Kelan's Pursuit

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Authors: Lavinia Lewis

Tags: #Gay MM/ Wereshifter/ Paranormal

BOOK: Kelan's Pursuit
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A Total-E-Bound Publication



Kelan’s Pursuit


Lewis 2011

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright June 2011

Edited by Stacey Birkel

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.


Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.


The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank,
Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.



This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated






Shifters’ Haven













For Alison, Daniele and Rhiannon.
Thank you for being great friends and for supporting me. I feel truly blessed to have you all in my life.



Trademarks Acknowledgement



The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
mentioned in this work of fiction:


Coors: Molson Coors Brewing Company

Coke: The Coca-Cola Company


Chapter One




Jake came with a grunt.
He looked down at his eager bed partner and desperately tried to remember his name.
Corey, was it?

He let Jake’s spent cock slip from between his lips and grinned at Jake bashfully.

“Good one?” he asked in a small voice that was barely audible to Jake over his own breathing.

“Fuck yeah, that was incredible,” Jake said, still trying to get himself under control.
Conway, maybe?
“You’re a fucking god.”

The smile on the man’s face grew and a deep crimson blush spread from his neck upwards until he looked like he was on fire with it.

“Thanks,” he said, his blush deepening. His face was so red Jake thought the kid was about to combust. Jake closed his eyes and felt the waves of sleep begin to wash over him. He reached a hand down and patted the guy’s shoulder.

“Just give me a minute and I’ll help you out, okay?” He’d jerk him off quickly then send him packing.

“Uh, that’s okay. No need.” His voice was still barely louder than a whisper.

Jake cocked one eye open and looked down to see the guy’s limp dick and the spatter of cum on his hip. He smiled inwardly. He’d shot when he’d been sucking Jake off. Bonus!

“Damn, you came!” Jake exclaimed. “And I was really looking forward to sucking you.”
Yeah, right.

The man’s eyes widened and his cock made an involuntary jerk. Jake leapt off the bed.

“Right, well I’d better clean up.
Got an early start tomorrow.
You want me to call you a cab?”

looked disappointed for a moment but he covered it quickly. “No, that’s okay. There’ll be plenty outside.”


Jake got under the spray and soaped himself up, letting the lather carry away the smell of sex and sweat. The guy couldn’t be more than, what, nineteen or twenty?
Cute as a button.
Not very good at giving head, though.
Still, it was better than using
his own
hand, right?

When Jake entered the bedroom, his visitor was fully dressed and hovering near the door.

you leaving
already?” Jake said, climbing into bed. “Well, thanks, Casey, I’ll call you.”

“For the third time
, it’s Cary,” the man—
—said with a huff. “And don’t bother.” He turned on his heel and stormed out, slamming the door loudly behind him. A few minutes later, Jake heard the front door slam, too.

“Jeez,” he muttered. Some men could be so sensitive. He covered himself with the sheet and fell almost instantly into a deep, contented sleep.


* * * *


“I don’t need excuses, Rory, I need results. I want those forms signed and on my desk first thing Monday morning,

Jake ended the call and sat back in his expensive, black leather swivel chair. He felt a familiar tingling sensation deep in his gut. Jake loved the adrenaline rush he always got when a deal was going his way.

He turned and gazed out at the twinkling lights of the Manhattan skyline. God, he loved this city. He’d moved to New York from Boston after graduating with honours, and he was
leaving. Where else could he live where the money was this good and the sex was essentially on tap? He loved his life. There was nowhere else in the world he’d rather be.

A smug smile crossed Jake’s lips as he dialled another number. His friend picked up on the third ring.

“Tony, my man!”
Jake said, making

“Oh, hey, Jake—listen, I can’t talk right now. I’ve got a ton of work on. Can I call you back?”

Jake ignored his friend’s question and continued with his conversation.

“What’s up?
We going
to Liberties tonight?”

Uh, sure, all right, count me in,” Tony said, sounding flustered.

“Good man. Meet you there at eight.”


* * * *


knocked on the door to the top-floor apartment and waited patiently for an answer. He knew his brother and Stefan were inside—he could smell them—but they were sure taking their sweet time answering. A moment later a shirtless, flushed-faced Stefan opened the door and grinned at him.

“Cody! Your brother’s here!” Stefan shouted over his shoulder.

Cody squeaked.
“Just a minute!”
Heavy footsteps sounded on the parquet floor and a door slammed shut.

“Come in.”

nodded, took off his Stetson and strode past Stefan into the wide, open space of his brother’s loft-style apartment. He threw his bag down and took a seat on the large, L-shaped sofa.

“Hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”

Stefan shrugged. “Sorry, guess the time got away with us. How was your flight?”

Next time I’m paying the extra for first class. Damn seats weren’t built for anyone over six-foot.”

Cody’s bedroom door opened and his brother appeared, tucking a shirt into his jeans as he walked. “Hey,
, you’re early.”

“Actually I’m thirty minutes late.”

“Oh.” Cody’s eyes widened and flickered to Stefan’s,
he shrugged and flopped down on the sofa next to
. “How is everything at home?”

Slowly getting back to normal, anyways.”

“How’s Luke?”

“He and Mark are all over each other like a rash.”

Cody and Stefan chuckled.

“Sounds about right,” Cody said.

“Any luck tracking down Rick’s brother, Nate?” Stefan asked.

sighed. “Yeah, I got hold of him. Man was working on a ranch in Montana.
Didn’t even know about Rick’s death or the problems with the ranch.
By the time he got home he was too late to do anything. Bank had already foreclosed.”

“Wow, must have hit him hard,” Cody said.

“Did. The man is broken. Blames himself for what happened.”

“Why? He’s not responsible for his brother’s actions.”

“I know, tried telling him that but he won’t listen. Seems he and Rick had fallen out over money.
Hadn’t spoken in near two years.
I gave him a job on the ranch.”

Cody’s mouth curved up into a smirk.

to the rescue?”

shrugged. “You know I’m a sucker for a hard luck story. So, you all ready for the big move?”

Cody looked at his mate and smiled. “Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”

glanced around Cody’s apartment. He’d been roped into helping his brother pack. “What do you want me to do first?”

“Uh, why don’t you take it easy tonight? Stefan and I have to go out later to meet with my agent, Tom, and his new boyfriend.”

“No problem.
Might go out for a drink while I’m here.
Anywhere you’d recommend?”

Cody pursed his lips and his eyes twinkled with mischief. “Now that I know of your, uh,
, I know of the perfect place. It’s called Liberties.”


* * * *


Jake glanced around the busy room, subtly eyeing the talent.
Liberties was
his favourite gay bar in New York—although tonight, he had to admit, the pickings were slim. Half the men in here he’d already had, and the other half were not to his liking.

He caught the eye of a tall, muscular man who stood nursing a beer at the bar. The guy smiled at Jake in an almost predatory manner,
a wicked
glint lighting up his dark blue eyes, which were just visible under the wide brim of his cowboy hat. You didn’t see many of those in New York. Jake turned away quickly. The guy was hot, without a doubt, but he was around thirty—Jake’s own age—and he was
. Jake had no doubt a man like that would want to top and Jake never gave up control—ever. But something about the man intrigued him, and he found his gaze drifting to those dark eyes once again.

“Hey, Jake, sorry I’m late. My boss cornered me on my way out the office, kept me talking for an age, so I was late getting back to my apartment.”

Jake barely acknowledged his friend. He stole his eyes away from the gorgeous man at the bar and continued to eye the room. Damn, the last thing he felt like was going home alone tonight. He turned to Tony and grinned wickedly, leaning in to whisper in his friend’s ear.

“What do you say you and I go back to my place and have some fun tonight?”

Tony appeared to be considering the question, but Jake knew Tony would never turn him down. Jake was hot, so other men said, and he was used to men throwing
at him, including Tony. They had been friends for a long time, since they’d interned at the same office, and they used to have something of an arrangement. Every now and then they had fooled around a little, although Jake had had to put a stop to that several months ago when Tony had appeared to be developing feelings for him outside their ‘friends with benefits’ relationship. He was not the settling down type.

Still, needs must.

Tony raised an eyebrow at Jake,
his face broke into a wide, impish grin.

“Sure, why not? It
been a while.”

Jake knocked back the rest of his scotch and grabbed
arm, heading for the door. Tony groaned but kept following.

“Don’t I even get to have one drink? I’ve been working like a dog all day.”

“There’s booze at mine,” Jake said. “You can drink all you want there.”

Jake had almost made it to the door when someone got a firm hold of his arm and yanked him away to the side. He turned to face the man who had grabbed him and was about to tell the loser to get lost when his gaze met with a man who had the most beautiful dark blue eyes he had ever seen.

It was the mountain of a man from the bar. Up close, the guy had to be at least six foot four. At five ten, Jake was not a small man, but he had to crane his neck to look up at this god. Jake was mesmerised.

The guy was beautiful.
Broad shoulders that led down to strong, powerful arms and a chest and stomach to die for.
Jake’s eyes travelled lower. The man’s button-down shirt was tucked into a pair of tight, black denims which accentuated his
large package. Jake found his mouth watering at the sight. He could do nothing but stare.

The man kept hold of Jake’s arm and stared down at him as though he wanted to devour him. He raised an eyebrow and one side of his mouth lifted into a sexy grin.

You leaving


The man’s grin grew wider, teasing.

“Good to know I leave you speechless.
let me buy you a drink.”

Was that a Texan drawl? Wherever the guy was from, he had Jake practically panting. All thoughts of Tony fled from his mind. Jake started to follow the man until
words cut into his trance.

“Jake. What the hell? I thought we were leaving.”

The man turned around and literally growled at Tony. The sound sent a shiver of excitement through Jake’s body but at the same time alarm bells went off in his head.

leaving with anyone but me. Go and find someone else to play with.”

Okay, Jake should have been pissed off by the man’s words but there was something about his possessive tone that had Jake drooling.
mouth fell open and he stared at the man in shock.


Jake was pleased he wasn’t the only one left without the ability to form a coherent sentence in the man’s presence. Tony scrunched his eyebrows together and turned once more to face Jake.


“Look, Tony, I’ll catch you later, okay?”

Tony stared at Jake, uncomprehending at first
then a look of sad understanding covered his face like a mask. He shook his head, turned on his heel and stormed out of the bar. Great, Jake would have some serious crawling to do tomorrow.

“Look, buddy, I don’t know who you think you are, but—”



“My name is
Morgan. And you are?”

“Oh, uh, Jake Bradfield.”

“Well, Jake Bradfield, shall we get that drink, or are you in a hurry to get me home so I can fuck you into the mattress?”

Jake gulped. The sound was so loud to his ears, he was sure
had heard it even over the boom of the deafening music. Although Jake
bottomed, the idea of this giant of a man on top of him, thrusting into him, caused his heart to speed up in his chest.

continued to fix him with those piercing blue eyes of his.

“Well. What’ll it be?”

Jake stared at
. He wanted
to think he was considering his options…even though he knew he really didn’t have any. Something about this man called to him on a very basic level. Jake had to have him in his bed. It was all he could think about.

Jake didn’t know where the thought had come from, but going home with
felt as important as breathing. It was more than a need or a want—it was a necessity. Besides, he was sure
would let Jake fuck him. No man he had propositioned had
refused him before. How could they? He was as sexy as hell. He always got his own way in the end. Jake smiled inwardly. This was going to be fun.

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