Kellie's Diary: Decay of Innocence (5 page)

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Authors: Thomas Jenner,Angeline Perkins

BOOK: Kellie's Diary: Decay of Innocence
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Chapter 15


              So Barbie, I made it to this city called Fredericksburg.  I'm getting close to where I run into the 10 freeway.  The map looks like it's about 40 more miles away.  I can probably make it if I keep going right now, but I don't want to ride at night.  Zombies like nighttime, so it's better that I stay hiding at night.

All day I've been riding next to a river, and I'm glad I did, because I finally got to wash my face.  I feel really gross with all this running and biking and stuff, so it was really good that the river was there.  I can refill my water bottles here too.

I'm also glad I waited until it was colder before I left, because if I was riding around in the heat, that wouldn't have been very good.  I would have run out of water a lot faster too.  I don't know the next time I'll find water, because the cities are getting farther apart.  There are more cities the further I go, but its the in-between stuff that looks empty.

There are some houses around, but it looks like a smaller city than where I lived.  I saw a few zombies walking around, but they didn't see me, I don’t think.  I don't know how many there could be here, but I think as long as I go through here real fast, I won't have any problems.

I found a gas station right when I got here, and that's where I am now.  I didn't see any zombies around so I'm going to stay here for the night.  There's a back room that has all these boxes inside, and it has a door that can close and lock.  I think this will be a safe spot.

Most of the boxes in here have food, so I'm going to see what is still okay to eat and then take some more with me.  I've been really hungry since I started, but it's hard because I can't carry a whole lot with me.  I wish I knew how to drive, then I can just pack a car with food and not have to worry about it.

Ok..... that was close.  My flashlight started going out so I went into my bag and got two more batteries for it.  I only had a couple left, so I went out to the store to see if there were any more around.  I found some, but then I saw a zombie walking by outside, and I think it saw my flashlight, because it started walking to the store.  I turned off the flashlight, but I could still kind of see that it was coming because of the moon.

I saw another exit door on the side of the store, so I thought maybe I could distract it and make it walk somewhere else.  Like I told you before, zombies aren't smart, they're really easy to trick.  I picked up a tuna can from the shelf and went to the other exit door.  I hid around the corner and saw it walking around the front.

I shined the light on the zombie and it saw it, and started walking to the light.  I turned it off again, then threw the tuna can out into the parking lot away from the store.  It followed the sound of the can and walked away from me, so I went back inside and locked the door with the... I don't know what it's called, but it looks like a bar hook that you slide into a hole to lock a door.  Latch?  I'm not sure, but it locked the door.

I don't know if the front door locks or not, but it may not matter because it's made of glass.  I've seen zombies break glass doors, so locking it isn't going to help much.  I just have to keep really quiet and stay in the back room with the door locked.  I think that's the only way I can be safe until morning.

I always wanted to go on trips, like to Disneyland and stuff, but I never got to go.  The farthest I ever went was Grandpa's house, but I was on a plane.  Maybe I'll still get to see it one day, if things ever go back to normal.  It's weird, it's like every day that goes by I feel like things get worse.  I still haven't seen any other people, just zombies and sometimes animals.  I start thinking that it's never going to go back to normal.

I guess I just have to keep going.  Grandpa's farm is really big, and it's out in the middle of nowhere, so I think he's probably still safe.  I hope his horses and stuff are still okay.  I always liked his horses, they were fun to ride around on.  My favorite is the black and white one.  She's always hungry and chewing on something, so Grandpa calls her “Nibbles.”  I can't wait to see her.

Ok Barbie, I'm getting tired, so I'm going to try to get some sleep.  I'll talk to you a little later.


Chapter 16


December 7 1993


              Well Barbie, I'm here at the 10 freeway!  I stopped next to where the freeways come together.  There's nothing here though.  The map didn't say there was a city right here, but I was kind of hoping there'd be a gas station or something.

I don't really have anywhere to rest right now, and I have probably another 20 miles or so before I get to this city called Junction.  Maybe its 20, I don’t really know.  I want some time to look around the city while its still daytime.

Anyway, I just had to tell you real quick that I made it.  I'll talk to you more when I get to Junction.


              Okay, I'm in Junction now.  It took a lot longer than I wanted, because my bike broke. and I had to walk all the way to the city.

I was riding on the freeway and I was going around all these broken cars.  I was going pretty fast too, I think I’m a lot better on my bike than I used to be.  Anyway, my chain broke and I fell over!  I have no idea why it broke, but it did!  All my stuff fell out of my basket and bags.

I'm glad there weren't any zombies around, because it was a really big mess and it took a while to pick up everything.  I had a hard time trying to carry it all, so I just put some things back in the basket, a couple bags I put on my handlebars, and I walked my bike to the city.

When I got here I found a mall kind of building.  But its really dark and I don’t want to go inside there.  Well, I do, but I think I’ll wait until the morning to do that.  Right now I’m in an empty car in the parking lot.  So far theres no zombies so I think I’ll be safe for now.

My legs are really tired from all the bike riding and walking.  I guess I’m used to walking everywhere now, but it doesn’t make it easier.

I’ll go inside when the sun comes back up.  I’ll talk with you later.


Chapter 17


Dec. 8 1993


              Hey Barbie, I’m in the mall now.  There's lots of stores inside!  I found a store that has clothes, so I can finally change into something else.  I need some warmer clothes, it's been getting colder.

I need new shoes too.  The ones I have feel a little tight and I think they have holes.  It sprinkled rain earlier, and when I stepped in a little puddle I felt my socks get wet.  It felt really gross.

I haven't seen any zombies in here, and I'm really glad about that.  You'd think there would be because it's a shopping place and there's lots of people that go shopping, but maybe the store was closed when... everything happened.

There's a little jewelry store where they have really pretty necklaces and bracelets, and I finally got to try on a bunch of things I think look nice.  I found this purple stretchy bracelet, and I think I want to keep it.  It's not really sparklie, but it's kind of shiny and I like it.

I found a penny fountain in the middle of the mall.  It doesn't work anymore and the water is kind of gross-looking and it smells funny, but the fountain is pretty.  It looks kind of like a couple flowers growing out from each other.  I bet if the water worked it would look really cool.

I'm going to go check out the rest of the mall for a little while.  I'll tell you more about it later, okay?


Chapter 18


Dec 9 1993


              Hey Barbie!  I had a really busy day today.  I'm still inside the mall and I havent seen a single zombie.  I haven't been everywhere yet, but if I havent seen one by now there probably arent any.

I'm in one on those big stores right now, I think it's a Sears or something.  I'm lying on this really comfy bed - I wish I had this bed at home, I'd probably sleep a lot better.  I slept really good last night on it!

Today was the first time in a really long time that I didn't really feel scared or worried.  I just walked around and looked inside all the stores.  One of my favorites was the toy store.  I found a bunch of neat things in there, especially in the boys toys.  Even though I think boys are kind of yucky, I like their toys.

There was also a sports store.  I dont usually go in that kind of store, but then I saw a slingshot on the shelf.  It looks really strong, like its made of metal, and it has a big red rubber band thing for the sling.  I think i'll keep it with me, just in case I need to hit something from far away.  There's lots of rocks on the ground outside so I'll always have something to use.

It might be good to distract zombies.  They go wherever they hear sounds, so instead of throwing something I can just use the slingshot.  I'm not very good at throwing things far away, but maybe this will help me.  I need to make sure I practice to get really good at it.

There’s a bunch of bikes in there too.  I found one that looks like it will work good for carrying all my stuff.  Even though I like the bike I had, I don’t know how to fix it.  It’s better that I just get a new one.

The mall has a candy shop too, but when I went inside there was a bunch of ants and other gross bugs in there.  It was sooo disgusting!  I remember learning a long time ago that ants like sugar, so I just closed the door and left.  Even after seeing all the zombies, bugs are still gross to me.  Isn't that weird?

I went back to that clothes store I was in earlier.  I found a dark blue long sleeve shirt with a green heart in the middle.  It's warm and fits great.  I also got this pink dress.  Its kind of like a shirt and a dress at the same time, but it's comfy.  I got some better shoes too, ones that look a little like boots.  I hope they last me a while.  Oh, got some new jeans too!


              I can't talk long, Barbie.  I got chased by zombies!  They're everywhere in here!  Where were they hiding?  I looked in a whole bunch of stores and they were empty so I don't know where they came from!

I tried to run back outside but I went out the wrong door.  I went to the parking lot and there were zombies there too.  There's so many of them!


              Okay, I think Im safe now.  I ran to the upstairs part of the mall where the jewelry store is and I closed the doors to the front.  I can still hear them though.  I dont know how far ahead I got, but I'm really scared that theyre going to find me, but I was running a lot faster than they were.  They don't really run anyway.

I dont know what i'm going to do.  If they see me at the front door, they'll stay there.  They dont go away if they cant get you, they just keep trying.  There's another exit door in here, but I didn't know it was locked.  So I'm just staying back here behind the counter where they can't see me.

I hear them even more now.  I haven't seen this many zombies in a long time, not since back home.  I wish I was at home.

Its not safe talking to you right now, but this is the only thing helping me not be so scared.  I just hope they


Chapter 19


Dec 10, 1993


              I'm so glad to talk to you again, Barbie.  I thought I was going to die yesterday.  A lot happened so thats why I havent talked to you yet.

The front of the jewelry store got broken by the zombies.  I tried to go out the back door but it was locked.  I think I forgot because I got so scared.  A bunch of them got inside and I just kept trying to open the door anyway.  I was banging on the handle and pushing on it and kicking it, but it wasn't opening.  They kept on getting closer.

Then I feel the door open and something grabs me and I get pulled in.  I just started screaming and pushing things away from me.  I fall down and I heard the door close and lock again.  I get up and look and there's a man there at the door.  He didn't look like a zombie, he looked like a person!

He talked to me, too!  He asked if I was okay, but I haven't talked to anyone in so long, I kind of forgot how to talk for a second.  I just nodded.  Then I asked if he was a zombie, and he said no.

I got up and looked behind me, and there was a big hallway.  I think its the back of the stores, there was a bunch of other doors.  He told me they were all locked and that we were safe in there for now.  Right now I'm actually in a security room and it has a couple of cameras on.  I didn’t see any other lights on in the mall, so it was kind of weird.

He asked me my name, but I kind of didn't want to tell him.  Dad used to be really scared of me talking to strangers.  When I didn't answer, he said it was okay, I didn't have to tell him.  He thinks I’ve been through a lot, and he’s right, I have.

He said his name was Dr. Crane.  I asked him what kind of doctor he was, and he said he used to be a siykiatrist a long time ago.  (I don't know how to spell it since I've never heard of that kind of doctor.)  When I asked him what that means, he said he was a doctor for crazy people.

He says he thought that the zombies just were crazy people at first, but he tried to give them medicine and it didn't work.  I dont know how he gave them medicine without getting bit, but maybe he trapped one or something.  I don't know, I didn't ask.

I told him they were zombies, monsters that came back from the dead.  He just kind of nodded.  Its weird, I know that if I wanted to tell my mom or dad something like that, they wouldn't believe me, but I think Dr. Crane believes me.  Maybe, I dont know.

Dr. Crane seemed nice, so I finally told him my name.  He asked where I came from, and he looked surprised that I told him Austin.  You know, Barbie?  I'm proud of myself.  I know I'm not at Grandpas yet, and I have a long way to go, but I made it really far already.  I can't wait to tell Grandpa and my family that I did it all by myself.

Im really happy that Dr. Crane found me.  I would have gotten eaten if he didn't save me.  I'm also glad that i'm not the only real person left.  It kind of gives me hope that I'll see my family again.  He really likes talking, and he said it was because that was his job to talk to people.

I guess I don't mind talking to him so much.  He's kind of old, so maybe he got lonely.  He says he was all alone for a long time too, and he's been eating food from the mall food court.  I think that maybe he missed talking to people, because he talks to me a lot.

I don't always have stuff to talk about, but he still likes to ask me lots of questions, like what I did before the zombies.  I just went to school so I didn't have a whole lot to say.  It's still kind of weird for me to talk to someone else, and he said he understands me.  I guess its not so weird after all.

Anyway, I'm going to take a nap right here.  The security room has a comfy chair that i'm going to try and sleep in.  See you tomorrow.


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