stopped beating and I was overwhelmed with emotions that I never thought were possible. I looked at you and I knew that you were meant to be with me, with us. I can feel your emotions, and when you’re sad, I want to make you happy. When you went on the walk today, I was scared because if anything happened to you, I’m not sure I would want to live without you. Everything is more intense, and I’m really trying to control myself because I don’t want to scare you. But the truth is, I want to spend my life getting to know you and loving you.” He stared into her beautiful eyes, feeling completely exposed. He felt sick to his stomach wondering what she would say. He was shaking, wondering if he had said too much already.


Chapter 7

Katie didn’t know what to say. She stared into Ryan’s beautiful blue eyes and wanted to cry. He was the first man to make her feel special. He laid his heart on the line, and she could tell that he was afraid of what she was going to say. She slid off the chair and into his lap, needing to hug him after such a huge confession. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against his chest. She could feel his heart beat in an even tempo and closed her eyes, enjoying this moment with just the two of them.

Out of the four men, Ryan was the most honest and forthcoming with his emotions and intentions. Nathan was her protector and security blanket, always making sure she was taken care of. Ethan was her silent, dominant lover. She had no idea if Lucas would ever come around, but she knew it didn’t matter because in the end she would be loved by his brothers.

“I do care about you very much, probably more than I should at this point. You’ve been completely honest with me, so I’m going to be honest with you as well.” She pulled back and looked into his eyes, hoping that he would see the truth. “I do want to get to know you better, and I’m not against trying to figure out where this could go or what possible future we could have together. I came here to see my sister, to make sure she was okay, and instead I met you. I just need to see her, and then I’ll start being able to focus.” She did feel an incredible pull toward them. Something soul deep, but her heart and her head weren’t on the same page yet.

Ryan nodded his head. He moved closer to her until she felt his warm breath against her ear and neck. “Okay. Tomorrow. I’ll take you to Chloe. It has to be our secret for now. I don’t want to upset my brothers. They will be upset, but they’ll get over it.” He kissed her neck then, and Katie smiled, feeling a huge weight lift from her shoulders.

“Thank you.” Katie moved then. She pushed her fingers through his hair and pulled him to her, kissing him. His lips were soft, and she took her time enjoying his flavor. She swirled her tongue in his mouth, enjoying the dance they created. She had always loved kissing, and Ryan’s lips were full and lush. She pulled back and sucked on them. Hearing his growl turned her on more. That growl always seemed to affect her, making her insides clench.

Ryan’s fingers skimmed across her nipples, and she shuddered. She had been so focused on his mouth that she didn’t even realize that he had unbuttoned her shirt. He tugged the material down off her arms, and she enjoyed his warms hands caressing her skin. She didn’t break the contact with his lips. Instead she pushed into him, wanting to be on top. He knew what she wanted without her saying the words. He wrapped his arms around her and lowered them to the floor. She rubbed her breasts against his chest, enjoying the rough texture of his shirt against her nipples. She moved her hips, feeling his cock harden against her stomach. He felt amazing.

“Mmmm…I want to play, too.” Ethan’s playful voice stopped her, and she turned her head to see him leaning against the doorway. He smiled and sent her a wink.

“What do you think, Ryan? Should we let Ethan play, too?” She knew she was being silly, but she wanted to play along. It was fun teasing them.

“Maybe we should take this to the bedroom then. It’s not going to be a quickie anymore.” Ryan laughed a little and sat up with her in his arms. He helped her to stand, and she grabbed her shirt off the floor.

“A quickie? How disappointing.” Katie purred the words, wanting to keep their attention focused on her as she headed out of the living room, not bothering to put her shirt back on.

“It wouldn’t have been disappointing, I promise. I would’ve satisfied you. Completely.” She shrieked in surprise when Ryan ran up behind her, grabbed her, and threw her over his shoulder. She loved the whole caveman routine. It was sexy. She looked up and saw Ethan watching her closely as he followed Ryan toward the bedroom. Ethan pulled his shirt over his head, and Katie’s heart tripped and started beating faster as he exposed his beautiful, hard chest. His muscles flexed as he walked, and she licked her lips, wanting to run her mouth up and down his stomach. She was turning into a little nympho around these men. She squirmed on Ryan’s shoulder, willing him to walk faster.

* * * *

Ethan couldn’t contain himself. Watching her in the living room with Ryan, he was torn between letting them have some alone time and joining in. When Katie took her shirt off and leaned into Ryan, moaning, the decision was made. He wanted her, and he couldn’t stand there and watch without touching.

His body clenched, and his cock hardened painfully. Ryan stood her up, and he moved forward to take over. He couldn’t wait another minute. He’d been craving her. Her simple white bra barely contained her full, round breasts. Her soft tummy disappeared into her jeans, her belly button peeking out. Reaching behind her, he unclasped the bra and guided the straps off her shoulders while she watched him.

“Take off your jeans.” He knew he would tear them from her, which would more than likely terrify her at this point. He tried to keep his control tightly leashed.

Her brown eyes sparkled, her chest heaving while her breaths came faster. “You take them off.” She challenged him, the hint of a smile forming on her pouty lips.

He stared at her for a moment, making sure he’d heard her right. She’d ignored his instruction and countered him. Those brown eyes never strayed, watching him while her nipples hardened, her breathing almost coming in quick, little pants. Maybe she wasn’t as terrified as he thought. Not taking his gaze from hers, he reached between them, grabbing her jeans, yanking the top button free. His coordination was failing him, the zipper not cooperating. He tugged impatiently, refusing to focus on anything but the swirling of emotions on her pretty face.

Finally the zipper loosened, her jeans sliding down her hips. He grabbed a hold of the material, shoving it down. Her body swayed into him, but she didn’t lose her balance. Never before had such little action on a woman’s part made the beast within him stir with such force. He knew the reason. She was his mate, and he could barely contain himself when she was around. She stood naked before him, and he felt light-headed at how truly beautiful she was.

“Wow. You’re so perfect. I love looking at you.” He leaned in and kissed her lips more gently than he wanted to. He had to remember to stay calm with her. He didn’t want to lose control.

Ethan turned his head and looked at Ryan. He was sitting in one of the chairs, smiling broadly at them. He felt a little guilty for a minute until Ryan nodded his head, and then he realized that his brother was giving him some alone time with their mate. A million pictures flashed through his mind, and he didn’t know what he wanted to do to Katie first. As if sensing his dilemma, she started unzipping his pants. She grabbed the sides of his jeans at his hips and took them down his legs, pulling them from his body. He stood before her naked, and he let her have a moment of control.

She was down on her knees before him, looking up at him, her eyes never leaving his. Reaching out, her fingers tracing a delicate pattern over his shaft, she smiled so sweetly. He wasn’t sure if he had the willpower to let her do this. He didn’t want to be teased. He needed to fuck.

“Be careful, sweetheart. I’m barely holding on here.” He grabbed the base of his cock, the pressure building within, making him dizzy.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine. Just enjoy.” She put her hand over his and glided her mouth over the head of his cock. For a moment, he swore the world turned upside down on him. He braced himself, grabbing the side of the bed. He prayed for his vision to clear so he could enjoy the beautiful sight before him.

She stretched her lips around his cock. Her tongue darted around his shaft, touching him, licking him, exploring. Her eyelashes fluttered and she closed her eyes while she worked more of him into her mouth. It took more strength than he knew he possessed to remain perfectly still and not force his cock deep into the heat of her mouth.

“Katie.” He growled. He could feel the animal inside him wanting to shift and grow. His muscles were burning. He fought the urge, knowing the slightest change would alter the size of his cock. He wouldn’t allow anything to stop her from what she was doing right now.

“I can’t make it all fit.” She sounded frustrated, and he found himself smiling a little. She was so perfect.

Her small tongue scoured a heated path down his cock, and he grabbed her hair, holding her head in place. The urge to plummet deep inside her mouth, feel her throat contract around him, rushed through him.

“Trust me. What you’re doing is perfect.” He groaned. He could barely talk. All of his concentration was needed just to hold still and allow her to do what she wanted. Her tight little mouth wrapped around him again, sucking and licking. She would suck the life right out of him, and he swore that was what she was doing.

“Baby. I’m going to explode.” He warned her.

Her response was to suck harder. She moved her head over him, forcing as much of him into her mouth as she could. Her tongue created havoc, swirling around his cock, stroking up and down. A dam broke inside him. Pressure released, causing a flood of sensation to rush through him. He almost fell forward but braced himself while his seed sprayed into her mouth. Her lips tightened around his cockhead while she continued to suck.

“Dear God. Katie!” He couldn’t take anymore. Her little mouth, so hot and tight, just about brought him to his knees.

She looked up at him, grinning. “Are you okay?” She didn’t look concerned about his well-being at all. Her smile was smug. She knew she had almost broken him. He had to force oxygen into his lungs. He took a few deep breaths trying to regain his strength. He reached down and helped her to her feet, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight against his chest while he got his bearings.

“Holy fuck! Ryan. Her mouth.” He couldn’t seem to form complete sentences. His brain felt detached from his body.

“Lucas seemed to enjoy himself.” Ryan’s response surprised him, and he craned his neck to look at him.

“What? Lucas?” He wasn’t upset at all, just a little shocked, especially after everything Lucas had said.

“Yup. Caught them in the shower.” Ryan winked, and Ethan smiled, feeling like this could finally work out for them all. He kissed her neck, lazily moving his tongue around his mark on her neck. She would never be able to see it, but he knew it was there.

* * * *

She wasn’t sure how to feel about Ryan telling Ethan about the shower scene with Lucas. Maybe she was expecting him to be upset a little, but Ethan surprised her by kissing her neck instead, and she leaned into him. She started rubbing herself against his body, and she knew the picture she made. She was practically humping his thigh.

She heard a low growl and looked up to see Ryan walking toward her. He was naked, and the look in his eyes made her shiver. He moved behind her, and she felt his hands on her hips. He got on his knees behind her and nuzzled her ass. He started kissing her lower back, moving his hands, massaging her legs.

Ethan stroked his rough finger down her cheek and then outlined her collarbone, stretching his fingers around her neck, tightening his grip, and then relaxing it. Her nipples hardened painfully while her breasts swelled. He was so aggressive but then gentle, as if silently showing her he would have what he wanted but encouraging her to want it, too.

What she wouldn’t do to experience Ethan’s mouth on her nipples, sucking, nibbling. Her pussy swelled and got so wet there was no way she could hide her need. Every inch of his hard body pressed against her. His cock was already hard as stone and pressing against her hip. Ethan moved down her body slowly, stopping to give her breasts the attention they craved.

He cupped her breasts in his large hands, weighing them. He stared at her as he dipped his head down and licked each nipple. He blew cool air at each tip, making her nipples pebble and harden further. When she jerked, he moved in for the kill. He wrapped his mouth around a nipple and sucked hard. The pressure sent a jolt straight to her clit, and she moaned, reached out, and grabbed his hair, holding him to her. He moved to the next nipple and bit down hard. The pain had her hissing until he licked his tongue over the tip.

“Let’s move to the bed, Ethan. I want to eat her pussy.” Ryan’s words were rough, and she silently agreed. She didn’t know how much more she could take and still remain standing. Her legs already felt weak. Ethan pulled back, and Ryan wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her to the bed. She didn’t need to climb on the bed. He was there grabbing her and laying her down. He shoved her legs apart, and she watched him take control of her body.

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