Kay Springsteen (43 page)

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Authors: Something Like a Lady

BOOK: Kay Springsteen
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Annabella took aim with her second arrow and shot, then the third, hitting the target. She stood perfectly still, eyes locked straight ahead. He furrowed his brow and squinted against the brilliant sunlight. Had the last one struck the center? It had hit the target lower than the previous two. Jon glanced back at Annabella. She

d let the bow go limp in her hands, and her eyes seemed to have widened. He tensed. Something must be wrong.

Just as he started toward her, the bugle blared and the ladies around Annabella offered soft cheers, congratulating her for a direct hit. Pride and relief burst inside him as she lifted her hand to her chest, a smile lighting up her face. A smile he

d never seen before. One that, even from
such a
distance, he could see shining in her eyes. How he wished he were responsible for it.

But you did this all on your own, lady fair.

She had become his greatest treasure. One he found he
would be
loathe to ever
part with.
Perhaps it needn

t come to that.

seemed to scan the crowd, searching… until her gaze met his
Ever so subtly, she lifted her bow to her hat and touched the
rim, almost as if saluting him. The gesture couldn

t have hit its mark any better had it been an arrow piercing his heart. She

d sought him out, acknowledged him publicly, had shared a very special moment with him. More than anything he wanted to run to her and sweep her up in his arms… The way he had when he

d first seen her dancing at the cottage.

He swallowed the lump of emotion that had welled in his throat and released a long, slow breath.
I guess I have the answer to
I fell in love with her. And for that matter, the how.

The ladies all fitted their bows over their shoulders as Gran and Lord Anthony examined each target and tallied scores. Gran seemed to stand a little taller as she scratched down the total from Annabella

s shots.

I say, Seabrook, your wife is quite a remarkable shot… And quite a lovely creature. Wherever did you find her?

Jon bit down on his tongue to keep from cursing and glanced to his left. Franklin Gilford, the Baron of Cromley, raise
pewter mug
toward the archery field in a toast. The bothersome fop sip
ped his drink
and regarded Jon with piercing blue eyes over the rim of

Bile rose, tightening the back of Jon

s throat. He — along with most of Coventry — detested the man. As far as Jon was aware, Cromley hadn

t yet cured his
habit of taking other men

s wives as his mistresses. The breeze lifted pale blond curls worn unfashionably long over the collar of his black coat. A garish ruby ring on his middle finger glinted as Cromley raised a hand and brushed at his lacy shirtfront… the way one would brush a hand along a woman

s silky
tresses where they cascaded over her shoulders.

Anger and jealousy surged through Jon at the vision, along with an insane urge to mark his territory. If it was another married conquest Cromley was looking to add to his collection, he could ruddy well look in another direction.

He forced a cordial tone.

Indeed she is, Cromley. I daresay by

ll be shooting as well as the dowager herself.

In the meantime, Annabella was best kept as far away from the young baron as possible.

She doesn

t by chance have a sister?

The lecherous
man was eyeing her as a cat would his prey. The expression he wore made his intent quite clear.

Jon stiffened, curled his hands into fists, his nails digging into his palms.

No. She does not,

through stiff lips. If he didn

t excuse himself and put some distance between him and Cromley, he

d be moved to violence.

My wife is… quite unlike any other. If you

ll excuse me, I promised my grandmother I

d ensure the preparations are underway for the banquet this evening.

He spun on his heel and strode to the opposite side of the field
, hoping to make his way closer to Annabella

Jon drew a deep breath and released it. Not quite the dark man Gran had predicted with that
hair. Still, he had been wearing a black frockcoat.

A large group of onlookers
pressed in
, and Jon felt himself pushed along, no longer completely in control of his
. He collided with a gentleman in his path with a jolt that knocked the man forward.

My apologies,

said Jon
, looking for a way
through the growing crowd

ink nothing of it,

mumbled the stranger
looking away
. He resettled his
battered tweed hat
low over his eyes
hurried off

The bugles blared, indicating it was time for the contest to resume. Pushing thoughts of Cromley and the odd
out of his mind, Jon found a spot to watch his lovely wife charm the crowd.

Annabella didn

t disappoint. Shoulders back, hair flowing, she dominated the field with her beauty and charisma. Her first arrow sailed through the air
a falcon in flight. It arched high above the others, coming down and hitting the target hard enough to shake it. Murmurs of




echoed through the crowd as the bugle signaled a direct hit.
Pride swelled.

Annabella glanced at the opposite end of
the field. Was she seeking him out as she had earlier? She angled her head and
pushed onto her toes
. She
looking for him. Blast it, why had he not stayed put? Why had he let Cromley rile him? Her shoulders dropped, and she retrieved another arrow, pre
paring to shoot. He wanted to call out to her. But he couldn

t without disrupting the contest. If only she

d look his way, then he could wave, let her know he was—

of black at the other end of the field caught his attention.
The stranger

bumped into
earlier melted into the crowd.
fell, raising an itchy sort of awareness along the back of his neck


s words from earlier echoed in his mind.

Beware of the dark man.

Jon scanned the crowd seeking that dark splash amid the more colorful garb worn by the other spectators. But he

d disappeared. Jon

s unease heightened until he felt it like a dagger between his shoulder blades.

The crowd murmured as the horn blared again. Jon frowned, irritated that he

d allowed

to worry at him
He was missing his wife

s performance.

Annabella took her final shot, her movements fluid and controlled, the arrow sailing toward the target in a perfect arc.
Cupid has nothing on her. She
pierced my heart without even trying. And without even knowing.


My lady, how does it feel to be the victor?

Jon took her hand and kissed her fingers.

Annabella tilted her head, confused.

But I didn

t win.

I beg to differ. You are the

unchallenged winner, because you have won the heart
and respect of everyone here… including mine.

heart skipped a beat, stealing her breath for the briefest second. Had he just… Did he mean…

Annabella searched his face. The light shining in the depths of his eyes caressed her, bathed her in warmth that pooled in her middle. Her already high spirits soared, setting her ablaze. People milled about,
bumped into them,
around them, but she barely noticed. She didn

t want to break the spell, didn

t want the moment to end.

He stepped closer, brushed an errant strand of hair behind her ear.

Annabella, I—

n! There you are!

Gran waved
as she approached

We should make our way to the marquee
for the banquet


re coming, Gran.

Jon gave Annabella
a wry smile
, tucked her hand in the cro
k of his arm,
her fingers gentl
before releasing them, and led her toward the banquet hall.

Thank you for putting my fan in the quiver. It meant a great deal.

Her voice shook as she spoke. The way everyone had accepted her, the way Jon and Gran
sure the day
special for her… She hadn

t felt so included and…

s death
It was like she had found… home
Tears blurred her vision.

It was — Annabella, what

s wrong?

Jon stopped and took her by the shoulders, forcing her to meet his gaze, his face twisted in alarm.

Why are you crying?

He tenderly wiped the tears away.


s just… I

ve never…

Her throat constricted, making further speech impossible. She swallowed hard.


m happy,

she whispered.

Releasing a soft groan, he
pulled her into his arms. The rhythmic beating of his heart as she rested against his chest
both soothed and excited

is home.
She stiffened, shocked.
When had that happened?
what does it matter
She relaxed again, molded against him.

You were amazing today.

He dotted a kiss on her forehead.

You should be very proud.


re only saying that because I hit the center of the target,

she teased.

He cupped his hand below her chin and lifted her face.


m not talking about the tournament. I

m talking about you.

She recoiled a bit and furrowed her brow, confused.


His only answer was to capture her lips in a soul-searing kiss. Annabella shivered as his mouth claimed hers, making thought almost impossible.

Before the kiss truly started, Jon broke away. His gaze met hers, passion burning in his dark eyes.

Forgive me. I couldn

t seem to help myself. I

ve wanted to do that all day. I probably should have exercised a bit more restraint until we were back at Blackmoor Hall, though. Away from prying eyes.

Annabella darted a glance around, embarrassment consuming her. How could she have let him take such liberties? Make such
public display? They weren

t alone, but in the midst of a huge tournament!
faded as
took in the people passing, scarcely giving them a second glance.

She stared at the ground and scuffed the toe of her boot in the dust, trying to gain control over her hot cheeks.
Twas as much my fault… I

ve also wanted to—

took her by the arm and
tugged her along as he
behind the nearest tent. She opened her mouth to protest, but Jon had her wrapped in his arms
kissing her before she could get out a word.

Her world tilted. She parted her lips slightly, and the kiss exploded. His arms tightened around her as his mouth po
ssessed hers. The tenderness combined with the urgency of his touch had her so mindless she paid no
even as she felt her hat sliding from her head. Heat spread through her body, intensifying as it pooled in her stomach and moved lower. With a moan, sh
e tightened her hold, deepened the kiss. The hungry passion sparking within her burst. She wanted this… wanted

I want my husband


s hands came up to cup her cheeks, and he softened the kiss, trailing his lips along her face to the sensitive spot below her ear, making goose flesh dance across her skin. She shivered. Or maybe it was Jon. Probably both.

Do you really have no idea how wonderful you are?

he said, sounding breathless.

Lady Godiva has nothing on you.

His words set her mind whirling, her body tingling. Almost as much as his kiss.

And you, sir, are really too bad.

She traced his chin with her fingers and laughed softly.

You do know you

re going to the devil.

Indeed I do, and I

m quite enjoying the journey.

His voice was passion-filled, bar
y above a whisper. He bent and retrieved her hat, setting it back in place.


make our way to the marquee before Gran comes looking for us.

Annabella seemed to float rather than walk as Jon led her to the festivities. Almost as if she were stepping on clouds. She stole a glance at Jon then laughed softly.

Dare I ask what you find amusing?

he asked cautiously.

She let out a sigh.

Oh, I was just thinking how easy it is to enjoy the journey.

Music drifted
the tent, dominated only slightly by the sound of people chattering. Annabella wasn

t sure what she

expected, but she never would have imagined the grand
before her. The tent had been turned into a beautiful banquet hall. Many different
oats of
rms decorated the walls, as did several painting
in different poses with bows and arrows strategically placed around them. Tables were arranged toward the back. Quivers filled with wildflowers acted as the centerpieces.

Several tables lined the wall to her right. Platters filled with assortments of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and pastries had been laid out, and her stomach grumbled as the heavenly aromas assailed her nostrils. Astonishment filled her to overflowing. Such a grand meal had been prepared for so many people.

The whimsical strains of a dulcimer drifted from the front of the tent, and then a small group of musicians lifted violins and flutes. Soon a lively tune rolled over the crowd and several couples drifted to the floor to begin the reel. Annabella

s foot tapped to the beat.

Is it to your liking?


s breath against her skin made her shiver.


s amazing!

Better than the cottage at Wyndham Green?

Jon teased.

Well, the
has certainly been better,

she shot back.

He gave her a bow.

I couldn

t agree more. Would you care for a glass of champagne?

Yes, thank you. That would be lovely.

With a half salute, he moved off, instantly swallowed by the crowd. Feeling oddly bereft in his absence, Annabella wrapped her arms around her middle.

I… wanted to congratulate you on a splendid performance today.

The g
ravelly tones came from behind her.

Startled, Annabella spun around.
The man from earlier!
The one who

d seemed to be following her most of the day. Apprehension raced up her spine. A battered black h
at didn

t hide the dark reptilian eyes that roamed her face. His gaze never drifted below her neck, but she had the impression he was searching… For what? An old jagged scar stood out white where it ran the length of his
and along his jaw
, almo
st as though someone had tried to cut off his face. It certainly added a sinister air. Annabella shivered despite the warmth of the day.

Thank you.


t b
e rude. Jon and Gran cared a great deal for the people at the event, and she didn

t want to
raise a stir
. But the man made her uneasy in many ways.

Gran warned Jon about a dark man…

Have you been shooting long?

Should she answer him? Ask for his name? He seemed to know who she was. Not surprising, since everyone knew Jon and Gran and she

d recently competed. But she hadn

t been introduced to this man, so shouldn

t he have given her his name?

She took a step back.


m sorry. I didn

t catch your name.

He opened his mouth then slammed it shut as he glanced over her shoulder.
his dark hat, he said,

Enjoy the rest of your evening,

before turning and walking toward the road with quick, determined strides.

Here you are, my lady.

Her worry eased as Jon slid up beside her and she let out the breath she

d been holding. Keeping her gaze on the retreating stranger, she grasped the wineglass Jon handed her.

Do you know that man?

she asked.

What man?

Jon asked in a tight voice.

She glanced at her husband. His brow was furrowed and his sharp eyes darted back and forth as he searched the grounds.

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