Keaton's Lessons [Brac Village 6] (11 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Keaton's Lessons [Brac Village 6]
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Keaton tried to get between them, to stop the men. Mrs. Colbert was right. The kids didn’t need to see the violence. But the only thing he managed to do was get punched in his mouth.
Fuck, that hurt!
He tasted blood and prayed none of his teeth were loose.

“Murderer!” Mitchel shouted again as he swung at Kade. Keaton was panicking. He didn’t know what to do.

“He’s not a fucking murderer!” he shouted as he jumped onto Mitchel’s back.
Fuck this.
Kade was his mate. He took exception to anyone attacking the man, verbally or physically. “He killed a sick psycho who molested his friend!”

“Get down from there!” Mrs. Colbert shouted at Keaton.

“No,” Keaton shouted back, trying to wrap his arm around Mitchel’s neck so he could choke him into leaving Kade alone. “Kade didn’t do anything wrong. It was Oliver’s father who should have kept—” Keaton realized his mistake too late. He caught sight of Blair standing off to the side, his eyes growing wide at Keaton’s words.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!
This was just not happening. He quickly jumped down when flashing lights approached. The cops.
Damn it.
Keaton grabbed Kade’s arm, pulling him away. It seemed he was pulling on Kade a lot lately. “Cops.”

Kade froze, his head swinging toward the approaching cruiser. Keaton could practically feel the panic coursing through the man’s body.

“Don’t worry,” Keaton whispered. “I’ll tell them that it was me fighting Mitchel.”

His mate’s teal eyes locked onto Keaton. “I will
let you take the fall for something I did.”

Keaton glanced over toward the cop car, feeling his throat go dry. “Then what do we do?”

Kade shrugged. “Run?”

“Oh, hell yeah.” Keaton took off down the street before the cops had a chance to get out of their car. Running sounded like a damn good plan to him. He nearly laughed when Kade caught up to him.

“I was just kidding,” Kade said as he grabbed Keaton’s arm and pulled him into the diner.

“Hide us!” Keaton shouted at Cody. “The cops are after us.” He had never been in trouble a day in his life, and Keaton was panicking. He felt light-headed, as if he were going to pass out.

“This way,” Cody said, waving them toward a door all the way in the back of the diner. Wow, really? The man was actually going to hide them? Keaton scrambled inside, running up a flight of steps. He hoped like hell there was an apartment on the other side of that door.

Kade was right behind him. Cody shut the door and they were bathed in darkness. “Kade?”

“Right here.” Kade placed his hand on Keaton’s back, the warmth from his touch electrifying. His mate’s voice was as smooth as whiskey in the darkness of the small staircase. Keaton shuddered. “Just keep going up.”

Something was going up, all right. His cock was thickening as he listened to Kade talk softly to him and felt the man’s hand slowly skimming down his back. Keaton’s legs threatened to buckle right from under him.

“Why are you slowing down?” Kade asked, his hand still going lower until the palm was resting on Keaton’s ass.

“Because I’m about to come in my pants from your voice and touch,” he answered honestly. Keaton stumbled and fell forward, landing on the steps, Kade wrapping his larger frame around him.

“Is that right?” Kade ground his hard erection into Keaton’s ass, eliciting a moan from Keaton. “I should take you right here on the steps.”

“Please,” Keaton whimpered, pushing back into Kade’s erection. He had been hoping Kade would claim him. It had gotten to the point that Keaton thought it would never happen. His arms began to quiver when Kade reached around and unzipped his pants, pulling them down his legs.

“Such a nice ass.”

“You can see it in the dark?”

“I can see a lot of things in the dark.” Kade ran his fingers up the crease of Keaton’s ass and he nearly fell face-first onto the steps. His fingers curled into the wood when Kade separated his ass cheeks and began to suck at Keaton’s hole in earnest. Keaton reached underneath his body, grabbing his cock, but Kade pushed his hand away, grabbing it and pulling it behind Keaton’s back.

His tongue slid over Keaton’s hole, licked all around it, and then plunged inside. Keaton began to make small noises in the dark hallway, his eyes rolling to the back of his head at what Kade was doing—and how well he was doing it.

The man had a very masterful tongue and he was licking Keaton close to orgasm. He ground his ass deeper into Kade, his fingernails gouging the wood under his hands. His head rolled on his shoulders, gasping when Kade inserted a finger inside of him.

Keaton felt as if he were melting. His shoulders dipped as his head fell forward. He was biting back the shout, a noise that would let everyone in the diner know what they were doing. He was hungering in a way he didn’t understand. No one had ever made him feel this way, not this intensely, this passionately.

He groaned low, his head constantly weaving back and forth, his blood sizzling and burning through him. God, he just needed…just wanted…Keaton couldn’t string his thoughts together as Kade worked his fingers inside of him, stretching Keaton, playing his body like a fine instrument, making him feel as if Kade owned him.

Keaton cried out, uncaring who heard him when Kade pulled his mouth away, but his fingers remained buried deep inside his ass.

“Mine,” Kade said in a low tone, Keaton hearing that the man’s jaw was clenched. His ears filled with the breathless sound of Kade’s murmurs as he pulled his hand free and lined his cock up. “I’m claiming you, Keaton. I’m going to fuck you, because you will always belong to me.” He growled, his body moving powerfully, his hands lifting Keaton as the thick head of Kade’s cock lodged against the entrance to his ass.


Kade slid his arm under Keaton, holding him up as the head of his cock pushed into Keaton’s ass, making his mouth drop open in a soundless gasp. Kade’s other hand grabbed both of Keaton’s wrists, holding them behind his back. He was solely dependent on Kade keeping him from crashing to the steps.

Keaton closed his eyes, trying to push back, but Kade’s hands tightened on his wrists. “Don’t try and take control.” One hard thrust buried the thick, steel-hard erection into Keaton’s body to the hilt.

“Kade.” Keaton was tossing beneath him, his hips bucking, driving Kade’s cock harder into the soft flesh of his ass, grinding against him. Kade bit down on his shoulder, not hard enough to break skin, but hard enough to make Keaton still.

“I said I was in charge.”

Keaton licked his dry lips, nodding, hoping Kade began to move again. “You…you’re in charge.”

Kade’s hands gave an approving squeeze to Keaton’s wrists before he drove against Keaton harder and deeper. Keaton was begging for more, held still by Kade’s hard body, his plunging hips, the sharp teeth that held him still for the claiming.

The man seemed to be wringing him from inside out. Kade snarled, a raw, animalistic sound as his hard cock moved in and out of Keaton’s ass, driving his pleasure higher and higher. Keaton yanked at his hands, his fingers curling and uncurling, wanting to place them behind Kade’s head as the man fucked him in the dark hallway.

Kade tightened his hold, thrusting his hips harder. Keaton spread his legs a little wider, jutting his ass higher into the air, begging Kade without words to go deeper. Points of fire raced through him. He wanted Kade to possess him, heart and soul. Keaton had fallen hard for this man, not realizing those emotions until they crashed into him and pulled him under.

He loved Kade.

Pleasure tore through him like a punch to the gut as Kade’s hips swiveled and gyrated, his cock doing so many magical things to Keaton’s body. “M–make me come,” Keaton begged breathlessly. “Claim me.”

Kade’s teeth pressed harder into Keaton’s shoulder and then his tongue swept over the stinging area. “Still trying to control this?”

Keaton wanted to scream in frustration. His body was tight, his balls drawn close, and Kade wouldn’t give him that little extra to send him falling over the edge. He wiggled around, yanking at his wrists.

Kade gave a low and seductive laugh, his lips pressing a kiss against Keaton’s ear. “Nice try, sweetheart.” He shuddered when Kade’s lips trailed down from his ear, his tongue licking a path to his shoulder once more. Instinct told him that Kade was going to bite him there. He wasn’t sure how he knew, but his skin began to burn for that bite.

Just as Keaton began to beg once more, Kade gave one long, hard thrust as his teeth sank deep. Keaton shouted, his cock exploding as Kade rode him hard. The man was wild, his hips pistoning until nothing but the sound of clapping skin rang off the walls in the dark hallway.

Keaton felt his release tear through him, shuddering through his body, tightening in his balls, and laying his soul bare. Kade pressed himself to the hilt inside Keaton, his seed spilling hot into Keaton’s ass.

Keaton slumped against Kade’s arm, exhausted and sore.

“You’re mine now,” Kade said as he licked at the spot where he had bitten Keaton. “Mine, baby.”

Kade finally released Keaton’s hands and Keaton reached up and behind him, caressing Kade’s stubbled jaw. “I was yours the moment you walked into my shop.”

Chapter Nine


“You did what?” Christian asked as he sat across the table from Maverick. “Please tell me I didn’t hear you correctly.”

Maverick shot forward, slamming his fist onto the table. “It was my grandson and mate. What would you have done if Yasuko and either of your sons were at risk?”

“I would have slaughtered him if any of my children were in danger,” Panahasi bluntly stated. Maverick stared at the demon leader, feeling as if the man wasn’t telling them something. It was a niggling in the back of his mind, but he let it go. He had more pressing problems to deal with than trying to figure out the demon’s secrets.

“Too bad you don’t have any children,” Christian countered, giving Panahasi a blazing glare. “I would have handled it a little more discreetly.”

“Bullshit,” Zeus thundered from the other end of the table. “You would have done the same damn thing. I don’t blame Maverick one bit for protecting his. Fuck it, his town knows. I’m pretty sure my town isn’t that damn blind either.”

“I can’t reprimand Dog or Renato,” Nazaryth stated. “They were only doing their job. Things got out of hand pretty damn fast. What we need to be asking is why the hounds are getting so bold and leave the bitching to those who do it best—which is none of us.”

“Send in a vampire,” Ahm suggested. “Scrub their damn minds.”

“Do you have any idea how many people we are talking about?” Maverick asked the Shadow elf. “Hundreds.”

“What choice do we have?” Dante asked, seeming unruffled by the turn of events. He sat back casually, his face inscrutable. “This cannot be allowed. No human that is not mated to a nonhuman should know of our existence. Have we all forgotten about Kenyon?”

“Then we implement a total mind scrub. I’ll send my most trusted to your village and they’ll erase everyone’s knowledge in one clean sweep of the town.”

Maverick let his upper lip curl as he gazed at Christian. “If one of your vampires harms any one of my residents, I’ll hang him from the square with his entrails leaking from his body as an example of what happens when someone fucks with one of mine.”

“I said my
trusted, wolf. And if you issue me a threat on my own grounds again then you and I will have problems.” Christian stood, heading toward the door. “The vampires will show up tonight. Warn your men not to harm them or I’ll make an example as well.”

The dude was getting considerably cranky in his old age. Maverick almost laughed at the miffed look on Christian’s face.

He had another problem to deal with now that this one was being handled. Oliver and Blair were going to hit the roof…soon. He should have known better than to allow Kota to keep that news from the brothers. Shit never stayed a secret for long in his home. He couldn’t blame Keaton for his outburst, but damn.

“I’m guessing this meeting is adjourned,” Panahasi said as he stood. “Later.”

Maverick got up to leave as well, knowing he had a shit storm to deal with at home.


* * * *


Kade ran his hands through Keaton’s hair as they lay on the couch in the apartment over the diner. He had never had anything that truly belonged to him—not that he looked at Keaton as property. No, Keaton was a precious gift to him and he planned on investing in his mate. He, above anybody else, knew how something could be taken away at the drop of a hat, how circumstances could turn and take away what a person held most dear to his heart.

His freedom had already been taken from him at one point in his life. Kade didn’t plan on losing this gorgeous man. He was going to hold on to Keaton with everything that he had—even if that meant letting his anger go. It was true what the hound had said. Kade had a lot of resentment in him for what had happened to him. He just hadn’t realized how deeply it burned inside of him until that creature had shown up.

That deep-seated resentment had nearly cost him Keaton, and his own life. It was in his past and that was where it needed to stay.

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