Kayla's Gift: Powertools, Book 3 (5 page)

BOOK: Kayla's Gift: Powertools, Book 3
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His throat flexed as she considered her response.

“And if I want things to go a hell of a lot further?”

“Thank God.”





Chapter Four

Kayla and Dave emerged from the shower together to find Neil and James cuddled on the floor, a stack of board games nearby. She smiled when they met her gaze—all four of them completely nude.

Nothing seemed different than before, other than the lack of constriction she’d suffered beneath the weight of her clothes.

The three men took naturism to a new level. Their honed bodies paid homage to the human form.

Comfortable and confident, they lounged in various levels of arousal. Dave wrapped his arms around her from behind, rooting his face in her damp hair. The erection he hadn’t permitted her to soothe in the steamy mist of her bathroom nudged her lower back.

“Save it for later,” he’d murmured when she rubbed against him like a cat beneath the relaxing spray that cleaned the last of their sticky pleasure from her chest and belly. He’d proven he had a hell of a lot more control than she did.

“Up for a game?” James disrupted her train of thought before she could rotate in Dave’s arms and steal what she needed. To hell with savoring the anticipation.

“I rule at Yahtzee.” Neil grinned.

“What are you? Eighty?” James poked his lover in the ribs.

“I thought about recommending Twister, but…that’s a little predictable, don’t you think?”

They all laughed as Kayla and Dave settled opposite from the pair.

“How about Trivial Pursuit?” Dave suggested.

“It’s my favorite.” She sighed as she reclined against him. His arm encircled her torso, resting beneath her breasts. He didn’t try to fondle her or take advantage of the placement. The easy contentment made her heart soar even as her pussy moistened.

“Done.” He smiled at her. “We can be a team. As long as you’re okay with the orange thinger. I’m always the orange one.”

“Sounds good to me.” She lifted her smile to his for a quick kiss before unpacking the pieces and setting up the board.

Hours flew by as they won, lost, rematched and laughed their asses off like kids discovering fun for the first time. At ease, she didn’t realize she sat, cross-legged, bare pussy completely exposed, until Neil’s stare lingered a little too long. She teased him by trailing her fingertips over the soft swell between her legs.



“You like my tattoo?” She traced the artistic squiggles of the abstract design where it flirted with her mons.

“Oh yeah, he’s a real art connoisseur.” James laughed then slapped Neil on the back of the head with a playful tap.

“More like a lover of all beauty.” Neil bit James’s lip. His half-hard cock plumped where it rested on his thigh. “There’s a lot of eye candy in this room.”

“No kidding.” Kayla didn’t mind him looking. “A little skewed on the male side, though.”

“Uh.” Dave cleared his throat. “You said something about that before. Are you bi, Kay?”

“I’m not a big fan of labels. I do what feels right in the moment and don’t worry about what outsiders would call it.” She shrugged. “I’ve been with girls before, sure. Would I be again? Yep, if it was someone I felt a connection to. Is it something I have to have to be happy long term? Not if the person, or people, I’m with satisfy me.”

“I couldn’t have said that better myself.” Neil beamed at her. “It’s like we were meant to find you.

This past year has sealed my belief in fate.”

“How so?” She tilted her head as she studied him.

“I guess I always worried the crew’s friendship had a life expectancy.” He flicked an imaginary piece of lint from his leg before looking to Dave and James.

“What the fuck, Neil?” Dave glared at the other man. “You’ve never said anything about that. We won’t lose each other. We’re too much a part of one another.”

“Yeah, but I also understand what it’s like to love someone until you can’t believe it’s real.” He locked his fingers with James’s. “There’s no walking away from that pull. I figured when it happened to you guys, you’d have to pick one or the other. The girl or the group.”

James nodded. “I can see that. I wish you’d shared your worries with me.”

“I knew, no matter what, I’d always have you.” Neil sighed. “How could I tell you my fears without making it seem like that isn’t enough? Like you’re not everything?”

Kayla glanced away, feeling for the first time like an intruder.

“Shhh.” James climbed into Neil’s lap and soothed his lover with gentle kisses. “How many times have I told you I get it? You love me. When I watch you fuck a woman, or mess around with the crew, I can tell it’s not the same as what you feel when you make love to me. You care for them. You respect them and please them. You take what you need from them, but you
me. I never doubt that.”

Their connection acted as the biggest turn-on of her life. Kayla didn’t realize she’d covered her aching breast with her fingers, tugging on the silver hoop in her nipple, until Dave blanketed her hand with his own and took up where she’d begun. He paused long enough to situate her in his lap, her back to his ripped chest so they could bask in the magic before them.

“The idea makes you hot, doesn’t it? You’re curious.” His breath teased the edge of her ear.



“Mmm. Yes.” She squirmed in Dave’s hold, his hands sliding from her chest to her waist to keep her in place on his lap. They continued to descend until he cupped her mound in plain view of his friends, who’d focused on her and Dave once more. She didn’t object. The weight of his hard-on pressed the small of her back, the tip painting a moist trail there.

“Would you like them to show you the bond between them?” He whispered, “They’re fucking amazing together. They love each other so much it makes the sex ten times steamier.”

Dave’s open acceptance thrilled her. Finally a man who didn’t seem threatened by indulging their shared needs, wherever the pursuit might lead. Nothing could have been more attractive.

“Yes. Please.” Witnessing Neil and James’s affection would rank as a high honor.

Neil smiled as he turned to his lover. He cupped James’s face in his palms as though the slighter man were made of glass. They melded together, beginning with their lips. Soon their bodies pressed tight, chest-to-chest, thighs tangled, cock on cock.




Neil directed their encounter, gifting his partner with as much rapture as he could. They traded nips, licks and glides of their lips. Intense focus didn’t allow for anything else in the world to register on their passion. But Dave couldn’t miss her escalating desire. She ground her ass against his shaft, stroking his hard-on where it nestled in the furrow between her cheeks.

In an instant, the world shifted around her.

Dave bore her to the floor in front of the fire, nestled on her side on the thick faux-fur rug. He snugged tight behind her, spooning her, pillowing her head on his bunched biceps to preserve her view. His other hand played across the exposed skin of her abdomen, as well as the curve of her hip and ass, driving her insane. She moaned loudly, drawing the attention of all three men.

Kayla arranged her legs, draping her top thigh over Dave’s hip, granting him free access.

But it wasn’t the man holding her who accepted the invitation.

James looked to Neil, who nodded.

“Can I taste you?” James separated from his lover and crawled to her, his gaze fixating on the shimmering arousal coating her pussy, beginning to trickle onto her thigh.

She tipped her head toward Dave.

“No, baby. It’s not my choice. He’s asking you.” Dave reached between her legs to paint her juices across the softness of her inner thighs with the barest of touches. She needed more. “Whatever you like. No doubts. No jealousy. Take what you need. Give what you can. We all know where we stand here.”

Did she know? What was she to them but an opportunistic fuck? Did she care at the moment? No. A chance to explore like this didn’t come around every day.



Their intimacy was a gift.

She stretched until she could entwine her fingers in James’s hair to guide him closer. He made quick work of cleaning Dave’s fingers then groaned as he skimmed her mound. When his tongue peeked out to swipe through her slit, circling her clit before making another circuit, they both moaned.

Neil lay on his side behind his mate, holding the man eating her pussy with the same sheltering embrace Dave enfolded her in. All four of them lounged together now, Dave and her with their heads toward the fireplace, James and Neil toasting their toes, each couple facing inward toward the other.

The bundle of limbs and torsos grew denser as she thrust her pelvis toward James’s talented mouth and he sidled closer, his abdomen nestled against the subtle swell made by her modest breasts. She undulated against him, enjoying the feel of skin on skin.

Behind her, Dave pursued. He tucked nearer the entire length of her, impressing her again with his extraordinary height. It wasn’t often a man could make her seem diminutive.

“Damn, you have some sexy legs, Kay.” Neil stroked along her thigh to her knee. “Long and thin, but toned. I’d love to have them wrapped around me while I sank into your softness.”

Her pussy contracted, forcing a fresh wave of moisture onto her labia. James buried his face to reach all of the honey. The motion eliminated any remaining gap between them. His hips landed near her face, enticing her with his rock-hard erection, close enough to lick.

“Go ahead.” Dave encouraged her impulse. “Suck him, baby. Show him what a good job he’s doing between those pretty legs.”

The wet smoothness of James’s tongue slid farther back. When Dave cursed in her ear, she assumed the man holding her had received a reward for the suggestion. “Careful, James. I’m on the edge. Let me last.”

Suspicion confirmed.

Ecstasy rioted in her mind. The close hold of three men, their skilled manipulation of her willing body and their open-minded quest for pleasure combined into a potent concoction. She was drunk on it after a few tiny sips.

Kayla opened her mouth, allowing James’s cock—perfectly aligned—to slip inside. She laved the head in welcome as he pushed deeper within her grasp. His erection made a comfortable mouthful, astonishing her with its hardness and searing heat rather than its sheer size—unlike the ample shaft prodding her spine.

Spice melted over her taste buds. She peeked between James’s legs as she sucked gently, in time to the swirl of his tongue over her sensitive opening and the swollen knot of her clit. Behind him, Neil’s heavily veined cock throbbed insistently.

“You lucky bastard.” Neil chuckled into his boyfriend’s ear.



“Want to really blow their minds, baby?” Dave kissed her cheek. He ran his tongue around the edge of her lips, circling the base of his friend’s cock with the tip.

“Hmm.” Her assent caused James to jerk in her hold.

“Give him to me for a minute.”

She blinked, not understanding.

“Release him.”

James whimpered in protest when she pulled off his hard-on with a slurp, but he never paused in his devotion. Delirious with desire, she rocked until his mouth landed in the perfect position. The first signs of orgasm fizzled through her belly. She would have warned the men but, just then, Dave lunged forward to capture James’s erection.

Neil cradled closer as his partner’s hips jerked forward. The adjustment presented Neil’s cock within reach of her mouth. She strained her neck until her lips wrapped around the head of his cock. Caught off guard, he bucked, driving several inches deeper. She choked.

Dave mumbled something unintelligible around James’s cock. He stroked her flank, calming her.

When she recovered, she stretched once more, reclaiming her tasty treat.

Catching on, Neil assisted by raising James’s hips several inches in his strong grasp, aligning them all in the optimal position. She humped James’s face as much as she could in the cramped arrangement. All that mattered was chasing the spears of sensation he launched into her center. Ragged gasps and unending moans surrounded her, setting her off. Her pussy tightened then exploded before she could fully enjoy the decadent tension invading her inner core.

“Yes, baby,” Dave growled in her ear. “Come all over his face. Enjoy it. There’s more where that came from. So much more.”

Rekindled hope replaced her disappointment. The men paused, but only to shift slightly. James angled his head to kiss his partner, sharing the flavor of her climax. Neil’s fingers pressed against her saturated folds, scooping generous portions of her come onto his digits. Before she could return to sanity long enough to wonder at his intentions, he slathered the fresh lubrication over James’s exposed asshole. She watched from her front row seat as Neil primed his lover.

“I’d kill to fill you right now, Kayla,” Dave groaned in her ear as the two lovers prepared to bond before her eyes. “No condoms, though. Damn it.”

“I’m on the pill. Healthy.” Hunger still clawed at her soul. She wanted to join these exceptional men.

Had to be part of their joy. Coming alone hadn’t fulfilled her craving. “Please.”

“I’m clean too. I swear,” Dave rasped. “Are you sure, baby?”

“Yes. Yes!” She shouted when he shifted a fraction of an inch and the blunt head of his cock notched in the entrance of her pussy. Her still-clenching muscles kissed his tip. Meanwhile, Neil fit himself to his lover’s opening.

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