Keep It Together (9 page)

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Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Keep It Together
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“I’m sure.” And she showed him by reaching for his cock. She gripped it in her fist and groaned. Hers matched the one he let loose. He lowered himself over her, and she guided him in.

His mouth took hers, and he slid inside, but not without a bit of friction dragging along his length. “Good God, you’re fucking tight,” he said hotly into her mouth before she gave him her tongue. He sucked on it and bit down. She arched into his body and lifted her legs to hug his hips.

Their kiss continued but slowed to just a meeting of lips, sharing of breath and space. Colt had wanted this woman for so long that now that he had her, he wasn’t quite sure how to take her. Fast? Slow? Hard? Easy? He—

“Colt? I won’t break, you know.”

“I-I know. I just don’t want to do anything to… Shit. I’m not usually like this. I—”

“What makes this different?”


Chrissie smiled, slow and teasing. “Glad being with me is different, but I won’t be upset or bothered or offended or anything. I want to be well fucked. By you.”

What the hell was he supposed to say to that? She kept surprising him at every turn, every interval. She was also going to start thinking him incompetent if he didn’t get on with it. “Yes, ma’am.”

He let go of her panties and slid his hands around her waist. He hefted her up into his pelvis with his hands gripping her ass. The lace felt good against his palms, and the tease of her panties against his cock added another dimension to their being together.

Damn, he was a romantic lush. He pulled back against her hold on his hips and thrust forward. Hard. She surrounded him, coated him in wetness, coaxed him to do it again and again. His chest brushed against her bra and the contrast was erotic.

She was flushed, and her skin was slick from sweat. He stared down at her, squeezed her bottom cheeks harder and tighter in his hands until his fingers ached. His hips moved as if they were independent of his body. His mind was trying to focus on so many thing at once because he didn’t want to miss anything, not a moment of her reactions.

He wanted to detail and catalog every one so he wouldn’t ever forget, but each time she flexed her pussy around his cock, he forgot everything except her name.

He ducked his head and tugged at the left bra cup with his teeth, baring her nipple to his gaze for the first time. It was a perfect raspberry shape, erect and just begging for his kiss. Which he gave. Extensively. Teasing it with the tip of his tongue until Chrissie was whimpering with need. He liked that sound coming from her. It was low and throaty. She didn’t hide how she felt, didn’t hide from what she wanted.

He could see himself getting used to that. Not to mention the way she rolled her hips under him, the way her toes curled into the back of his legs every time he surged forward to bury himself deeper.

The edge of her panties scraped his cock when he slid forward and back. The silky wetness of her pussy and the grip of her body… He couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted someone like this. Hell, he didn’t think he ever had wanted someone like this. She bit her lip; she stared up at him with glassy, dilated eyes.

He licked at her mouth, and when she let go of that lip, he sucked it between his teeth. She bucked under him.

The tease turned into another kiss. He cradled her head in his hands and held her still, fucked her deep, kept his gaze locked on hers. “I want your cum again,” he whispered into her mouth.

“I…I’ve never…once…”

Her speech was broken, and though she seemed sure she couldn’t give him another orgasm, he was quite certain she was wrong. “You might not have with anyone else, but you will with me.” Colt kissed the tip of her nose. “Promise.”

He eased his hips up and pulled his cock out until just the head was inside her. The lace crotch of her panties shifted against his skin, and as he dropped back to her depths, the fit was tighter and the scrape of panties was even more acute.

Out. In. Out. In. Each thrust harder than the last until she was gasping. “You feel it now, don’t you?”

Chrissie nodded rapidly and shifted. The fabric of her bra teased his chest, and the contrast between naked flesh and the sexy lingerie tripped his trigger. He’d always had an appreciation for it, but add in the full curves and softness of the woman currently wiggling beneath him, reaching for something he was trying to give her…

“That’s it, baby. Come and get it.”

She stiffened, and the muscles of her inner thighs quivered. He never ceased his movement, only increased the pace. His own orgasm was right on the edge, but he was waiting for her.

He didn’t have to wait long. She shuddered, wailed for a split second, then grunted. Her body clenched his from the inside out, and every part of her that he touched made her quake all over again until he let go himself.

He poured into the condom, convulsing as his balls emptied. His cum, his lust, his hunger and need for this woman flowed out of him. “Goddamn, baby,” he groaned.

“Agreed.” Her voice was unsteady, shaky. Her eyes were closed, and her heartbeat pounded from her chest and echoed in his.

Slow, scorching, fast, hot fucking sex. He could bed her daily, hourly for the next twenty years, and he didn’t think it’d be possible to ever want her as much then as he did now.

“Only one condom?” he asked when they began to part. He eased off the bed and padded to the bathroom to dispose of the rubber. She laughed from the other room.

“Yes, only one.”

“I’ll make sure we have more than one next time.”

“Sure of yourself?”

“Nah. More like sure of you.” He made his way back to her and crawled between the sheets close to her. She was still laughing, softer now, as she snuggled into his arms. She was meant to, made to belong to him. When was the last time a woman had fit him like this, fit his form so snugly? “You’ll be here when I wake up, right? You won’t be sneaking off as soon as I fall asleep, will you?”

“And give up this high-priced, very comfortable bed? Not in this lifetime.”

“Good girl. I’ll buy you any high-priced, very comfortable bed you want if it’ll keep you with me.”

“Deal,” she said after a rather large yawn. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. Go to sleep, baby. We’ll talk in the morning.” He didn’t get a response beyond the deep breathing. He should have closed his eyes and tried to sleep too, but as tired as he was, sleep was the last thing on his mind.

Chapter Six

Chrissie dried her hair and wandered out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. It didn’t quite cover all her curves, but it did an adequate enough job. She knew she shouldn’t be bashful at being naked with him, not given all the fun they’d had being naked all night. However, it was the morning after and a little shyness was to be expected. Right?

She peeked around the corner and found Colt sitting at the desk. His laptop sat on the surface, and he was deeply embroiled in something on the screen, something that, as she looked closer, she didn’t understand. Rows of numbers, columns of data. She shrugged.

He was dressed and his overnight bag was packed, sitting on the end of the bed. “When do you leave?”

“Around one. I have a couple of meetings first,” he said without looking up from his pecking on the keyboard.

“About cookies?”

“Yes, about cookies. And I’m sorry, but your panties are hopelessly ruined just as I said they would be.”

Chrissie picked up the blue piece of lace from the floor. Sure enough, it was torn and unwearable. “Yes. Yes, they are. Which means, you’ll have to live up to your end of the bargain and buy me a new pair.”

Colt twisted around in the chair. “I thought the bargain was for a new bra and panties set. And why are you all covered up and trying to hide yourself from me?”

He’d caught her. “I wasn’t.” He lifted a brow, and the look he gave her made her all hot and fidgety.


“Oh, all right.” She sighed but dropped the towel. “I was sorta hiding. I didn’t know how you’d feel this morning. I was still sleeping when you took a shower, and you were already engrossed in work when I woke up.”

“I feel just fabulous, thank you. And you’re still the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.”

“Yeah, well.” But inside she was preening like a peacock. She felt sexy with lace and satin and silk. She didn’t feel sexy naked, except last night and right now. The way he touched her, the way he was looking at her. She’d go naked all day long if he kept that up. “The, uh… The bra is all right. At least I hope it’s all right.” She picked it up from where it sat on top of her shirt. The cups looked intact, and with a little untwisting she could straighten out the straps.

“Why does it need to be all right? Surely you can drive home without wearing it.”

She loved the leering look he gave her. She loved all the looks he gave her. Cute, funny, tender, lust-filled, leering. He’d made her feel as though she mattered, as though it didn’t matter to him that she played with guns or could hunt or worked in retail for a living. All that seemed to matter to him was…her. And dear Lord, she loved that feeling, that she was the most important thing to him in the moments they spent together. “I could, yes, but I’m not headed home.”

“Where are you going?”

“To work. I’m opening the store this morning.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t know until last night. My opener called in sick. When that happens, it’s up to me to fill the slot. It just so happens I usually do it myself rather than call someone else in.”

“Will you be working tonight then as well?”

“No. I’ve switched the shifts around.”

“Good. So you’ll be able to get some sleep a little later.” Colt stood and came toward her. “Here. Let me help.”

“I can do it. I’ve been dressing myself for years now. Besides if you touch me again, we’ll be having some sort of sex again. I can’t be late today.”

He swatted at her hands and took over connecting the multiple hooks and eyes. “I’m well aware that you’ve been dressing yourself for years, and I’m sorry, but I want to touch you again, sex or no sex. Ever think about that, Ms. Independent?”

“Fine. I do appreciate it,” she admitted, albeit grudgingly. “Having big boobs means bigger bras with more support.”

Colt kissed her neck where the ends of her hair met her skin. “I like you just the way you are, big boobs and all.”

“Do you now?”

“Mmm. I do.” He wrapped her up from behind and held her nearly naked body close to his fully clothed one. “In fact…” She gasped when his fingers slid down her rumbling belly to the apex of her thighs.

“Colt.” She reached back and grabbed fistfuls of his pants to hold on to as he manipulated and teased her still-sensitive clit. The fingers from his other hand disappeared inside one cup of her bra to apply the same techniques to her nipple.

“Just relax and let me give you something fun to remember me by.”

“Then”—she turned her head and nipped at his jaw—“can you pinch my nipple a little harder?”

“I can.” And he did.

Chrissie got a little more than she bargained for when she asked for a harder pinch. He pinched and pinched until she was writhing against him. Not only did he pinch her nipple, he tugged and squeezed her clit between two fingers.

“I didn’t know you liked a little pain with your sex, baby,” he whispered into her hair.

She shook her head against his shoulder, unable to form words. The sensations flowing between the two places he held her were too great, felt too good.

“Kiss me.”

She didn’t hesitate. She tilted her head up, and he took her mouth, parting her lips with his tongue. It was full of pleasure and passion. He eased his hold on her clit and slowly stroked her. Wetness coated his finger, and soon he was swallowing her cries. He let go of her nipple in the middle of her orgasm, which only added to everything she was feeling.

She couldn’t stop trembling. She didn’t want him to stop touching her. His fingers between her legs felt so fucking good. Her knees threatened to give out, but he tightened his arms and held her up until she was a little more steady.

His lips hovered over hers and his eyes stared into hers. This was one of those serious, life-changing moments. She was vulnerable, and he was open and… “Is it weird?” she asked softly, their breaths mingling.

“Is what weird?”

“That I, uh…used your toothbrush.”

Colt closed his eyes, and she saw he was doing his best not to laugh, but his chin was quivering, and he lost the battle. He burst out with a crack of laughter that she felt all along her back because he hadn’t let her go yet.

“So it’s not weird, just funny?”

“I wasn’t expecting that.”

Chrissie righted her breast in her bra, then reached for her shirt. The time on the nightstand clock read nine twenty-five, and she needed to be going soon. She hadn’t exactly meant to defuse the delicious after-orgasm moment with a joke, but… “What were you expecting? You do realize, since you ripped my panties in the middle of the night, I’ll have to work all day without any on, don’t you? That I’ll smell like you and sex and—”

“And minty-fresh toothpaste,” he finished for her. It wasn’t what she’d planned to say, but she nodded anyway.

“Yes, and minty-fresh toothpaste.” His next words, though, halted her in putting on her jeans and nearly caused her to stumble.

“I thought you were going to ask if it was weird for me to have sex with my brother’s ex-fiancée.”

Once she righted herself and was able to get her pants up and secured, she took in the man who had been pressed and properly attired when she exited the shower but who now was rumpled and wrinkled and completely delectable. He sat down on the edge of the bed and fiddled with his fingers between his knees, all the while looking up at her.

“No, I…” She thought about denying it but decided it was better not to. “Was it?” she asked instead. “Was it weird?”

“I’ve told you already that I wanted to kiss you the first time I met you and that I wanted to take you to bed the day after he left you. If anything was going to be weird at all, I think I would have felt it one of those two times.”

“I guess that’s true.”

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