Keeping Sweets (22 page)

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Authors: Cate Ashwood

BOOK: Keeping Sweets
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Bran licked his lips and shook his head. “If I get in there with you, I’m not going to be able to keep my hands to myself, and you’re supposed to be relaxing, not getting more worked up.”

Evan stuck his bottom lip out as far as it would go.

“Hey, none of that,” Bran admonished.

He gave an exaggerated sigh and began unbuttoning his jeans. He couldn’t deny his beautiful boy, not when the pouting was so goddamn sweet.

Evan made a little gleeful noise and slid forward in the tub, giving Bran room to climb in behind him. Bran held Evan snug against his chest. Evan let his head fall back as Bran’s arms supported him. Quietly enjoying one another, they both stretched out in the water.

Bran reached up to the ledge next to the tub, picking up a clean washcloth and dipping it into the warm water. He drew it lazily over Evan’s chest, teasing a little at his nipples before dragging it lower in easy circles around his stomach.

It felt nice to take care of him like this. Bran knew Evan was fully capable of taking care of himself, but Bran hoped Evan would appreciate the attention. He gripped Evan’s shoulder lightly, nudging him to lean forward. He continued his careful washing up and down Evan’s back, small circles gently exfoliating as he moved.

All too soon, the water had cooled and Evan had been worked into a near coma of pleasure.

“C’mon, Sweets. Let’s get you to bed.”

Evan waggled his eyebrows at Bran as he held out the fluffy white towel that had been heating on the warmer. He was enveloped in the warmth of the towel and Bran’s arms.

They crawled into bed together, Evan resting his head in the hollow of Bran’s shoulder. Bran cuddled him close and, exhausted from the events of the day, fell swiftly to sleep.

Chapter 19



awoke sometime after 2:00 a.m. The house was still and quiet. The room was swathed in darkness. He was still wrapped in the comforting heat of Bran’s arms. They were spooned together in the center of the bed, and Evan couldn’t think of anywhere else in the world he would rather be, or a time when he had felt happier or more at peace.

He wiggled back against the warm body, trying to get impossibly closer to the man that held his body and his heart. Even in sleep Bran reacted to him, his hips canting slightly beside Evan and his cock hardening as he moved against Evan’s ass.

Evan could feel his cock begin to fill too. He was heavy-eyed from sleep, but he could be in a coma and still react to Bran. He rubbed his ass back harder, trying to turn him on and wake him up at the same time. Bran moaned softly, but his breathing was still coming in slow, even breaths and Evan knew he was still asleep.

He wiggled out of Bran’s grasp, happily sighing when Bran rolled onto his back, one arm flung above his head. It was exactly what Evan wanted. It was dark in the room, but enough light spilled in from the window. He had all the time in the world to look, explore, and memorize.

He sat there for a few moments, just taking in the sight of Bran. He was staggeringly handsome. Evan wanted to lick every curve of the corded muscles covering his body. His skin was perfect, smooth and tanned. Evan’s chest constricted thinking about how lucky he was to get to be with Bran, to be able to see him like this. Vulnerable. Real. He couldn’t be sure if it were true, but he liked to at least pretend he was one of very few people who could.

He carefully pulled back the sheets, trying not to wake him. They slipped lower, revealing more skin and more muscle until he was completely uncovered. His half-hard cock rose out of neatly trimmed hair and curved against his left hip, thick and perfect. He wanted to taste, to feel the slide it against his tongue, but he hesitated. What if he was bad at it? He had never done it before. Never thought to, but thinking about it now had his erection straining painfully against the blankets.

He remembered how it had felt to have Bran’s mouth on him, the slick heat surrounding him, pulsing around him in time with his heartbeats. Desire to make Bran feel good, and to touch him intimately, overrode any doubts Evan had about his abilities. He nestled himself between Bran’s legs and took him gently in hand. Bran stirred above him, opening his legs a little wider, but remained asleep.

Evan leaned forward, overwhelmed by the intoxicatingly clean scent of male, and licked tentatively at the sensitive tip. It was smooth under his tongue and a little spongy. He swirled his tongue around the tip, sucking gently on the end. It felt good, right to taste him like this. He was perfect, salty and smooth, and Evan was drunk with the sensation of connection and power this created in him.

He licked along the hardening shaft, tracing the thick veins, feeling the pulse beneath his tongue. He licked lower, slowly rolling Bran’s balls back and forth in his palm. He loved the softness and the delicateness of the skin there. They were smooth and so velvety, a beautiful contrast to how steel-hard his cock had become.

Evan’s mouth watered as he pulled the head into his mouth, sucking a little. He dipped lower, pulling more and more into his mouth, slicking the shaft with spit as he moved up and down. He moved slowly, taking his time, exploring and savoring. If this was what giving head was like, he thought he might like it almost as much as getting head.

He was dizzy with desire for the man underneath him. He hollowed his cheeks, sucking harder now as Bran awoke, moaning and writhing beneath him.

“Evan? What’re you—oh, God! Fuck… that’s good. So good, Evan. Don’t stop….”

There was no way Evan was going to stop. He liked this way too much. Bran was trembling beneath him and Evan’s knowing that he was the cause almost made him come in his pants. Bran tangled his fingers distractedly in Evan’s hair. He didn’t push. It was as if he just wanted to hang onto something, to make sure what was happening to him was real. Evan liked it.

He slowed down his pace a little, hoping to make this last as long as he could. He didn’t want it to end too soon.

He pushed lower still, the head of Bran’s cock nudging the back of his throat. He gagged.

“Easy, Sweets. Not too much.”

But Evan was nothing if not determined. He wanted Bran to feel good. He wanted him mindless with pleasure. He reached just behind Bran’s balls, stroking the sensitive flesh there, massaging gently. He went slow, angling further and further down until he could feel him at the back of his throat again. He breathed in and held it, relaxing his throat as much as he could and pushed further still. Evan slid down until his nose was buried in the soft curls at the base of his cock.

“Jesus Christ! Ev… you gotta—I’m gonna—”

Evan knew Bran was warning him so he could pull off, but Evan wanted everything. He wanted to taste Bran, swallow down everything he could, be a part of him. He hummed happily around the rigid shaft. Before he knew it, Bran was shooting in convulsion after convulsion, down Evan’s throat. The noises that came from him drove Evan right to the edge. He wouldn’t last long.

Bran pulled him up, Evan releasing Bran reluctantly, but before Evan could be too disappointed, Bran had preoccupied his mouth once more. He kissed him hard, swept his tongue into Evan, exploring every part of his mouth. Evan knew he could taste himself on his lips, so Evan kissed back until they were both breathless.

Bran looked at him wickedly. “Your turn,” he whispered.

Evan shook his head no.


“Wanna keep you here,” he said simply and moved Bran’s hand to his neglected cock before kissing him again. It wasn’t going to take much, and Evan wanted the kisses. Bran took the hint, fisting his hand around Evan’s aching erection, and began stroking him off.

Seconds later, Evan moaned against Bran’s mouth, milky ropes of come shooting between them. They continued kissing, lazily now, easy, for a while before Bran rolled Evan onto his back, kissing down his body and licking him clean.

He bathed Evan’s spent cock with a soft tongue, sucking it in gently, licking him clean. When he was finished, he pulled Evan into his arms and molded their lips together once again, tasting Evan as they kissed. Evan could feel his cock trying to get hard again, but he was too tired, too satisfied, and too content to move.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms and only awoke once more to rub off against one another before morning.



nearing the end of the project. There were only three days left and the guys were getting restless. Bran and Evan had filmed a couple of scenes together, but with Bran declaring exclusivity on him, the other guys had had to pick up the slack a little to make up for the scenes that were cut.

Bran declared their last three days “down days” and everyone was supposed to get out of the house and have a good time.

“Anywhere in particular you wanna go, Sweets?” Bran asked him over the banana walnut pancakes they had made together.

Evan shrugged. “Not really? The beach?” he offered noncommittally.

“I’ve got a better idea,” Bran grinned wickedly. “I’m going to whip your ass at Skee-Ball!”

Evan laughed. “Seriously? Skee-Ball? At the beach?”

“We’ll head into Seaside. There’s an arcade on the boardwalk. You’ll love it.”

“Okay,” Evan said, excited now about the outing. He’d never been to the sea, so he’d never been to a boardwalk. An arcade sounded like fun.

“Go get ready and I’ll clean up breakfast. Meet you at the truck in half an hour, okay?”

“’Kay,” he yelled as he ran up the stairs to shower and change.



minutes later, they climbed into Bran’s truck.

Evan slid into his seat and buckled up his seatbelt. Bran did the same before throwing the truck into gear and heading out up the highway. Seaside was a long drive from Newport—about three hours—but they weren’t in any rush. It was still pretty early in the morning and they had the whole day to do whatever they wanted.

They passed through Lincoln City on their way up the 101, and Evan could see the sky over the water filled with colorful kites. He’d never seen so many dotted against the wispy clouds like brightly colored birds. Evan leaned across to look out of Bran’s open window. The air smelled salty and fresh.

Bran offered to stop so Evan could take a closer look but Evan said no. There was too much to see and Evan wanted to make sure he didn’t miss anything.

Once they had passed through Lincoln City, the highway followed along the ocean for a while. It was such a beautiful drive. Both sides of the road offered sights that Evan wasn’t used to. The ocean was breathtakingly beautiful, with small inlets and little cutaways. Evan could spend a year there and never get to see everything.

Eventually, the highway cut away from the shore, moving farther inland and weaving through forests and open farmlands.

“We’re almost in Tillamook. You wanna stop and get some of the best ice cream you’ll ever taste?”

Evan glanced at the backlit clock on the dashboard. 10:23 a.m. “Isn’t it a little early for dessert? It’s not even noon….”

“Oh, come on, Evan. Live a little. Dessert for breakfast is like a rite of passage of moving away from home. Besides, we’ve already had breakfast, so it’s not nearly as wicked,” he goaded as he pulled the truck into a parking lot in front of a large white building.

They climbed out of the truck and entered the building through glass doors on the side.

“Do you want the full tour, or just the ice cream?” Bran asked.

“This place is crazy. We’d be here all day. Just the ice cream I think.”

They made their way to the section designated for ice cream and lined up. Despite the early hour, there were at least twenty people in line for their breakfast-dessert.

“You know what flavors you want?”

Evan’s eyes were wide. He loved ice cream, but it had been a luxury he hadn’t been able to afford very often. With forty flavors, it wasn’t going to be an easy choice. He shook his head. “No. They all sound good.”

“Well, are you in the mood for something fruity, or something chocolaty?”

“I think a couple of chocolaty ones, but the strawberry cheesecake sounds amazing too, or maybe the cookies and cream.”

The line moved quickly, the girls behind the counter obviously proficient at their jobs from scooping hundreds of ice cream cones every day. Before Evan knew it, it was their turn to order.

“Could I please have the mudslide and the chocolate peanut butter, please?”

“I’ll have the cookies and cream and the strawberry shortcake, please.”

Evan shot Bran a skeptical look as the girl got to work building their cones. Bran just gave him a goofy smile and shrugged. “We can share.”

Evan could feel himself begin to blush. He wondered how many people in the line behind them could guess how he felt about the man standing next to him. He knew he was falling, and falling hard. He didn’t know how he was going to be able to walk away from him. He would gladly give up ice cream if it meant forever with Bran. He couldn’t think thoughts like that, though. The more he entertained the fantasy, the harder it would be to say good-bye in three short days.

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