Keeley Thomson (Book 3): Mistress of Souls (19 page)

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Authors: P.S. Power

Tags: #fantasy

BOOK: Keeley Thomson (Book 3): Mistress of Souls
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"Oh." It didn't make her happy to hear. For one thing she'd thought that her payment had meant there wouldn't be an investigation. The funds just being put back and all that. Apparently that part of things worked differently than she thought. It must have made her look sad, because Darla touched her arm, which got a sideways glance from Barb, who sat on the far side.

The girl hadn't tried to grab Keeley's butt again, but she did keep looking at her with enough longing that Hally was clearly starting to get jealous about it. That part was weird, but not totally unexpected. Hally was pretty friendly and didn't see things logically all the time. Still, she needed to learn to hide her feelings a little better. Other people were starting to notice the interplay. Mainly Eve, but Becky seemed to kind of get the idea too.

Being the day before a holiday the homework was really light, and the only thing that she had to do after that was check in with the planning committee, who had things well in hand. Bob Richards was clearly surprised to hear from her, and asked after her dad, who was missing from work. It was pretty clear he didn't know about any embezzlement though.

"He... Ran off. Left my mother and me. Just said he had to leave and thought we were both a couple of whores. It isn't the best topic in the world for me right now, but that's about what happened. Unfounded, by the way. The stuff about either of us being loose. He had some problems that way."

Bob grunted over the phone, "that's true. Some of the things he'd say about the women working here... Well, no need to get into that. Everyone has some kind of problem. The party looks good though. I was told your part was finished though?"

That didn't make her happy either, but it was probably just as well.

"Except for making sure that everyone that can has fun. I'm still here for moral support. Let me know if you need anything." She knew he wouldn't, but it was the kind of thing you said.

Clara had more news for her, because no matter what Coretechs imagined, to the Hsreth it was clear who was really in charge. It was just a list of what she had planned, what foods would be offered and the music selection. She'd added a second band to the list, which would cost more, but only a few hundred dollars, since everyone knew that fine events had live music, not canned. She didn't even seem apprehensive about it. Coretechs had signed off on paying for it after all.

In all things were so well taken care of that Keeley just got her clothing ready for the next day and went to bed at ten, sleeping away the time until morning for the first time in weeks. It didn't do much for her, but did let the hours pass without boredom.

The day had a low buzz of excitement at the school. Some of the kids were planning pranks, since that was good and wholesome, others wanted to talk about the party, hoping it wouldn't be too lame, since there would be families there too. It meant anyone going had to be on good behavior, which meant a lot less fun for most of them. The person that surprised Keeley though was Barb, who seemed almost giddy.

"I'm going to the party with someone. Rebekah set it up. Her friend Elis? He seems nice enough. Funny looking... but he seems to think I'm OK and didn't hate me on sight when we met at Darla's. What do you think? Is that OK? Eve said it should be, but that I should ask you. Are you two dating?"

Keeley had to stop herself from snapping at the girl. Just because it was hard to find a nice guy didn't mean she needed to stoop to Vampire rapists. Instead of saying anything she smiled and shook her head. Elis was hers, but he could be controlled. Even when she wasn't there it would just take some good instructions to make sure Barb had a fun time. He already couldn't harm her sexually, so there was that. Still, what Rebekah was thinking, setting up a high school girl like that was beyond what Keeley could understand. She hadn't asked if she should either.

Oh well...

Maybe she was just trying to be nice?

They chatted off and on all day, Barb making a point of touching her, that odd delay in information coming across being more pronounced each time. Keeley noted it, but didn't know what it might mean. It wasn't in her memories anywhere. Maybe it was part of what made people feel uneasy around the girl? Some psychic delay that threw even average humans off their game?

At home she walked in to find Darla standing just inside, a soft smile on her face, a rather nice dress on. It was more of a slinky cocktail number than ball gown, done all in black and she carried a small clutch purse on her. It had several things in it that were clearly not make-up, the warping to reality palpable, but that was probably a warning to not mess with her. Keeley should have something similar, she thought, but Darla shook her head.

"No. Take Balthias with you. We're just going for about forty minutes, then we'll leave. It's about being seen, not making contacts, not for you this time. We want to leave a bit of mystery. You're the Mistress of Souls though, not the Technician. People need to see what that means. Run get dressed, we need to be there in about half an hour. I'll do your face." It was a rush job, but done perfectly, the only odd thing was that Keeley's dress was identical to Darla's. At a human party one of them would have to leave, but apparently Demon rules were different. They were together, so team uniforms were in order. Dan would be in a black Tux to match.

"Thank everything he didn't decide to go with ceremonial robes this time. We'd look like we dressed in circus tents."

As suggested originally, Keeley was carrying in the box of incredibly fancy wine, following Darla at a distance, so that they wouldn't show up at the same time. It was possible for one Demon to carry another on the roads, in theory, but they both had to get on or off of them at the same time. Her walking in even a minute later would show everyone that she was old enough not to be screwed with. That didn't mean they wouldn't, because testing her might just end up being a sport, not knowing who she was yet, but even Darla thought that wasn't very likely.

"Get there, call Balthias and then have him deliver the wine for us. It will both mark you as young and powerful, but we don't want anyone thinking that you're making claim to being some hidden ancient power. That will have you challenged immediately. If anyone starts something with you, try to play it off. Party etiquette says that anyone doing that is in the wrong. Stay ready though. On the good side this is a mixed party, meaning lots of different kinds of beings will be around. Most old and powerful, but nothing you can't handle."

Getting to the event went off without a hitch, Dan walking over to her when she stepped out of the roads instantly, looking ready to take the box from her as if she might drop it now. It wasn't that heavy though. She smiled.

"Oh, no bother, here... Balthias." They'd prearranged the signal, so he was there so fast it was clearly staged, but a few of the beings watching seemed impressed anyway.

Keeley stared up at the giant form, smiling professionally.

"Be a dear and take this for me? Where should it go... Finias." Demons didn't call their fathers dad, did they?

"Oh, right over there, on the long table would be fine. So good you two could stop by. I understand you have your own function, but please, let me introduce some beings to you." He made a gentle gesture that got them to take a few steps while a finely dressed man walked up to them. He didn't try to shake hands, bowing just a bit instead. The man didn't wait to be introduced.

He also wasn't a man. Vampire, Keeley thought, having seen his picture on the web. He didn't look like her Vampires at all, being a bit plain and slightly pale, but otherwise regular enough. He did have fangs, but they were the type of thing you'd see in a quality movie, not overstated at all. He'd run for the position of Governor in Maine during the last election. As a Vampire. No one had believed him, and he lost, but it was a real lesson. Most of the dark creatures of the world didn't need to hide from humans at all. Especially if they looked like them. It was something for a lot of them to think about.

"Richard Swerlin. So nice to finally make your acquaintance." Keeley saw the man's eyes go wide, but he didn't step back.

"I'm at a disadvantage miss. Have we had occasion to meet? I doubt that I would have forgotten such a rare beauty as yourself." He smiled warmly, eyes lingering, but not trying to capture her with more than a glance. It wouldn't have worked anyway.

It took Keeley a few seconds to realize he was trying to flirt with her. More, if she let him keep doing it the Vampire would probably try to sleep with her before the party was over. He was good at getting women if the stories on the net were correct. He had four "wives" and openly supported polygamy. Once you admit to being a Vampire in public, it's hard for anyone to call you on something like that.

With a bow of his own Finias, who still looked like Dan Carmichaels, not having bothered to change forms, smiled.

"This is The Mistress of Souls, Richard. I believe you mentioned her earlier? Worried that one of us can take your kind at will now? Perhaps you'd enlighten Mr. Swerlin as to your intent toward Vampire kind? He is not their leader, but I suppose he'll do to pass any messages you want sent." It was a bit of a trap for her, she realized, though not out of bounds for what an adult Demon should expect most likely. She was responsible for her own image after all.

Really anything would do at the moment except not having an answer. She could act angry, be demanding or suggest they go out for a date later. The only thing she couldn't afford was looking like she needed help with something that simple.

"Well Richard... May I call you Richard?" She waited for the man to nod, which seemed almost fearful for some reason. Like she was going to grab him for her slave at that very moment or something.

"I hope to foster trust between us, of course. I'm sure, on a personal level you and I have much in common and that could work to our mutual benefit. Perhaps we could arrange an appointment to discuss such things at a later date, where fewer ears can easily hear us perhaps?" She touched his arm, taking in the totality of his existence. It looked like a casual move, but Darla went wide eyed. It was a lot of information after all.

The Vampire let her do it though, even having a good idea that she was. He really did not want to tick her off it seemed. None of the Vampires did. The general consensus was that avoiding her was the most prudent course. One not available to him it seemed. Not now. Keeley was already there, in his face. Kind of hard to ignore.

She grinned.

"I'm particularly interested in politics right now. We should brainstorm. Perhaps some funding for your next campaign could be seen to?" It was a worry of his. After losing the first time no one wanted to back him now, but he was planning a run for the Congress, in the house of representatives. He needed cash for that, but thought he might stand a real chance, Vampire freak or not. The Republicans were looking for anyone willing to challenge for a specific seat, against a tough, but corrupt, Democrat. It was backwards compared to how such things normally ran, but Vampires tended to vote for the conservative party, which could get Richard some support.

"I'd... be very interested in that, actually. Yes, let's discuss this later." He handed her a card, which got her to do the same, making Darla smile behind her hand.

It wasn't about that though, or even the way that Richard rushed away, clearly hiding the panic he felt. It was the being coming up to them next. The man was short, dumpy looking and bald on top. He had a beard that was white and stained yellow and teeth that were crooked and mismatched. He had to look up to see them all, but smiled when he did. It was a sparkling thing that took Keeley's breath away for a second, until she realized it was a magical effect and shut down her response to it.

"Finias old boy, good to see you." He sounded Irish in accent, but that didn't mean anything, Keeley was pretty sure.

"What do we have here now? Some lovely lasses for me? About time, I was beginning to think all this party had to offer was a table of food. Would either of you like to dance? We could start a fire in here I think. Get those overpaid fiddlers in the corner to play something wild and daring for a change." He wiggled his eyebrows at them, but focused more on Darla, who faked a blush.

"Dar'eg. Well, I don't know if you recognize me or not... Meridith? I changed my appearance since we last met."

The man didn't seem displeased to find that out at all.

"Oh ho! Then quickly lass, to the floor, to the floor." He tried to drag her away, which surprisingly worked.

Keeley gestured toward them with her head, speaking to Finias in a conversational tone.

"They used to date?" It seemed like a joke, but they were holding each other closely as they danced a complicated jig around the room, just missing the other people, none of whom danced at all. The music suddenly changed though, to match the time of their steps, even though the four piece string group wasn't looking at them.

Her biological father shrugged.

"Married actually. He's not one of us though... so I heartily approved. One of the secret people. Do be careful with him though or he'll have you talked out of both your clothes and all your money before the dawn comes. Harmless for all that. I always liked him."

Before she could try to find out what else they were supposed to be doing, which she thought had to do with distributing some lists of goods for auction, Bente walked up, dressed in what looked to be shimmering layers of pearl. The face was perfect still, each hair twisted up exactly into place and each step causing people from all over the room to watch her adoringly. It was hard to blame them. After all, Keeley was doing it herself.

Finias got a hug and surprisingly so did Keeley.

"There you are love. I just wanted to thank you for your labors again. Do remember to come to my show in December? I'll save you the seat right next to mine." She laughed gently, making a point of touching her several times, mainly on the arms. Keeley didn't let any information out at all, but that didn't seem to be the point.

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