Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6) (17 page)

BOOK: Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6)
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The door shut behind us, and I pushed her up against the wall of the building. “I seem to remember being in this same position eight months ago,” she purred wrapping her arms around my neck.

“Yeah, except the difference now is I don’t have to talk you into kissing me. I’ve finally gotten you right where I’ve wanted you the whole time.” I caged her in with my arms on either side of her head. “Best decision I ever made was following you up to that bar.”

“I have to agree with you on that. Who would have thought we would be here now the night before our wedding, standing outside a bar in the snow together?”

“I knew you were mine that first day I saw you at the store, Meg. It just took you a little bit of convincing to see things the way I do.”

“Hmm, you just intimidated the hell out of me,” she laughed. “Who would have thought the most handsome man I’d ever laid my eyes on would end up loving me? You were too good to be true, Lo. You still are.” She stood on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to my lips. My hands went to her head, threading my fingers through her hair and deepened the kiss. Taking what she was always willing to give.

“I can’t believe you are going to be my wife tomorrow.”

“Technically it’s today,” she whispered against my lips.

“Alright, lovebirds, time to break it the fuck up. We’ve still got a bachelor party to throw back at the clubhouse,” Demon ordered, walking out of the bar.

It was after fucking midnight. I had no idea what the hell Demon thought we were going to do once we got back to the clubhouse. All I wanted to do was fall into bed and not wake up until it was time to marry Meg.

Meg wrapped her arms around my waist, and I felt her shivering. “Where’s your coat, babe?”

“Right here,” Jackie said, stumbling out of the bar holding onto Guy’s arm. This was only the fourth time that I had spent time with Jackie, but I could definitely tell the family resemblance between her and Meg. They were both nuts, but you could tell they loved big. She draped the coat over Meg’s shoulders and leaned into Guy, her husband. “Guy and I are going to head home. Jax has his girlfriend over, and Nel is over at her boyfriends, and we have to pick her up on the way home. I swear, they go off to college, and I’m still taking care of them. We’ll be at the clubhouse around noon tomorrow.” Jackie hugged, kissed and waved goodbye to everyone then headed out.

“You and your sister look nothing alike, babe, but the minute she opens her mouth, I know she’s related to you.”

“She sure is something else,” Meg laughed.

“I’m cold, and I need a taco,” Cyn whined.

“I’m taking her to the car. Hurry the hell up so she doesn’t get cold,” Rigid said as he picked her up and carried her to Gwen’s car.

“Looks like you have a bachelor party to get to, and I need to get tacos and go to bed.”

I pressed a kiss to her lips, my hands sliding around her waist and squeezed her ass. “Be careful. Edge is going to follow you guys until you get to Ethel’s, OK?” Things were quiet on the Assassins front, and it was worrying the hell out of me. Gravel was going to be at Ethel’s to watch the girls tonight, and I knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to Meg or the girls, but I still worried. The second I stopped worrying would be the time that Big A made his move “Behave,” I whispered, squeezing her ass.

“I think I should be the one saying that to you. Lord knows what Gambler has planned for the rest of the night for you.”

“The only plans I have are going to bed and sleeping. You have nothing to worry about.”

“OK,” she whispered. “I love you. Make sure you’re waiting for me at the end of the altar.”

“No other place I’d rather be, babe.” She closed her eyes, my words sinking in and she pulled out of my arms and walked over to Gwen’s car. She waved over the roof of the car at me then slipped into the backseat.

“Alright, fuckers. Say goodbye to your women, you pussywhipped assholes, and let’s get back to the clubhouse,” Demon said, rubbing his hands together. I had no idea what the hell Demon had up his sleeve, but I didn’t think I wanted to know.

Gwen and Marley ripped themselves out of Gambler and Troy’s arms and headed to her car.

“You ready to be married this time tomorrow?” Troy asked.

I glanced around at Troy, Gambler, Demon, Rigid, and Hammer. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

“Well, fuck yeah,” Troy laughed.

“I’m gonna grab the rest of the guys and then we can head back,” Demon grumbled walking back into the bar.

“What the hell crawled up his ass? He not like Meg or something?” Gambler asked pulling a cigarette out of his pack.

“Naw, I think he’s kind of like Slider right now. He knows the club is changing, and he doesn't know if he likes it. Slider bitches at least once a day about the fact that there aren’t many parties at the clubhouse anymore. Fuckers will get used to it,” Rigid replied.

I could understand where Demon and Slider were coming from, but it wasn’t going to change the fact that we were all getting ol’ ladies. The day would come when they will find someone like I did Meg. Although, Lord knew when that day was going to come for Demon. I knew he got burned bad in the past and didn’t trust a woman as far as he could throw her. Now Slider, well, he just needed to get his head out of his ass and stop treating every woman like she was only good for one thing.

“Let’s get the hell out of here,” Demon shouted when he walked back out of the door.

Fuck me, I was ready for this night to be over.





Chapter 2



“Ugh, I think that last bean burrito was a bad idea,” Cyn moaned as she slipped into bed.

We had gotten back to Ethel’s over an hour ago, and we were just going to bed. Cyn had decided to order half of the menu at Taco Bell and had an impromptu picnic in the living room. There was no way that she was going to be able to eat all of the food she had ordered so of course Gwen, Marley and I had to help her eat everything.

“I would probably say eating a bean burrito at two o’clock in the morning is never a good idea,” I laughed, turning off the light. Marley and Gwen were sleeping out in the living room on the sofa sleeper while Cyn and I were camping out in the guest room.

Not even two minutes after sliding into bed, Cyn was snoring, and I knew it was going to be awhile until I fell asleep.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up Lo’s number and sent him a text. If I was going to be awake, I was going to make him talk to me.

I miss you. Annnnd Cyn is snoring like a chainsaw. I have no idea how Rigid sleeps with her every night.
It was the damn truth. Seriously.

It only took a minute before he answered.
Miss you, too. Rigid probably falls asleep before her, so he doesn’t have to listen to it.

Smart man.
I texted back.

Headed to bed?

Yeah. What are you up to?
If he mentioned anything about strippers, I was going to rip Demon’s balls off. I found it rather fishy how badly Demon was pushing us out the door.

Poker. Demon’s big surprise was a couple of members from my old chapter coming up for the wedding.

Friends? Guy friends?
I was possessive. I knew it.

Yes, babe.
I’m sure he was shaking his head as he typed that.

I miss you.
I was turning sappy. My sappiness also had to do with all the old fashions I drank tonight.

Miss you, too. I’ve just been dealt in. Get some sleep, and I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. I’ll be the guy with eyes only for you.

And that was why I loved this man so much.
I love you. Don’t stay up too late. I’ll be the one in the white dress. ;)

Can’t wait.

I set my phone on the table next to the bed and closed my eyes. Cyn’s snoring was grating on my nerves, and I elbowed her in the side, and she rolled over and thankfully the snoring stopped.

My phone dinged and lit up. I grabbed, scrambling to see what Lo had texted.
Dream of me.

My heart melted at his words and I set the phone back down.

I fell asleep, my thoughts of Lo and the beautiful life we were going to build together.

I dreamt about tacos.






Chapter 2



“Coffee. Need coffee,” I moaned as I walked into Gwen’s shop. I had barely slept last night, thanks to Cyn’s God awful snoring. It was a work of God that Rigid was able to get any sleep with Cyn in his bed.

“The coffee maker broke last week, and I haven’t gotten a new one yet,” Gwen called from the back.

I pushed my sunglasses on the top of my head and closed my eyes. “Please tell me she did not just say that.”

“I’ll run to the cafe down the street. What do you want?” Marley asked, grabbing her purse from under the front desk.

“Three large black coffees.”

“Don’t order for me. I can’t have caffeine.” Cyn plopped down on one of the chairs in the waiting area and rubbed her belly. “Rigid freaked out even when I was drinking decaf. The man is going to drive me insane before I even have the baby.”

“I wasn’t ordering for you,” I mumbled. My lack of sleep needed to be remedied and the only way that was going to happen was with three cups of coffee.

“OK, three coffees for Meg coming right up.” Marley breezed out the door, and I growled at her chirpiness. It was inhuman to be so happy this early in the morning. “There’s something wrong with that one.”

Cyn pulled a pack of gum out of her purse and offered me a piece. “It’s eleven o’clock, Meg. Most people are up by now.”

“Hmm, it’s still the morning.”

“Alright. Who’s first?” Gwen asked pushing a cart out of the backroom that was loaded full of anything you could possibly need to do hair.

“I volunteer as tribute,” Cyn laughed as she struggled to stand up.

The girl was only three months, but she acted like she was nine months. Granted she was much bigger than someone normally is at three months. “Were you watching Hunger Games again?” I asked, leaning my head back and sliding my sunglasses back on.

“Yeah. Rigid loves the damn movies. I told him to read the books, they’re better. But he laughed. I have to admit the thought of seeing Rigid read a book that is other than a car manual made me giggle.” She sat down in the salon chair and Gwen spun her around and put a cape around her shoulders.

“Loved the movies, never read the books,” Gwen replied. “I never can find the time to read. By the time I fall into bed at night, I’m either exhausted, or Gambler finds other things to keep me occupied.” She smirked at me in the mirror and grabbed a comb and a huge container of bobby pins off of the cart she had wheeled out earlier and got to work on Cyn’s hair.

“I think we have that problem now with our men in our lives. I used to sit on my back porch and read all day. I can’t even remember the last book I picked up.” The thought that I couldn’t remember made me sad. I really did love to read, but I never had the time to. My life had changed so drastically from what it had been just a year ago. Would I ever be able to sit down and read a book ever again, or would I always be too busy?

“What’s up with the frown?” Gwen asked as she spun Cyn around, her back now to the mirror.

“I can’t remember the last book I’ve read.”

“Yeah, you said that. Is that a big deal?” Gwen asked as she studied me in the mirror.

“No. Well, kind of. My life has changed so much to let Lo in.”

“I’m sure Lo’s life has changed, too.”

“Really? How?”

“Well, um… you know.”

“Great examples,” Cyn scoffed. “Look, Meg. You and I know both know that the way these guys are now compared to how they used to be is way different.” Gwen clipped half of Cyn’s hair on top of her head, and it flopped down into her face. Cyn huffed, blowing the hair away. “Lo and Rigid, hell, even Gambler lived a life where the only people they had to answer to were each other. Now, they have us in their lives, complicating things, but making their lives a hell of a lot better.”

“Amen,” Gwen sang. “These men were lost before us, and they’d be lost again without us.”

“I want to read.” I felt like I had lost so much of myself. When I had agreed to be with Lo, I had found myself, but now I felt like everything I thought I was, was now gone.

“Then read, Meg. You really think Lo is the reason you stopped reading? Because you’re wrong. I’ve seen the way that man looks at you. He’d give you anything you’d want or need without batting an eyelash. I know that look on your face. You’re overthinking this. Stop it.” Cyn glared at me, and I looked out the window, knowing she was right, but I couldn’t help it.

“I’m gonna go look for Marley,” I mumbled. I grabbed my purse and headed out the door, not listening to either Gwen or Cyn who called after me.

I pulled my coat tight around me and headed down the sidewalk. It wasn’t until I was standing by my truck that I realized what I was about to do.

After I unlocked the door and slid into the driver’s seat, I slammed the door shut and put the key in the ignition. Snowflakes started to fall as I looked out the windshield and felt the tears threatening to fall.

I didn’t know if I could do this. I was losing myself in Lo. Just like I did with Hunter and look how that turned out. We ended up hating each other and divorced.

Cyn and Gwen poured out of the salon, and I started the truck and hit the door lock. I shifted the truck into drive as they hollered at me and I let my foot off the brake as they crossed the street. I sped past them as I watched Cyn pull her phone out of her pocket, and I knew who she was calling.

I needed to get out of here. I needed to think. I needed to figure out what I wanted.

I needed to figure out if I had just made the worst decision of my life.






“You wanna tell me why the hell I had to look all over for you, and I find you sitting on your bike in the garage?”

I glanced over my shoulder to see Demon standing in the doorway. “Too many fucking people. Can’t think straight.”

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