Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)
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He nodded. “Yes you put it in dirt
and sun and water and they grow into trees and things with grapes and oranges
and apples.”

“Right but you have to put a seed
into the dirt… So it’s the same thing. The daddy gives the mommy a special seed,
and she has to grow it in her belly. When it’s all the way grown and ready then
they take it out of the mommy.” I told him.

His eyes were wide and he nodded
slowly. “Is that it?” he asked incredulously.

I thought about it and shook my head.
“No, daddy has to guide the seed to the right place to grow.” That was the
closest I could get to it without traumatizing the kid. He nodded then got up to
get a juice. Lucy has him addicted to those damn caprisuns.

“Dude, that has to be the smartest
thing you ever said.” Landon remarked.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever man,
that’s not true.”

“Seriously, no one ever gives an
accurate description to kids on how babies are made. It’s usually some crazy
ass tall tale. That wasn’t a lie but it wasn’t…
. I was a bit
scared of you answering for a minute.” Lucy said.

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously? You
guys have that little faith in me?” I put my hand over my heart and lay down on
the floor. “That seriously hurts my heart.”

“And he’s back.” James said and we
all laughed.

“I actually heard that, and I’m so
proud of you Nicky. You’re growing up so fast.” I didn’t need to sit up to know
that was Erica’s sarcastic ass.

I flipped her off. “And this is how
much I love you back E.” I
her roll her eyes. I know her that
well. I got up and started walking to the kitchen, “SAM! I’M HUNGRY WHAT THE

“Nick, shut up before I don’t feed
you. And don’t you dare scream at me boy, I will put you over my knee.” She

“Please will you Sam? I’ll be your
submissive if that’s what you’re into.”

“Oh dear lord, I think we need to
have you evaluated.” She said with a laugh.

“You can evaluate as much of me as
you like sexy Sam. All of this is all for you, I don’t know how many times I
got to tell you this. Now, why is breakfast taking so long?” I asked. I was
seriously hungry. I looked at the counter and my mouth instantly watered. I
wiped the side of my mouth to make sure there wasn’t any drool. She made home
fries, ham, bacon, sausage, French toast, pancakes, and eggs. She had also
taken out some bagels, English muffins, cream cheese, butter, and jelly. Dude
it was the works. “You planning on feeding an army today? Why so much?” I

She shrugged. “I was just in the mood
to cook, is that alright with you?” she asked planting a hand on her hip.

I put my hands up in defeat. “You
win, I am not arguing with you. I’ll just sit down and eat when the food is
ready, I promise.” She nodded and I took a seat at the breakfast bar.

I was playing on my phone when I
heard her voice. “It smells so good in here, good morning Sam.”

I looked up and took her in. she was
wearing some sleep shorts and a loose t-shirt. She still looked sexy as fuck
and I immediately had an image of her asleep in bed in nothing but
I shook my head because that wasn’t the right line of thinking and returned my
attention to my phone. I heard her leave the room towards the family room and
released the breath I’ve been holding.

“What was that about?” I looked up
and Sam was standing by my side. She wasn’t speaking in a loud voice to make
sure that no one else heard.

“What you talking about?” I asked.

She arched an eyebrow. “You want to
play stupid with me? I remember a time I couldn’t remove you from her now it’s
like she’s not even in the room… what gives?”

I sighed. “She broke up with me so
now we’re just acquaintances.” I told her with a shrug.

She frowned in disbelief. “So just
like that it’s like nothing ever happened?” she asked.

I nodded. “Just like that.” I

She scoffed and began walking back to
the stove. “Yea ok. You kids and your drama…. You say that now but I’ve been
around the block a few times.” Then she began muttering under her breath and I
don’t think it was intended for me to hear but I heard her say, “That isn’t the
end of it mark my words.” I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore her.

Sam called everyone in for breakfast
and we gathered around the table. Landon set Dean down in his swing on the
floor on the left side of him. As soon as all the food was on the table I dug
in. I loaded some of everything on my plate, I feel like I haven’t eaten in
weeks. “Sam, next time can you keep breakfast simple so that I’m not on the
verge of starving to death?” I asked her with my mouthful.

“You’re still complaining Nick? It is
not my fault that you were born the size of a full grown man. You’re about to
be 20 in what a week, and you eat enough for an entire football team. I’m sorry
to break it to you honey but your appetite is not normal you’re always hungry.
But hey, if it keeps that body of yours intact with that tight ass then I
suggest you keep it up. But stop bitching at me before I kick your ass.” She
said with a smile.

I gave her a smug smile and blew her
a kiss. “I love it when you talk dirty to me.” I heard snickers around the
table. I looked up and Mel was sitting on the other side of the table next to
Lucy. Her head was down and I saw her shoulders moving. She was trying to
contain a smile but she couldn’t help herself. I forgot how much she enjoyed my
little crush on Sam. I continued to watch her out of the corner of my eye as
she cut off a piece of pancake and ate it with a strawberry. Her eyes rolled
back and she let out a moan and I felt my dick instantly start to harden. I
fidgeted in my seat as I tried to get myself under control but it wasn’t
working and I let out a sigh and took a sip of orange juice.

“This is so good Sam. I miss this
type of food when I’m at school I’m telling you. Ramen noodles have nothing on
you.” She said and she had that sexy voice she uses when she’s pleased like
after she comes down from an orgasm. I felt like a preteen with his first
erection and confused about what’s happening to his body. I just got laid
yesterday yet my cock was starting to hurt from need. I couldn’t take it
anymore and I pushed back my chair and stood. I grabbed my plate and orange
juice and started to leave the table.

“Where are you going?” Lucy asked.

“I’m going to finish eating in my
room, I don’t feel too well.” I told her which was true. I wasn’t feeling good,
but it wasn’t from sickness. I started to walk away and I caught a glimpse of
Mel. She was looking at me and when our eyes met her shoulders slumped then she
hung her head but I still caught the hurt look in her eyes. She knows she’s the
reason I’m leaving, but it’s not for the reasons she’s thinking. I couldn’t
continue to be around her when she’s turning me on, I’ll end up cuming in my
pants at the table. I walked to my room with a heavy chest I will need to avoid
her as best I can. At least until my body can catch up with my damn brain and
act like it’s supposed to. I got to my room and no matter what I thought about
my cock wouldn’t go down and it was painful as all hell. I couldn’t even finish
my food before I had to jump in the shower and take care of it with images of
Mel in my head.



“Are you going to tell me what’s
going on with you and Nick?” Lucy asked me as we packed up my stuff.

I sighed. After breakfast I didn’t
see Nick again the rest of the time I’ve been here, he was good at avoidance
apparently. “Nothing worth talking about, you know we broke up that’s all there
is to it.” Lucy is my best friend and she loves us both, I refuse to put her in
the middle of… well I don’t know. According to Nick there is nothing to get in
between, but my heart says otherwise.

She shook her head, “one of these
days either you or Nick is going to have to talk to us you know that right?”
she asked.

I stopped folding my shirt and looked
at her. “Hopefully there will be nothing to talk about.” I gave her a small
smile that was forced and I’m hoping that she doesn’t notice it. The frown that
graced her face tells me that she does, of course she does. Knowing someone
really well does have its downfalls.

She walked to me and gave me a tight
hug. “Just know I’m here for you when and if you do want to talk. Do you want a
minute?” She asked. And this is one of the times that knowing someone so well
is one of the best things ever. I nodded and she gave me a genuine knowing
smile before she left the room.

When the door closed I sighed and
collapsed onto the bed. I let my head fall into my hands and a stray tear that
I wasn’t expecting escaped. I had been so sad at school all the time missing
him and wishing that I only had to wait until after class or after a practice
to see him. In the beginning it wasn’t so bad because we would talk to each
other on facetime frequently. Every time I saw his face my heart skipped a
beat. I liked him since the beginning, I remember being nervous to tell Lucy
about it since he was cousins with Landon and that was at a time when he was a
complete and total douche to her. I felt like I was betraying her but there was
something about him that had me captivated. God, I was so nervous about it all
I honestly didn’t think I would stand a chance. Then I was convinced he was
totally into Lucy that first day when I met him and he was all over her and
actually stood up for her. It’s crazy because that is what made me like him for
real. I loved how he was his own person and even when I told him about the
schools dynamic and how they felt about her he didn’t cave or change his mind
about being her friend. I’m not going to lie I was a little confused and
jealous, I mean I thought Landon had a thing for Lucy and that’s why he did
everything in his power so she wouldn’t be asked out, but at the same time I
thought he hated her like hell because that’s the only reason you would do the
things he did and I was right on both accounts. Nick had begun flirting with me
before the party and I tried not to show how much I liked him. Ugh, it seemed
like such a good decision for us to break up, but I didn’t want to lose him
altogether. Honestly I thought he would agree and maybe be happy.

I met Roger in school and we became
good friends fast. Initially I didn’t even look twice at him, he was just
someone I studied with and went with me to explore around campus. I didn’t know
it was because he
me until he asked me out. I had turned him down
at first because I was with Nick and the idea was preposterous. As time went on
and we really got into school Nick and I began speaking less and less. I won’t
lie and say that sometimes I wondered if it was because he was over the long
distance relationship or if he was indulging in woman out here. At the same
time I knew he wouldn’t cheat on me. It was so confusing, exhausting, and
depressing. The few friends I had made at school began to notice how sad and
mopey I was and I don’t want to spend the next couple of years of my life like
that. I felt it yea, but I didn’t know it was that obvious. I started
considering that Nick and I take a break while in school and then when we
graduate we would be back together like we never left and we could live
anywhere and do anything together. We just needed to get through school and we
could have it all. I was just so scared to say anything, and then I gave Roger
a look. Like a
look and he was cute, sure he wasn’t Nick all sexy
abs and swag but who really was? Nick wasn’t your typical teen anyway; he and
Landon have some crazy fucking genetics that make them look like gods. I’m
telling you I’ve seen grown woman sway over them it’s insane and I had him all
to myself. Somewhere inside of me I feel like he will always be
I know that’s not true it’s just wishful thinking. I wanted to talk to him and
give it one more try. I was a proud ass person for sure but he was worth
setting aside my pride. The only thing wrong is that I don’t think I could take
anything else he has to say. He already told me he’s been sleeping around, he
blames me for his hurt which is probably true, but he also said he didn’t love
me. Somewhere deep inside of me, I feel like he just has to love me as much as
I love him and I needed to be sure.

It was after 1am and I heard Nick get
home about two hours ago. I stayed in the room pacing trying to build up the
courage to just talk to him. I puffed up my chest and started walking for the
door when it opened. I took a step back and my eyes darted to the floor. They
took in bare feet and then the bottom of black pajama pants they continued
their ascent up strong legs and thighs. My gaze briefly skirted over his crotch
and I felt the heat beginning to rise to my cheeks. The top of the pajamas were
riding low on his hips and they were met by a perfect V and a nicely defined
six pack. Instinctively I licked my lips and I heard a growl. My eyes kept
going up to broad shoulders. My eyes stopped there and I swallowed, I could
feel his heated stare and I knew he was waiting for my eyes, he liked to look
into my eyes. At some point this somehow became our way of letting each other
know that what we were saying was real.

He entered the room fully and grabbed
me by my upper arm. “Come on.” Was all he said before he was tugging me out of
the room. He led me downstairs and to his bedroom and as soon as he closed the
door silently behind us, he spoke. “You’re leaving tomorrow.”

I nodded. “Yes.” I whispered.

“Mel what aren’t you telling me?” he
asked and I could hear a hint of desperation in his voice.

“I told you everything Nick. I told
you I didn’t want to lose you and that I want you in my life but it’s not what
you want. I can’t force your hand but I wish I could on this.”

He sighed and ran a hand through his
hair. “If there was a way then I would but I can’t. I really can’t torture
myself that way it will probably end up making us both worse than we already
are.” He dropped down to the edge of the bed and wiped a hand down his face.

My eyes stung with unshed tears and I
sighed. I walked over to him hesitantly and grabbed his hands and removed them
from his face. He looked up at me and his eyes were red and brimming with
tears, the sight broke my heart. I couldn’t contain my own and they began to
fall freely. I let out a sob and I couldn’t control myself, I needed comfort
and he was the only one who could really do it. I climbed into his lap and
wrapped my arms around his neck while I laid my head on his chest. He had gone
still as a statue and I sobbed a little harder at the thought that he didn’t
even want to
me. I clung to him tighter and climbed up higher onto
his lap if I went any further I’d be sitting on his stomach. He let out a shaky
breath and his arms came up and wrapped around me. He buried his face into my
hair and I pushed my face into the crook of his neck. I felt his breathing
stutter and I picked up my head. I drew my head back so I could see his face
and there was a tear running down his right cheek. I cupped his face in my
hands and pulled his face down so I could kiss his tear away.

“Don’t cry.” I whispered. He ran a
hand through my hair and pulled me back down and buried his face in my hair. I
sighed as I breathed him in. “This is really it isn’t it?” I asked. I felt him
nod and I clung onto him for support. He used unscented soap and he didn’t have
on any cologne his smell was all him. I needed our connection our spark, I
didn’t want the end to be only sadness and regrets. With that thought in mind I
moved my head back and turned. His eyes met mine in question but I didn’t
respond. Instead I brought his head back down and I kissed him. He tried to
pull back but I followed him and I lost my balance. His arm wrapped around me
to try to grab me and all my weight collapsed on top of him and he fell back. I
never broke the kiss, and bit his lip demanding entrance. When he didn’t
respond I bit his lip again hard and his mouth opened in a pained gasp. I slipped
my tongue inside his mouth and moaned. He didn’t move and I growled in
frustration. This time when he tried to break the kiss I let him.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked in
a pained whisper.

“Because I need you.” I told him

He groaned. “Melanie…” he said in a
whisper and that broke me. There was something purely erotic to me when he said
my name and he knew it. It always sounded like a prayer coming out from his
lips and I didn’t care anymore, I needed to have him. I slammed my lips down on
his and this time he opened for me immediately in invitation. I took it and the
moment our lips met his arm snaked around me and he flipped us over. He settled
himself on top of me in between my legs.

Three hours later we fell back onto
the bed in exhaustion. My breathing was erratic because he didn’t let up the
entire time. This is the first time he stopped since I started this. I looked
over at him and watched as his chest rose and fell, his arm was thrown over his
eyes and his body was slick with sweat. He was laid out in all of his naked
glory and I just took the time to admire his body. I leaned over and placed a
kiss to his chest and he groaned. I looked down to see him begin to harden
again and I shook my head in disbelief. He removed his arm from his face and
grabbed me. When he took me again this time it was slowly, unlike the last few
hours which were frantic with need and desperation. I felt like he was trying
to tell me everything with his body and I was too emotional to try to listen. I
just let myself feel, I know it was selfish but I was too afraid. The one thing
that there was no denying was that
was goodbye. When we were
finished I leaned over and kissed him softly.

He was on the brink of sleep and I
whispered in his ear, “goodbye Nick. I’ll always love you.” I dragged myself
out of his bed and put my clothes back on. At the last minute I picked up his t-shirt
and hugged it to my chest. I walked towards the door and looked back at him one
last time. His eyes were open and he was watching me.

I stood there to see if he would do
anything and his nostrils flared as he closed his eyes on a deep exhale. “Bye
Mel.” He whispered and I felt my chest cave in, he didn’t say he loved me. I
nodded and fled back to my room and got back into bed. I felt the stickiness in
between my legs from the hours we just spent together. It was the only thing
telling me I didn’t imagine it since his cum was currently coating me, I should
wash myself but for some reason this made me feel like I didn’t walk out of
that room. I could pretend I was still there lying next to him and he was
holding me the way he used to, I let that thought take me to a dreamless sleep.

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