Keeper of My Dreams (St. John Series Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: Keeper of My Dreams (St. John Series Book 4)
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Michael took a deep breath. “We all do, brother. But she would not want you wasting your life mourning her.”

“I am not wasting my life!” Eli snapped as anger entered his dark eyes.

“No, you’re not. You have a right to grieve your wife’s death. But that was five years ago. Meredith loved you, Eli, as we all do. But your grief is killing you. It is eating at your soul and you are slowly drowning.”

Bitterness entered Eli. “What do you know of love? You don’t want marriage. You don’t know what it feels like to give your heart to someone and then have that love torn from your grasp.”

“No, I do not. But you are my brother and I love you because of that. Do not hate us all over what Peterson did. If you must, go to England and kill that bloody bastard. But I will warn you, Eli, do not make mother mourn your death because you are so obstinate you refuse to let Meredith rest in peace.”

“I’m not going to kill myself, Michael.”

“No? You are messing with that whore, Marina. She found a way to dispose of her first husband. She will find a way to sink her claws into you and then you will find yourself on the receiving end of them.” Eli gave his brother a hard look. Michael continued, “If you have a need for female companionship, then try the taverns. At least those women expect no commitment. But, please, get off this suicidal path.”

“I know what I’m doing. Besides, I refuse to satisfy my needs with those tavern wenches. The thought of their wicked diseases and the cure is enough to make any man with any sense to him steer clear,” Eli responded with a warning as he looked at Michael.

A cocky smile crossed Michael’s handsome face. “I find them quite useful.”

“Let me hear you say that when you have a mercury filled urethral syringe shoved into your shaft. I’m sure that little remedy would have you singing a different tune.”

“Shut up.”

“Yes, I believe the tune would involve the saying ‘A night with Venus and a lifetime with Mercury’.”

“Duly noted. I will be sure to ask for a full medical exam before bedding anyone.”

Eli gave a small laugh.

Michael began to look nervously left and right.

“What are you looking for?”

“I haven’t seen you laugh in sometime. I was just making sure the world was not coming to an end. That I haven’t died. Or that housemaid you insist on keeping hasn’t placed a curse on me.”

Eli took a frustrated breath. “How’s the patient?”

“She doesn’t look good. I have never seen someone so horrifically sunburned before.”

“Did you recognize her?”

Michael shook his head. “I didn’t get a good look at her. But even if I had, I do not believe I would be able to tell. Her face is terribly swollen and discolored.”

Nicholas walked into the study at that time. “I’m going to take Alexandra home. Should Madison or Kris need anything, send a runner.”

“Max is going with you?” Eli asked.

“Yes. Both girls are becoming tired.”

“Very well. I will let you know if anything is needed.”

Nicholas nodded his head and left.

Eli looked at his brother. “It is late and you have an early tide.”

Michael slowly nodded and stood.

Eli came around the desk to him. “Take care and safe travels.”

“I will. I just wish Jacob was captaining the ship instead of the peculiar Mr. Armitage.”

“I know. But he has to travel to Kingstown to retrieve
The Topaz
. After the damage she received from hitting that reef and the cost of the repairs, Father does not trust anyone but him to see to her return. Besides, Mr. Armitage is a good man. He is a reliable captain and should do well for this trip.”

“I know. But Jacob knows me, knows how I am.”

“You mean knows you like to work with the crew?”


Eli shook his head and patted Michael on the back. “Safe travels.”

Michael gave his brother a one-armed embrace, patting him on the back with his other hand. “Take care.”

Eli returned Michael’s hug. “Go, Runt. Get those contracts for the cotton and make us lots of money. But please do not get caught in bed with the plantation owner’s daughter. I want the contract but not at that price.”

Michael gave a hearty laugh. “You know me too well, Eli. But have no fear. There is no woman on this earth that could make me go to the altar. I will never marry.” He gave his brother one last pat on the shoulder and headed towards the door.

“Never say never,” Eli replied, watching his brother leave. He had a feeling that everything was about to change in this family, but he was not certain if it was for better or for worse.



Chapter Seven


The house had grown quiet. All the St. John brothers had traveled their separate ways about an hour earlier. Elizabeth and Robert left shortly after. The only noise that could be heard was the occasional creak of the floor as the women upstairs moved about. The clock ticked methodically and struck twelve. Eli rubbed the back of his neck. He was tired. He had not slept the past two nights. Every time he closed his eyes, Meredith would appear.

He stood and walked up the stairs. As he entered the guest room, he looked around and found Madison sitting in the chair beside the woman. She was fighting sleep. He watched as her eyes would close and her head would fall over. She would jerk her head back up and then shake it.

“You need sleep,” Eli told his sister as he entered the room.

“I’m fine.”

“No. You have circles under your eyes, Madison.” She opened her mouth to protest. Eli interrupted, “Do not make me carry you to bed like I had to do when you were a child.”

“I’m a grown woman, Eli. You cannot tell me what to do anymore.”

“True. But I can try,” he answered as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. He smoothed down a stray wisp of her red hair. “Where are the others?”

“Natasha showed Kristina a spare room for her to lie down and said she would come back around four. Kris protested, of course. But I reminded her she needs her rest. She is the most stubborn woman I have ever met.”

“Have you not looked into the mirror?”

“I am not stubborn.”

“Very well. Does ‘obstinate’ suit you better?” he answered with a teasing smile.

“Keep that up and I’ll make you watch Alexandra.”

Eli held up his hands. “Please not that! I would rather battle pirates than that feisty red-headed daughter of yours.”


Eli rubbed his chin as if in thought. “But I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You know you were much worse.”

“I’m going to bed now,” Madison replied as she stood up.

“Take my bed. I don’t think there are linens on the others.”

Madison raised a brow at him. “Are
linens clean?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Mrs. Potts saw you escorting Marina Larouche home yesterday morning. That’s what I’m talking about.”

“Madison Olivia,” Eli scolded. “You have a nosy housekeeper. What was she doing up at that hour?”

Madison ignored the question that was an attempt to change the subject. “What? I’m not stupid, Eli. Now are they clean?”

“Yes, Little Red,” he answered using her childhood nickname.

“Good. Watch the papers on her body. When the vinegar begins to dry, rewet them.”

“Why are we coating her in vinegar? Is Natasha planning on pickling the poor woman?”

“No. The vinegar pulls the heat from her burns.”

“Very well. I will make sure she is well basted throughout the night.”

“Eli!” Madison scolded again. At his playful smile, she rolled her eyes. “If she awakens, there is medication to help with pain on the dresser.” She pointed to a brown vial. “Natasha spooned some into her mouth about an hour ago, so she shouldn’t need any more for a few hours. Also make certain the poultice on her leg does not dry out.” She pulled back the sheet exposing the woman’s right thigh.

“Why is it green?”

“You are asking me? Your housekeeper wears poultry around her neck and wears a frock so bright it glows.”

“I take it that the poultice is one of Natasha’s remedies?”

“Yes. It is foul smelling. But she said it will pull any infection from the wound and lessen the pain.”

“Very well. I will make sure she is marinated and well-seasoned throughout the night.”

Madison closed her eyes and shook her head in frustration at her brother. “Good night to you then.” She placed a kiss on his cheek.

Eli waited for his sister leave and sat down in her vacated seat. He leaned back and crossed his feet at the ankles and his arms over his chest. He crinkled his nose as the noxious fumes of the vinegar invade his senses. “Poor woman. Natasha is trying to kill us all with that smell.”

As Eli sat, studying the woman, he wondered where she came from. He should have asked the old white-haired man if he had heard of any shipwrecks. Somehow Max’s crew always seemed to know the latest gossip. Mr. Smitty always knew things, and if not, he knew how to find your answer.

The woman made a small moan. Eli stared at her. She rolled her head in his direction and attempted to lick her dry, cracked lips. This woman must have been terrified during her ordeal. What she must have gone through floating in the ocean, with the blistering sun bearing down upon her alabaster skin and the jellyfish stinging every inch of her exposed flesh. The searing pain of the large wound on her leg as the salt water lapped against it must have been nearly unbearable. It was only a miracle that kept the sharks from sampling her.

Eli inspected her more intently. She was only covered in a sheet, leaving her upper body uncovered. She looked awful. Blisters covered almost every inch of her face and shoulders. A large purple bruise covered her right ear. Her lips were cracked and blood tinged. She had angry red welts running along her forearms and chest. Eli imagined her legs looked like her arms. But as he studied her, he could not help but see her beauty. She had a delicate oval-shaped face and long brown eyelashes. She had high cheekbones and a pert nose. Someone had braided her long brown hair and it lay softly on the pillow. Her arms were long and thin but toned. He noticed her breasts as they rose up and down with each breath. The coolness of the silk sheets rubbing against her breasts caused her nipples to become erect.

He leaned back in the chair again. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. In an instant, he was asleep, but this time instead of having nightmares of Meredith, he dreamed of the lovely sea-maiden.


* * * *


She heard thunder. Was it thunder? No, it was too loud to be thunder. The noise was so deafening it caused her head to ache. Next there was screaming. Lots of screaming. She was running, then suddenly she was falling. She kept falling. It felt like she fell for eternity, twirling in circles, head over heels toward a frightening dark void. She couldn’t breathe and felt wetness around her body. She was sinking. She began kicking, trying to escape the dark liquid abyss surrounding her, only to feel an intense agonizing pain in her leg. The watery void turned crimson and her leg refused to move. Her heart hammered in her head as panic invaded her. Her lungs screamed, craving the air they so desperately needed. Suddenly her head was above the wetness. Her arms flailed frantically in order to keep her head above the liquid tomb. Her hand hit a hard object and she latched on to her deliverance. Turning, she saw a ship in the distance. Salvation! Then to her horror she saw flames dance from the ship. It was on fire. She heard screams again and the ship exploded, sending fragments of wood skyward. The dark water turned tawny before her eyes. Suddenly, she was cold, but in the next instant she was burning hot. Her flesh felt like hot daggers were gouging her flesh—her arms, her legs, her chest. A dark gray object appeared and circled her. It would disappear in the darkness and then reappear. Unexpectedly, the monster leaped out of the water with its mouth agape, thousands of razor-like teeth coming towards her. She screamed.


* * * *


Eli awoke to hear screaming. Blinking rapidly, he looked around to gather his bearings and realized where he was. He spotted the woman. She was tossing her head back and forth and moaning. She let out a bone-chilling scream again and then sat upright. Her eyes were wide as saucers as she looked around, panting heavily. She threw the covers off, exposing her naked body.

Eli moved to her. He reached out to touch her arms but drew his hands back as he remembered her burns. “It’s all right,” he whispered.

She turned towards him, her blue eyes wide with uncertainty. “Get out!”

Eli held his hands up. “I’m not going to hurt you. You washed ashore at my home. I brought you here. My sisters and house servant have been tending you.” He could see his words sinking in. He cautiously reached towards the fallen silk sheet. Picking up the sheet, he handed it to her.

She looked towards his hand and then noticed her naked form. She quickly grabbed the sheet to cover up with only to cry out with the pain that shot through her arms. Eli placed the sheet to her chest.

“You have been severely burned and have multiple jellyfish stings as well.”

She attempted to hold onto the sheet with her hand, only to find the pain of bending her elbows unbearable.

“You have a large wound to your leg, so please do not attempt to stand. Now, allow me to assist you in lying back down.”

She looked apprehensively at Eli, but nodded her head, realizing she was unable to do so on her own. She allowed Eli to help her lie down and then place the cool sheet over her naked body.

“Where am I?” she asked, her voice raspy.

“In my home. I am Eli St. John.”

“Where do you live?”

“I live in a place called Governor’s Harbour. It is in the Caribbean. What is your name?”

She furrowed her brow as she looked at him. As she thought, she could not remember who she was.

Eli took her silence as apprehension. “That way I can send word to your family to inform them of your whereabouts and that you are safe.”

She looked at him fearfully and began shaking her head. “I don’t know,” she whispered. “I can’t remember.”

Eli nodded his head. Amnesia. Perfect. “Do you remember anything?”

She attempted to lick her lips. He picked up the small cup of water on the bedside table. He gently raised her head and placed the cup to her lips. She took several thirsty drinks from the cup, enjoying the moisture as it ran down her throat.

She looked at Eli and was taken aback by his handsomeness. He had thick black hair. It was fashionable in length but the blackness was almost sinful. He had a strong, square jawline and a Grecian style nose. Those sinfully black eyes he possessed were surrounded by thick black lashes. He had a dark stubble of hair growth forming around his jaw. She began to look lower and noticed a small patch of dark hair escaping from the “V” line of his white shirt.

“Come now, you must remember something?”

His question brought her back from her thoughts. Her blue eyes held such despair. “No. I’m afraid I do not remember anything.”

He took a deep breath. “Rest now. Perhaps your memory will return in the morning.”

She nodded her head and flinched at the pain. She noticed the papers plastered to her arms. She looked back to Eli and he could see the question in her eyes.

“They are to help with your sunburn,” he answered as he checked the dampness of the papers. He noticed they were dry and walked over to the bucket beside the table. He carried the bucket back over to her. Picking up the vinegar-soaked sponge from inside the bucket, he began to gently dab the papers.

“Is that necessary?” she asked as her eyes began to water from the pungent fumes.

“It will help pull the heat from your burns,” he answered. “At least that is what my sister informed me.”

He continued wetting the papers on her body until each one was completed soaked. “I need to assess the dressing to your leg,” he said pointing to the covers. She nodded her head. He slid the cover over to expose the large wound. Gently touching the pungent poultice, he turned to the table and picked up a small bowl. He dapped a small amount of the greenish-yellow liquid upon the dried herbs on her leg. A low hiss of pain emitted from her.

“I apologize. But I was told this will help prevent infection and dull the pain.”

“If that is what it feels like when lessened, then I do not want to know what it would feel like otherwise.”

The corner of Eli’s mouth twisted at her sarcastic reply. “Rest now. I will be here the remainder of the evening. You are safe, so do not fret.”

“Thank you.” She gave him a weak smile and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep with his image in her mind.

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